Aligning business information technology is involves optimizing communication between executives who make the business decisions and Information Technology managers who oversee the technical operations. The implementation of flexible business plans and Information Technology architectures, as well as effective cost allocation, are critical components of any business IT alignment effort. For this week, I will been given individual assignment which title that I choose is to find an entrepreneur who successfully has applied Information Technology into his/her business and I will tell about one entrepreneur that I choose how he/she has done in on the business. There are many entrepreneurs that successful not only in Information Technology world but also in business world too.
Regarding to the title that I choose is to find an entrepreneur who successfully has applied Information Technology into his/her business and tell about one entrepreneur that I choose how he/she has done in on the business because for me the title is so challenging and it need my opinion and suggestion to analyze about the entrepreneur. It also gives me information about how they become the successful entrepreneurs towards their business and in a same time it can give me an inspiration to me. For me, this title is the interesting title if we explore more about this title it will makes me become more interested about the business and Information Technology world.
For this title, I will tell about the biography Information Technology entrepreneurs that applied in his business and how they do to become the successful in their business. There are many entrepreneurs that successful not only in Information Technology world but also in business world too. The entrepreneur that I choose is TONY FERNANDES. He is the one of the successful entrepreneurs that applicable to use information technology to promote his business to the people. I choose him because there are many characteristics that he shows to makes his business become successful. From that, it makes me want to follow his step to become successful entrepreneurs and try to makes innovation in our business in future.
There are three objectives that I aimed in this assignment which the first is try to getting know more how to become the successful entrepreneur in Information Technology and Business major. In this objective, I learn how he started his business from bottom until his success. What he secret weapon in Information Technology business to makes his business success? How he try to survive to maintain his company become more success in nowadays and in future. From that, it makes me want to know more about him and wants to makes him as my idol because of his step when his starting the business until his success when raised his company name become the well known company brand name.
The second objective that I aimed in this assignment is to learn and follow the characteristics of the successful entrepreneurs in Information Technology. How he try to promote his business and how to makes the people choose to use their product? There are some of his spiritual word that he apply to him to makes his business become success such as be a high flyer, dream big, have a great mentor, dare to take on the big guns and personal branding. All of this spiritual words that he puts to him will makes him becomes more success days by days and also makes him become spirit to build more higher his business until it reach same level with other well known companies in the world. From that, I learn to put in the spiritual words to me to become the success entrepreneurs and also makes me become more disciplines when do the work. When I follow all of that, it makes my business success more not only today but also in future.
Finally, the last objective that I aimed in this assignment is I learn how to create the competitive advantages in the business information technology world. From these objectives, I learn why he chooses this business? What competitive advantages that his business has created? Why will people choose to do business with you or purchase your product or service instead of doing business with a competitor and buying his product or service? In other words, what one aspect or combination of aspects is going to separate your business from your competition? Will it be better service, a longer warranty, better selection, longer business hours, more flexible payment options, lowest price, personalized service, better customer service, better return and exchange policies or a combination of several of these? From that, I learn how to getting known more our business advantages and know how to attract customer to loyal to our product.
The reasons I choose TONY FERNANDES because he is one of entrepreneurs that successful and he applied the Information Technology in his business by promote his services to attract the people to use his services. Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes or also know as Tony Fernandes is a Malaysian Indian Entrepreneur. He was born in Kuala Lumpur in 30 April 1964. He studied at La Matiniere School there and went on to become a medical doctor. He later settled in Malaysia. Tony Fernandes' father hails from the village of Carxeta-Velim (South Goa). Tony's mother is Ena Dorothy Fernandes, Malaysian of Kristang stock. Now he works as Director Air Asia Berhad and the founder of Tune Group Sdn Bhd.
One of the proved that show he is the success person is he the person who introduced the first budget no-frills airlines Air Asia. From that, Tony and his three partners has bought over Air Asia from its owner DRB-Hicom. Tune Air's initial project was to remodel Air Asia into a low fare no frills carrier after successful low fare airlines such as U.S.-based Southwest Airlines and Dublin-based Ryanair and create a new aviation product in Malaysia. In addition he used the taglines to Malaysian which is "Now everyone can fly" so everyone can fly with the affordable price and good services. Tony Fernandes rose to prominence by turning Air Asia to a failing government-linked commercial airlines. He also become more successful when he highly successful budget airline public-listed company. He was also instrumental in lobbying them the Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in mid-2003. Tony Fernandes also plan to propose the idea of open skies agreements with neighbouring Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore. As a result, these nations have granted landing rights to Air Asia and other discount carriers. Now he is
For the Information Technology, Tony Fernandes have created many things by apply it to his business to attract the people using his services. For the first is he has created the Air Asia application to the android and Iphone user such as in Play Store and Apple Store. This application helps people to easy booking online without needs to makes long queuing to get the ticket at the counter. You not only can booking online the ticket but also you can check your flight ticket at everywhere and anytime you want without waiting at counter to book the ticket. It also very easy for the user because you can easily pick the lowest All in Fare, choose where you want to go, enter your personal details and you are confirm book the ticket. That's easy right. So people will feel happy and satisfied to that service.
The second for the information technology that he applies to his business is Tony Fernandes has created the booking online for the Hotel Tune at everywhere using the online application too. So the people can book the hotel through online without to ask first either the room are still available or not. They also can easily pick their own dates and choose the room's size. The benefits that Tune Hotel give to their customer is the hotel are nearly by the town and the tourism place that's makes much easier the customers or passenger went to the places that they interested to explore. This application helps customers a lot and makes things quicker than before.
The third for the information technology that he applies to his business is Air Asia has provided the travel guidelines information through via information systems. So the people can know where the best places to be explore at the places that they stay. From that, they just only use the mobile phone and laptop to makes their travel become smoothly. They do not need to search the information centre to get the guidelines flyers or using the map to get the direction. Air Asia have given the easiest way by using the travel guidelines that already been provided in that application. Just choose where the best place you want to go and follow the direction that been given. So the customer will know where the best place that near from the hotel and they will feel enjoy with their vacation or by business trip. That's show the Tony Fernandes applied the Information Technology to his business to makes his services become more success nowdays and in future.
Last but not least, the last information technology that he applies to his business is Air Asia has provided the booking meals before you check in fly to the airplanes. You can choose from what meals that they offer in that day. They make the easiest ways by giving the customer opportunity when they buy the ticket online, they can book the meals that they want to eat and been serve when they check in to the airplanes. From that, the passengers no need to feel hungry in the airplanes but they can enjoy the meals that they offered in the airplanes. The passenger from the foreign country can feel the delicious of Nasi Lemak Rendang Ayam that Malaysian entrepreneur's makes without waiting arrived at the destination that they want to go.
Tune Group Sdn Bhd is jointly owned by Tan Sri Dr. Anthony Francis Fernandes (Tony Fernandes) and Dato' Kamarudin Meranun. The Tune Talk makes the customer to buy online shopping shop in internet by their selling the mobile phones and prepaid to the customers that interested to buy the mobile phone through online with the affordable price that they offered and comes with data plan too.
Their mission for the Tune Talk is to provide the cheapest mobile services and to make the mobile fun and the ways of your life. Their target is to provide super low calling rates and exciting incentives to the underserved segment of the market. Their prepaid services also offer no-frills voice and Short Messaging Services packages that meets the demands for simple and the value of the money product with easy to be access and a wide distribution. Tune Talk is encouraged by a single vision such as to connect every evolution in mobile technology in the service of our customers and to lead the industry in delivering the latest and most exciting mobile services.
The are two successes of Tony Fernandes through the Tune Talk business which first is he has expands its operations into Thailand by lauching prepaid 3G services that targeted at tourist, professionals and youth. This 3G Tune Talk prepaid is provides the customers with benefit including the fastest 3G Data and speed and Tune Talk Points for Air Asia flights. Tune Talk Malaysia is the major step to expansion of the companies across the Asia. Their goal is to rock the mobile markets with the connectivity Thailand in the springboard for that.
The second successes of Tony Fernandes through the Tune Talk business is the Tune Talk prepaid mobile virtual network operation get the respond from many of customers about 1 million people in the world. The company has experienced rapid development and promotion team will go all over the country to promote the Tune Talk. They have made the Tune Talk as one of the major players in the market and our brand is now recognized all over Malaysia.
As conclusion, Tune Talk is majority owned by the Celcom Axianta Berhad and Tune Group Sdn Bhd with the 35% and 25.1% majority of respectively. Tony Fernandes is successful entrepreneurs that use one of his skills and knowledge through his Information Technology and he applied it to his business. For example, he created many things by apply it to his business to attract the people using his services such as Air Asia application to the android and Iphone user such as in Play Store and Apple Store. From that it makes his business become more success more days by days. He knows what he plan the strategic strategy to getting know what his customer want and desire. He knows nowadays people use the technology to easiest their ways to buy all kinds of things including the grocery things. So from that he plan created the application to easy their customer to book the online tickets.
In addition, Tony Fernandes also created the TUNE TALK Mobile Virtual Network Operator in Malaysian. The Tune Talk makes the customer to buy online shopping shop in internet by their selling the mobile phones and prepaid to the customers that interested to buy the mobile phone through online with the affordable price that they offered and comes with data plan too. Tune Talk intends to sell the very latest technology and trends in the communications market in the ASEAN region to start with. Tune Talk is uniquely placed to realize this vision through an experience gained in serving consumers with their communication needs. Tune Talk offers free calls within the network for a period of 24 hours and 10 percent bonus for RM10 reload and more these days. Other than that, they also offer the validity period for RM50 reload was increased from 55 days to 75 days. That's shows the success of his business in Mobile Virtual Network in Malaysian.