Thermoselect Having A Cumulative Cash Flow Finance Essay

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 2540

Five waste management strategies Incineration, Pyrolysis Gasification, Improved Recycling, Anaerobic Digestion and Composting were analysed based on the 'investors' point of view. Capital and operating costs of the mentioned waste management, including its profitability for a period of 10 years were concluded using cumulative cash flow diagrams. The results showed that both incineration and Thermoselect took 7 years to break even. However, incineration will have a higher cumulative cash flow of SGD 1069.989M while Thermoselect having a cumulative cash flow of SGD 692.37M. Therefore, incineration was chosen as it was the most profitable waste management strategy, offering the highest return on investment.

(1884 words inclusive of executive summary - excluding tabulated texts and appendices)

List of Illustrations

List of Tables

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

With a population density of approximately 5.3 million ("Statistics," 2012) and limited land area, it is imperative that Singapore has an efficient system for the collection and disposal of solid waste. Over the years, the output of solid waste in Singapore has increased from 4.6 million tons in 2000 to 6.8 million tons in 2011. (Tay, 2012) Statistical data showed that 59% of the total waste generated 2011 was being recycled. Out of the 41% that was disposed of, 38% goes to the Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plants where the waste will be incinerated and the energy recovered. The remaining 3% along with the unwanted residue from the incineration would be sent to the Semakau Landfill for landfilling. (Tay, 2012)

At present, the frequency of Singapore building a new incineration plant is one every 5-7 years. (McCrea et al.)With that, the cost involved in dealing with the wastes in Singapore will be constantly increasing as the rate of waste generation increases with respect to the growing population. Hence, it is important that a new waste management strategy is developed in order to accommodate the growing volume of waste. This new strategy should not only be a long term solution to Singapore's growing waste problems, it should also offer attractive returns; one that is worth investing in.

2. Methodology

The existing waste management strategies in Singapore were analyzed.

Research was done on other forms of waste treatment. Research areas were,


Pyrolysis & Gasification

Improved Recycling

Anaerobic Digestion


Factors such as the capital and operating costs of the plant as well as the market value of any saleable products were gathered for the respective research areas.

With the data, an estimation of the profitability and feasibility of each waste treatment process was analysed.

The profitability of each waste treatment process was projected for 10 years through the use of a cumulative cash flow diagram.

At the same time, wastes generation and recycling patterns were studied to determine whether it would be worthwhile to be investing in the waste management business.

From the cash flow diagrams, a comparison was done to decide which waste management process would give the best return on investments.

Finally, a simple risk analysis (sensitivity) of the investment was conducted to investigate the effects of various external undesirable factors on the revenue or operating conditions/costs.

In each of the technologies discussed, a brief description of the technology and some detailed financial data (if available) are attached in Appendices A-E while the general finance related materials are discussed in the report.

3. Market Survey

3.1 Thermoselect

3.1.1 Investment Analysis

Presently, the main waste treatment is by incineration. Comparatively, countries such as Japan and Germany have ventured into Thermoselect, a plant which features cleaner emissions, higher efficiencies and greater investment returns.

A study by the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences was conducted to ascertain the economical viabilities of Thermoselect in Singapore. It was based on a plant in Europe which had the same capacity of the Waste to Energy Incinerator in Tuas South.

Table 1 summarizes the cost and operating conditions related to that of the Tuas Incinerator and the proposed Thermoselect plant.

Table Comparison between Incineration and Thermoselect (Khoo H.H et. al., 2006)

Cost and Operating Conditions

Waste Treatment Technology



Capacity (tpd)



Type of materials processed

Mixed MSW

Mixed MSW

Main useful product

Electricity (550KWh/ton)

Syngas (890kg/ton)

Capital and construction costs in millions SGD



Operating costs in SGD/ton



Tipping fee in SGD/ton

(Source: Cooper J, 2010)



Disposal cost to landfill in SGD/ton



Electricity Input (KWh/ton)



Natural gas input (m3/ton)

(Source: Smart Energy)




Up to 20%

Up to 5%

From Table 1, it was shown that the Thermoselect plant was much cheaper to build as compared to the Incinerator. However, the operating cost was slightly higher comparatively than the incineration plant.

Figure Cash Flow Diagram for Thermoselect

From Fig. 1, it could be seen that it will take approximately 7 years to break even and that the cumulative cash flow at the end of 10 years would be SGD 692.4M.

3.1.2 Sensitivity Analysis

Figure Sensitivity Analysis of Syngas Production (Khoo H.H. et. al., 2006)

From Fig. 2, it can be seen that low production rates of syngas would increase break even time required for recovery of capital cost. However, higher production of syngas may not reduce the break even time required as the operating costs increases with production rates.

3.2 Anaerobic Digestion

3.2.1 Investment Analysis

Municipal solid waste can be treated using a process known as anaerobic digestion. From this process, biogas is produced, which is then combusted and used to drive gas engines to produce electricity. The electricity was then sold to the grid. Additional income from the tipping fee was also considered when calculating the overall revenue of the plant.

Table Estimated Costs of Anaerobic Digestion Facilities to Process Mixed Waste (Cant, 2006)

Costs Involved


Capital Cost


Annual Operating Costs (including offsite curing and residue disposal)


Annual Electricity revenue


Annual Tipping Fee Revenue


Using the estimated costs from Table 2, a cash flow diagram was generated to analyze the profitability if this waste treatment process.

Figure Cash Flow Diagram for Anaerobic Digestion

From Fig. 3, it was observed that the estimated time taken for the project to break even would be slightly more than 12 years. This was due to the high capital and operating costs of the facility. This meant that the project would not be profitable due to a low return on investment. Hence, the use of anaerobic digestion as a waste treatment process would not be attractive for investors.

3.2.2 Sensitivity Analysis

Given the increasing waste generation trend, it is not expected that the production rates and revenues would be affected.

3.3 Composting

3.3.1 Investment Analysis

While current practices in Singapore are limited to household scale, the neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines already have plants which capitalize on the value of the composts.

D:\Dropbox\Sustainable Industry\Sustainable Report Documents\singapore-fertilizer-consumption-metric-tons-wb-data.png

Figure Trend of Fertilizer Use in Singapore (, 2012)

From Fig. 4, it could be noted that the trend of fertilizer use increasing and thus presents a potential market to be surveyed for feasibility.

Table 2 summarizes the finances associated with the investment into vermicomposting.

Table Summary of Finances (Steve R.S et al, 2002)

Direct costs of operating the processing system

Expenses incurred at Waste Research Centre (WRC)

Cost per Block

Land Rental


Waste application and handling equipment


Screening/harvesting equipment




Workshop rental




Depreciation of beds



Potential Income (per Block)

WRC Income

Worst case

Best case

Compost sales (estimated 20 m3/yr)



Earthworm sales (estimated 50 kg/yr)





Direct Processing Cost (per Block)


Worst case

Best case

Direct processing costs



Total income



Net costs



Tonnes processed/year



Gate fee required to break even



Estimated Overhead Cost (per Block)


Cost per Block

Staff costs






Tonnes processed/year


Gate fee required to break even


Figure Cash Flow Diagram for Composting

Fig. 5 was constructed from Table 3 to illustrate the cumulative cash flow. The plant was constructed under slightly in a year and that with an operating cost of $3340 per annum (due to the fixed capacity of the plant). From the CFD, it would take approximately 2.2 years to break even and at the end of 10 years, the cumulative cash flow would be SGD 32,340.

3.3.2 Sensitivity Analysis

The costs of fertilizers in Singapore are relatively constant and are usually affected by demands and transportation costs. This would then affect production cost and subsequently the selling price of the product. As waste generation is on the rise coupled with the increase in composting trends, it is not expected that the plant feed rate would reduce and hence production efficiencies would not be affected.

However, as the market for the composts is small in Singapore, majority of the products would have to be shipped to the neighbouring countries and by doing so would then increase the gate fee & reduce the profit margin. With all the addition of all the discussed components, the final selling price would be insufficiently competitive even though the cost price and general benefits of composting are cheaper and better than the inorganic fertilizers used alone.

3.4 Improved Recycling

3.4.1 Investment Analysis

Case studies of recycling firms were studied for its economic feasibility. However a financial report for a recycling-only firm could not be obtained. This was because most companies in Singapore incorporate collection and waste treatment. As such, companies such as Sembwaste were used as the basis. Table 3 summarizes the finances of Sembwaste in Year 2011.

Table Summary of finances obtained (Sembcorp - Business at a glance)

Year 2011


Total waste recycled




(SGD in million)



(SGD in million)


Capital Cost

(SGD in million)


Break even


 8.7

Based on Table 4, a 10-year cash flow diagram (Fig. 6) was computed to illustrate the cumulative cash flow. The following assumptions were made in the computation;

Increment of 1% in recycling rate. (According to NEA's waste report of average increment of 1% throughout 10 years.) (Zerowastesg - Singapore Waste Statistics, 2011)

Not all waste collected are recycled.

Figure Cash Flow Diagram for Improved Recycling

The waste statistics from National Environment Agency showed that the recycling rate in year 2011 was 59% with the total waste recycled at 4,038,800 tonnes. From the financial report of Sembwaste, it was noted that they only had a share of 2.2% (150,000 tonnes) of the 59% of waste recycled in Singapore. This low percentage proved that the potential for revenue is high; furthermore it is expected that the recycling rates are to be increased.

From Fig. 6, it could be seen that it took 8.7 years to break even with a cumulative cash flow of SGD 65.2M at the end of 10 years.

3.4.2 Sensitivity Analysis

Figure Relationship between commodity prices and profit (Fabian B & Mathias S., 2012)

From Fig. 7, it could be seen that the increase in amount of waste recycled could affect the income. Similarly, the commodity price also affects the income as seen from the gradients of the lines in Fig. 7 (commodity price being the gradient of the lines). Hence, with the increasing trend in the commodity prices coupled with the increase in waste generation, it is not expected that business would be affected by a reduction in waste processing rate.

3.5 Incineration & Landfill

3.5.1 Investment Analysis

The total waste generated in Singapore was 6.8 million tonnes in 2011 with a projected increment of approximately 5.37% per year due to population growth and increasing effluence. (Solid Waste management, 2012)

Table 5 summarizes the approximated finances for the processing of 2.3 million tonnes of waste per annum.

Table Summary of Finances of TSIP

Spending Avenue



Cost per Annum

- Capital Cost




- Waste Generated to TSIP


2.3Mil ton/yr


- Operation Cost




- Landfill fee


0.066Mil ton/Yr



- Electricity sold




- Ferrous Metal sold


0.39Mil tonne/yr


- Tipping Fee


2.3Mil tonne/yr


Net Profit less Capital


Figure Cash Flow Diagram for Incineration

From Fig. 8, it will take approximately 6.8 years to break even with a cumulative cash flow of S$ 1070M at the end of 10 years.

From the Table 5, it was observed that the tipping fee contributed to the biggest portion of the revenue. The tipping fee was calculated based on weight of the waste and would hence increase as the waste generation increases.

Recovered ferrous metal could be sold to local steel mills. The resale of ferrous metal only contributes to 24% of the whole revenue generated. The total recovered metals was 0.39 million tonnes in year 2011. (Solid Waste management, 2012) The average price for ferrous metal of S$270/tonne was derived from Table 6.

Recently a potential market in the bottom ash produced from incineration was found for use in concrete. As the bottom ash is very porous, concrete made from bottom ash is lighter than those made from natural gravel which helps in lowering the transportation cost. For this reason, more construction businesses have switched to bottom ash for use in concrete. This reduced the cost of land filling the bottom ash by 15-20% which was estimated to be $22/tonne from the current $25/tonne. (Heiner Zwahr)

Table Prices of Ferrous Metal Recyclates in Year 2011 (Letsrecycle: Metal, 2012)

3.5.2 Sensitivity Analysis

The energy recovered from the incineration of wastes is also reliant on the calorific value of the waste. Figure 9 shows how the calorific value and working capacity would affect production cost and subsequently revenue.

Figure Factors Affecting Treatment Cost and Subsequently Revenue

(Decision Maker's Guide To Municiple Solid Watse, 1999)

From Fig. 10, it was observed that revenue would not be affected significantly despite the decline in the prices of ferrous metals due to the increase in waste generation per year.

Figure Prices of Ferrous Metals (Letsrecycle: Metal, 2012)

4. Conclusion

Amongst the explored technologies available for proposal in the survey, a Table 7 was constructed to aid in decision making process for the final selection of the technology for investment.

Table Summary of the Economic Analysis of All Technologies





Breakeven period

7 years

Cumulative Cash @ 10 year

SGD 692.37M

Risk (Sensitivity)


Anaerobic Digestion

Breakeven period

12 - 13 years

Cumulative Cash @ 10 year

SGD -3.433M

Risk (Sensitivity)



Breakeven period

2 years

Cumulative Cash @ 10 year

SGD 25,135

Risk (Sensitivity)


Improved Recycling

Breakeven period

9 years

Cumulative Cash @ 10 year

SGD 65.178M

Risk (Sensitivity)



Breakeven period

7 years

Cumulative Cash @ 10 year

SGD 1069.989M

Risk (Sensitivity)


It is clear from Table 7 that Thermoselect, Composting and Incineration were promising technologies which would be profitable with a reasonable period to breakeven. Both Thermoselect and Incineration broke even at the 7th year mark and were low in investment risk. However, at the 10th year of investment, it could be seen that Incineration had the highest cumulative cash flow which meant higher return on investment. Furthermore, the Thermoselect technology

Therefore, Incineration was chosen for the ideal waste management technology for Singapore - business as usual.