The Public Effect Of 3d Television Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 1915

This project will discuss and expatiate basically on the effect and benefit of 3D television, examine audience reaction towards an importance and public usage. A 3D television (3D-TV) is a television set that employs techniques of 3D presentation, such as stereoscopic capture, multi-view capture and animation 3D display effect through a special viewing device to project a television program into a realistic three-dimensional field.

1.1 HISTORY OF 3D TELEVISION: The existence of 3D television started since 1807 and the technology was first introduced to improve an excellent quality of photography by Scottish investor also known as stereoscope,3D innovation surprise and amaze consumer with the evolution that supersede 2D technology, it was later enhanced with different equipments and features such as High Definition Television (HDTV)while the first public 3D movie was displayed through stereoscopic creating huge awareness to the public regarding the new television evolution.3D television generation became popular and more valuable to the public with the great expansion on depth image and video visual realistic displayed differently on each angle of the screen viewed through a shutter glasses or through a device called AUTO-STEREOSCOPY.3D television became more interesting immediately 3D color movie was produced (in 1935), the production process for 3D television requires additional sensor technology to capture the three-dimensional nature of real scenes describing the shape, motion and multi-view appearance. In addition, major Television manufacturer's has encourage the public use of 3D television in different dimension through a flexible display sensor viewed on high screen resolution effects and its mostly used at the cinema.

2.0 How it Works: 3D visualization, people, animals and nature seem truly alive as if the viewer could walk right into the environment. Even 3D cartoon characters seem more real. However, 3D visualization is not just for entertainment; the more realistic a 3D training session, the greater the test of a person's reactions. There are several methods that manufacturers use to create 3D images on an LCD television, some are more expensive than others, and some are more feasible than others as illustrated on the diagram shown below:

There are several different ways of making a 3D Television, They all use the same basic principle producing two separate moving images and send one of them to the viewer's left eye and the other to the right. To give the proper illusion of 3D, the left eye's image mustn't be seen by the right eye, while the right eye's image mustn't be seen by the left which means each eye sees a slightly different perspective of the same scene from separate angle. 3D movies and television rely on different methods; the two images needed to create the effect are combined into one image viewed through 3D glasses.

2.1 Display Technology:

� Anaglyphic 3D (with passive red-cyan lenses): is a device used in viewing stereoscopic 3D effect which have two differently colored lenses on a set of glasses designed to deliver a separate image to each eye achieving illusion of depth image or movie while watching 3D television using 3D glasses, each glass as different lens color utilizing a red and cyan lens to pass red to one eye and blue and green to the others by filtering to block some certain color from each eye while It gives a distinctive formulas to calculate the anaglyphs RGB values of a picture or movie in pixels as indicated below:

� Polarization 3D (with passive polarized lenses):this device uses another unique method of displaying 3D popularly used in theatre or other commercial place that ensure each eye receive only intended image via linearly polarized glasses or circularly polarized glasses, establishing deep illusion of three-dimensional images with the effect of polarized filters.

2.2 Types of 3D

� Stereoscopic Displays: This display allow the use of special glasses , delivering images on separate device for each individual watching the screen while each eye achieve different image and the observer's brain combines the two projected optical images into a 3D image. The use of stereoscopic started from 2D generation, some years after the effect relay on delivering 2D plane image slightly different to each eye.3D technology enhance depth perception of two different image and highly initialize a perfect usage of switching shutter glasses ,polarization filter and color filter in image encoding typically a pair of shutters while stereoscopy is essential in viewing images from large multi-dimensional data set majorly used in theatre or entertaining commercial places as shown below:

In stereoscopic display and virtual reality system, stereoscopic efficiently present high relevance for image and it aids development in architecture design, medical purposes using miniature stereo systems and education systems.

� Autostereoscopy: is another type of displaying 3D images without the use of 3D glasses this techniques has been in existence for a very long time with a visibility emergence of large, high resolution Lcd display having lithographic placement of pixel position with excellent graphics presentation ensuring good quality image through the two type of autostereoscopy display that redirect image to several region base on image resolution as the viewer position their head in a particular viewing point they perceive different illusion of 3D image through the following method:

1. lenticular lenses: is an array of cylindrical lenses that directs ray of light from alternate pixel columns to a specify viewing point, enable each eye to receive a different image at an optimum distance. This process is used to create various animation frames for a motion effect while arranging the frames layer at different increments of a 3d effect, Majority projector television uses screen with lenticular surface to ensure a brighter quality image to the viewer focusing more of light horizontal beam.

2. Parallax Barriers: is an liquid crystal device that display autostereoscopic image without wearing 3D glasses, having series of precision slits equipped a normal lcd allowing each eye to see a different pixel in similar to visual outcome of lentical lenses. However, its popular way of positioning 3D without glasses while multi-view system might possibly makes the image blur.

� Computer generated holography: digital hologram generated is the process of computing the interference pattern between imaginary object wave and a reference wave and it can be generated printing it on a mask or film for subsequent illumination achieved through suitable coherent light source by encoding the wave front data and prepare it for display whereas the running time of each Computer Generated Hologram is different proportional to the image width and height depending on the resolution of the image while it displays for a wide range of applications from holographic video and other applications as holographic allow the use of very high-resolution spatial light.

� Volumetric displays: Volumetric displays produce 3D images in a three-dimensional point of light within a volume. Volumetric device permits the generation of absorptions or scattering of visible radiation from a set of localized and specified regions within a physical volume while its display uses voxels instead of pixel generally capable of showing transparent objects only and trade off image complexity Voxels. Volumetric displays typically require significantly higher computational bandwidth to achieve the depth image resolution and it also allows simultaneous viewing system by multi user, volumetric makes 3D viewing much more efficient providing an excellent visual tool for mission-critical situations awareness applicable for Air traffic control and medical image viewing system.

3.0 Advantage of 3d Television: The implementations of 3D television technology as widely enhance good quality in depth image, high resolution view and visual realistic with the following features:

� Visualization: 3D technology encourages image and movie visual realities with its dynamic features that human brain can easily assimilate.

� Cheap: 3D technology viewing shutter glasses were been design at a cheap lightweight for larger audiences.

� Easy To Use: its device is easy to use not requiring extensive knowledge or guide using 3D technology and its feature is easy to understand.

4.0 Disadvantage of 3d Television: the technology as diversify into different categories and its visual reality it standardize without the use of 3D glasses.

� Development: The newly 3D television is not yet fully developed and the rapid rate is still in its infancy, the public are still waiting to see its latest technology and features.

� Flexibility: 3D technology television is not flexible to the public and home user except theatre where there is provision for the shutter glasses. 3D lcd screen resolution for home use differ from theatre projector image depth quality.

� Output: 3D television requires the user to sit in front of the television or an appropriate angle where image can be viewed clearly.

5.0 Health Risks On 3D Usage: Some viewers may experience an epileptic seizure or stroke when exposed to certain flashing images or lights contained in certain television pictures or video games, symptoms as children and teenagers may be more likely to experience these symptoms than adult. People suffering from astigmatism will find it difficult detecting images depth of 3D, viewing 3D mode may also cause motion sickness, perceptual after effects, disorientation, eye strain and decreased postural stability. It is recommended that users take frequent breaks to lessen the likelihood of these effects. Watching TV while sitting too close to the screen for an extended period of time may damage your eyesight. The ideal viewing distance should be at least three times the height of the TV screen. It is recommended that the viewer's eyes are level with the screen, Watching TV while wearing 3D Active Glasses for an extended period of time may cause headaches or fatigue.

6.0 Are the Consumer Ready for 3D Television? As illustrated on this research, the public are still waiting for an improvement on flexible usage and eradication of medical effects associated on the usage. Presently 3D Television exclusively gained huge interest of consumers towards their product through their adverts,3D animation and virtual Realistic in movies while consumer are not ready to embark on the technology due to inconveniency encountered using glasses while less visual quality on the use of Autostereoscopy 3D device.

7.0 Future Plan on 3D Television: 3D TV is rising in popularity these days via its further and enticing features such as good zooming impact and the articles displaying within the television shall come nearer to the eyes of the viewers by carrying particular spectacle that allow objects to come back close. 3D technology is coming up with a new era of dynamic entertainment that will add live to our daily activities,Many leading manufacturers of 3D Television (Samsung, Mitsubishi and Sony) are still working on improving the flexibility on human usage and enhancing the public use of Autostereoscopy (without glasses).

8.0 Conclusion: there has been a great deal of interest and innovation in the realm of 3D TV displays, huge consumer electronics are backing this transition to 3D while spending a great amount of their resources in developing and marketing the next generation of television displays. Everyone aims to follow these exciting times, keeping abreast with the latest news and reviews in the world of 3D TVs as well as scouting for the best deals on the latest 3D enabled televisions. With the illustration, the use of 3D will effect and promote the technology globally within a short period of time so stick around to benefit the absolute visual quality of 3D Television with the pre-launched new technologies that reduce medical damage and inconveniency on 3D Television. Reading E-Books and journal as encouraged with provision of current and distinctive information on the topic mentioned above and also my ultimate source of information.