The National Question In Sudan History Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 2164

It known that the national question arise as a result of the feeling of national oppression whether from direct occupation or oppression of one ethnicity to another one within single country, also one of important elements which can contribute in arising the issue is the treatment of a segment of citizens as second-class citizens. The national question has its own characteristics within one country which can be different from other countries.

Also the national question arise as a result of the differentiation between the peoples in term of development, and this case appeared after the disintegration of feudal regimes in Europe, and the emergence of capitalist mode of production. After the transformation of capitalism into monopoly anda way of expansion in to the rest of third world countries to separate the idea of capitalist mode of production and to colonize other peoples so that they remain under the colonial power countries as source of producers of raw materials and consumer of capital goods from developed capitalist countries, and therefore the peoples of the colonies demanded freedom from national oppression and started the struggle for freedom and political independence, and to go further than this to complete political independence and economic independence.

The attributes and characteristics of the development of the national question in Sudan.

Important to follow the characteristics and features of the national question in Sudan, with an open mind and through a concrete analysis of the facts and the historical background in order to present the issue explicitly, because it helps to approach the key solution for the interest of Sudan's unity through its diversity.

It is known that Sudan like other nations which was formulated pre-capitalism in the Sudan, which ranged from formations of clan kin and blood to the community that unites a group of tribes specified in the scope of certain land, which knew at the outset of collective ownership of land and division of the primitive work between men and women , and the system of maternity, as explained in the civilizations group (a), (c), which was discovered by archaeologists, which started in early known as agriculture and animal husbandry.

With the discovery of agriculture and animal husbandry the tribes began to know the economic surplus, which led to the emergence of the oldest kingdom of Sudan: Kingdom of Karma, which has seen the development of the state, the army, the development of agriculture, handicraft industries, and trade with neighboring countries such as: Egypt, also this period showed or reflected that the State arise as a result of the unity of certain tribes in the area of ​​certain land, paving the way for the emergence of the national question, and then was expanded in the evolution of the Sudanese state in the ancient Sudan: As is the case in the kingdoms of Nabta, and Marwa, in mediator Sudan there was some such as: the kingdoms of Nubia Christian ( Nubatia, Almgra, and Alwa), the Islamic kingdoms (Fung, Tagale, Darfur, and Almspat).

The period pre-capitalism in the Sudan wetness the establishment of the State, which united a group of tribes, therefore the national question emerged. These countries or civilizations started to know about establishing cities, economy, commodity - cash, domestic and foreign trade, has also seen the development of trade of agriculture and pastoralism and the evolution of written language: where there is an evolution of the language of the ancient Egyptian language (Alheirulolovip) to develop alphabetic local began in irrigated, then the language Nubian Christian kingdoms, and the Arabic language, also interacted cultures that formed the civilizations of Sudan's different, resulting from this interaction, culture or Sudanese identity, which is characterized by unity and diversity, also resulted from this interaction, a shared history or historical and cultural diversity.

The civilizations of pre-capitalist or configurations in the Sudan, denies each other, meaning that every civilization was based on the achievements of pre civilization and adds to it, which gives new strength and invincibility, and this is what we touch in the following examples:

1 - in the Christian kingdoms of Nubia the sentiment of national unity began to grow, as demonstrated in the Federation of kingdoms Nubattiya and Almgara in the Kingdom of Dongola (Almgara). It was described by historians as great era.

2 - we can note that in the kingdoms of Nubia Christianity did not spread more broadly between people in Sudan, but the Christianity unified the different tribes on the basis of the new religion, and thus created the seeds of national common sentiment, as well as defend the homeland, also the defense of the state and faith, as manifested in the resistance campaign Abdullah bin Abi Sarh (رضي الله عنه), which resulted in Bakt agreement between Christian state of Mgara and the state of the Islamic Caliphate.

3 - As the Alzarga state or Fung state was miles wider towards unity, as we note that it included the area which included the kingdoms of Christian Nubia (Almgara and Alwa), also the national feeling or sentiment began to separate, where we find the Sufi way unite members of different tribes on the basis of affiliation of the way instead of the tribe.

The Alzarga State has also seen unbalanced development between the peoples and tribes, in addition to the system of slavery that prevailed and economic - social exploitative known to all the peoples of the world, which form the historical background for the emergence of nationalism in the Sudan problem.

4 - The great development witnessed by Sudan in its development towards the nation, was in the period of Turkish rule - Egypt (1821-1885 AD), which saw the composition of the Sudan form where annexation of Darfur, South district, province Altaka (Kassala), and appeared almost as current Sudan. Also national feeling began to increasing in constituency, and witnessed the emergence of Sufi ways, such as Khatmiyya which united the tribes of eastern, northern and central Sudan.

To be striking in this period, the emergence of the seeds of capitalist mode of production, which was reflected in the correlation of Sudan foreign trade through the products of (ivory and gum), and breadth of handling currency as a result of the emergence of cash crops such as: cotton, indigo, etc., in addition to the emergence of wage labor, as a result of the uprooting of thousands farmers from their land because of taxes and high levies, only to find themselves hired workers in factories and institutions of the Turkish rule. Thus began a pattern of capitalist production, which includes hardworking people from the tries of different origins working in the agricultural and industrial projects to the government or individuals with paid employment, and shared common sentiment of injustice, oppression and the struggle for improve the standard of living, and this is what was shown in the uprisings workers in forced labor and institutions run by the Turkish occupation. As a growing national sentiment and common sense of the peoples and tribes of the Sudan persecution and oppression exercised by the occupation, especially in tax collection and the systematic plunder of the country's economic capabilities and human resources for the benefit of the State of Mohamed Ali Pasha in Egypt. Add to resist the tribes in the south and the Nuba Mountains and the mountains of Inqasna campaigns to unfair salivary. It has also been incursions into southern Sudan, aimed at the slave trade, which saw a significant expansion in that period, in addition to the ivory trade, where entire tribes were uprooted from their positions. Also the tribes and peoples of the south resisted the Turkish occupation and campaigns of the slave hunters, hence the roots of the national question in the south and the unbalanced development between the north and south, and the roots of underdevelopment in the south and the Nuba Mountains, and mountains Inqasna, South Darfur, .. Etc. National feeling was overwhelming at the beginning of Mahdist revolution, which united the tribes in the north, south, east and west against the colonizer.

Later on, after the establishment of the new state, the policy of Caliph al-Abdullah, who worked on the displacement of tribes, the whole of the West to the north, and politics of war that led to the camps on the edge and center of the country, led to further integration, and melting of the tribes, and thus deepened the fuse and intermingling of national and especially in the Sudanese towns such as Umm Durman , Gedaref, and others. But the policy of Caliph Abdullah symbiotic in his last days devoted domination and autocracy and hit the tribes that resisted oppression and abuse in the north, south, west and east, weakened national sentiment, and drew from the sails of the Sudanese nation, and therefore, the Sudan was an easy prey to the occupation of England - the Egyptian in 1898.

5 - later the period was witnessed the British occupation of the Sudan and the expansion of national sentiment in common and that puts a sense of foreign occupation of the Sudan, and began the resistance against it: tribal resistance in the north, south, west and east, and the resistance of their roots in religion, which let to establishment of organizations, modern and united members of different tribes on the basis of political, social, cultural, and sports and art, such as: the Sudanese Assembly of the Union and the Association of Major White, and the graduates and the political parties after World War II, in addition to the clubs and alumni clubs, unions and sports clubs, cultural and trade unions and federations. It also limited the agricultural and industrial projects and services set up by the colonizer after the policy of Emancipation, which was intended to transform the country into a cotton farm is great, united people in those institutions, projects and workshops, which included the sons of the tribes from different regions, as it has evolved and expanded to cities and commercial traffic and the economy of the item - Cash , in addition to the modern civic education, which included students from different tribes and peoples of which the depth of national feeling, in addition to cities that are fused and merged by the various tribes.

That the policy of colonial power, especially after the revolution of 1924, hindered the development of substantive, when introduced into the civil administration, and enacted a law areas sealed, and language policy in the South (Conference Alrjav), and reducing the education in the South, and deepen the conflict between North and South filmed only the Arabs are the slave traders, note that the slave trade was a global trade, carried out by North and South, Egyptian and European, etc.

As the depth of the colonial policy of uneven development, for example in the south: there is no any project beside the project of Alzandi, which stopped after the events of 1955, this in addition to the tax and unequal pay for equal work between workers northerners and southerners, and other time bombs left behind by colonialism, which deepened the national conflict between North and South and unbalanced development in the country.

On the depth and the evolution of the national movement was a panacea against the colonial policy, and national sentiment was overwhelming in the battle of independence, until the evacuation of foreign troops in 1956.

After independence, not promoting political independence, economic independence and a balanced development between the province of Sudan's different, and walked civilian governments and military in the footsteps of hydration capitalist colonial deepened class differences and compromising national sovereignty, and perpetuate poverty and deepening the economic and social backwardness, and cultural superiority of religious and racial oppression and domination the name of religion, and failure to comply with covenants and conventions.

All of this led to a deepening problem in the south, which exploded in 1955, and went off again after the failure of more broadly after the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1983. Regional movements exploded in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains, and federations of North and South Fung, after the revolution of October 1964, and before that was the Beja Congress, which was founded in 1958. Demanded the legitimate demands of these movements are to: The development of their regions and provide basic services to citizens (education, health, services - electricity, water -, veterinary care ... etc). It was the movements is a healthy phenomenon moved the stillness and the stagnation of those areas and attracted to the political arena, national, ethnic, and demanded recognition of their cultural identity.

On the national question went deeper and wider in the rescue, which has deepened class differences and uneven development and cultural superiority, linguistic and religious, even expanded the war, which included the west and east, the Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile, Etc... Even signed the Naivasha agreement (2005), which stressed the recognition of differences cultural, democratic transformation and development and improve people's lives, but so far not implemented the Convention, which threatens to return to the box at war again.