System Architecture And Mobile Cloud Computing Computer Science Essay

Published: November 9, 2015 Words: 1783

A business organization's operation effectiveness and functions is based on its network applications. Network application offers many advantages because of its vast development in information and technology. Basically communication between the organizations engaged with a variety of network applications, network devices, tools and technologies. Crash in any of them will result in communication failure between the companies or sites. In this study the noticed problem in network between the sites are security issues in one site and faulty routers in other site. To solve this identified problem, the network engineers must make sure to provide the stable functionality of network devices as well as network applications. Cloud computing, it is sure that it will be the next decades distributed web activities. By using it, an organization will have various advantages like no need to invest more money, and the security will be provided by the service providers like IBM, Google and etc. And also by using this, a company can condense its network investments. Mobile cloud computing is mostly parallel to cloud computing by how its work, but by the name recommends the device which going to use the cloud will be mobile phones (Smart Phones). It has numerous advantages as well as disadvantages.

Keywords: Communications, Cloud Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing

Aim: The aim of this study is to recognize the communication hindrance which occurs between the two organization sites and to find the needed solution of cloud computing functions as a relive.


To get the knowledge in the cause of communication problems that might occurs in real time.

To acquire the knowledge to rectify the communication problems.

This research also analysis the mobile cloud computing advantages and disadvantages.

Task 1

The Investigation: Let us start our investigation from our aim.

There is so many hinders which may occur when implementing a communication system between two companies. It may be based on hardware problem or software problem or sometimes based on the distance between the two companies. Some example issues are

Security issues: Security issues are raised because of many reasons but mostly the reason would be the indecent designing of the detection system. For example it may be Accessed List (ACL) Problem (ACL) due to improper implementation in the server. One of our sites has the same problem. To solve this, the network engineer must make sure to implement the correct ACL (One way/both ways) in the server. While in VPN also, some kind do security issues will be raised. For example, Problem may occur in establishing a tunnel. It can be solved by designing proper protocol like PPTP (Point to Point Tunnelling Protocol) or L2TP (Level 2 Tunnelling Protocol) or IP Packet Filtering. Some other security threats are impersonation, eavesdropping, hacking etc.

Network devices issues: The communications between two companies mostly based on the devices which are used to communicate. Some of the devices are Server, Switches, Firewall and Router etc. When one of the devices fails to work then a communication break will occur. To rectify it the network engineer must make sure that, the all used devices are updated and supporting each other. Because day to day there will be new device invented or new updates will be uploaded. And also it is must to confirm that, the updated software is supported by the device or not.

Attenuation and delay distortion: As we discussed earlier the communication issue is also dependent on the distance between the two communication areas. Attenuation problem is based on the distance that needs to travel, and it will be more serious when it is in same media than others. It may cause the steady loss of the signal strength. Delay distortion is a problem raised when the propagation speed of different frequencies travels in same medium. Speed of the signals with same frequencies is often not similar. It may vary slightly. Both these problems need the engineer's solution to remove the problem from transmission data channels.

Insider threats: It is nothing but, an employee misusing the organization devices or resource with or without knowledge. For example if an employee accessing an unauthorised source from web, it may distract the server system. And thus cause a communication failure. To overcome this kind of problem the user must aware of the system (Secrist, 2000).

Technology issues: Some time the distraction may be raised by technology reasons as well. If the two company which communicating have the different topology to implement their networks means, it will increase the complexities while communication. Because of this problem there may be unacceptable data exchange.

Task 2

Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is used to access the services offered on Internet cloud without having previous know of it. All are managed by a browser, application of API. Tasks are assigned through a combination of connections, service and software over a network. Google is the best example for cloud computing.

Mobile SaaS

PC Internet Cloud Provider PaaS

PDA /Phones IaaS

Diagram taken from:

Mobile Computing: This allows the user to use the device even being mobile. This supports the user to work from a non-fixed location. Main aspect of this concept is portability. Laptops, palmtops, notebooks, smart cell phones, i-pod and PDAs are some of the examples of portable computing devices.

Mobile Cloud Computing:

Mobile Cloud Computing is the most power way of communication where data storage and data Processing both will occur in outside the mobile device. Apple I-Phone and Google Android products are the most popular growing mobile devices.

The required functionality of the mobile cloud computing includes Global Data Access, Distributed Data Processing, Fault Tolerance, Scalability, Time and Privacy.

Advantages Mobile Cloud Computing:

Company and Enterprises: Without high capital expenditure on resources like hardware and software, it is possible for the users to share resources and application. It is also not necessary to have highly technical hardware. It lessens the cost to the client.

For Developers: Mobile Cloud Computing allows the developers to access to a larger market. It also offers a chance for them to build programs with lower cost and keep at a larger share of the revenue.

Mobile Network providers: It gives them a chance to a new company.

For businessman: He can access all the functions of application from anywhere as long as he had a web browser. So they have no need to bind in certain place . Web-capable phones are boon for the business man who is travelling mostly. Sales people and executives are also travelling a lot. Cloud offers faster, more efficient and easier business applications for them to concentrate their customers.

Health care: The worker can access and update records of patients with current treatment and diagnosis information. Mobile computing between Ambulance Emergency medical technician and hospital staff may save the life of the patient.

Disadvantages of Mobile Cloud Computing:

Problems in Security: Due to its online connectivity of processing requests, everyone could access data and so it is possible to leak confidential data. It will cause risks and loss to the company.

Service provider provides different levels of quality and service. It is a time consuming one to find a reliable service.

Another major difficulty in cloud computing is availability of networks and intermittency. Network latency and limited bandwidth in mobile network will make it poor. HTML 5 already provides a fix by enabling data caching on a mobile device, and this allows a cloud application to continue to work until the connection is restored.

Some restrictions are there in utilizing the features of handset like GPS, Bluetooth.

There are also some limitations in bandwidth-hungry apps/services. As compared to a fixed device (Dell Inspiron desktop), mobile devices (ipad and iphone4) in general have:

3 times less processing power

8 times less memory

5 times less storage capacity

10 times less network bandwidth

While mobile device performance will continue to improve in absolute terms, the disparity between the resource constraints of mobile and fixed devices will remain and must be accounted for in the types of application selected for mobile cloud computing. Image taken from:

Challenges in Mobile Cloud Computing:

End user connectivity is challenge for cloud computing. Cloud is possible with strong internet connection only. If net connection is weak then cloud computing will not work so that the application goes down specifically when large amount of data is to be processed. Another challenge in cloud computing is Infrastructure. A company having their own server should ensure that the infrastructure will be able to process the requests. Constraints of wireless networks and devices complicate the design of distributed processing more than fixed cloud computing. The capacity of mobile devices is limited when it uses batteries and less powerful devices. It is also one of the challenges in mobile cloud computing. So it is important to maximize the life of batteries of mobile devices.

Example and Research Project: Google's Gmail and Google Voice for i-Phone are the examples applications for using Mobile Cloud Computing. ABI Research released a report that HTML5 offers offline data caching i.e. the application will work even when the internet connection goes down. Here the advantage is that the server load is reduced when the connectivity is poor. So the applications become more powerful themselves.

Result: As a result we can say that Mobile Cloud Computing is a fabulous one. It is completely changing the way of businesses. It performs business transactions and it will definitely make specific changes in the way of people's look at the internet. We find Mobile cloud computing is necessary for mobility, to improve operations, to break the barriers in business, for improving information quality, for decreasing transaction lag and to improve efficiency. So, though it is having barriers we should consider the advantages and implement Mobile Cloud computing for the growth.

Evaluation of Result: Analysts guess is that when compared 2009 with 2014, Mobile Cloud based applications will be over 20 times the current of its amount. The ABI Research study forecasts that in 2014, Mobile cloud computing will become the leading mobile applications development. Figure show the evaluation of Mobile Cloud Computing. Image taken from:

Conclusion: As far now we discussed about the possible hinders in communication between two companies and how to overcome them. And also, we discussed about the mobile cloud computing. It is always better to avoid problems before it occurs. So, I suggest by implementing a good network application with standard components we can avoid communication problems and go for a long run. Cloud computing is the fashion now followed by most of the organizations. Mobile Cloud Computing is also developed rapidly which showed from the mobile company developers. Because nowadays the manufactures develop a mobile phone with full support of cloud computing.