The poetry of Paul Eluard constitute significant element of French culture during World War II. The poem ' Touer' which was published in its collection ' Au randez-vous allemand' the appointment German (1944), conveys tenderness and optimism. In this essay, it will be shown how Eluard's use of language, images, rhythm and sounds of words in this poem express ideas and emotions.
The title of the poem caches the reader attention because it is ambiguous. This ambiguity allows to interpret the poem on two different levels. The verb 'touer' indicates that Eluard might be referring to the Nazis that kill so many people during the war, and made French the victim of German occupation. . However, 'touer' might also refers to the fact that the resistors were in a clandestine killing the efforts of the Nazis to 'kill' French awareness, by the creation of the underground. Consequently, the division of interpretation constitute a starting point to discussion about this poem which has to be keep in mind during its length.
In the first stanza Eluard describes hopelessness of Paris causes by the occupation. He brings the images of "reves sans couleur" the "hommes absents" and women "pales froides at sans larmes", which are used as a tool to describe the depressing reality of the France. Eluard emphasizes the futility of any actions by writing about that dreams "se cognent aux murs". It gives the impression that lyrical I is still trying to fight against obstacles, but because of this situation, they can never succeed. They are still running into walls, always feeling unhappy and without hope. It is significant to note that the sound of the word "se cognent aux murs" also contains a depressing overtone. This gloomy atmosphere is continued by using a sad and monotonous rhythm. The seriousness meaning of words, which together react monotonous rhythm of the stanza, backed by the sound of words are a perfect example of how Eluard uses all aspects of language to create effects very real and emotional.
In addition, the change of the atmosphere can be spotted at the end of the first stanza.
The verse "De fronts vaincus," especially emphasized the frustration and anger of the lyrical I by use of stronger tone. As the emotions intensify, the lines becomes shorter and sharper. Consequently, the severity of emotions is reinforced by the clever use of rhythm. A hard sound is created by the letter "D" which is repeated at the beginning of the three lines. This contributes a different way to express the tone of anger as a repetition tells the reader that the lyrical I is determined to get his point across. Finally, the punctuation highlights the idea of poverty, and more profoundly, the idea of despair. The lack of use of punctuation hints at shortage of money and hope.
Moreover, the rhyme in the phrase "yeux aveugles" contributes to the tone of the stanza. The immediate repetition of the sound actually contributes to the atmosphere of frustration and monotony, insists on trying , but never successfully. When Eluard uses these two words together, it emphasizes the emotion he wants to express. In addition, when the two words at the end of sentences( 'passes(..) larmes') make a rhyme (more or less), it gives the impression that reader falls from one sentence to another, and lyrical I will continue to fall in such a manner, and always with the sense of despair. It is interesting to note that both stanzas starts with, "Il tombe cette nuit", which give the impression that nothing change and the order of first stanza will be continued. However, as I will prove father it is only an impresion.
Furthermore, in the second vers there is alliteration of the sound "p" in the phrase "paix sur Paris." The alliteration is not only elegant, but has great importance, because it emphasizes the fact that these horrible events really did happen in Paris. The harshness of 'p' again illustrate the speakers' want for harmony and freedom . Moreover, Eluard gives us a clue of what he will say in the verse that follows: we will still have peace in Paris. In this way, he has linked the two stanzas.
In the first Stanza Lyrical I is taking about "etrange paix' in Paris. In this sentence Eluard refers to the collaboration between Pétain ( and pro-Vichy part of French society) and Hitler. There is a sort of peace in France, because war and violence moved to other countries, but at the same time, it's really strange peace because one important factor : it is not peace at all. The Nazis occupy French: they kill, they put them in jail, and they create rules that make life in France painful and impossible.
In the first stanza, Lyrical I describes how the Nazis with the help of Petain, destroyed, or even 'killed', the lives of the French. Consequently,the French who are described to have no hope or joy in their lives, have dreams which are conveyed as 'sans couleur'. Conversely, in the second stanza, Eluard uses the idea of light as a metaphor of hope and a symbol of the actions of the Resistance. In this interpretation, the word 'touer' indicates how the Resistance freed the French people of despair and substituted it by safety. They fought ' sourde du crime' and regime of Hitler, and then they heroicly destroyed the existence of all this injustices.
Thus, after describing the misery that surrounds Paris, Eluard changes tone and begins to give hope to the French. In the third vers of second stanza lyrical I tells that in the middle of these horrors, there's light which will save French people. It should be noted that instead of the word "lumiere" Eluard uses the word "lueur": the word "lueur" means rather a light that is more vague and weak, almost a glow, but the word "lumiere" describes some something stronger, clearer and deeper.This word, 'lueur' by the fact that it sound so light and soft, gives the reader comfort and their feel protected, so in this seance the light is a metaphor of hope. However, it is important to emphasized is not only a metaphor of hope in general, but particularly of that hope which is created by the Resistance. It is rather a light, not a strong light, because what are the Resistance is illegal, then it means that it is not visible to everyone.
In addition, it shows why this light is "etrange" because Resistance cannot fight against the Nazis in open way, they have to be invisible and elusive, just like a ' lueur'. Instead of fighting in cities with guns, as seen in the wars they falsified papers, they hide the Jews and publish underground's newspapers.
Eluard personifies the city of Paris when he uses the word "coeur" and makes it human, as a mother alive who would protect all children. Ultimately, the light is in the heart of the city, and this article reinforces the fact that there is hope among all the misery. It is significant to note that the repetition of the word "Paris" in these two sentences that follow. Again, Eluard wants to emphasize the fact that hope is here in Paris, the capital of French, and he insists that their city, the city they love, will still be wonderful and joyous. Towards the end of the stanza, Eluard juxtaposes the words of a truly effective manner. For example, in the phrase "lueur sourde du crime," he compare the word "sourde," which is so nice and tender, with the word "crime" that has a sound very harsh and unpleasant. In addition, in the phrase "premedite sauvage et pur" he contrasts the harshness of the word "premedite" which is created by the alliteration of the "e" with the lightness of the word "pure." These contrasts highlight the idea that the light is against terror, that ultimately it is the light that will save us. According to Eluard light is 'crime'. This crime is "premeditated" and "pure". In order to describe Especially the second adjective this crime attribute of innocence.
Eluard's poem ends with a short but poignant sentence. That phrase, "against death," includes everything Eluard means with this poem: This sentence underscores that there is hope in the city, and therefore it comforts reader, but also the sentence encourages to fight against hatred and for cause. The sentence is really strong, and it serves as a conclusion, it inspires people who read it.