The basis of ratios analysis

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 1563

This written report has represented on the basis of ratios analysis addressing last year & the present year of the companies. Ratio analysis has been applied in this report is based on the figuring shown in the appendix.

B. Petroleum.

Sales for this company have been increased with 5.12 ratios, last year and this year the operating percentage of sales is 20% as compare to last year it is same this year as well, this demonstrates the company's constancy throughout the last some years. ROCE is reduced from 21 to 18 this year. It's demonstrating the sales event per British pound of asset is reduced, hence the present year assets have not equaled used expeditiously.

The present ratio calculates a company's strength to come up with its current liabilities out of the present assets. a ratio of minimum 2:1 rate is expected. The company's present ratio is more nevertheless better than the previous year, so it can be said that this year the company has utilized in proper way.

Gearing ratio is going up in the current year as compare to the last year, which is taking to marginal risk of settlement as the dimension of the long term indebtednesses to capital utilized is being going up, so the company need to pay more interest as undertaking more outside assets, this will lead to bring down the profit and bringing share holders investments at risk. Though this company does not shows any sign of gearing to the high level.

Interest cover ratio has come down as comparing to the previous year, which builds the company pay less as interest.

Interest cover ratio is reduced as compare to the previous year, as the company earning less interest cover in long term. The company is adequate to disburse interest on long term indebtednesses if the company's profit is reduced. Dividend cover ratio is also reduced throughout this year which laying less chances of acquiring bonus to the share holders whenever the net income falls.

Quick ratio is becoming better which demonstrates that the company is more capable pay off its current indebtednesses out of its current assets nevertheless the earnings per share is falling a bit.

No-Fat Limited

Sales of the No-Fat Limited are also heightened with a little balance. Compare to the previous year the operating profit ratio is also the same, the net profit ratio is reduced from 28% to 20% compare to last year and this show the disbursements are raised this year.

The company is extremely pitched as its applying a high balance of international capital, which brings more chances of the settlement of the company.

The earning per share is reduced, which demonstrates that the company's fixed charge is raised throughout the present year.

Quick ratio is also reduced, bringing the company less capable to congregate its current liabilities rapidly.

Decreasing net profit is also inducing the share holders to acquire less bonus and low interest to pay off for its long term indebtednesses, such things can place the company run in risk.

The assets of the company have not been used very well, which lead in falling ROCE ratio of the company this year.

B. Petroleum. (company 1)

Current year

Current Ratio:

Current Assets /Current Liabilities

(3999.99 + 8999.99 + 4999.99) / 14999.99 = 1.2%.

Opt - profit ratios:

Profit before tax and interest/sales

8189.99 / 40599.99 = 0.20%

Net - profit ratios.

Profit after interest and tax / sales

8189.99 - 2439.99 = 5751.99.

5751.99 - 275.99 = 5474.99 / 40499.99

5474.99 / 40499.99 = 0.12 %.

Gearing - ratios

External-liabilities / total-capital employed

2299.99 + 599.99 = 2899.98.

2899.98 / 5999.99 + 36199.99 + 2299.99 + 599.99 = 6.4%

Earning - per - share

Profit after-tax / total number of shares

(8099.99 -275.99 - 2429.99) / 36199.99 = 13.9%

Interest - cover - ratios

Opt. profit / total interest in the year

8099.99 / 275.99 = 29.3 t

Dividend - cover - ratios

Net-profit / dividend paid in the year

5393.99 / (36199.99 x 7) = 1.04 t.

5393.99 / 2533.99 = 2.11 t.

Return on capital employed:

Opt. profit / Total capital employed

8099.99 / (36199.99 + 599.99 + 5999.99) = 0.19%

Quick-acid ratios

Current assets without stock / current liabilities = (debtors + cash) / c. liabilities

(8999.99 + 3999.99) / 14999.99 = 0.85%


Current Ratios

Currant Assets / Current Liabilities

(2999.99 + 6999.99 + 4999.99) / 13999.99 = 1.06%

Operating-profit ratios

Profit before tax and interest / sales

7704.99 / 38524.99 = 0.19%

Net - profit ratios

Profit after-interest & tax / sales

(7704.99 - 179.99 - 2310.99) / 38524.99 = 13.6%


Ext. liabilities / total capital employed

599.99 / (4499.99 + 599.99 + 30499.99) = 1.70%

Interest - cover ratios

Opt. profit / total interest in the year

7704.99 / 179.99 = 43.80 t

Dividend-cover ratios

Net-profit / dividend paid in the year

(179.99 - 7704.99 - 2310.99) / 30499.99 x .8 = 5213.99 / 24399.99 = 22t

Earning per - shares

Profit after - tax / total numbers of shares

5213.99 / 30499.99 = 0.16%

Return on capital-employed

Opt. profit / total capital employed

7704.99 / 35599.99 = 0.20%

Quick-acid ratios

Current assets without stock / current liabilities = (debtors + cash) / current liabilities

(5999.99 + 2999.99) / 13999.99 = 0.63 %

Company 2: No-Fat Limited

Current year


Currant Assets / Current Liabilities

(149999.99 + 14999.99 + 729999.99) / 349999.99 = 2.54%

Opt. profit ratios

Profit before tax & interest / sales

144374.99 / 412499.99 = 35%

Net - profit ratios

Profit after interest and tax / sales

(144374.99 - 61999.99) / 412499.99 = 20%

Gearing ratios

Ext. long-term liabilities / total capital employed

(149999.99 + 249999.99 + 199999.99) / (149999.99 + 249999.99 + 199999.99 + 19999.99 + 89.999.99) = 599999.99 / 709999.99 = 84%

= 84%

Interest cover ratios

Opt. profit / total interest during the year

144374.99 / 61999.99 = 2.32 t

Dividends cover ratios

Net-profit / dividend paid during the year

82374.99 / 26999.99 = 3.04t

Earning per shares

Profit after tax / total numbers of shares

82374.99 / 179999.99 = 0.45%

Quick acid ratios

Current assets without stock / current liabilities = (debtors + cash) / c. liabilities

(149999.99 + 14999.99) / 349999.99 = 0.46%

Return on capital - employed

Opt. profit / total capital employed

144374.99 / 709999.99 = 20%

Previous year

Current Ratios

Currant Assets / Current Liabilities

(383999.99 + 89999.99 + 15999.99) / 199999.99 = 2.46%

Operating - profit ratios

Profit before tax and interest / sales

125542.99 / 358694.99 = 34%

Net - profit ratios

Profit after interest and tax / sales

(125542-24999.99) / 358694.99 = 27%


Ext. long-term liabilities / total capital employed

(149999.99 + 129999.99) / (129999.99 + 89999.99 + 999999.99 + 149999.99) = 280000

= 280000 / 470000 = 59%

Interest - cover ratios

Opt. profit / total interest in the year

125542.99 / 24999.99 = 5 t

Dividend cover ratios

Net profit / dividend paid in the year

125542.99 / 17999.99 = 6.98 times

Quick acid ratios

Current assets without stock / current liabilities = (debtors+ cash) /c. liabilities

(89999.99 + 15999.99) / 199999.99 = 54%

Return on capital - employed

Opt. profit / total capital employed

125542.99 / 469999.99 = 25%

Earning - per shares

Profit after tax / total numbers of shares

100542.99 / 179999.99 = 55p

Petroleum (company 1)

Current year previous year

Asset Turnover = 32400 =.058 30820 =0.77


Acid Test Ratio = 18000-5000 = 0.8:1 15000-6000 = 0.5:1

15000 14000

Operating Profit Margin = 25% (given) 25% given

Current Ratio = 18000 =1.2:1 15000 1.06:1

15000 14000

ROCE = 8100 x 100 = 16.03% 7705 x 100 = 19.55%

44800 + 3000 38000 + 1000

Debtors Collection Period= 9000 x 365 = 101 days 6000 x 365 = 71 Days

32400 30820

No-Fat Limited. Company 2

Ratio Comparison between both companies

British petroleum

No-Fat Limited

Previous Year

This year

Previous Year

This Year

Current ratios.





Operating Profit ratios.

20 %

20 %

35 %

35 %

Net profits.

13.5 %

13 %

28 %

20 %

Gearing ratios.



59 %

84 %

Earning Per shares.

17 p

15 p

55 p

45 p

Interest Cover ratios.

43 times

29 times

5 times

2.32 times

Dividend Covers ratios.

2.1 times

2.12 times

6.97 times

2.75 times

Quick Acid ratios.

64 %

86 %

53 %

50 %


21 %

18 %

26 %

20 %


To be a potential investor the age, status and overall situation is not considered as they look for the growth and dividends to cover the expenses as he is a student. And it could be suggested that British Petroleum is the better option to go with for him.

Comparing to No-Fat Limited British Petroleum can be considered as a stable in financial ways as it is matured and Profit making company.

Taking into consideration the No-Fat Limited is suffering from several drawbacks as it is making less profits , where as there is increase in fixed expenses which may lead to no or less payment of interest in its long term liabilities and its prone to liquidation. Hence it can be said that it would not be a worth to invest in it.

Because of high gearing ratios of a company may get the investor into loss.