Transformative learning and its benefits on teaching adults

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1190

The topic selection focused on adult learning, specifically the transformative learning. The expectations had been intended to assist in understanding the needs of adult learners in the learning environment. The articles of research may have agreed or disagreed on different methodologies, but each provided evolving complexities of the learning environment.

The review of the literature provided support to the research such as the initial thought that transformative learning could achieve student self-learning. Upon further review, most of the research had been implying, as a major foundational element was behavior modification. Using behavior modification, students would be motivated towards goals of the course. The articles suggest educators need to adjust their behavior and approach to the learning environment. The role of the instructor becomes a facilitator of learning, and a catalyst for students to integrate learning with new, theoretical, and conceptual learning (Duarte & Snyder, 2001, p. 75).

The research conducted implies motivation is significant because of its implication as a determinant of performance and its insubstantial nature.

The transformational learning focuses around the fact that teachers should concentrate on diagnosing the needs and capabilities of their students. The educators diagnose students' needs and attend to them individually. They also delegate, coach, advise, and provide feedback for use in the personal development of the students. They raise the needs and confidence levels of the students to take on greater levels of responsibility. The student's responsibility does not simply cover their educational goals nor is it geared exclusively to maximising performance. On the contrary, the students are taking greater responsibility for their personal development, which includes such activity as one's job challenges.

An on-going line of communication with students can promote understanding and enhancing the online learning environment. These factors can build the students' self-confidence and motivation promoting a positive learning experience.

Interactions Education is described as one of the key ingredients in creating successful career and lifestyle.

Universities and instructors must provide appropriate structure, methodology, and communications to encompass all students to excel in the online environment.

Educators are encourage a new look at old methods/problems.

Cranton (1994) states, "If basic assumptions are not challenged, change will not take place" (p. 739), and elaborates that educators are likely to have sets of assumptions guiding teaching practices. Sokol and Cranton (1998) stated, "As transformative learners, they question their perspectives, open up new ways of looking at their practice, revise their views, and act based on new perspectives" (p. 14). Mezirow (1997) warns, "learners need practice in recognizing frames of reference and using their imaginations to redefine problems from a different perspective" (p. 10). Several authors point out the necessity of making the time necessary for critical reflection (Pohland & Bova, 2000).

Merriam highlights the various viewpoints overlooked, which need to be considered in adult learning and the goals of transformative learning. The theory generalizes concepts of self-directed learning as Merriam had stated as a board concept. The theory eludes variables such as learning contexts, students, and educators. These variables need to be addressed in creating an enhanced learning environment.

There is agreement that there many elements involved in adult students and a proactive learning environment. The one element, which is overlooked in the transformative learning theory, is motivation. Many elements take part in receiving a college education whether in the classroom or in the online learning environment. Motivation plays a key foundational element in new educational opportunities. A successful education is a product of positive techniques and availability matched with motivation. Motivation enhances the learning opportunity, the students confidence, and sense of security.

There are various approaches and techniques in creating a positive online learning environment. Laffey, Lin, & Lin (2006) list several foundational elements to successful online learning environment including motivating the students. Motivation refers to the importance of how people communicate online, participate with others, and complete the requirements of the course. A positive online learning environment should be generated through the development of atmosphere online.

Students need to be encouraged to participate in discussion with one another Motivation will assist in developing other foundational elements such as honesty, responsiveness and respect (Laffey, Lin, & Lin, 2006).

Universities and instructors must provide appropriate structure, methodology, and communications to encompass all students to excel in the online environment.

Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a response to questions that cannot be answered definitively and for which all the relevant information may not be available. Critical thinking can result in a decision, a speech, a proposal or experiment, or a document like a position paper. It can result in a new way of approaching significant issues in one's life or a deeper understanding of the basis for one's actions (Brookfield 1987).

The consequences of the lack of training may in students falling behind, missing deadlines, or even failure of completing the assignment (Bulger, 2006).

Instructional Methods Developing trust is critical activity in the instructor and student relationship, which depends on performance and integrity.

The consequences of the lack of training may in students falling behind, missing deadlines, or even failure of completing the assignment. (Bulger, 2006) Educators should try various teaching methods to assist the student in success and self-esteem.

Interactions Education is described as one of the key ingredients in creating successful career and lifestyle.

An on-going line of communication with students can promote understanding and enhancing the online learning environment. These factors can build the students' self-confidence and motivation promoting a positive learning experience.

The transformational learning focuses around the fact that teachers should concentrate on diagnosing the needs and capabilities of their students. The educators diagnose students' needs and attend to them individually. They also delegate, coach, advise, and provide feedback for use in the personal development of the students. They raise the needs and confidence levels of the students to take on greater levels of responsibility. The student's responsibility does not simply cover their educational goals nor is it geared exclusively to maximising performance. On the contrary, the students are taking greater responsibility for their personal development, which includes such activity as one's job challenges.

The topic selection focused on adult learning, specifically the transformative learning. The expectations had been intended to assist in understanding the needs of adult learners in the learning environment. The articles of research may have agreed or disagreed on different methodologies, but each provided evolving complexities of the learning environment.

The review of the literature provided support to the research such as the initial thought that transformative learning could achieve student self-learning. Upon further review, most of the research had been implying, as a major foundational element was behavior modification. Using behavior modification, students would be motivated towards goals of the course. The articles suggest educators need to adjust their behavior and approach to the learning environment. The role of the instructor becomes a facilitator of learning, and a catalyst for students to integrate learning with new, theoretical, and conceptual learning (Duarte & Snyder, 2001, p. 75).

The research conducted implies motivation is significant because of its implication as a determinant of performance and its insubstantial nature.

The educator should prepare and manage the course by establishing the agenda for the classes and discussions.