First step of this development proposal is to study about the e-commerce system, and gain knowledge about portal and how they maintain them in real life.
After study about current system and theories the student going to discuss and find out the aims and objectives of the system.
Finally, the student has conducted literature search to find out the correct tools techniques and skills, in order to come up with expected system.
This is the research report of 'online student portal'. Which has to be design in order to accomplish the aim of this project.
As we are in the hectic and busy world, the information technologies play a lot in every aspects of human life cycle. So in this project the user mainly going to be the student community who can benefit from the final product.
The main reason behind this production is to make student's life easy by creating such a product call online student portal. in order to get or in other word in order to fulfil their needs in one place, the Students need to get registered with the site to have access, once they get the membership they can have the benefit of the site. The benefits are the features of the website .the user can have access to News and updates, Quarries and solutions, buy and sell and ect.
The student has studied about the current portals and conducted the user survey to find out the requirements and to do the requirement analysis. in order to find out about the technologies, tools and skills the student has done the literature search, and the evidence has been shown.
Finally the student has start to do further investigations on implementing a payment system in the final stage of its development. As this is a academic project, the limitation on implementing a check out system like PayPal or google, going to cost some money.
Problem of statement
To make student's life style easy by giving the updates and changes in the field, give a chance to sell or buy study materials and tools and post their queries to get solutions from experts.
Research objectives
Study about e-commerce system
Understand about existing
Requirement gathering and analysis
Understand the web based client server architecture.
Study about database modelling and designing, tools that required.
Learn about web designing tools and techniques
Learn about client server side scripting languages like JavaScript/Ajax
Research about system modelling and prototyping tools.
Research about check out systems
Practical objectives
System modelling and prototyping
Develop the system physical system
Testing and debugging of the system
Implantation of the system
Installation and maintenance of the system
Prepare the required documentation
Requirements of this Project
User requirements
Coming soon
System requirements
Coming soon
Functions of the system [how does the system work?]
Coming soon
Literature review
The literature review is one of the most important parts in this project. In order to do the review the student has done the serach.The purpose of the literature search is to collect information about the technologies; tools, skills, and knowledge that require to develop and implement the system. In addition the student has divided the literature search into two sub to make the search easier;
Technological aspects
Collect information about the technological requirements that need to develop the software Ex:, front end development, client/server architecture, data modelling, database management, system security, system modelling and prototyping tools, software development tools and software testing tools etc.
Project management aspects
Collect information about various project management techniques which can help to develop the software more efficiently. Ex: project planning (WBS), scope management, risk management, cost management, time/staff managements etc.
According to the literature search that has been done about those aspects the student has done the review.
Software Tools and Techniques that required to this project
In this project it has been decided to use following Software tools & Techniques to get the output product that meets the requirements.
Mark-up Language - HTML ,XML,XHTML
Scripting Language - JAVASCRIPT,PHP
Database management Software - MYSQL
Web Server - APACHE server
HTTPS Server - SSL Certificate
Check Out System - Google Check Out
HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language)
HTML is universal mark up language based on SGML, to create web applications. Use to display text and pictures and graphics, to create table, frames and forms. It's enables hyper text linking whereby the text or the pictures automatically reference to other documents. The World Wide Web consortium (W3C) was formed with the charter to define the standards for HTML. The current version of HTML is 4.01.
It uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to define the layout or the appearance that displays by browsers, and it can load scripting language (Ex: Java script) to validate the users entries (W3Shcool).HTML can be edited in notepad or other software like Micro Media Dreamweaver.
XHTML is the combination of HTML and XML languages, XML designed to describe the data and HTML to display the data. XHTML is properly nested language which means every open tag must have the close tag. (Chuck.M & Bill.K, 2002)
Screen short of Sample HTML in Micro Media Dreamweaver
JavaScript is a popular scripting language, it was designed to add interactivity to html pages, and it is a lightweight language which can be embedded within the html page. It's used to validate the form or create cookies to store in the user's computers. It does not need any licence to use JavaScript. JavaScript can be used internally and externally which means JavaScript can be use in client side with HTML and in server side with PHP. (JavaScript Kit 1997-2008)
PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor)
PHP is a simple scripting language to create HTML contents.PHP is the language like ASP, PHP runs on all most every operating system.PHP scripts are executed on the servers including APACHE, IIS. Its support many databases such as MSQL, oracle, solid, ECT.PHP can be used in three ways as a server side scripting, command line scripting and to create client side GUI applications.( Rasmus.L and Kevin.T,2002)
MYSQL is relational database management systems (RDMBS) initially released on 23rd may 1995,that can be use to create reads and manipulate data, its popular database management software that can work on all the major operating systems, and it's available for free.
APPACHE is a HTTP secured web server that is developed by the apache group, its on the internet since April 1996.current version of APPACHE is 2.3.6, its open source, available for free. (
SSL certificate [Secured Socket Layer]
The Secured Socket Layer protocol was introduced by Netscape to ensure the secure transaction between client and server, the protocol uses third party certificate authority to identify one or both end of transactions. It works on Application Layer. Its use HTTPS protocol with the SSL/TLS to provide encryption and secured identification of the server to ensure the security on World Wide Web.
Check out
The Client and servers
the rdbms
Why Database?
Project management issues
Project Management
Project management is" the application of knowledge, skills ,tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements."(Schwalbe.K, 2007)
In this part the student consider about the project management aspect such as scope, time and cost which is called as triple constraint in project management to create successful project.
Scope management
Project planning (work break down structure)
Feasibility study of the proposed system.
Study about e-commerce
System requirement gathering and Analysis.
System requirements
Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
28 days
12 days
Logical design of theSystem.
Activity diagram
Use case diagram
Class diagram
Sequence diagram
Collaboration diagram
Design of GUI
Meet the clients and discuss the proposed system and make any necessary adjustments
14 days
3 days
T2, T3
Physical design of the System.
Divide the system in to subsections and assign software developers to code according to the outcomes of the use case and class diagrams.
System Testing
unit system testing
Sub system testing
System testing
30 days
20 days
Deliver the system.
Installation of security and backup systems
Install the system and allow it to run under supervision
Provide training to the users and make improvements.
14 days
Finalise documentation and commissioning of the system
14 days
T6, T7
Requirements analysis
Time management
Gantt chart
Risk Management
Cost Management
Quality management
Human resource management
Logical design of the system
As this is the web-based system, the logical design is going to be on the front end which is interact by the user, in this case the website its self is going to be the front end of the system and the logical design of the database which is the most challenging part of the project. These are the two major thing that's need to design logically before its start the actual designing.
The number of different techniques can be used to create data modelling, but in this project the entity relationship model going to be used. (KROENKE and AUER)
UML diagram
Use case diagram
Class diagrams
Entity Relationship diagram
Site map
Physical design of the system
front end of the system
appendix A
php coding [user.php]
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpass = ''; $conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //Connecting to the database
mysql_select_db('studentportal'); //select database called student portal
$title=$_POST['title']; //create a sql query
$query="INSERT INTO USER VALUES('$title','$firstname','$lastname','$gender','$date','$email','$country','$username','$password','$cpassword')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "you are now member of this site congrats!!";
appendix b
screen shorts of the system
Figure11.1 screen short of index.html
Figure 11.2 screen short of registration form