The Ebay E Commerce Value Chain Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 1030

The success of an online E-Commerce company is based undeniably on the way of product shipping that has bought the customers. In present assignment, presented with flow chart diagram the steps that are become in eBay, from buying a product and payment until the final product shipping to the buyer, independently from the type of product, all kind of products follow the same process, however, as an example we can report that the following flow chart diagram is presented the purchase of an mobile phone. Here it deserves to marked, that the flow chart diagrams are the better and more comprehensible way presenting such information's.

eBay it operates as a e-commerce company that includes sellers and buyers. The sellers present their products in the suitable categories, then they should describe their product, the way of payment, the cost of shipping, the quality of product, the price that the product begin if it is auction, as well as the maximum amount of money and the time period that will expire the auction, if it is a sale and no auction they should present their products in the suitable categories, then they should describe their product, the quality of product, the total cost of product payment, including the way and cost of shipping.


In eBay, exist categories, and sub categories of products, this categories are evaluated frequently and new categories adding in the system. Without modified data, changes the existing information, or affect the ways of payments.

Outbound Logistics:

eBay operates as an e-commerce company that deals also with auctions of products, the buyers should not be puzzled and occupies them the quality of products and if the shipping of the products will be on time.

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Marketing and Sales:

eBay it was from the first e-commerce companies that were based on the confidence of anonymous sellers and candidate buyers, even those that they want to sell or to buy a product only one time. Exists the feedback system that it helps distinguish the sincere sellers or buyers from the less sincere persons that are registered in the system, the candidate buyer can read the feedback from the seller profile which other buyers leave at seller profile, that is very useful because you can have an overall view before buy the product that you like from the particular seller. The most product transactions on eBay covered by insurance policy.


The community of eBay is an online community that does not have difference from a proportional community which is not online but has the same characteristically. The users that are members they communicate the one with the other according to certain rules, for example, excluding from the side of eBay to installs special software for each user separately, to offers after sale service, training, and so on. The users which they are members of eBay they should use the services that they provided as they are.


eBay does not need to worry for the supply of products; the goal is to guarantee the most possible better price in combination with the better quality of product, so that it attracts the candidate customer. eBay offers only the online platform in order to brings in contact the seller with the buyer, it does not allocate warehouse with products, neither allocates list with products that have been sold, also

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this decrease the cost of inventory of products. The seller is the property owner of the products and is also responsible for the shipping of products to the buyer.

Technology Development:

eBay operates as a medium of connection between, sellers and buyers; the technology is an important source toward to the competition, offering new free services to the customers strengthens the popularity of the company against the competition. The users prefer eBay for the innovation and easy of use of their services, the low cost in fees that pays the sellers of products in order to they sell their products using eBay's platform, while at the same time keeping low cost in fees it can strikes the competition. This includes possibility of marketing via eBay platform, easy to use, management of customers, and so on. The strategy of eBay is that the users in this online community they are anonymous, and it should exist confidence from each other.

Firm Infrastructure:

The eBay as each other company has a strategic plan. The plan of eBay is directed in the sector of marketing of products, with mission is to email their users for various offers and discounts, the strong point of eBay remains the correct management of information. Is able to store and processes statistical elements as for their users that are members, but does not have in their possession elements that concern the background for the products and types of products that have been sold. eBay it operates as a newspaper with categorized seller announcements.

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Synopsis of Steps:

The seller describes the product that wants to sell at eBay platform.

The seller pays the appropriate fee to eBay.

The seller chooses if this is an auction or only direct buy.

The seller choose the price on eBay platform (remember eBay automatically protect you on auctions by set automatically the highest amount of money which is possible).

The buyer searching on eBay categories.

The buyer found the product.

The buyer checks and read seller feedback which is stored at eBay Seller profile.

If the feedback is good (usually above 95%) then buy the product.

Both Seller and Buyer receive email for the auction from eBay.

The product description is recorded both on seller and buyer profiles.

Automatically remove from eBay the seller announcement if is unique or if the seller have more than one quantity of the same products available then reducing the number of available products (for example 10 available, you bought 1, remain 9).

The seller sends the product to the buyer.

The buyer leaves feedback to the seller on eBay.

The buyer gets the product from the post office or the courier (it depends the shipping policy of the seller). And the buyer pays the post office or courier fees if exist (for example custom fees).

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