However to survive in this global and competitive market, something distinctive is required. Adaptation of internet and technology has diverted business towards e-business, which is found to be difficult, yet, interesting to make niche over the unpredictable audience. In order to diverse business and gain cost leadership differentiation, it's important to enable business strategy with technology. The internet adaptation and uses are at the peak and continue to be. This rising internet use forces business to undertake step towards the electronic process and to integrate the internal process according to their forte.
To compete in today's global marketplace, CraftNepal has come up with accumulated problem within organization, issues and requirement for the e-commerce solution. In order to achieve objectives, CraftNepal is looking forward for the e-business solution as in any organization there is different range of strategic options. Similarly, De kare silver (1998) suggests that there are a number of strategic options for companies in relation to the importance of the internet as a channel, among which is: use of the internet channel primarily for export markets, E-CRM.
Internet uses forces organization to get involved in e-business. E-commerce adaptation creates lots of benefits such as reducing cost (tangible or intangible), increasing reach to the markets, and improves the communication with customer and improves the relationship (E-CRM). E-CRM is customer relationship management with electronic means and this helps CraftNepal to maintain customer's record online and automated the information to achieve healthy customer relationship management; crm helps company to manage customer's name, address, telephone, interests, status and many more. These resources are filtered in different ways and used accordingly to communicate with customers to keep in touch with products and services. For CraftNepal, communication is most important and internet adaptation can provide better communication with customer and improve the relationship. Yet, the set-up cost looks to be immensely high in order to change the infrastructure and maintaining and updating websites, but there are many intangible benefits adopting the internet which mainly provides solution on the problem recently faced by CraftNepal. With the internet aided solution and integration of consortia, internet and CRM gives opportunity for CraftNepal to increase revenue, decrease cost, increase productivity and decrease loss, increase customer loyalty and decrease disloyalty.
A platform is generated through E-commerce which helps the customer to search product information via global markets with a wider range of choices and easy to make compare and evaluate more efficiently. It will also be much easier and faster to search the products which they need and evaluate and execute the products. Customers are able to search the location of the company or perform other transactions anytime from anywhere by accessing internet to the website of the company. Relating to the capital management, E-commerce also helps CraftNepal in decreasing the costs in processing, creating, distributing, and retrieving information. Due to facilities of E-commerce like e-mails, using online advertising channels, etc., the company's communication and advertising costs could be lowered than by using television commercials or the print media. Not only the cost will be lower but also the advert will be globally than that of the printed media.
'Doing the thing right' is efficiency. It defines whether processes are completed using the least resources and in the shortest time possible. 'Doing the right thing' is effectiveness. 'Doing the right thing' means conducting the right activities and applying the best strategies for competitive advantage. There is a tendency to focus on the efficiency metrics such as time to complete a process and reducing costs when the goals for e-business and e-commerce are set. Such measures often do not capture the overall value that can be derived from e-business. Effectiveness measures will assess how many customers or partners are using the e-business services and the incremental benefits that contribute to profitability.
Impacts on CraftNepal due to e-commerce can be the technology and organizational learning, changing nature of work, and new product capabilities. Rapid growth in E-Commerce will force CraftNepal to adapt quickly to the new technology providing an opportunity to test with new products, services, and processes. New organizational approaches need new technologies. For instance, the structure of the organizational unit dealing with E-Commerce might have to be different from the conventional sales and marketing departments. To be more flexible and responsive to the market, .i.e. 24-7, new processes must be put in place. Employment and the nature of work will be transformed in the Digital Age; it is already happening before our eyes. Driven by increased competition in the global marketplace, CraftNepal can reduce the number of employees down to a core of essential staff and outsourcing whatever work they can to countries where wages are significantly less expensive. The upheaval brought on by these changes is creating new opportunities and new risks and forcing us into new ways of thinking about jobs, careers, and salaries. The Digital Age workers will have to become very flexible. Few of them will have truly secure jobs in the traditional sense, and all of them will have to be willing and able to constantly learn, adapt, make decisions, and stand by them. New products can be created and existing products can be customized in innovative ways with the help of E-commerce. Organizations' missions and the manner in which they operate is redefined with such changes. Suppliers can gather personalized data on customers through e-commerce. Building customer profiles as well as collecting data on certain groups of customers, can be used as a source of information for improving products or designing new ones.
Supply Chain Management
Supply chain is a core of any business which is another area of concern which cannot be taken for granted. A supply chain is the flow of materials, information, money, services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customers. A supply chain also includes the organisations and processes that create and deliver products, information, and services to the end customers.
In the context of CraftNepal, e-commerce will help the company in different areas such as: cost, distribution system, customer orientation, shipment tracking, shipment notice, freight auditing, shipping documentation and labelling, and online shipment inquiry following the rule of supply chain. E-commerce will allow CraftNepal to reach the customers directly by eliminating the retailers and wholesalers due to the fact of which it directly minimizes the cost, time, and manpower. It is the fastest process over the traditional method of delivery. By and large, CraftNepal can accelerate business cycles, improve data accuracy, and boost customer service. Also, e-commerce will provide more flexibility to CraftNepal in managing the increasingly complex movement of products and information between businesses, their suppliers, and customers. There will be no relationship between customers and distribution centres. CraftNepal can deliver better services to their customers, speed up the growth of the e-commerce initiatives that are critical to their business, and minimize their operating costs. It is only possible when the e-commerce implies in the business. Customers can easily access the information of rate, place delivery orders, track shipments, and pay freight bills by using internet for e-commerce. The path is created by e-commerce for customers to run the business with CraftNepal. It is a faster and easier way to do business with them. Viewing the shipment tracking, e-commerce will permit the users to open an account and get real-time information about cargo shipments. They may also create and submit bills of lading, place a cargo order, analyze charges, submit a freight claim, and carry out many other functions. With regards to shipping notice, e-commerce can transmit a packing list electronically before the shipment, which allows them to know the receiving process. It also allows CraftNepal to record the relevant details of each pallet, parcel, and item being shipped. CraftNepal can benefit from e-commerce to review accuracy of the freight bill which will reduce the chances of overpayment or get rid of countless hours of paperwork. It also helps the customers to query anything through online from any place of the world.