Synthesizing is bringing together of multiple texts. In this case, we shall compare and contrast two legends by different authors, epical of Gilgamesh and folk lore of King Arthur. Although these two literary texts have comparisons, they also have differences which can be seen. The outstanding diversity is that one is of epical and the other is a folk lore (Danny 4). In an attempt look at similarities and differences of the epical of Gilgamesh and folk lore of king Arthur, it is demanded that one first knows what the words 'epical' and 'folklore' mean. Basically, 'epical' is a long oral poem about things that were done by a goddess whose deeds are looked upon by persons so as to save them ( Danny 6).This usually consists of adventure of a choreographed plot and revolves around problems faced by individuals ranging from honor, envy, contempt and battle. These comprise supernatural creatures and the setting is put in a far distance place back in the past. Epical are based on folklore alongside myths. A 'folklore', consist of an extra ordinary hero who beats all odds to resolve the problems that masses have experienced for long. It also consists of an adventure filled plot. Having known that, there is now a better understanding of these two stories (Danny 10).
Epical of Gilgamesh is a story that revolves around Gilgamesh king who had part of his body as that of human being and the other of a god. He was physically beautiful and, very strong and very wise. His kingship was so cruel and he ruled over his people, forcefully having sex with any woman whether a wife or a daughter of his noblemen or warrior (Danny12). He accomplished building his projects through forced labor. His subjects complained to the gods and they decided to keep him under checks by creating Enkidu magnificent just like Gilgamesh. The two became good friends and Gilgamesh felt so bad when Enkidu dies from an illness inflicted by the gods. Upon the death of his friend, Gilgamesh travels to the end of the earth and came to know about the times that existed previously and the hidden things of the supernatural beings and wrote them on material meant to lastlong (Danny 14). The epical commences with Enkidu. He lives with forest creatures, getting milk from their udders, eating grass with them and taking water together. In a bid to tame him he is meant to sleep with a woman but this does not happen as he is rejected since he is part of human world. He would later fight with Gilgamesh only for him to be defeated. They become friends and set off looking for an adventure to share (Danny 18).
The folklore of King Arthur is a long story that entails the ancient empire of the Romans and its fall and their armies who were trained from British. Arthur was a trusted hero who was strongly rooted in Christian religion but is confused between his liking to go round Rome to follow his faith and his unmatched royalty to the his mother land. As England collapses, Arthur beats the road together with his men being optimistic that they will bring back freedom for their friends back. As time elapses Arthur and his followers combine efforts with Merlin, a shaman whose men were always rooted in the war against the soldiers from Rome. Combining powers to make a union of men from England in order to attack soldiers from Saxon, Arthur, Merlin, and other brave soldiers can stop at nothing to form an independent Britain under one army and one leader (Morris et al 55).
The folk lore of King Arthur is in comparable to the epical of Gilgamesh because the former is a good friend to Merlin while Gilgamesh's good friend was Enkidu and among these two none lived to forget their friends. Enkidu became very close to with Gilgamesh transforming to a man. Enkidu let loose the beasts' traps when they are held up, so to transform him a human the harlots went to bed with him so that the beasts would feel embarrassed of him and discard him. King Arthur came to learn of Merlin's existence when he was still an innocent naïve youth (Morris et al 62). Upon the birth of Arthur, Merlin was being taken care of by one Ector, while still a young boy; Arthur came to know the ways of kindness, knighthood in addition to being a man enough. At the competitions back in the days Arthur got Excalibur from the rock and this is what led to Arthur coming into contact with Merlin yet again.
In the folklore of King Arthur, Merlin shows that it is as if gentlemen forgot it was their doom. Gilgamesh together with Enkidu entered into a battle and murdered humbaba, security personnel of the large plantation of cedar, the male of heaven, subjected Gilgamesh to agony for killing his people. These two King Arthur and Gilgamesh never forgo their trusted comrades. King Arthur went to many wars with Merlin always there for him, backing him up using magic to assist Arthur gain a good comprehension of the world. When Enkidu meets his death, Gilgamesh took a long time before getting the discretion of eternal life, but he was not capable of returning it to Enkidu to bring back his life to him. Upon Merlin being frozen by Morganna's strange magic, it came in King Arthur's mind that Merlin left him to be (Morris et al 68).
In conclusion, there are many outstanding similarities and differences that are seen in these two strange yet interesting stories. These includes the different the similarity of the type of language and the replica of the trustworthy confidants of both Gilgamesh and King Arthur. This is why The Epical of Gilgamesh and folklore of Arthur are the similar yet different.
Although there seems to be so many things which are alike between The Epical of Gilgamesh and the Folklore of King Arthur, there is outstanding diversity. One classical diversity is that, Gilgamesh was a dictator while Arthur was a champion. Gilgamesh saw himself better than anyone else for he never approved of the women to sleep with their men to be until Gilgamesh had some good time with them. Gilgamesh dismantled Uruk, the elders were despised, cherished women than anything else and no hunting rules (Morris et al 72). Because Enkidu took away the animals away from trap Gilgamesh sent a harlot to transform Enkidu a man so that the beasts would reject him. King Arthur was a champion because he embraced equality of man. Instead of being the boss at the table he made all the servants dine with him together with their maids. King Arthur slept only with wife. This is one reason why The Epical of Gilgamesh and The folk lore of King Arthur are outstanding (Morris et al 78).
Work cited:
Danny P. The epic of Gilgamesh.2nd ed. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1997 (2-100)
Morris, Albert, Paul. The Epic of Gilgamesh: An Old Babylonian Version. Book Tree, 2003
Arnold C. Legends of the Arts: 50 Inspiring Stories of Creative People. Good Year Books, 2007