Matters related to pollution are dated way back in the 9th and 13th century. Many scientist and researchers raised concerns of pollution in different areas due to the outcome of various types of pollution for example mishandling of natural resources such as soil, water, among other environment factors. The interest cumulated to definitions of terms like pollution as the entry of contaminants or foreign matter into a natural environment thus bringing about instability, harm or some interruption of living organisms. It was further discovered that pollution that can take different forms energy or chemical substances other forms would be noise, light, heat .This was further classified as non point or as point source pollution. Industrial revolution led to emergence of factories and heavy use of coal as source of energy none the less there was an experience of industrial discharge into water bodies; this arose much concern from environmentalists who took the initiative to enact laws that would ensure air pollution was minimal. However, pollution has been part of Humanity and efforts to manage pollution would save the environment a great deal thus by diluting pollution would reduce the impacts on the environment .This paper is a comparison essay that will set straight Climate and Air Pollutions Impact on Global Level.
Climate and Air Pollutions Impact on Global Level
Air pollution can be defined as harmful amounts of dust, fumes and odors in the environment. This may cause discomfort to both human and animals. There are various ways by which the atmosphere is polluted; this could either be through Primary pollutants whereby substances are emitted into the atmosphere directly. This, include gases from car exhaust in form of carbon monoxide or sulfur dioxide from the burning of oil. Once in the atmosphere, the primary pollutants undergo some chemical reactions, which give raise to secondary pollutant like the smog. Air can be contaminated in various ways, for instance when the various constituents of air like Oxygen, Nitrogen, and some inert gases are altered, the air we breathe is automatically polluted (Gillespie, 2005).
Greenhouse gases act as a blanket that covers the earth and keeps it warm at about 33 degrees Celsius; it comprises of gases like methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons. However this has not been the case since the temperatures in the atmosphere has continued to rise due to the increase of greenhouse gases. This has been the cause of droughts among other catastrophe events. According to study Global warming is here to stay and can be described as a natural phenomenon .This is supported by available statistics on the extremes in which greenhouse gases are being emitted in the atmosphere.
In recent times, the world has so much evolved and industrialization is the order of the day. Many companies’ burn fuel to obtain energy and as a result many particles are emitted in the air .This on the other hand has had an impact on living things like vegetation, man and animals. The burning of fuel in the exhaust of automobile is also a cause of air pollution, burning charcoal in fireplaces or when doing barbeques can also emit reasonable amount of pollutants. Smoking and cooking inside the house can also cause indoor pollution. When some gases like surfer dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide are emitted in the atmosphere, they have some serious implications in that they may cause smog or even worse acid rain once some chemical reactions take place.
Some of these effects of air pollution have caused some serious Global problems such as the depletion of ozone layer in the upper atmosphere and global warming. According to Universal declaration, all people have a right to life, security and liberty. This includes the right to a standard of living that is healthy and well. Therefore, this people need to support the environment for the well-being. This means keeping arable lands fertile to produce food, clean water and air. This can be achieved by embracing the use of renewable energy resources; this reduces dilapidation of basic resources that are very important to life. Sustainable development ensures that resources and the environment will be safe and capable of use by future generation. By campaigning against such activities as deforestation, air pollution and water pollution. The future generation is protected.
Organizations such as World Climate Impacts Assessment and Response Strategies Programme (WCIRP) are really working hard to oversee and monitor climate variability that would help or improve the economy or social activities .They are working hand in hand with government bodies and the community at large to develop appropriate strategies of responding to climate change. Another critical issue is availability of clean drinking water, it is authentic that all living creatures require water or depend on water at some point. Global warming is the excessive heating of the universe because of increased levels of temperature. This happens because of the destruction of the ozone layer, which in turn allows the sunrays to get through into the atmosphere in great magnitude. This results to melting away of ice on high mountains and the Polar Regions .This also means that the change in global temperatures causes increase in green house gases which include (CO2 )Carbon Dioxide(UNEP,2007).
The widespread of global effects has raised the attention of the public due to the changes that have affected the economic growth and public health priorities. This are outcomes of factors like poor weather patterns that end up causing calamities such as volcanic eruptions ,floods, drought, among other natural disasters. Human inflicted climate pollution has been the result of the global recession the world is experiencing today. Many countries have experienced changes in agricultural production and thus it has led to starvation, in cases where the water shortage is rife; it gets drier hence, death rates go up due to malnutrition and diseases, heat waves, and probably extinction of animal and plant species. In other area acid rains or forest fires are experienced owing to the weird climatic conditions caused by global warming.
Economically, it becomes expensive to run business due to the high-level energy that may be required to for additional use of energy for instance cooling. Other cost would be insurance charges; this might be exorbitant owing to the high chances of calamities owing to the climatic factor of a region. There also happens to be a lot of migration of employees who would be venturing out to places with better conditions. Therefore, global recession will continue o take place unless measures are kept in place to control air and climate pollution by generally creating awareness on the importance of keeping the environment free from pollution.
However, there are advantages that come with global warming, frozen regions are likely to experience some growth and milder climates this is due to longer growing season s that would mean productivity of agricultural areas. It is likely to have fewer deaths owing to cold weather in comparison with extreme weather .It is believed that mountains tend to increase their height due to glaciers as they melt and as a result they rebound against the eroded ice.
There are many side effects related to health especially to human beings and animals, this may vary from simple a skin irritation, eyes or other chronic disorders such as respiratory diseases, lung diseases, and heart conditions. This may be fatal and lead to death. The magnitude of infection may depend on an individual and the degree of exposure. People with conditions such as asthma, immune suppression are more vulnerable. The qualities of air human beings and animals breathe greatly depend on the health of the lungs and the respiratory system. This system is largely affected because it functions by bringing in large amounts of oxygen in the body. When metals and other free radicals affect Lung cells, tissues like alveoli may be damaged, affecting oxygen-Carbon dioxide flow (Carpenter, 2005).
The cardiovascular system has some major components, which are the heart and the blood vessels. This system supplies oxygen, nutrients, hormones and metabolites to tissues and body cells as well as removing the waste products. Once inhaled, Air pollutants are absorbed into the bloodstream and hence transported to the heart. This may cause necrosis, some inflammatory reactions, rhythmic and contractility of heart tissues. Skin is also is a vital organ of the body that is greatly affected by the ozone, which depletes off vitamin E essential for a healthy skin from the uppermost part of the skin. Ageing of the skin may also be attributed to air pollution. When dust or mist meets the skin, conditions like eczema may be experienced.
As compared to the long effects of pollution discussed above, short term effects comes with mild symptoms such as upper respiratory infections like bronchitis, pneumonia, throat and nose infection and eye irritation. This at the end of the day may cost a region or a government a considerable cost in health facilities, this is due to the high levels of infection.
However there is another side of it, Health related programs are likely to be introduced to such regions and most of such services are donor funded thus they tend to attract quality services at affordable rates. This creates employment opportunities to qualified local and it enhances awareness in pollution control.
In conclusion, Climate and Air Pollutions have a great Impact on the global Level mainly due to human activities. Altogether, there is no scientific evidence that the rapid increase of temperatures are caused by man. It is probable that green house gases have increased the dense of particles in the atmosphere that have in turn interfered with weather and climatic conditions.