Suicide in Egypt

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 1530

Suicide in Egypt 2009


Suicide is taken from a Latin word ‘Sui caedere' which means to kill one self. Suicide rates have increased in the past years especially in youth groups.

Suicide has different causes and many motivations.

We have many solutions to avoid suicide and to reduce the suicide numbers.

Suicide is one of the most important social problems that can be found in any committee. An important problem like suicide cannot be ignored.


Suicide is a significant cause of death, in which a person tries to end his life rapidly, thinking that this is the way to get rid of his problems.

Suicide is considered to be a very complex phenomenon, in which it has attracted the attention of many people specially youth as a serious public health problem.

Usually people commit suicide when they fail to solve a problem and when they feel that there is no hope in life.

Suicide has many causes according to the surrounding and the culture. Suicide is also considered as a crime towards the society and the person who suicides.

Many youth who had a suicide attempt were asked for their motives; their main answer was that ‘‘they were trying to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with or to get rid from bad thoughts or feelings''.

Some people believe that suicide is a disease like any other disease and has symptoms and can be noticed on the patients.

Suicide is forbidden in almost all religions.

In Egypt Government studies has revealed in 2007 that about 60% of suicide is dumping in the river and 20% dealing with toxins and 10% burning and 3% jump in high places.

Suicide is a sign of a negative energy and negative feeling inside a person that turns into violence to wards the self.


What are the main causes for suicide?

Suicide has too many causes that differ from a person to another. The most common causes for suicide are derived from a psychological disorder. And includes: (Depression, Schizophrenia, alcoholism, autism, and drug abuse).

There are 10 to 20 million non-fatal suicide attempts every year around the world wide.

Over ninety percent of people who committed suicide had a mental illness before the time of their death.

Suicide has many causes and most of people who committed suicide had a negative life experiences.

Also social problems are one of the main causes of suicide like family problems, being lonely, losing loved ones and also getting a shock from nearest people all these social problems can cause a person to end his life by committing suicide.


What are the effects?

People when they commit suicide they heart other people not only themselves.

People who had witnessed suicide they have faced many problems like night mares and heightened stress.

Anger and guilt are common reactions, but it is often more stronger and long lasting to the survivors of suicide.

It is very important for people to be able to release the emotions of grief, being able to get rid of anger and to express their anger and to come over their problems and to be able to deal with.

The number of men who committed suicide is often three times more than women. But in china the numbers of women who commit suicide are more than men.

Suicide rates increases with age in which a person starts to feel very week and starts to feel lonely and hopeless.


What are possible solutions?

There is a world suicide prevention day on September 10, we can use this day as a tool to prevent suicide.

We can tell people about the causes and symptoms of suicide.

We can tell people how to deal with a person who is a suicide.

We can give people a general knowledge about suicide.

We can help people to overcome their own depressions.

We can also give a hope to those depressed people.

How can we get benefit from the world's prevention day of suicide?

· We can raise the awareness about the suicide problem.

· Gathering the available knowledge and expertise in order to take effective actions.

· Arranging for a specialized training of selected persons for the suicide prevention.

There are institutes that go after preventing suicide; these institutes should be supported by normal people and the government.

These institutes give people the enough information about suicide and they teach them how to deal with their own depressions.

These institutes play a very important role in preventing suicide.

Media plays a significant role in today's society, in which it give's a wide range of information.

We can depend on media to increase the awareness of suicide by making promotions that helps in preventing suicide.

We can use the internet; we can make a website for any questions about how to deal with depression.

· People who had a suicide attempts are often three times more than the people who committed suicide.

· Suicide rates are less among people who are married and have children.

· The highest rates of suicide are in Russia, India and China.

· 1/5 of people who suicide leaves messages and signs that point to suicide.

· Suicide numbers in males are more than females.

These are the graphs of the results of questionnaire about suicide

Do you think people who had a suicide attempt and they survived will repeat that attempt again?

Do you think who commit suicide give a sign before they do?

Do media do their job in preventing suicide?

Do you think that people who committed suicide were in their conscious when they did so?

Q1) Do you think people who had a suicide attempt and they survived will repeat that attempt again?

Q2) Do you think who commits suicide gives a sign before they do?

Q3) Do media do their job in preventing suicide?

Q4) Do you think that people who committed suicide were in their conscious when they did so?

Question no.

No. yes

No. Of no


09 people

11 people


14 people

06 people


11 people

09 people


14 people

06 people

From the questionnaire and the graph results we conclude that:

· People who had a suicide attempt and they survived they will not repeat that attempt.

· People who commit suicide they give a sign before they do so.

· Media do their job in preventing suicide.

· People who committed suicide were in their conscious when they did so.


· Suicide has many causes according to the surrounding and the culture.

· People commit suicide when they fail to solve a problem and when they feel that there is no hope in life.

· Suicide is forbidden in almost all religions.

· 60% of suicide is dumping in the river and 20% dealing with toxins and 10% burning and 3% jump in high places.

· Suicide is a sign of a negative energy and negative feeling inside a person that turns into violence to wards the self.

· There are 10 to 20 million non-fatal suicide attempts every year around the world wide.

· Over ninety percent of people who committed suicide had a mental illness before the time of their death.

· The number of men who committed suicide is often three times more than women.

· Suicide rates increases with age in which a person starts to feel very week and starts to feel lonely and hopeless.

· People who had a suicide attempts are often three times more than the people who committed suicide.

· Suicide rates are less among people who are married and have children.

· 1/5 of people who suicide leaves messages and signs that point to suicide.

· Suicide numbers in males are more than females.

Questionnaire about suicide

Name: ................................... Age: ...................


o Male

o Female

· Do you think people who had a suicide attempt and they survived they will repeat that attempt again?

o Yes

o no

· Does females attempt to suicide more than males?

o Yes

o no

· Do you think people who talk about suicide go through it?

o Yes

o no

· Do you think who commit suicide give a sign before they do so?

o Yes

o no

· Do media do their job in preventing suicide?

o Yes

o no

· If a teen wants to kill him/herself there is nothing you can do to stop them?

o Yes

o no

· Is the predominant feeling of most suicidal people are feelings of hopelessness and helplessness?

o Yes

o no

· Have you ever thought of committing suicide?

o yes

o no

· Do you think that the people who committed suicide were in their conscious when they did so?

o Yes

o no

Ø Choose the main cause for suicide

o Lake of faith in god

o Depression

o Psychological disorder

o Family problems

o Money problems

What are other possible solutions for suicide?





History of Suicide: Voluntary Death in Western Culture (Medicine and Culture)

by George Minois, Lydia Cochrane (translator)

Overcoming Depression

by Demitri Papolos & Janice Papolos