Technical Writing Essay English Language Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 2705

"They'll fix you. They fix everything" is a famous quote from Robocop, in the motion picture "RoboCop" in 1987 in which a robot performs the job of a police man.

This simple quote from the movie raises a lot of questions relating robots; can they really fix everything? Is it wise to rely on them to an extent that they replace human beings? The topic is controversial and can be looked at from different aspects. But before any of this is discussed, we need to have some background about robots to begin with.

What is a Robot?

To begin with, we would first like to define the term Robot and understand what the definition means. The word Robot is derived from the Czech term "Robota", which meant forced labor (CBS News, July 2007). In general, it is an electro-mechanical device that should make jobs easier. However, due to its wide range, scientists had defined it differently, and there was no solid meaning to the word

Robots can either be controlled by computer or manually by humans. As the author of "what is a robot?" mentioned, robots fall into two categories, insect robots and autonomous robots. Insect robots work in groups; they are consisted of many robots that are controlled by a main controller. In contrary, Autonomous robots are complete robots with their own computer. Most robots these days are integrated with artificial intelligence. (March, 2009)

In this research paper, "future robots" was chosen as my subject to this essay. Robots are important because they make jobs easier and help flourishing the economy. After writing this essay, I have concluded that robots will change the future to the better, but only if we limit the usage. My evidence to this is further written in my essay; furthermore, it's obvious that it has already changed the approaches used in fields like manufacturing industries.

Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. (Turner, 2007)

A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. (Turner, 2007)

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. (Turner, 2007)

Robots thinking like us!

Hamrita Takoi said that the "Artificial intelligence allows computers to learn from experience, recognize patterns in large amounts of complex data and make complex decisions based on human knowledge and reasoning skills."(Retrieved on the 6th of December 2010). Artificial Intelligence is more likely mimic human intelligence, in which both can perform mutual jobs. This is because they have the ability to learn to pick a decision from having a repetitive input/output process, since learning is a common property between both human and artificial intelligence agents. Furthermore, the agent is also able to plan ahead based on the facts received, which are then processed and converted into strategic plans ready to achieve the target (McCarthy John, November 2007 and WikiPedia, retrieved 17th November 2010). With all these facts put into consideration, and that now almost every robot has an integrated artificial intelligence, researchers did halt the exploration process by finding new challenges and discovering future developments (L. Waltz David, 1996)

Don't want to dirty you hands?

Ever since robots were released, they have been put in charge of dirty, dangerous, and dull jobs. Releasing these robots has changed the industry routine; it has allowed workers to work in a comfortable environment. Hopefully, they will be able to perform different tasks within a limited time. They would also be more convenient with some manufacturing processes that need a lot of training. However, other processes could be dangerous; even with training is done, accidents still occur from hazards like dust or drills. And some processes are not prone to mistakes since Rob Spencer said, "Without safety, the job is not accomplished" (April, 2002).

Soon in our future, almost all industries will replace humans with robot depending on what advanced Artificial intelligence reaches in the future (Rob, 2002). Thus, few humans -and not more- will be needed to remotely control the robot. Rob Spencer agreed by saying, "All of a sudden, a worker is now creating programs offline in an air-conditioned office and sending them to robots" (April, 2002). In other words, in the future there will be no need for humans to work in industry lines, but they will be replaced by robots controlled by humans that could be sitting hundreds of miles away. They will be setting codes and building programs that will be sent to the robot to perform a certain task.

These robots will be emerging advanced technologies that will achieve the required job miraculously within minutes! (Tesler Peal, April 2005). So far, Ninety Percent of the robots are being used in factories (Tesler Peal, 2005) and fifty percent of all robots are being used in car manufacturing. However, for the next couple of years, this percentage will drop due to the expansion of robot usage. These robots will be used almost everywhere; places like school, labs and even streets (Doe Cathy, 2008)

Robots can lift up economy with their muscled arms.

Robots in industry are causing threats to human labor; this is because automated robots are replacing most human jobs. However, Saenz Aaron disagreed by stating that "Automation can create jobs for people just as easily as others worry they may take away" (June, 2010). But the question still remains are robots helping or destroying the economy? Saenz Aaron believed that robots help strengthening the economy. In fact, it would help the industry to become more productive. As time passes by, robots are increasing in sales due to the rising demand of costumers because of the enhanced quality of goods. The higher the demand, the better the industry becomes in size and status.

Furthermore, this will expand the education fields in which more students, researchers and scientists will embed into exploring more of this advanced technology; and hence improve it with many possible new ideas. Saenz Aaron also mentioned that "Automation is expanding from simple manufacturing and industrial settings into wider range applications" (June, 2010).

Leaders of this "immature" industry are said to be one of the major contributors in helping regional economics and they will gain a noticeable financial growth. At last, Saenz Aaron predicted that the world "would experience tremendous boosts as the industry continues to grow" (June, 2010) keeping in mind the some factors are hard to predict.

OUCH! Don't touch me there; I've got a robot inside me!

It is not a surprise for nanotechnology industry to arise with future nanorobots. Nanorobots are expected to be used in almost every hospital. As Kan Sharm said, "They would work at the atomic, molecular and cellular level to perform tasks in both the medical and industrial fields that have heretofore been the stuff of science fiction" (November 2007). Earlier, people diagnosed with cancer were often taken into therapies that were extremely dangerous. These therapies did kill cancer cells, but at the same time they killed healthy human cells too; which resulted in hair loss, depression and sickness. On the contrary, nanorobots overcome these side effects; once they are injected in the human body, they will search and kill cancer cells leaving the healthy cells unharmed (Kan, 2007). Nanomedicines are of small size that they could pass through human body with no troubles. They are built from carbon atoms formed in a diamond structure to make it rigid but at the same time, very smooth so that humans don't feel uncomfortable (Kan, 2007). Some of these nanorobots can be placed in humans to do checkups and report these results into a system. This system is able to identify where each nanorobot is placed in the body.

RC Toys blowing up cities!

Perhaps the creation of movies like Predator embedded the idea of using robots in future military forces. Scientists have noticed these autonomous robots equipped with weapons like grenades, rifles and even machine guns. Most civilians are worried because they believed that these robots would form threats to them if they were misused. However, Kopp Emilie highlighted that:

" These robots will not become fully automated until legal rules of engagement and safety concerns have all been thoroughly examined and resolved; when puling a trigger, human intervention is still required, and will remain required for a very long time" (May, 2010)

In addition, experts are looking for various flavors of military robots; they thought of building medical robots with search and rescue missions to rescue injured soldiers. These soldiers could be in a zone where it's hard for humans to reach; the best alternative way is using these medical robots. In fact, this would protect the human rescuer himself. This robot will also protect the troops from dangerous situations; perform mine search tasks, inspection, maintenance and even refueling (Kopp, 2010).

Kopp Emilie issued that military companies are "incorporating a vision and strategy for developing unmanned aircraft systems, unmanned ground vehicles, unmanned maritime system through the year 2034 " (May 2010). As time passes by, new technologies and -very soon- modern robots will be integrated with these tremendous powers and functionalities, which will make them more functional and effective. They are expected to grow rapidly as the US is predicting to have Thirty percent of robots in their military force (Washington University in St. Louis, 2008)

Mom, look at the moon, I can see WALL.E.

"Scientists today can only dream of having a robotic explorer like EVE from Disney/Pixar film "WALL.E" "said Hsu Jeremy (July 2008). These days' researchers are busy working on how would intelligent rovers, airships and autonomous spacecrafts function in exploring the outer earth. They are now willing to deploy an airship that will automatically find the best landing site, and release the rover on the surface to start further exploration. This rover should be able to move to the targeted site rapidly. As Hsu Jeremy said, scientists now believe that they want to "take humans out of the loop and develop robots which can decide independently when and where to go" (July 2008). These robots will function remotely; software engineers should extract software that has several algorithms to help robots make decisions on their own. "Integration is the biggest challenge," Hsu noted (July 2008). Researchers from around the world would be able to send commands to the spaceships via Internet, and watch it work on itself.

This would be very effective for future long distance missions. Researchers are already discussing that this mission might take place somewhere between 2017, the "Launch Date" (Hsu, 2008). If this project proves success, further projects and inventions will take place.

Dr. Robot, would you please repeat your question?

Would you ever attend a lecture where you call a robot "Doctor"? Well, that is possible. Lloyed Robin highlighted that "In the future, more and more of us will learn from social robots" (July 2009). Humans are naturally born with no intelligence; however, they become mature as they grow up. Scientist have studied the way the human brain starts to receive information and learn, and from that, they are now trying to build a robot that will help humans learn in a better and more efficient approach (Lloyed, 2009).

Lloyed Robin mentioned " If you roll all these human learning features into the field of robotics, there is somewhat natural overlap - robots are well-suited to imitate us, learn from us, socialize with us and eventually teach us" (July, 2009). Moreover, researchers want to develop and come up with personal robots that will teach students and keep tracking their progress. They will be able to teach pre-skills to children like different colors, songs and even some vocabulary words. Scientist believed that such robots would develop kid's performance and it is expected to increase within the coming years (Lloyed, 2009).

Local Inventions!

In UAE, robots are starting to get enrolled in the society; the government is making agreements with Microsoft to build friendly robots (Hassan, 2008). UAE had also released the world's first Arab robot named Avicenna; his name was given after the famous Muslim philosopher and scientist IbnSina.

"The robot is the first humanoid robot that can carry on a conversation and articulate human gestures as well as facial expressions in the Middle East. IbnSina can also 'see' and is programmed with software that helps him recognize objects, remember faces, understand dialogue and respond verbally" said Meehan Sumayyah, (November 2009)

Avicenna is able to answer certain questions; however it can provide more information when it connects to Internet. So far, Avicenna is been used in Al Ain Mall, where he can be a shopping assistant as he communicates with visitors. However, it is promised that he will be used in additional places in the future. Excitingly, Avicenna is enrolled into the Social Networking; he has his personal "Facebook" account, where he can ask for names, search them up, and add you as a friend. The fact that bots and humans are forming a connection between each other itself is a grateful accomplishment in UAE. And as Meehan Sumayyah mentioned "projects will grow by over 12% over the next five years in the UAE" (November 2009)

Should I keep Younis working, or should I replace him with "e-Jotix"?

Future robots in general, have several advantages as well as disadvantages. Starting with advantages; robots are able to perform a particular job at a high accuracy level that results in good quality products. These robots will produce the goods within a very limited time. In addition, they will reduce the amount of absenteeism; cause less medical threats and less insurance bills (Tesler Peal, April 2005). They work twenty-four hours a day with no regular breaks or shift switches. Robots can perform heavy objects and dangerous tasks that humans cannot do. Robots are aiding the local economy in a sense that some particular jobs done by labors abroad can now be done using automated robots locally.

On the other hand, there are few disadvantages to future robots; the main disadvantage is human unemployment that results in a large number of unemployed locals, in which it will affect the family income as well as the economy. Also, while using these robots, humans have to be careful; otherwise the robot can be easily broken. Another disadvantage is, some robots could be very hard to transport and can occupy large spaces even when not functioning. Besides, these robots need humans that will be paid a high salary to maintain and control them. Not forgetting that, if we deploy many robots in our society the deplorers will have to multitask to keep track of all their robots. Robots are very complex and cannot be fixed or debugged easily. Comparing both advantages and disadvantages, Rampur Stephen believed that "Future robots systems may come up with benefits that we can't even imagine of. These advantages of robotics are certainly predicted to grow in several fields over time" (Retrieved 23rd, November 2010). However, some researchers believe that they should limit the dependence of robots (Blog, retrieved on 22nd, November 2010). And the question remained unanswered; should we replace humans with robots and which one- advantages or disadvantages- outweigh the other?

In conclusion, robotics is a growing industry, and its demand is increasing. Robots were built to help humans. Robots are integrated with artificial intelligence technology that makes them think more or less like humans. They are deployed almost everywhere; places like military, education, industry, space and healthcare. They can be either remotely controlled or just well programmed to perform jobs while using their own intelligence. The given job can be performed with high preciseness and accuracy level. However, humans should not completely depend on it in all the fields, as it will result in a huge unemployment rate. It will be of great pleasure to see the future with many new robots; however, they should replace humans in all profession. I believe that even with the "Appealing" advantages of the robots, humans should still be working in these fields. Will they create jobs or eliminate them? Will they increase productivity or cost more than they give back? Robots or us?