I am going to do the business communication assignment, there got the 2 question, the first question ask for explain the communication process, and how to ensure the intended audience can received the right message.
The second question is ask to create a product will be launch in the market in a soon time. As the product manager, so need to explain how we promote the product and make people will buy our product; and explain what the methods, the mediums that would use to communicate with our target audience.
1.1 What is Communication Process?
Sender or the source of the message, causing communication. In the organization, the sender will be an information need, or desire and purpose of people communicating their one or more other people.
The receiver is the human senses perceive the sender's message. May have a large number of receivers, when a memorandum is for all members, or may be just one, because when a person with colleagues to discuss some private. Message must be made with the receiver in mind the background. In the micro-chip manufacturing company engineers, for example, may want to avoid using in the communication with the company's advertising department's technical terms. People in the ad about the population may find the communication engineer unreceptive. If the message did not reach the receiver, communication did not happen. This situation has not improved much, if the message reaches the receiver in a receiver, but do not understand it. There are three factors that can affect the effective or ineffective communication, coding, decoding and noise.
From the time of encoding the information into a series of symbols spread. Encoding is necessary because the information can only be transferred from one person to another statement or symbol. Since communication is the encoding object sender attempts to establish 'the meaning of the relationship between the symbol and receiver, usually choose to form words and gestures, the sender has the same meaning that the receiver
1.2 Why Are Communication Skills Important?
Communication is the heart of every organisation. Everything you do in the workplace results from communication. Therefore good reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are essential if tasks are going to be completed and goals achieved. As you develop your career you will find various reasons why successful communication skills are important to you, for example :
a. To secure an interview
You will need good communication skills to make sure your application letter is read and acted upon.
b. To get the job
You will need to communicate well during your interview if you are to sell yourself and get the job you want.
c. To do your job well
You will need to request information, discuss problems, give instructions, work in teams, interact with colleagues and clients. If you are to achieve co-operation and effective teamwork, good human relations skills are essential. Also, as the workplace is also becoming more global, there are many factors to consider if you are to communicate well in such a diverse environment.
d. To advance in your career
Employers want staff who can think for themselves, use initiative and solve problems, staff who are interested in the long-term success of the company. If you are to be seen as a valued member of the organisation, it is important not just to be able to do your job well, but also to communicate your thoughts on how the processes and products or services can be improved.
Benefits of effective communication
The most successful organisations understand that if they are to be successful in today's business world, good communication at all levels is essential. Here is a useful mnemonic to remember the benefits you and your organisation can achieve from effective communication
Process Of Communication
1.3 The communication process
Sender- As the sources of the message, you need to understand what you are communicating and why you are communicating. You also need to be confidence that information you are communicating is useful. Your communication skills have to be more creatively to let the receiver are more actively to listen.
Message- Message is the information that sender want to communicate with the receiver. The message is not only communicate by oral; written and the body language is also the way to communicate.
Encoding- The process of transferring the information you want to communicate is called Encoding. Encoding is performing in the transmitter side. Your success in encoding depends on how you communicate and is it the information you sending are clearly.
Medium- Medium is what the way you use to communicate to other people. Example, like face to face meeting, telephone call, written including emails, letter, memos, reports. Disadvantage of the written message is you cannot confirm the audience is already receives your message.
Decoding- The process of receive the information of the sender is want to communicate. Decoding is performing in the receiver side. Example, the party can read message carefully or listen actively to get the right message.
Receiver- The people who are receive the message. You have to know how you can get the right information and what information you get it is a right message.
Feedback- Your audience will provide you with the feedback, verbal and non verbal reaction to your communication message. Please pay attention about the feedback, because it might list down what are you wrong or any opinion about you from the receiver. If the receiver know give you the feedback that means they are receive and understand the right message.
1.4 How to ensure that the intended audience has received the right message?
The written communication is the one type of the communication. Written communication that means using writing form to communicate with audience. Example, letter, memo, report, and others.
The way to ensure our intended audience can received the right message from us is avoid the broken language, some people are not higher educated so they can’t write the correct word. Example, some words are easy to make people make the mistake or got the arrange problem, like for, to, from, who, whom, where or else. This kind of word is easy to make people do the mistake. So, the people have to develop the mistake if they got it before because sometimes the audience cannot understand because of the arrange problem. Example, Today we eat at where?
List down the point also is a good way to let our audience can receive the right message from us. List down the point can let the audience know what you are trying to explain, and list down the point also can let people easy to understand the things.
Use the correct format is very important for the written communication. Letter, memo, report also got their own format so every people write the report must follow their format. Write the letter, memo, and the report most important is using the easy words because you are don’t know who will see your memo. You cannot ensure every audience can understand the meaning if you write some difficult words.
The straightly way to ensure the audience can receive the right message is double confirm. We can ask them what the things we tell them to make sure they are receiving the message. We only can keep asking them see whether the audience can understand what we say.
The most important way is avoid short form. In the new generation, many people especially teenager are like to launch to some social networking website (Facebook, Friendster) to know more friends and chat with them. They are like to create the short form of the words to replace the original words. Example, u, whr, wat. They will continue to using these words on the writing communication with others. So, that’s why the intended audience always misunderstanding the meaning from the sentence, maybe because of these short forms.
The oral communication is the one type of the communication also. Oral communication means they are communicating by speak. The receiver has to listen properly because might get one chance to listen the words.
The way to ensure intended audience can receive the right message is explain creative. Sometimes can the audience receive the right message is depends on how the sender explain, if he or she can explain more creative, it can make people easy to memorize. Besides the creative, the volume is important also. Sometimes, the sender is explaining effectively but the intended audience cannot listen what he say. The sender should explain creative and clearly, they also can give some example because the audience can easy to remember if got example.
The way to ensure intended audience can receive the right message is straightly say the point. Some sender is like to tell them the long story and haven goes to the topic. It will make the audience are no mood to listen what you saying. So, it might cause the audience cannot get the right message from the sender.
1.5 Conclusion
Consider yourself as the receiver. Assumptions, attitudes, and sensitivity issues may result in barriers as well. As a receiver you may filter or not hear certain aspects (or any aspect for that matter) of a message. Why? Because the message may seem unimportant or too difficult. Moreover, you may be selective in your attention. For example, you may feel that the sender is being redundant or boring, so you stop listening after the first few words and daydream instead. You may be preoccupied with something else. Or your filtering or lack of attention may be due to your past experience with the sender. You may feel that "this person has never made a point and never will!" You may spend time preparing a response or interrupting with your thoughts.
Overall, communication is a difficult process to complete correctly. One must find the medium between the view points of the sender and the receiver in order to relay their message in the most effective way.
Question 2
2.0 Introduction
How do you persuade someone to do what you want them to do? A whole world of marketing exists around us trying to do that every minute of the day. Do you even notice it anymore or, like your prospects, have you subconsciously set up a system of "radar defenses" against the daily bombardment of marketing messages? Ther are a lot of methods , the mediums , and the vehicles that would use to communicate with target audience to persuade them to buy the products.
2.1 The Advertisment Of Product
One Man, Carl F. Rehnborg , Prior to 1934, there were no known multivitamin/multimineral supplements. People found it difficult to know if they were getting enough nutrients in their daily diets.
Then, Carl Rehnborg, founder of the NUTRILITE brand, created his first nutrition product and became a pioneer in the history of nutrition.
His Dream , while living in China in the early 1920s, Carl Rehnborg noticed, amid unforgettable malnutrition and disease, an important connection between the foods people ate and their overall health.
In farming communities, where fresh fruits and vegetables were plentiful, people were much healthier overall.
In the cities, where diets included far more sugar, salt, and fat, Carl noted that there were many more instances of critical diseases, such as scurvy and beriberi.
During political unrest in Shanghai, Carl was isolated in a protected enclave. There, he conceived the idea of using nutritional elements missing from the typical diet as a way to improve overall health.
Carl supplemented his meager diet with soups from what was available: local herbs, grasses, and vegetables, along with rusty nails (for iron), and lime stone and ground-up animal bones (for calcium).
He shared his broth with a few friends, although the flavor was far from palatable.
Months later, Carl and his friends who ate the nutrient-rich broth emerged from their enclave much healthier than those who had eaten only army rations.
Returning to the United States, Carl set up a small laboratory on California's Balboa Island, where, over the next six years, he conducted experiments using different plant varieties.
He developed a way to dry these plants while still preserving their important nutrients.
He created a formulation of alfalfa, watercress, and parsley, which became the basis of his first product.
Since 1934, when the first NUTRILITE product was introduced, the company has become a leader in nutrition research, development, and innovation.
Today, under the leadership of Carl's son, Dr. Sam Rehnborg, the next generation of scientists, researchers, and technicians is preserving the rich Nutrilite heritage by continuing to produce high quality, innovative supplements.
Because they are made from whole plant concentrates, many NUTRILITE supplements contain a wide array of phytonutrients.
Throughout his life, Carl Rehnborg believed this was the optimum way to achieve good nutrition the way nature intended.
2.2 What ways I use to Persuade Target Audience To Buy The Product?
Communication Methods
As a starting point, here is a brief description of what are probably the most popular methods for business communication used today. Some of these are universally familiar, others recent arrivals on the scene, but for completeness and to ensure a common understanding, I have attempted to describe them all.
2.2.1 Audio tape / CD
Although audio playback devices are not usually available at work, they are almost universal in homes and cars and can be taken practically anywhere in the form of personal stereos. Audio is used only infrequently as a means for business communication, primarily as a way of delivering information and training to employees such as salespeople, who are constantly on the move. Audio production is relatively inexpensive.
2.2.2 Videotape
As soon as videocassette recorders became established within the home, their use within business flourished, primarily for formal corporate communications, but also for training. Although video will increasingly be transmitted by satellite to those organisations with large branch structures, or directly to desktop PCs over a company’s network, the videocassette will remain the most practical option for some time. Depending on the production values employed, video can be expensive to produce, though relatively inexpensive to replicate and deliver.
2.2.3 CD-ROM
A CD-ROM is a compact disc used for storing computer data, although this data can be in practically any form, including audio and video. Although CD-ROMs are universal now on home PCs, as much as anything as a way of installing software, most business PCs do not require them. The primary use for CD-ROMs in business is the delivery of multimedia training or sales presentations, normally on specially-provided workstations. Depending on the nature of the media making up a CD-ROM and the degree of interactivity required, CD-ROMs can be expensive to produce, yet inexpensive to replicate and deliver.
2.2.4 Letters / memos / reports
In spite of the increase in electronic communication, we all seem to receive our fair share of messages on paper. This may be because there is no e-mail link between the parties, because a hard copy is required to meet audit or legal requirements or because the recipient prefers to read from paper than from a screen.
2.2.5 Fax
Fax uses the public telephone system as a way of delivering paper documents from one place to another, in those situations where a hard copy original is not essential.
2.2.6 Printed Materials
A great deal of our post consists of printed documents in the form of brochures, fliers, magazines and newsletters, many of which originate from outside, although this format is also common for corporate communications. Depending on the production values and the number of colours, printed materials can be expensive to produce and replicate, except at high volumes.
2.2.7 E-mail
E-mail has become the primary means for delivering short text messages within organisations that are networked. As e-mail between organisations becomes more common, the medium will increasingly take the place of fax, particularly as whole documents can be sent as e-mail attachments. E-mail provides many cost advantages when compared with the use of paper or the telephone.
Communication Mediums
Communication is essential in everything we do. We communicate with friends, family colleagues, lovers etc. Without communication we couldn`t succeed and we wouldn`t manage to understand each other. Communication involves a sender, a receiver and a message or a information. Through communication we send a information and we receive information,. In order to understand that information we have to know how to communicate clearly and effective. Nowadays, big companies and every job application requires communication skills. For example you need to know how to talk to people, how to explain an idea, and especially in a job where you have to attract clients and to sell things, communication is crucial.
There are a few types of communication such as : verbal communication that includes oral communication, written communication and e-mail. Verbal communication is the most used one. When we talk to someone we do it through words. The written one involves letters, notes, memos etc. We also have Non verbal communication meaning body language, expressive behaviors. Body language is just as important as the verbal communication. Through our body language we send a message. Our face expression can betray what we are trying to say. For example if we fake a smile when meeting someone we hate, the other person will immediately know. Body language includes face expression, body movements, gestures, posture etc. A hard handshake hides a determined person. Other communication mediums are : formal communication, used at gatherings, business meetings etc. Formal means a certain conduct, a certain way to talk to others etc. Informal communication means ordinary language, the vocabular we use every day with friends and people we know. The formal communication is used mostly at work. In order to manage in your professional and private life you have to make a difference between each type of communication. Every country has a certain language and every language has it`s dialects. Two people that come from different countries won`t be able to understand each other.
Communication Vehicles
How do we keep Internet communication simple? Let's start by taking a look at the different methods used to communicate on the web. It is important to understand the nuances and benefits of the different forms.
This is the most popular communication method. Users typically use desktop software to receive, read and respond to messages. Some users use web-based mail and manage messages in a web browser like Internet Explorer. The downfall to email communication is that anyone can send email messages to anyone else if they have (or guess) the correct email address. This system's Achilles heel is its simplicity and universal popularity.Email accounts are often burdened by spam or unsolicited email. Despite software developers having created complex spam filters and legislators having introduced new anti-spam legislation, the problem persists and spam continues to burden email as a messaging medium.
Instant Messaging
Instant messaging allows users to "chat" in real time. Users can send text messages to anyone online and receive instant replies if the user is also online. The "instant" fad gave way to parental fears as children made "friends" online. With no way to confirm if "friends" are who they represent themselves to be, and multiple security holes, instant messaging has taken a back seat in internet communication.
Online journals and daily diaries have taken hold. Some blogs are interactive, allowing users to respond and comment on posts. Locating topic-specific blogs that provide relevant and interesting content on a daily basis can be a challenge. The nature of a blog is to contain fresh public content. As our lives become more complicated blogs are often abandoned, as they require constant updating.
RSS is the latest messaging medium and shows genuine promise as a means to communicate. RSS files are produced as XML files and are designed to provide content summaries of news or information. The biggest benefit to RSS is that it does not have the spam issues inherent to email; users opt-in to the RSS feeds that interest them.
Forums / Newsgroups
A forum is an online discussion group. Forums can be newsgroups, or they can be web-based discussion groups. Forums have proven themselves as valuable business resources - often creating communities of customers helping customers. Without moderation and oversight they can potentially create an unfriendly environment.
Liststervs are mailing list programs for communicating with other people who have subscribed to the same list. Using e-mail, you can participate in listservs pertaining to your topics of interest. When you submit a message to the server, your message is relayed to all on the listserv. You receive messages from other participants via e-mai.
2.3 Conclusion
After I done this assignment, I know the advertisement is very important for a product. A company product is cannot get a good sales without the advertisement, advertisement can make more people know the brand and the product.
I use many ways to promote the Nutrilite like printing act and electronic act. I choose 2 different type of magazine to promote the Nutrilite for the printing act, and I also create a page for Facebook to make the advertisement and upload the advertisement to the Nutrilite homepage. This is the way I use to promote the Nutrilite with the electronic act.