The Prime Ministers Of India History Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1507

The book is titled as "THE PRESIDENTS OF INDIA". It is by CREST PUBLISHING HOUSE, NEW DELHI. Its first edition appeared in 2005. It comprises of 202 pages. The book carries photos of the presidents and their ceremonial functions, chronology, appendices etc. It consists of two parts, introduction and the presidents.


R.K PRUTHI is a celebrated author. He was awarded the Ph. D degree from Kurukshetra University. He obtained degree in law and education. Since he was an advocate of Supreme Court of India, his law background and education make him astute writer. He has written on both domestic and international politics. He was a seasoned teacher and a researcher. He has to his credit a number of publications such as:

President APJ Abdul Kalam

The prime ministers of India

The presidents of India

Nature based tourism

Space tourism

International politics

Emerging development in social culture

NGOs, civil society and global future

Mythical origin of India


This book revolves around thirteen presidents of India and highlights their family backgrounds, educational credentials, early life, and their role in freedom struggle of India during British rule and their vibrant contributions after independence. The author (RK Pruthi) has well portrayed their character that is an epitome of simplicity, integrity, patriotism, communal harmony and dedication to freedom struggle against the yoke of the British. The author puts more focus on their life before presidency and throws a very little light on their presidentship. Book traces the political development in India during British rule and contains different aspects of the personalities who later became the presidents of India. Central theme covers Indian society, political development, hallmark events, British atrocities, thorough life of the presidents of India and the power that the constitution of India infers on them.


Author discusses thirteen presidents of India namely Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Dr. Zakir Hussain, Varahagiri Venkata Giri, Justice Muhammad Hidayatullah, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, B. D Jatti, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, Giani Zail Singh, R. Venkataraman, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, Shri R.K Narayanan, and Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. The contents of the book contain Introduction in which the author discusses the power of Indian president in the light of constitution and informs the structure of politics in India with special focus on Rashtrapati Bhavan, the residence of the president of India. The author discusses each president in detail separately. The focus of the author is on their early life, family background, education, professional activities and role in the freedom struggle. Author finds one thing common in the presidents of India that they were well educated, sophisticated, balanced and far sighted. At one place the author quotes Bertrand Russell who said about second president, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "it is an honour to the philosophy that Radhakrishnan should be president of the great country."


Author discusses the presidents of India in a proper sequence. He touches their early life and family background and then throws light on their education and contributions. According to the author, the said presidents of India symbolize in their personalities the gems of good character, simplicity, integrity, communal harmony, austerity, and sheer commitment to social service. Author starts with their contributions during British rule and keeps on appreciating their role for the betterment of the humanity till their last breath.

Most of the presidents like Rajendra Prasad, B.D Jatti etc belonged to humble and poor families. They did their work by themselves. They felt proud to spend a simple life. Moreover, author stresses that these people who later became the presidents of India were always against the brutal policies and initiatives of India like RowLatt Act, Jalyanwala Bagh tragedy etc. Most of them served longer terms in imprisonments because of their active participation in Swadeshi movement, Satyagarh movement, quit India movement etc.

Author finds one thing common in the presidents of India that they were well educated, sophisticated, balanced and far sighted. At one place the author quotes Bertrand Russell who said about second president, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "it is an honour to the philosophy that Radhakrishnan should be president of the great country." At an other place, the author glorifies the president, justice Muhammd Hidayatullah in the words of Benjamin Franklin who says, " if you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead or rotten, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." Most of the presidents were very polite in their expression but at the same time had decision power.

To author, the people of India have the in-built communal harmony. Presidents like Zakir Hussain, Fakhrudin, Muhammad Hidayatullah and Abdul Kalam Azad were from minority. In return, Muslim presidents gave due attention to the values of India. For Diwali celebration, Rashtrapati Bhavan was to be lit during Zakir Hussain era. Author appreciates this tendency. On the other hand, Giani Zail Singh studied Geeta and also Quran. And he was anti caste system. He vowed to remove injustice, inequality and tyranny.

Author is of the opinion that the presidents of India have been honest to the government exchequer. They focused on service of the people rather than accumulation of wealth. Most of the presidents cut the amount of their salary down. When they were out of the office of presidency, they were living as simply as the common men. Radhakrishnan took only 2000 out of his salary.

Most of these presidents were pro Gandhi during freedom struggle. V.V Giri, Rajandra Prasad took active part in Satyagrah. At the call of Gandhiji, they always responded in the positive. It was their sincerity with Indian cause that people supported them and they reached the higher office of presidentship. Neelam Sanjeva had given up his studies and joined Satyagarh movement launched by Gandhiji.

The author feels proud to tell that the presidents of India carried their own cultural dress code within and without India. They remained among the common people. When Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy became the president, he marched from his farm to Delhi to occupy Rashtrapati Bhavan. In addition, R. Venkataraman was a great patron of music, culture and art.


Author has tried to cover most of the aspects of the presidents. In doing so, author has sometimes exaggerated unnecessary parts of their lives. Their presidential period has been under less focus. Author has rather focused more on their life before they became presidents. Author has gathered information from the authentic sources. He quotes the sources of information. But, sometimes author seems to be over praising. His discussion then turns out to be like flattering. Some times author loses their serious tone. Surprisingly, author seems to be believer in the superstition. He gives examples of astrologer and palmist cero who predicted future life of some of the presidents. However, he proves the course of discussion with logical and stable arguments and points.

Author has used Hindi terminology that is quite perplexing for the foreign readers. He seems to be targeting only Indian audience. While, for a good writer, his approach should be universal so that such books could quench the thirst of readers from all walks of life and from all over the world.

Book has been written in lucid style. Except some terminology, the rest of the book material is not bothering. It includes life story of the presidents. So it gives a great pleasure to read it. Author has added some interesting facts about the presidents like their early marriages and very humble financial background. This all makes the reading a very good leisure. The writer supports his point of view with references and quotations. This also increases the interest of the readers.

The flipside includes some unnecessary and prolonged discussion about less concerned aspects of their life. As the name of the book suggest that book should contain a bigger focus of presidentship. But, the reader finds less discussion on this aspect. But, the writer fills this gap to illustrate some examples from their early life when these people were busy in freedom struggle. Hallmark events before independence show how these people were actively involved into the cause of freedom. In order to liberate the people from the yoke of the brutish, they many times went behind the bars, but they did not quit. Rather they asked the British to quit India.


Since India is the biggest democracy and Indian democracy is stable enough, to say the least. It's needless to state that the presidents of India are the paragon of wisdom, simplicity and humble nature. So, studying them leaves a very good impact on one's personality and moulds one's character. This book has immense information about the presidents of India and the political structure of India. So, I shall recommend that one should prefer reading this story like book to know Indian presidents, Indian politics and the life story of India before and after independence.






A.S NO # 09


DATED: 10.03.2011

Presented to: Mr. FAROOQUE ADEEL