Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 3088

This article focuses on developing such techniques which can help to ensure quality oriented research in the field of management regarding field research. For the quality research the key elements of the research are mutually reinforced and have congruent sort of relationship. Developing mature to nascent theory was prior concept of management research. Mature theory represents such models which are developed on well researched concepts constructed by scholars after conducting extensive research over the time period. Nascent theory represents opposite concept to the mature theory in which answer of questions like how and why are addressed and new connection amongst the variables is developed. An intermediate theory is developed to build the relationship amongst the mature and nascent theory by introducing the new construct of variable after establishing the relationship. For this a questionnaire is developed which allow the hypotheses testing. While developing a sensible linkage amongst the dependent, independent and control variables an author can use prior literature to explain the mechanism of the phenomenon. The nascent theory approaches results into a model that is precise and based on extensive research. Sometimes researcher can use this theory to elaborate further the boundaries to explain the work against prior work. A research was conducted in 1984 to determine that team structure affects the team effectiveness. Total nine hypotheses were constructed for this research classifying the work of teams. The researcher collected data from forth five teams comprises of three plants. Statistical analysis was applied to determine the reliability of the data from individual to team work and using the regression analysis decision about hypotheses were made. Finally it was concluded that team process mediates the relationship between structure of team and effectiveness of team. So, this is how using mature theory approach new addition against previous literature can be obtained. Using nascent theory a research can be carried out assuming that little research had been done on the selected topic. Nascent research is considered not very fit from two perspectives. First, researchers find difficulties to collect the quantitative data because of lack of availability of prior research. Second, it is very hard for the researchers to interpret the inferred results accurately. Third approach for the research which can be used is hybrid approach which is mix of nascent and mature approach. Hybrid technique also face quantitative problem because if an author had submitted the paper which focused on quantitatively and qualitatively on the learning process of workers and adoption of new technology, quantitative analysis of that paper cannot be used later on for the further research. There are following limitations to this research that theoretical frame work of the research does not discuss precisely and much deeply methodology of research. Contingency has been also used in this research which is not considered always appropriate in each and every case of research of management study. The quality of all elements of the research, quality of literature review in the research and quality of techniques are considered while determining the methodologies fit for quality oriented research.

"Accounting for Endogeneity When Assessing

Strategy Performance: Does Entry Mode

Choice Affect FDI Survival?"

Most of the time strategies which firms intend to opt are based on keeping in mind conditions of the industry that is why it is called endogenous sort of strategies. Conclusion is drawn about the superiority of over other available strategies to help the managers to make their decision making to achieve targets and usually firms select strategy keeping in view the available capabilities with the firm while making self selection strategy decision. In this study, a firm has two strategies for investing in a country; either the firm can set up new plant or firm can acquire a firm which already operating business in which firm intended to invest. To evaluate the performance of entry both entry mode a model can be developed (P=α+βX+€t). In this model performance will be dependent variable and p is representing the performance. Independent variable is binary that is X and if the firm chooses to setup new plant then value will be zero or if the firm chooses to acquire plant then the value of X will be one. (α) Represents to constant term of the equation and (€t) represents to error term which is not normally distributed. Data from the commerce department of USA has been taken regarding FDI during the year of 1987 to evaluate their performance. Total seven in the study have been taken for as explanatory variable, industry has been measured through the change in the shipment after the investment, further to evaluate profitability of the firms four ratios have been selected, the ratio of American firms with the international operation, the intensity of R&D, asset size of the companies, firms previous operations in the USA and firm experience regarding the industry. Two model can be applied over the collected data linear probability model but the problem with this model is this that value can lie outside the dichotomous range and heteroskedastic can exist which can be remove through weighted least square method. Another choice that is available is of probit model by using which value would not lie outside the range. Results indicate that entry level mode of firm affects foreign investment but is not applicable universally. Sometime conditions of the industry are in favor of setting new plant and have more advantage over the acquisition of subsidiary. On the contrary propensity of attributes of the industry is more to acquisition of subsidiary. Before drawing any conclusion it is very necessary to determine the expected performance of strategy which make easier to the strategy selection. Many firms before entering into any business commit such mistakes which becomes cause of their failure. It is also important to understand that which factors make one strategy better over the other strategy, afterwards comparing factors with capabilities available with the firm can be leads to wards selection of effective strategy selection. Over the last few years many researchers have introduced concepts like intangible asset, competitive advantage regarding strategy selection process but all these are not easy to measure. Method used in this research can be used as an attempt to measure performance of such variables.

"An Evaluation of Validity of Co relational Research Conducted in Organization"

This paper is an attempt by the author disputation of unidentified respondent. To evaluate the problems of such type of researches, a checklist had been developed of all the potential problems by the author. A review of some previous research has been done using checklist. Author has discussed the significant changes inferred while conducting review of cross sectional research. Cronbach pointed out the difference between experimental research and co-relational research that both type of researches used different type of samples, different type of measures and different type of inferences can be drawn. Stanley's et al conducted research and developed technique to evaluate internal & external validity and also described the procedure that can be used to evaluate them. They described three basic conditions for inference which is causal. Cook et al elaborated the concept further and expanded the concept of validity to four and also explained that experimental research that is quasi required more treatment in detail. Four basic types of validity are the following on which basis check list was developed. First, internal validity which focuses on that experimental treatment of effect, when there is lack of internal validity then possibility of alternative explanation increases. Second, Construct Validity, in which operational cause and effect definition is constructed and to obtain the answer of why specific relationship happen, answer of such questions can be obtained from construct validity. Third, Statistic Validity, it is used to describe the volatility of measure; it is considered most important because incorrect results can be drawn provided measure is not reliable. Fourth, external validity which can be done from two perspectives, either it can be done through Meta analysis point of view or it can be done by taking various measures then setting the various measures as one variable. A questionnaire was developed then organizational sample was taken for interviews in third step correlation analysis had been applied and in the last step validity test were conducted to determine the validity of results. As far as measurement is concerned the questionnaire has much better results over the interviews. Results depicts multi co-linearity amongst variables due lacking of independence. To increase both generalize ability and stability more hold up sample is necessary. The available new techniques must be studied but one should not consider them as generalize able in all dimensions. The new developed validity techniques put more stress on Meta analysis sort of study which has large pool of samples. By splitting the sample for reliability and validity is better option to obtain better results, for example if sample is two hundred and by splitting it further into subgroups and then combining the results of all subsamples to produce final result. Form results it is also cleared that much of published work is not based on fairly developed guidelines. There are some limitations to this research also which are following, in cross sectional study of correlation convenient sampling has been used, no response rate has been reported and comparison has been done in this research between respondents results. Construct validity has been checked infrequently in this research.

"Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies to Study Group Process: An Illustrative Study of Corporate Board of Director"

In this author has explained the method through which fruitfulness of detail can be enhanced i.e. combining the statistical results with hypothesis testing. Qualitative research focuses either on presence or absence of variable that is under research. Quantitative research focuses on the measurement of feature that is present. Qualitative research for group observation is considered fit because it provides detail about group. Quantitative research leads towards such finding that is cumulative in nature. Whether qualitative research is appropriate for the research or not it depends on objectives of research, similar is the case with the quantitative research. This study is based on corporate board observations of firm which is large in size and engaged in meatpacking business. The firm has three thousand employees and the total revenue of the firm is four hundred & twenty five million dollars. To save the main production from being close, company decided to sell it stock to unionize employees. Company was having ten directors form which seven were outside the directors and three were from employees. Qualitative data for research were collected through observation method. Stenography technique was applied which later proved as better than recording electronically and for stenography meeting was use to held. Validity of such observation was determined by comparing the minutes of meeting with recordings of observer. Three hypotheses were developed by the author for research. Following are the steps on which content for analysis and in-terrater reliability depends upon. Development of scheme of analysis and three ways content analysis dimension i.e. individual, topic and contribution content analysis. All hypotheses were tested statistically to determine their significance. For the first hypothesis results showed an upward trend and hypothesis is about whether there is increase on part of verbal activities during thirty one meetings. Results of second hypothesis were also significant but marginally and second hypothesis was related to high group activity amongst fellows. Third hypothesis, which is last hypothesis of the study, focused on whether directors were actively involved in discussion during meeting or not. Results of last hypothesis were obtained by using Poission equation and all results were significant. After applying qualitative and quantitative techniques following inferences were drawn regarding cycled and justification. First, there is no significant relationship exist between conflict group and board. Second, the conflict was prevailing due to arguments by interest group. The results were much stronger than expectations that are why the authors had to revisit statistical techniques to determine reliability of results. The literary contribution of study to board research is this that how using qualitative and quantitative techniques can be applied. This is how researcher can refine the research more closely and results can be more significant. There are some limitations to as well which are following; the data was collected over five years of time span regarding labor and after collecting data coding, reliability test also took five years. The second limitation of the research is that the focus of the study was on only at single board not on multiple boards.

"Using financial data to measure effects of regulations"

The study is to evaluate the possible outcome of public regulation regarding profitability of firms. Efficient market claims that it is impossible to examine the effect of current and upcoming regulation using returns of firm. It might be possible for firm to determine the price of security if firms receive any economic benefit. Let's suppose a firm has earned economic benefit in shape of rent and this economic benefit will be included in the asset value of the firm to determine the price of firm. While determining the effect of change in regulation the foremost important task is to determine when market will be taking in account information regarding change. Theory of efficient capital market claims that all investors are rational and their decision is based on fundamental analysis, all investors are playing for profit, the information in the market is symmetry, information publically available to all investors. To determine the efficiency of market random walk model can also be used which assumes that expected returns will be constant whereas expected return in future cannot be constant. Sharpe model which is used to determine equilibrium of capital market is the tradeoff between risk lies in the return and expected return. As many changes in the regulation affect multiple firms at same point, so to determine the effect of change a model has been developed in this paper. The portfolio of securities keeping in view risk and return associated with the security has been developed which is helpful to calculate effect of change more precisely. Many changes in the regulation come through series of news but in this research it is assumed that change is coming one hearing and not a random process. Finally it is also assumed that about the future prospects investors are not sure and future prospects may change over time period. Similarly different other measures have also been discussed in this research that can be used to determine the effect of change in regulation but all measures carry some pros and corns. Through using price of specialize factors, using accounting along with price of security, and keeping in mind future work effect of change can be determined. The financial theories provides basis that can be used to determine affects of change in public regulation to over the profitability of firms. Only those firms affect can calculate which face affects of change because some change is about specific industry in this scenario data cannot be used for other firms. Price of security cannot be used to address all questions which arise due to change in regulations. Like if security price increase then it cannot used to forecast the change in demand and cost curve. Regulatory can be used to determine change in the wealth of share holders. Changes which bring upward movement in the price of security are considered favorable. On the contrary the change in price that brings downward movement in price security is considered hostile. So, all the regulatory effects cannot be determined of a regulatory change but answers of some important question can be found using these theories.

"Quasi Experimental Research in the Psychological of Aging"

Researchers face common problem when age is used independent variable. In this study focuses of the author is on experimental design of quasi nature which is mostly used in studies that are related to ageing and explain critical steps related to internal and external validity. To explain the internal and external validity, it is necessary to understand two dimension which leads to determination of validity. First, particular dimension related to study which is under investigation, and second, function which is already assumed. The model of age assumes that in adulthood maximum level of functioning occurs and after this there is linear relationship between age and behavior. The second model of ageing assumed that once an individual reached at age of adult the behavior is constant. Third model of ageing assume that important environmental remedies allows deficits that are programmed maturely. The quasi experimental research considered that change of social culture occurs at different levels in same culture. Total eight threats related to internal validity have been suggested while comparing the behaviors of sample of individuals at two different point assuming first point as T1 and second point as T2 by campbell are following: (1) History of all environmental change between point T1 and T2, (2) Motorization and if the intent is to measure possible outcome of motorization then it is not worth while, (4) the change in instrument of measurement between T1 and T2, (5) statistical regression will have reliability which is perfect and high sore of T at T1 will move T2 downward, (6) mortality of internal validity always exist when all test that are applied at T1 are not available for point T2, (7) selection process very high because it is assumed that difference amongst groups exist, and (8) the relationship of maturity and selection processes. In the whole study throughout ANOVA test has been applied.

"Are R&D subsidies a substitute or a complement to

Privately funded R&D? Evidence from France

Using propensity score methods

For non-experimental data"

This study is about examining outcomes of research and development sponsored by private funding. The model which has been applied in this research required some sort of assumption for application. It is assumed that firm profits are maximizes and apply that profit over subsidiaries even if they do not require it. Agencies want to maximize its return through spending on research and development. This can be measured by counting the number of innovations. Two has been considered in for this research in first case it is assumed that return over private research and development is very much low that is why not a single project would be undertaken as part of innovation. In second case it is assumed that private return are very much high that is why substitution can take place between private and public funding. So, the goal of the model is to determine the difference of amount between research and development