The Multisim Schematic Capture Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 1308

Multisim offers intuitive tools at all levels of schematic capture. In Multisim, there is 17,000 components can be selected from the master database which are logically organized into groups which seperates the components according to their uses. It can also quickly make connections without constantly switching drawing modes that makes the capture process more efficient. The spreadsheet view can be sorted by reference designator, schematic sheet, and other properties. It offers immediate access to all elements in the circuit eliminating the need to access the elements one by one across multiple pages. The project management tools in Multisim provides an effective manner to handle and keep track of various funtional modules and their respective interconnections within the greater design. Any report in Multisim is populated with a single mouse click and also can be printed or exported to applications such as Microsoft Excel for easy sharing. The 22 common instruments in the simulation can be easily used just like a hardware lab to take measurements, probe and troubleshoot a circuit. Interactive components such as switches and potentiometers can be manipulated while the simulation is running.Animated components such as LEDs and seven-segment displays change their appearance in response to simulation results.Virtual components allow you to set their parameters to any value you like, even if you cannot actually find a part with those values in real life. This is great for illustrating theoretical concepts.Rated components enhance student learning by "blowing up" if certain parameters (for example, power or current) are exceeded.3D components use photographs that look just like the real thing to replace traditional schematic symbols. This helps students in introductory courses make the leap in understanding the difference between schematics and real circuit designs. Multisim's 3D breadbording works exactly like the actual breadboard which can be easily navigated and understood. Additionally, Multisim and LabVIEW are unique in their ability to compare simulated and real measurement data as a part of an integrated platform. Through this integration, LabVIEW is able to acquire not only measurement data from hardware but also simulation output from Multisim. LabVIEW can be used to analyze how the hardware prototype deviates from the expected results found in simulation.

CircuitMaker 2000 provides a comprehensive library of devices to choose from, and has various virtual instruments like oscilloscopes and multimeters that allow users to measure, test and troubleshoot the circuits they create. It has a huge database of devices which is grouped into a major group and the major group is divided to minor group with the specific values and symbols. The devices can be rotated and the value can be adjusted accordingly. The devices could also be set into hotkeys so that the common devices can be accessed easily and saves more time. Using the search function, devices can be searched easily just by typing the specific name and type of the device. The probe tool can be used to obtain measurement value by just clicking on the part of the circuit that is wanted. Connection can be made by switching the arrow mode of the mouse to a connector wire mode with just a click on the funtion button. When the circuit is being simulated, waveforms and analog plot windows of the measurements can be displayed in a graphics. The simulation mode can be switched between analog and digital mode.CircuitMaker 2000 includes export PCB netlist into TraxMaker, Protel, Tango, ORCAD PCB II and many more to convert schematics into text netlists.

The CircuitMaker software provides a Virtual Electronics Lab where users can freely experiment with electronic circuits and learn how to create working electronic devices. Users can design basic to advanced circuits, like those used in radios, TVs and computers.

ORCAD is a more complex simulator compared to Multisim and CircuitMaker. New parts can be created by modifying existing ones and also can be obtained from ActivePart, a fully integrated online component library, allowing designers to search and select components that provides users with a whole new level of design flexibility. The parts are categorized into groups with their respective functions. It has an auto-wiring function by just clicking on the starting point to the ending point quickly. The DRC check in OrCAD Capture 16.3 is allows users to choose to run design checks from the available physical and/or electrical rules.

Centralized project management can instantly open specific element, a schematic page, part, or net, with the hierarchy browser. OrCAD Capture boosts schematic editing efficiency by enabling subcircuit reuse without having to make multiple copies. Automatic creation of hierarchical ports eliminates potential design connection errors. The Project Manager simplifies organizing and tracking the various types of data generated in the design process. An expanding tree diagram makes it easy to structure and navigate design files, including those generated by PSpice simulators, OrCAD Capture CIS, and other plugins. A Creation Wizard guides users through all the resources available for a specific design flow. Users can navigate the entire schematic structure easily. In-line editing of parts allows pin name and number movement. The embedded part selector accesses information stored in MRP/ERP systems and engineering databases and synchronizes externally sourced data with the schematic design database, so bills of materials can be automatically generated.Users can create and simulate an entire design in a single environment. OrCAD Capture CIS works with any database that complies with Microsoft's ODBC standard. Capture CIS also allows a new level in report generation. Instead of limiting designers to just those properties that reside in the schematic, OrCAD Capture CIS draws from the extensive wealth of information that resides in the Preferred Part Database. Designers can generate BOMs using up-to-date, comprehensive, and complete information, and create reports through the Crystal report engine. OrCAD PCB Editor 3-D Footprint viewer provides a three dimensional view of the footprint symbol and displays pin numbers and pin names, and can be rotated to view different perspectives. OrCAD Capture 16.3 includes a TCL/TK scripting functionality that allows users to execute a command through a command prompt. PSpice A/D release 16.3 provides users with a complete makeover of its waveform environment, along with new usability improvements, enhanced cursor support, and new simulation models. Cadence PSpice Advanced Analysis contains all the productivity and usability improvements highlighted in PSpice A/D. Users can export the cursor information to a comma separated value (.csv) file that can then be opened in various tools, such as Microsoft Excel. Users can also copy selected values from the cursor window and paste the information from the clipboard to any text editor. Users can now easily export trace information as .csv files by choosing File Export Comma Separated in the PSpice A/D Probe window. The trace information for specified variables will be exported to a location and file as specified by the user and can be read using various tools, such as Microsoft Excel. PSpice A/D 16.3 comes with a set of design templates covering basic electronics circuits and SMPS topologies that covers the range of analog, digital, and mixed designs which are a combination of design and simulation profiles, as a starting point for new designs. More than 330 new models are now available for simulation under the following categories of Pulse Width Controlled (PWM) Models, Linear Regulators, Zener Voltage Regulators, Glass Passivated Zener Diode. The new 3-D environment in OrCAD PCB Editor 16.3 supports several filtering options; camera views; graphic display options such as solid, transparency and wireframe; and mouse driven controls for pan, zoom and spinning the display. 3-D viewing is also supported in pre-selection mode, making it possible to display HDI via structures or isolated sections of the board.

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from

source. - all retrieved 6 28, 2010

alot of copy and paste happened in orcad part.. too many info.. <<< check plagiarize or not.. but not that accurate