The School of Information Risk Management was founded in 2007. SIRM is teaching the courses in three main streams of MSc Computing with Systems Security and Management, MSc Business Administration and MBA Business Administration ( SIRM has got all the approval for its Post Graduate Diploma with University of Gloucestershire and Anglia Ruskin University.
SIRM has got high quality programs as accredited and aligned with the awarding bodies at graduate and undergraduate level. The disciplines are Business Studies, Information Security and Assurance.
SIRM as a department have excellent relationships with local and international bodies which includes the Consultancies providing the business to SIRM.
The cost of education at SIRM is cheap as compare to other universities and colleges.
The School of Information Risk Management is well connected with its Awarding bodies. And all of its Graduate and under graduate Diplomas are accredited (
SIRM is one of those institutes which are managing the diversity in terms of students and faculty as well. The students at SIRM are from different cultures of Asia.
Highly qualified, experienced staff is the key strength to SIRM.
No clear communication between senior management and the students at all the levels of the operations.
Increased responsibilities in regards to recruiting more students globally without proper budgeting. No proper resources allocation for canteen and the student’s discussion rooms.
Lack of marketing for the promotion of the School nationally and internationally.
Small premises in terms of class rooms and student’s discussion rooms also none dedicated staff of the School.
Change in the policies without any notice to the students and lack of time management for the challenges coming up next to the School.
SIRM is not recognized as much as compared to the other colleges.
SIRM have relatively slow responding curricular process when set against the continual need for rapid program changes driven by external accrediting agencies. It includes ABP, OTHM, ASIC etc.
The website of SIRM is out of date and it is not updated according to the new upcoming events of the school.
The lab and the computers are too old according to the need of the current business scenario.
The partnership with the industry and the companies with respect to student internship and the job programs are the opportunity for SIRM. These are the interesting trends coming up now (
More student programs which include student activities like seminars with the guests from local industry will help in building good relationships with SIRM.
Offering new short courses like English proficiency course, trainings services, computer course and graphic designing.
Marketing means to improve the good will of the college in media, business journals and the magazines from the college with the name of SIRM.
Lack of staff retention and no career development for both the Staff and the students can be threats to SIRM. Economic recession around the world is affecting the buying power which may affect the recruitment of new students in future for SIRM.
Focusing only on international students may result into poor generation of funding. On other hand growing number of educational institutes locally and internationally is affecting the target market.
Lack of two way communication between students and the SIRM management, staff in terms of academics and the accreditations.
As an organization must do an agreement with more university in United Kingdom as it is operating for higher studies.
SIRM should recruit fewer students according to its budget it owned.
SIRM must have more options to choose the faculty member according to the satisfaction of students.
The School should make a clear communication rules in between staff and the students.
SIRM should have direct relationships inside industries to place the students on jobs. This will help to create the SIRM community.
SIRM should have a employee retention programs to hold the best staff in the organization.
PEST Analysis
Pest analysis for SIRM will include the following aspects.
Political factors have the direct affect on the business the way it operates. It includes the changes in the government policies and regulations for the public and private limited companies.
It also includes the stability of the current Government, the involvement of Government in immigration laws, and their amendments. The political factors also affect the changes in the employment laws and the immigration rules for the students.
The economic factors for the school SIRM includes the following aspects in long and short term run of the economy. The economic growth of United Kingdom, interest rate, inflation as the student of the SIRM are mostly migrants of the other countries. Also the long term employment for the students coming to study in United Kingdom.
Social factors for the SIRM will includes the factors at macro level which are mostly the demographics the way peoples are living and working in a particular environments. It also covers the perspectives of age distribution, population growth, and emphasis on safety of the society.
It is difficult to change the system. As the school of SIRM is new in the market so the best idea is to own such latest technological equipment which can be realistic even after some time. It includes the database management system, the computer labs the multimedia equipments and other assets. SIRM should consider the following factor before owning the technology. The rate of change in technology, technology incentives, automation of the systems ( etc.
SIRM should have an eye on the changes coming ahead in the Government and the issues related to the immigration and laws. On contrary The SIRM should have the ability to monitor the rate of inflation and overall health of the economy.
On the other side it is totally impossible to control the macro factors. The social factors we can’t change or modify the needs of the society or their working style but SIRM as an organization should have the ability to be modified it accordingly. We can say that SIRM should be flexible to accept any changes coming up.
Ethics can be defined as the complete set of values around to behave properly, and to treat peoples in such a way that it shows respects to them. All the organizations have code, and ethics to policies and procedures for the organization (
Ethics Policy for SIRM
The School of Information Risk Management recognise the responsibilities of dealing with its concerned partners, which includes employees, students, other institutes and the society as well.
Values Relating to Students
The SIRM believes that the services provided to the students and to the perspective students is up to mark. This is essential to the success of SIRM.
SIRM will not give inadequate and misleading information to its students.
SIRM will recruit the students according to its budget. The School will make its entire attempt to deliver the proper learning services.
SIRM will ensure that all the complaints are dealt efficiently and effectively.
Values Relating to SIRM Educational Partners
The School will provide the service for career development and opportunities.
SIRM will not recruit the student with unfair practices.
SIRM will not seek to damage the reputation of its competitors.
The School will not try to get the information related to its competitors by unfair means.
For learning programme changes, the School will inform its other partners if the changes may affect their operations.
Board of Directors
The governing body of SIRM will be purely concerned with the educational character and the Mission of the SIRM. Also it will take care of its operational activities; for the effective and efficient utilization of resources, and safety of its assets.
Management and Staff
The code of conduct for the staff of the college will restrict any action of employees in regards to any matter connected with the operations of the college.
This will also give freedom to the employees to speak freely without being subject to the disciplines of the college
The principal of the college is responsible for making a decision in terms of the financial practices carried out in SIRM. And he will inform the directors before making and changes.
External Relationship
SIRM will recognize its responsibility while serving the community. It will take the basic steps to ensure that all the information regarding the services is widely available to the peoples.
SIRM will provide the service relevant to its mission and in accordance to the need of the community.
The School will provide timely and efficient services to its students depending on its availability of resources.
SIRM will also ensure the smoothness of the Memorandums and contracts of understandings with the other departments like ABP, EDEXCEL, ASIC etc.
SIRM will ensure that all the staff will practice the code of ethics/conduct with each other.
The school will create all the process through the student and the community can easily express their issue to the management
The school will appoint a specific person to monitor that whether the ethics are practiced rightly or not.
The auditor may be asked to enquire about any practice that is breaking the practice the code of ethics.
SIRM will also ensure that their codes of ethics are published and widely available.
SIRM was founded in 2007. SIRM is teaching the courses in three main streams of MSc Computing with Systems Security and Management, MBA. SIRM has got high quality programs as accredited and aligned with the awarding bodies at graduate and undergraduate level.