The pivotal importance of the management

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 3053

Organisation must be capable in doing the right things with the resources used in best way and must be efficient in performing the correct things associated to organisational goals. The result in the form of better profitability, service delivery, optimum results in vital areas, customer satisfaction, flexibility to changes according to the condition of external environment and demands is eventually apparent as performance.

For an organisation to work, it has to take into consideration aspect that can make it successful in the current business climate and the recession that is going on. In business, change is always there. It is important to anticipate these changes and see how well a strategy can be formulated to continue to have a sustained growth in the business environment. The organisations have to satisfy the needs and aspirations of its employees and stakeholders yet simultaneously meeting the demands of its customers.

There are internal aspects as well as external aspects that influence the organisations decisions and strategy. The core competencies that the organisations, and how they can take that and turn it into their advantage using the various processes in place. For an organisation to work, it has to take into consideration aspect that can make it successful in the current business climate and the recession that is going on. In business, change is always there. It is important to anticipate these changes and see how well a strategy can be formulated to continue to have a sustained growth in the business environment. The organisations have to satisfy the needs and aspirations of its employees and stakeholders yet simultaneously meeting the demands of its customers.

Work motivation and job satisfaction are important factors that are likely to determine the successful performance of work organizations. The relationships between the organization and its members are influenced by what motivates them to work and the rewards and fulfilment they get from it. The work organization, and the design and content of jobs, can have a significant effect on the satisfaction of staff and their levels of performance. The manager needs to know how best to bring forth the teamwork of staff and direct their efforts to achieving the goals and objectives of the organization.

Working in groups and teams can also be great attributes towards any work organizations out there. Groups and teams are major features of organizational life. The work organization and its sub-units are made up of groups of people. Most activities of the organization require at least some degree of coordination through the operation of groups and teamwork. An understanding of the nature of groups is vital if the manager is to influence the behaviour of people in the work situation. The manager must be aware of the impact of groups and teams and their effects on organizational performance. However, the roles of managers in many organizations out there are not as essential as it once was decades ago. The diversity of group members in the work place nowadays is a huge asset as those individuals bring different values and experience to the organization.

Management Role

Management is active - it is about changing behaviour and making things happen. Management is an important factor that determine successful performance of a organization because it helps in establishing every part of organization. Managers of a Working organization has to deal with various day to day issues like-coordinating, performance evaluation , Organising etc. Management is classified into three types-

Top management- It consists of board of directors, chief executive or managing director. The top management is the vital source of authority and it manages goals and policies for an organisation.

Middle management- The departmental managers and branch managers compose middle level. They are accountable to the top management for the performance of their department.

Lower management- Lower level is also known as supervisory / operative level of management. It consists of supervisors, foreman, section officers, superintendent etc.

Management comes in all factors that are responsible for successful performance of organisation. Managers are people who guide an organisation towards meeting its' objectives.


Organization Structure and Management

The organisation structure is the organisational environment within which the project takes place. The organisation structure defines the reporting and decision making hierarchy of an organisation and how project management operates within it.

Organization structure is a proper, guided procedure for integrating the people, information and technology of an organization. It comes handy to equal the form of the organization as intimately as possible to the purpose the organization sets the target. with the design process, organizations would improve the possibility that the combined efforts of members will be successful. Typically, design is approached as an internal alter under the supervision of an external facilitator. Managers and members work together to accomplish the wants of the organization then create systems to meet those needs more efficiently. The facilitator assures that a orderly procedure is followed and encourages inventive thinking 'down the road'. In order for an organization to attain its goals and objectives, the job of the organization has to be divided among its different members. Some structure is obligatory to make possible the efficient performance of key activities and to support the efforts of staff. Structure provides the framework of an organization and its pattern of management. It is by way of structure that the aim and work of the organization are carried out. The manager must understand the value and effects of organization structure and design in order for the organization to be triumphant in the long run. The feature of the relationship between line and functional managers lies at the heart of attaining both compliance to rules and capability to work with the values behind them. If the relationship is fine, and trust and respect is high, then both sides know the importance of each others' role. Line managers recognize that they will always be pressing to drive harder on performance, but understand the functional roles are there to help create, and strengthen, the restrictions they must not cross.

Crucial step is structure of the organization as Rl wolfe purchased a MOON Plastic - a small family owned custom plastic manufacturer in Corpus Christi, Amani production manager of Corpus Christi plant decided for self directed team but to implement on it Organization structure has to be change to implement self directed team; Organization structure should be formed in such a way high level of satisfaction in their work. That Commitment and sense of ownership which they believed would inspire a worker to continuously improve process, thereby increasing productivity and quality. Organization structure should be in such a way that different department should be structured in such a way that they are coordinated with each other for smooth working of an organization. Management theories are applied for structuring organization like Planning, Organising, decision making, coordinating.

Motivation and Management

Motivation is the driving force within individuals by which they attempt to achieve some goal in order to fulfil some need or expectation.

Motivation is necessary in every organization as people work in a organization and to get best performance from them manager has to constantly motivate them because if they are not motivated it will effect working of an organization and specially in Corpus Christi plant it is necessary for the successful performance of a work organization as there is self directed teams in it and constantly motivating the team members will help organization to which their goals effectively. Motivation can be in Extrinsic or Intrinsic as it depend upon employees of the organization.

Extrinsic Motivation- this type of motivation related to tangible rewards like-salary, condition of work, security, promotion.

Intrinsic Motivation- these are type of motivation which are related to psychological needs like-receiving appreciation, a sense of challenge and achievement

The motivation process is demonstrated through several theories. They are as follows:

1.Need-based theories: Need based theories include Maslow's need hierarchy, McGregor's Theory X and Theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory, Alderfer's ERG theory and McClelland's need theory

2. Process based theories: include Expectancy theory, Goal-setting theory, Reinforcement theory, Attribution theory

3.Individual-organizational: goal-congruence theories consists of Exchange, Accommodation, Socialization, Identification

Managers should carefully study and analyse regarding different groups working in a organisation and also employee in that group because if motivation is not done at proper manner there will be hardly any benefit for that; As an advantage for the company motivation can become disadvantage for them as employee will be no longer will be motivated and organisation running will be seriously affected. It is a continuous process which take time and manager can help employee to get motivated. According to case study there are self directed teams, Managers can motivate them by teams competition and reward (monetary) by achieving their goal effectively and efficiently which help team to get motivated.

Sharing problems of organization with the employees and also sharing information regarding the performance of a organization also helps the working organization as it employees will feel that they are a part of a organization and they are important which will directly motivate them to work hard to achieve organizational goal then basically organizational objective will become their objective as well and each member of the team will work with dedication to achieve that goals. Participation in decision-making has a large positive productivity effect .

It is the manager who shares organisation performance with the employees working in a organisation, Managers do so to motivate them

Leadership and Management

The important difference between leadership and management is that leadership is setting a new course and vision for a group that they follow. For example a leader is the driving force of a given action and movement for that new direction. Management on the other hand controls or directs peoples/resources in a group according to principles and or values that have already been well-known.

Leadership alone without management is used by setting a direction or vision that others follow, without taking into account too much how the new direction is going to be attained. Other people then will work hard in the trail that's left in the rear, picking up the pieces and making it work

Management without leadership is used by controlling resources to retain the status to make sure things happen according to already-established plans.

Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences . There are Four types of leadership style (1)Autocratic leadership (2) Democratic leadership (3)Laissez Faire leadership (4)Paternalistic leadership

Basically team is created when number of persons work together to achieve a common goal. Leadership is crucial where organisation is working with self directed teams

According to Rl:WOLFE case study Amani production manager is implementing self directed teams in Corpus Christi plant; to build a team some important factors should be taken into consideration like-Number of members in a team, how many teams will be there and if these consideration are not taken seriously then teams can effect will be negative on working organization , as too many members can make working of organization slow ;Team should be build in such a way that there is a coordination between different members in a same team.Reducing status differences so that all employees feel valued.

According to Corpus Christi plant, different leadership style can be implemented at different stages which help in attaining best performance from self directed teams.

Leadership style leadership role Task

Autocratic Foreman Leader makes decisions without

reference to anyone else (I WILL


Democratic Supervisor or Encourage decision making from

Facilitator different perspective( LETS


Delegative(free reign) Coordinator leadership responsibilities are shared by


Macro and Micro Environment and Management

The Macro environment factors are the factors that influences the Organization and are not in a direct control of a organization. The market in which organization is dealing is continuously changing and organization has to adapt them self to cope up with the changing market. Macro environment includes Society, nature, political environment which consists of Laws, regulations etc. that influences the organization.

Micro environment are the factors which have direct impact on a organization these are-customer, employer, suppliers, competitors.

As in the case of Corpus Christi plant Micro and Macro environment factors should be taken be taken into consideration; as there is limited or no control over macro factors but Organization can make a future estimate on them and can make new policies or can alter the existing policies according to macro environment for the smooth running of an organization working; Micro environment is very important factor as well because it include supplier who supplies raw material to organization if issues are generated with them working of an organization will be hampered seriously.

Both the environment factor whether it is macro or micro effect organisation and it is management which take into consideration about these factors. All the factors are analyzed and study is done to minimize effect of these factors, policies are changed are changed accordingly by management to overcome macro and micro factors for smooth running of the organisation.If these factors are not given importance then Company can went to bankruptcy as well.

Team building

According to Rl:WOLFE case study Amani production manager is implementing self directed teams in Corpus Christi plant; to build a team some important factors should be taken into consideration like-Number of members in a team, how many teams will be there and if these consideration are not taken seriously then teams can effect will be negative on working organization , as too many members can make working of organization slow ;Team should be build in such a way that there is a coordination between different members in a same team.Reducing status differences so that all employees feel valued. Management plays important role to develop self directed teams by steps given below and also from the view of case study.

Four stages of team development can be implemented-

Stage 1: Forming

In this stage, group members are anxious and take on wait-and-see attitude. Members are formal towards members of same group. There would have no clear idea of goals or expectations. In this stage the team needs to write its own mission statement as well as clarify goals. The key thing here is that goals must have a personal buy-in.

By doing this the team will be competent to establish limitations as well as decide what is expected. Team members will get to know each other doing non-conflict task. This builds the commitment towards one larger goal.

Stage 2: Storming

Next stage is storming, in this stage team members are excited to get going. Disagreement can arise as people be likely to bring distinct ideas of how to achieve goals. Leads to some members dropping out mentally or physically.

So, communication is vital. Recognizing and publicly acknowledging accomplishments will become crucial. It becomes important to take part in meetings and diversity needs to be valued.

Thus, the team members start showing their genuine styles. They start getting eager. Control becomes the key concern during this stage.

Stage 3: Norming

This stage is when people start to make different ways in which they are alike. They understand that they are in this together. Hence, they be likely to get more social and may overlook their focus in favor of having a good time. This is the time for Training to be started. It becomes important to encourage them in order to feel comfortable with each other and with systems. Also, the group needs to stay focused on goal.

Stage 4: Performing

This stage is when team members are trained and they become competent enough to do their own problem-solving. At this time, ways need to be looked at in order to confront them as well as develop them. The team is established. The members recognize their roles and responsibilities. The members would be self-motivated as well as self-trained. Thus, their efforts need to be recognized. Growth has to be encouraged. This is done by giving new challenges to the team.

By these study self directed teams can be implemented within an organisation as these are management procedures ; In each step every employee contribution is measured as he/her is adjusting to it and their culture and values can become hindrance in a team and will effect working of an organisation, So this is an important factor for the successful work organisation.

Individual Differences and Diversity

Individual differences can promote creativity, delight and happiness at work but can also be the root of conflict and disturbance. Our distinctive bundle of varied attributes and qualities shapes our values and what we plan to give and what we anticipate to receive from working. People are not identical and individual differences are the root of diversity. Effective managers need to guide a course that matches the wants of the individual with the requirements of the organization. Acknowledgment of good performance is an essential part of the process of management. Managing employees in organizations requires not only an understanding of the employees but also respect of the culture of the organization. The requirements that are anticipated and accepted in a organization may not be the same in another. For example, originality and individuality may be encouraged in one business but is not encouraged by administration in another. Managers in an organization are vital to be proficient at choosing the individuals who will be valuable towards the organization. They require to be watchful about the individuals who are performing exceptional and have the potential to expand within the organization. They also must be able to value differences and be sensitive to diverse needs. Organizations are not the same as they use to be. It was to be that managers in an organization were the absolute driving force, and the organizations use to rely exclusively on those managers to formulate the company successful but nowadays it's more of a team effort and it's not just the managers anymore that do all the work and make all the minor and major decisions to lead a company which were the case decades ago. Finally, managers should know themselves and recognize their uniqueness and the impact of their personalities which it has on others that these individuals bring to the organization.
