The prose of good performance management

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 2108

A good manager is able to speak and practice effective performance management and execute each component process well. The manager sets the goal and works accordingly in different routines to achieve the goals. During the practice of performance, the feedback of the employees helps him to complete his task effectively. A very high standard of the employee is been maintained. For this a critical and non critical elements are been used as a standard for the performance. These elements tell the employee what they need to do and how well they have to meet the standards.

Critical elements of performance management:

It is an assignment or responsibility of importance that if been neglected would result in the determination of the employees overall performance. And his whole performance will be unacceptable. This performance regulates the employee to maintain at least one critical element in his or her performance to be acceptable. An acceptable performance has at least 3 or 7 critical elements that are appropriate in the given working situation. A failure of a non critical element is an adverse effect on performance and hence leads in demotion or removal of an employee and is said to be failed.

Elements Characteristics

Required in employee performance Plan

Credited in the summary level

Can describe a group performance

Critical Elements




Non - Critical Elements




Additional Performance Elements




Except when written for a supervisor or manager who has individual management control over a group's production and resources

Non critical element of performance management:

Group performance are the only way in which a group or team performs task in order to achieve its goal. They need to plan and track the objectives in order to achieve the goal. Every team member plays a vital role because his contribution for the performance plan for every element is been rated and the sum of all is been counted to make up a team's performance. The non critical elements cannot be recorded and thus they have no effects on the rating level. However if the employees are maintaining the performance for the task they have been given and on the accomplishment of the task, they require rewards and thus rewarding each and every employee on the performance he or she has been performed in order for fulfilling the objectives.

Employee Reward:

'All the monetary, non-monetary and psychological payments that an organisation provides for its employees in exchange for the work they perform'. Bratton and Gold 2005

The employee reward system covers how the people are been rewarded for their performance and the value they have towards organisation. This reward consists of both financial and non financial which embrace all the policies and strategies required for the structure and the process to develop and maintain the reward system. The effectiveness of the organisation is been considered in the way the employees are been valued and a good relationship is been maintained. The main aim of reward policies is to attract retains and motivates people to work with high quality. If the employee reward policy is not been implemented properly then it could have a negative effect on the morale of the employee.

What is Reward: Reward is a procedure and a process in which the employee is been trusted by the organisation. The organisation rewards and employee on the basis of his performance, this reward is been provided by the organisation in 2 ways. Firstly the employee is been rewarded in money terms. But not every employee wants the reward of only money. He can be motivated by providing him higher designation for the work or job been performed by him during a task. The decision that the organisation needs to take while rewarding is how much to pay, and whether the payment should be done individually or as a group. Also while the reward system is been designed, its objectives must be clear in order to support the organisation's strategy. This can be done by recruiting qualified employees by retaining capable employees and to ensure the internal and the external equity of reward. The main objective of the reward system is to motivate the employees so that they can perform at their highest and to strengthen their psychological mindset.

Types of employee rewards: The employees in an organisation are been rewarded because of their time spent, energy and competence they provide during completion of a task.

Team Rewards: When a team has been set to achieve the targets in order to complete a task and if the team is able to complete the task with good co-ordination of all the team members then the team is been rewarded for the effective application of skills , the time and money been provided to the organisation. Examples providing team bonuses gain sharing.

Organisational Rewards: When an organisation provides an individual or a group with a set of goals where they need to achieve and if the individual or group is able to successfully reach the goals then the organisation provides them with organisational reward. Examples profit sharing, gain sharing and share ownership.

Roles that a Human Resource Manger plays in implementing successful employee appraisal techniques for improving the employee performance and determining the employee reward on the basis of their performance:

The role of HR manger in an employee appraisal techniques starts with the design and the implementation of the appraisal and how it is going to be introduced within the organisation. For this they need to consult with employees, other managers and trade unions representatives. This is to be done for the overall objectives of the appraisal techniques to be spot on. They should adopt a pilot scheme in which the sample of managers and the employees are been developed and tested in order to measure the performance. The check-list of all the items needs to be maintained, during the introduction of appraisal system. The appraisal techniques need to be straight forward as possible. This is because over elaboration of paper work can sometime fail the appraisal system. Hence for the appraisal system to work effectively, the HR manager needs to record the system that is going to be used by different individuals during the period of performance appraisal.

A proper timetable needs to be maintained for the successful implementation of the scheme. The HR manager needs to give the employees and the trade unions representatives with a written information how the appraisal going to work and how it is going to affect the way they going to perform their duties. He needs to inform the new employees of the organisation by calling an induction meeting in the way the appraisal system should be performed. It is his job to do a briefing about the overall objectives of the scheme and what is exactly expected from each and every individual involved. The HR manager should nominate the union representative to answer all the queries that come up during the scheme.

He also needs to provide the employees with a proper and adequate training. Also the line managers who carry out the appraisal must be given training to help them perform effectively and to motivate the employees to take out the best skills out of them during the appraisal process. The HR manger needs to take a timely report on the work done by the employees. This helps him in knowing which employees are performing better and which requires more training in order for the scheme to work out. The HR manager should also give a feedback to the employee on the report and discuss the differences and problems they have faced during the implementation. They should also show the differences in the marking of all the employees to make them understand how to improve. He also needs to train the trainees who have just been employed by the organisation and give them practice for mock appraisal interviews and he should give them comments on their performances from the tutors.

After the successful implementation of the appraisal techniques and assigning task to the employees and other trade union representative, it is important that the HR manger gives high priority to the appraisal techniques. He needs to see that the interviews are been taken and there should be a co-ordination for the forms to be completed correctly. His own performance of how effectively he undertakes the appraisal techniques and how useful and successful he can make the whole appraisal technique. This is because if the HR manager does not give equal opportunities to each and every step that is to be performed effectively and efficiently during the whole appraisal scheme. He needs to set an annual timetable for the various stages to be completed in order for the appraisal to get finished within the skilled time.

The HR manager's main responsibility is to monitor the appraisal system:

He needs to check that the appraisal are been carried out perfectly and also to determine whether there is any other need to make some modifications in the system to meet the changing needs of the organisation.

He needs to give a proper suggestion for the problems that have been encountered during the monitoring for the work performed by the employees. This is important because the HR manager is the person who needs to curtail the system for the upcoming problems and give a considerable solution to each and every problem.

The HR manager needs to monitor the type of reaction the employee gives during the degree of work been performed. These reactions can help the HR manager to understand more about their employees.

Quality for each job needs to be performed based on the job description.

The people need to play a vital role in maintain the quality that is required in successful completion of the job.

The HR manager does not only need to list the functions and maintain quality but also needs to judge the mechanism to approve the work of the employee. The candidates can be rated by the supervisor who has assigned them the task. The behavioural dimension of the work performed can be measured by the experiment few psychological test. The mechanism of the employees can be measured by the simulation games and exercises to uncover the potential of the candidate.

The HR manager needs to maintain equality and diversity within the workforce. Equality is important within a workforce for non discrimination between different employees working together in a diverse work force. This helps the employees to perform at the highest level and to develop their skills. Hence the HR manager plays a crucial role in defining the way in which equality and diversity are to be dealt within an organisation giving equal opportunities to employees is at the heart of HRM practices. When he monitors the appraisal techniques the promotion and development of cultural diversity helps the operational level of the working individual to be vulnerable. These are the roles of the HR manger in the successful execution of appraisal technique. If he is able to follow each and every step with great concern and good implementation, the success of appraisal techniques helps an organisation and the employees working within it.

Hence, the role played by HR manager in given process of employee appraisal helps the employees in an organisation to optimize their performance level and also enhance their performance. If the HR manager monitors the performance of each employee and takes their feedback on each and every issue and helps them solving the problem which arises anytime during the processing of a task increases the employee's ability to perform the same task in the near future even better. Every organisation has a dream to retain their employees and to see to it that they are able to increase their performance. But in today's world the employees just not need to work without any reward. It is seen in many organisations that the best way to appraise an employee is to reward him in money terms or giving higher designation to the employee.

The organisation must have a good policy term to reward the employee on the level of the performance made by him during a task to be completed. This will help the employee in any organisation to feel that they are been appreciated and that they are been needed by the organisation. The organisation who are able to retain their employee with successful implementation of appraisal technique to improve their performance and reward them on their merit of job done seem to be making huge profits and maintaining a good HRM management within an organisation. ""&HYPERLINK ""q=HUMAN+RESOURCE+ROLE+OF++EMPLOYEE+APPRAISALHYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""x=15HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK ""y=8