The Foreign Policy Of A Country History Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1113

In the history of Myanmar, diplomatic relations have been there since a long time. In 801-8012 AD a Pyu monarch of Myanmar sent envoys to China via Nan Cho to establish foreign relations. King Anawrahta, Bayint Naung and Alaung Paya incorporated small states and formed Myanmar Naing-Ngan. During this time, diplomatic relations with Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Assam, China, Malay and Thailand, were strenghtned. The ministers of Myanmar visited European countries such as Itay, Spain Portugal and established relations with them too. Since the independence of Myanmar on 4th January 1948, its foreign policy was independent and active, based on some principles. Together with China, in 1954 it established the five principles of co existence which included the respect for each other's territorial sovereignty and integrity, to follow a policy of non aggression and non interference in the internal affairs of each other and the establishment of mutual equality and peaceful co existence. These five principles, still form a very important component of Myanmar's foreign policy. When Myanmar was founded, there was a cold war going on, and during that time many of the colonies were also gaining independence, and so it was in favour of adopting a foreign policy which would be independent of any outside influence. As soon as it gained, independence it was confronted with an internal insurgency and to avoid a devastating argument, it decided to carry out a policy of non alignment with the East and the West bloc.

Burma's foreign policy today is based on maintaining good and friendly relations with all countries and its neighbor nations. It also aims to participate in the United Nations, and any other organizations that are associated with it. It also aims to establish relations and co operation in regional and other economic affairs and the maintenance of international peace and security, and opposition to hegemonism, aggression, intervention and imperialism. Burma has established relations with many nations, which has added to the strengths of its foreign policy. In case of Britain, it seeks to promote democracy and human rights in Burma. As a member of the EU and the UN Britain seeks to sever all sorts of ties with Burma, if Burma does not seek to improve its human rights records. Burma joined ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) in 1996. The tensions on Burma/thai border has led to the closure of borders between them. In July 2010, In July 2010, there was a meeting between ASEAN Foreign Ministers and Burma's Foreign Minister U Nyan in Hanoi. There were talks on the need to hold free and fair elections and the need for national reconciliation. It was urged that Burma should work with ASEAN and UN to achieve this aim. China is one of Burma;s partners in military economic and diplomatic terms. The foreign relations of Burma with China are healthy and China is one of the providers of loans to Burma for the development of its infrastructure and industries. China also provides Burma with arms and ammunition and the leaders of both countries have met to establish relations and policies that favour each other. There were plans between the two countries to build an oil and gas pipeline which would provide oil and gas to China and the two countries are also working to develop dams and hydroelectric power projects. Even though policies have been framed, that promote good will and good relations between the countries, the Chinese government was infuriated when the Burmese army attacked on the Kokang in 2009, which resulted in the fleeing of a large number of refugees to China. Burma has also established policies of cooperation with Thailand and Thailand has invested in the mining gas and tourism sectors of Burma.

The establishment of trade links with India is also one of the aims of the foreign policy of Burma, and India was one of the strongest supporters of Burma's independence. They have established trade and military links, and one of the aims of the India foreign policy of maintaining good relations with Burma is to control the growing influence of China. In terms of the EU, there have been policies carried out which reflect on the weaknesses of the foreign policy of Burma. The EU has imposed an arms embargo and a investment and trade ban on timber, gems and other precious metals. Policies such as these prevent Burma from having duty free access to products in EU markets. US has opened its doors for investment in Burma after 15years, but still it has been said that this policy of US would not be able to promote peace and prevent human right abuses. One of the policies of the Burmese is that it requires the investors to establish partnerships with local business and people, some of them who were involved in corruption. The Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) is one industry which generates a lot of revenue for the republic, and for the military but this industry has a record of carrying out human rights violations. The existing business environment in Burma is not favorable to the level of responsible investment required for US corporate compliance with anti-corruption legislation and sanctions.

Thus recommendations are needed for the Burmese foreign policy. In the next elections in 2015, the Burmese citizens for the first time in six decades will have a chance to vote on who they are going to governed by. The Burmese government should make sure that they accept the existing political reforms, and work towards the protection of human rights in order to gain incentives from developed countries like US. Most importantly the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) should be delegitimized so that democracy can be promoted . There should be the framing of better policies in economic terms as the Burmese have a fear of China as a growing regional power and it is taking away the local markets of Burma by giving the people cheaper products.

In my opinion, Burman can move to the path of progress and prosperity if it works to improve its domestic policies which will have a greater influence on its foreign policy, and on the behavior of other nations towards Burma. If this becomes possible, countries such as US will invest significantly and contribute effectively towards the establishment of a prosperous Burma moving on the path of growth stability and progress. In order to see a significant change in Burma,the U.S. must use its influence on the international level, to promote a broad policy of economic pressure and political persuasion that will lead to negotiations leading to a restoration of democratic rule in Burma based on the results of the 1990 elections.