Access control list is the system enables an authority to control access to resources and area in a given physical company or computer-based information system it grants authenticated users access to specific resource based on company policy and the permission level assigned to the user or group of users.
User authentication is one of the key methods to give access to authenticated users to specific resource like in a big environment company need an Active directory domain and all users need to be part of that domain so the user authentication can be made through active directory to secure the un-authenticated users to login in your domain.
Firewalls isolate the internal private network from the outside public networks (the Internet) to filter IP packets and Control access to internal network resources. Firewall is of two types' hardware firewall and software firewall. hardware firewall is one of the most powerful firewall and their should be at least one hardware firewall in company to secure the intranet from the outside world it stop all the spam, attacks coming to our network from the outside world and allow us to use internet in secure manner.
One of the most important security threat in the today's world is Virus, virus is a malicious piece of code written and designed to enter your PC without your permission and unnoticed and makes all the files in your computer corrupt and transfer all your secure information to others through internet, a company should deploy a antivirus solution in order to secure the threat, without antivirus in the computer it steal all your secure information like credit card numbers and official documents and give someone remote control to your system without notifying you,thats why we need antivirus with fully updated in intranet environment.
Internet access refers to the means by which users connect to the internet. Internet now becomes part of our life, company buy's internet access though ISP's (internet service provider) and give access to all the users. There are many ways to access the internet either through DSL or though telephone line but in company internet access is used by some type of firewall like ISA (internet security accelerator or TMG Threat management gateway) to give users a secure connection.
Task 2:
A user in your company calls to report that she's unable to log on to e-mail. You respond with a couple of quick questions. Because you know that no one else is using the network right now, you cannot determine if the problem is unique to her machine or if the problem affects the entire network. Probing further, you also learn that she's unable to print. You decide this problem is probably easier to troubleshoot from the user's computer.
Using the structured troubleshooting method, outline the things you must check and the questions you must ask when you arrive at the user's office. Based on the possible responses to your questions, describe the actions you will take to correct the potential causes.
1. First of all we disconnect the user from the network so that virus cannot affect other PC's and users
2. Secondly we will check if antivirus is installed on the user pc.
If no then
We installed the antivirus and scan the PC for detection of a threat/Trojans
If yes
We make sure antivirus is updated. We can check that if it has run according to anti virus scanning policy.
3. Thirdly we can test if there is some latest patch released by OS developers to mitigate the threat from specific virus.
4. After that, we can assume that pc is on network or not?
If yes then we can check the domain joining
If it's already been done then we change user password of accessing email after word reconfigure emails.
Task 3:
For an Internet-connected local area network (LAN) with which you are familiar (for example your company or college network):
Determine whether the LAN is connected to the internet through a firewall. If so, determine the manufacturer and the model number of the firewall; what are the security features available in the Firewall. If no firewall is in place, research 3 Firewall products and report with its manufacturer and model number and the features (15 marks)
Give reasons for the appropriateness of a particular firewall for your organization (5 marks).
Our LAN is associated to the internet through a firewall. We have Juniper SSG 550 firewall. The network of a Juniper Services of security Gateway 500 Series (SSG) signify an innovative class of purpose-built safety machine that deliver an ideal combination of high quality performance of their system, LAN/WAN or other security measure can be used for the connectivity of a district and sub offices of deployments. With established network and application level security the SSG 550 can be implemented as impartial security policy to stop worms, Spyware, Trojans, malware and different rising attacks. In addition, the SSG 500 Series merge security and LAN routing functionality from the market top leading firewall machine organizing on Screen OS with best-in-class routing hardware and WAN protocols from the Juniper Networks J-series routers and JUNOS.
This device is suits for our environment best, because it is a high recital protection stage that can be organize as a mixture of firewall and routing device for those consumers who wish to merge devices and reduce IT expenses.
Features & Benefits
Key skin texture and settlement for the secure Juniper Networking systems SSG series no. 500 solutions are given below:
The main motive is to built, remarkable pathway which can transfer WAN and security, with the force to defend your Local Area Networking for high-speed in opposition to domestic networking and for the attacks in application-level. Local/Wide area networking and combination of safety steering functionality which supply the expertise to merge devices and reduce IT expenditures. All-inclusive pair of integrated peril Management (UTM) security features to defend against network and claim level attacks while at the similar time stopping content-based assault. UTM security features include:
Stateful assessment firewall to make access control and finish the network level attacks IPS (Deep Inspection firewall) to stop application level attacks Best-in-class antivirus based on the Kaspersky Lab scanning engine that includes Anti-Phishing, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Adware protection to stop viruses, Trojans and other malware before they damage the network Anti-Spam via a partnership with Symantec to block known spammers and phishes Web filtering using Surf -Control to block access to known spiteful download sites or other inappropriate web content Site-to-site IPSec VPN to establish secure communications between offices Denial of service (DoS) mitigation capabilities
Application Layer Gateways for H.323, SIP, SCCP and MGCP to inspect and protect VoIP traffic Wide range of LAN and WAN interfaces supporting Serial, T1/E1, DS3, 10/100/1000, SFP and FE Interface and routing flexibility for varying network connectivity requirements and future growth requirements Multiple high availability options with sub-second failover between interfaces or devices Customizable security zones to increase interface density without additional hardware expenditures, lower policy creation costs, contain unauthorized users and attacks, and simplify management of firewall/VPNs Management through graphical Web UI, CLI, or the Net Screen-Security Manager central organization system Policy-based management to allow centralized, end-to-end life-cycle management.
SSG Model Reference Table
Max Sessions
Max Sessions per sec
Integrated Ports
7x 10/100
SSG 20
5x 10/100
SSG 140
8x 10/100
2x 1Gbps
SSG 320
4x 1Gbps
SSG 520
4x 1Gbps
SSG 550
4x 1Gbps
Create a set of Acceptable Use Policies specially customized for your organization for each of the following:
• Accessing the WWW (10 marks)
• Instant Messengers and chat room (10 marks)
• Email Usage policy (10 marks)
Each of these documents should provide a set of guidelines for users which will minimize any associated security threats.
1) Accessing WWW Policies.
Computer Network is the property of ABC Organization and is used for Corporate purposes.
All users have the responsibility to use the Programme's computer resources and Internet in a professional, lawful and ethical manner.
ABC Organization's Computer Network must not be used to view, store or disseminate following.
Pornographic texts or images
Material promoting sexual exploitation or discrimination, racism and violence
Messages that are derogatory or inflammatory regarding race, age, disability, religion, national origin and sexual preference
Information concerning drugs or weapons
Destructive codes (e.g. viruses, self-replicating programs) and material concerning 'hacking'
Mass mail or chain letters
Personal solicitations and promotions
Commercial advertisements.
Instant Messengers and chat room Policy.
ABC Organization reserves the right to monitor and log any and all aspects of its computer system and communication made by each computer via messengers or communicators.
The content of its personal computers Chat groups, newsgroups or chat rooms
All communications sent and received electronically.
Organization reserves the right to utilize any software that makes it possible to identify and block access of the text, voice or video chat software's.
Email Usage policy:
Users must not share a password with anyone, including their manager or colleagues.
Users should choose easy-to-remember and difficult-to-guess passwords.
If a user suspects that another person knows his/her password, he/she must Change the password immediately and inform IT Dept. for further control.
File size of more than 4 attachments.
Attachments should be compressed in Zip so that large files can be transferred with minimum consumption Mb is restricted on the Mail Server so avoid sending large of the bandwidth.
Staff members are requested for the maximum compliance of the above policies.
Task 5:
Microsoft IPSec Diagnostic Tool assists Network administrators with troubleshooting network related failures, Download the utility from .Run this diagnostic tool under the supervision of your tutor. Using this tool collect and report IPSec policy information on the system, trace collection for VPN, NAP client, Windows Firewall, Group policy updates, Wireless and System events, specific to your network. Your work needs to be evidenced by Screen shots. (15 marks)
Internet protocol security is protocol for securing IP statement by authenticates and encrypts all of a data stream. IPSec provide interoperable, large quality and cryptographically base on safety service for traffic at the IP sheet, for example authenticity, integrity,confidentiality in each packet of access control.
Here we start the setup of IPSec diagnostic tool
Here is end if IPSec diagnostic tool setup after that we start the diagnose the local mode down here.
"Arrangement window of Microsoft IPSec Diagnostic Tool, wherever you will be able to choose the configuration mode."
"Local Mode window of Microsoft IPSec Diagnostic Tool, somewhere you will be capable to set the limit and begin the diagnostics method."
This is how we concluded our discussion here if you want to restart then click on start button. This is the End of IPSec diagnostic.