the typical human resource department

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 1294

However, many still believe that top managers care little about HR compared to marketing, finance, production and engineering. What might account for this perception, and what would you do to change it?


What is managing people?

Managing people is a effective management people in an organization requires to understanding the staff, what is motivation inside a company, what will retention when a company having problem, what is the idea to development, adjustment, and managing changes. It involves many departments, such as HR, Marketing, Finance, Production, and Engineering. Everyone's knows that "Customer is the King' and "Customer is always Right".

What is HR do, it is important?

HR is important because HR is a person, who hires people to work in an organization to control the financial and material resources. It is a person who working for long period, and have high experience in the organization. Firstly, to know about the staffing, when hires a person, you should have a job analysis, planning, recruitment, contract with the person, it is to identifying the work requirement. Secondly, it is retention it is ensuring harmonious working relation between employee and managers, what are they in the organization, the safe and healthy working area.

Next it is the development, I can do the moral survey from the previous company or the colleges that he or she is studying previously, to know about the personality, have a technical training in the company for the testing whether he know about this machines skills, do the counseling with him or her, and do the HR research. Fourthly, in the adjustment way I can suggest more business strategies for the company, and know more about retirement counseling. Lastly, in the managing changes it is ongoing changes. It is to enhance the organization anticipate and respond to the developments in its internal and external environments.

What is Marketing?

(just deleted)


What is Finance?

The definition of finance is a set of activities dealing with the management of funds, and decision of collection to use. It is a system of an economics for the consumer, manufactures, and distributors. They use the money to purchase the services and product. It also is a discipline to concern with the determining value and making decision for the money process. The finance function is to allocate resource, including the acquiring, managing resources and investing.

Finance also can take different forms in the life. The basic form is checking and savings account, and you may have better financial management is to spend the money in the account wisely. When deposit paycheck, you should immediately move some of them into the savings account. Some of them, they recommended saving 10%only per month but it should have an amount that you are comfortable with the saving every month.

What is Production?

Production is a process of making a product; it is made by many types of material. It involves a number of factors to able to produce the goods and services that our needs. In the product, it classification to 3 of them which is: Convenience product or Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FFCG), Shopping Goods, Specialty product and Unsought product.

Convenience product or Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FFCG) refers to goods that are bought very frequently, easily to get it like Pen, Shampoo, and Plate. Shopping product is refers to the good we very often to buy choose on the quality and price such as furniture, Specialty product refers to goods that with characteristics and brand identification such as camera, hand phones and Unsought product refers to the goods not usually do not think of buying until they need it such as life insurance or vitamins. Moreover, production is important because it helps us to produces the product from different place and shops.

What is Engineering?

Engineering is a very old activity; in this few year time they had reach a stage of the age where define details and different their characteristics, it can be articulated and closely linked with technology with many engineering roles now to trust the heavy on technological advance. Another than that, engineering also is an endeavors that that creates, maintains, develops, and applies to technology for societies' need and requirements. It is from very beginning of human civilization where tools first created and developed.

Long time ago, the engineering there was a trade or the craft with the training taking place through from a time. Most of them, they had been trained to develop and apply the ideas in the existence, and not to create the new solution to solve the new problem. After that, the university starts to have this engineering course and become much scientific and mathematical. Engineering is a retains the integrating roles to applying the physical and life sciences using the tools in the law, social science and the value from the humanities and policy, letters, arts and business.

What make people think perception that HR not important?

In this century, it seems that HR is not important, in the amazing they count out there was 81% of leaders, managers, CEO's are considered that HR was generally obstructive and prevented managers from getting on with their day-to-day business. HR was more concerned with the good performance to influence us in the implement the recent fashion so that they get another position in the finance sector. This should be a comment was made before the finance sector to when out; the following was fall down in the business of the economic climate.

HR is to make sure that all employees was treated fairly and equitably that the businesses are balanced against the need of the employees. Other than that, something was interesting facts that we exposed some of the managers considered HR will be lacking in the qualification, they were too immature and had no idea in the business. HR staff did not know much sufficient knowledge of the budgets and how to control the affected well-being of the organization. It seems that, HR was very good at mention an example modern leader what should be do and how they could make the difference but they had no idea in the simple when the practical terms. HR also can be improve the level f the management to be help to increase the efficiency and let them to be more effective.

How to change people perception in the HR?

To change people perception in the HR department of employees, they will change only if they have some expectations are aligned to the common goal. Being an HR of the education and professional worked subsequently to developed the around administration and key skill of the HR. It is to make the position where they have promoting the skills of the HR. It is depend on what they are trying to achieve when they are starting to do their surveys and findings the role of HR in the organization.

HR leadership in the teams are able to differentiate and successful execute the employee value proposition and integrate the same with organization people's attitude. HR must have consideration and change the way it sees itself, the business value proposition and strategic contribution in the more effectively. It is become a viable change agent in the strategic goal of the organization. These goals are achieved we can be expect change in the way HR function is perceived.


In the conclusion, I learnt that HR is the important in the organization. In this assignment, I know that the top managers are care little about HR compared to marketing, finance, production and engineering for this perception. It may help us in the future when having business.

although HR is none profit generate but they help in generate the profit but help in invisible..

topmanager wont see it..