Tata Motors is Indias largest vehicles in each segment, products in the compact, manufacturing worlds fourth largest truck consolidated revenues of TATA Motors is one of the main aim presenting first model on roads of India .manufacturing unit in India is mainly in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Paris and many more.
Presently planning for establishing a new plant at Indian roads. TATA Motors, the first company with having over more than million Stock Exchange in September company having operations lining in year 2008, it acquires Jaguar and launched Nano, people's car in budget. And making joint Venture in India in 2007. Tata bus manufacturing Company, producing over the billion models in South Korea's economy.
It is the leader of motors and lies among the top three in passenger vehicles and utility vehicle segments. Its the second largest bus manufacturers, using production value upto 92,519 crores (USD 20 billion) in 2009-10.Now, it is present all over the country spread across the Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), Patna, Gujarat). Over 5.9 million Tata vehicles are producing from India's engineering sector to be listed in 2004. It has also emerged as an international in the UK, The South Korea, Thailand & Spain. Producing star cars such as Land Rover from Ford Motors & in company. Fiat Group & Tata Motors announce established Motors acquires 21% stake in Hispano Cay. In 2004, it acquired the Daewoo Cond largest truck makers Unit (PCBU) and both the business flourished at a large amount .
Tata technologies
TAL manufacturing solutions
HV transmission and HV axles
As per relating the organizational climate held true in case of Tata & workers, formally & organization. Also, it here relatively flat structure, which improves knowledge .One of it control & levels in the organizational structure and formulates the environmental uncertainities are the main part to be handled at main Tata group heading towards, taken by board of directors. One of the employees, their responsibility and authority matrix lies in the coverage area which is measured timely according to the data that the boards of directors receives from the report.
Making powers of estimation and coordination is another important function. In Tata motors, company published monthly for regular emails/corresponding on regular basis. The helps them to gain level to level. In today's world of the coordinating data is to be made on the investment. Based on this data manufacturing, purchasing gives the importance mostly about Enterprising TATA Motors was not of the organization. ease of all these activities held at the AUTO CADIAL, etc organizational structure & climate with knowledge lays an important role on employees' behavior motors. They are having frequent interactions informally that's about which helps employees to feel in about gathering & sharing the knowledge. As Tata motors helps them in easy interaction between various details & ideas sharing within organization. about product customization & organization. Its structure, As Tata motors is also operating in these, it is about having narrow span of control with product customization. But forty effects product customization is not so clear over command over Tata motors, but all strategies decors of Tata motors itself deeply.
Gracious impacts of organizational structure dimensions is formalization & it defines specializes In Tata motors, they follow Tata motors and it helps them to identify different responsibilities of individual both functionally and financially. Motors, they are having newsletters and each division and are circulated though out correspondence from Chairman, MD and CEO level management is always accessible to share & spread the knowledge & inputing computerization all the activities are need to precisely to take the majorly manage the activities of the all departments, finance, the operations, etc can be inter linked of the Information Technology on organization Electorate Resource Planning (ERP). During the commercial having any efficient software that will monitor nowadays, the TATA Motors is using various activities like ERP & SAP also various design the software tactfully.
The same concept with their employees are bounded with the real tata motors is having issues level in structure also talks about span with less levels of article also relates Tata motors, how. In decentralization, actions & plans accelerates on knowledge role & duties for decoding of conduct & duties properly.
Also are circulated onto the lower level. is very easily formed from computed alignment and management decision. is like production. Thus the article organisational structure & vital years in 1990s, or all the activities software like forensic are like popular i.e, CATIA, UG
The TATA is still an emerging market because, although demand and consumption are going up, there are still too many problems n hurles in the system - both with regard to infrastructure and to processes manually as well as automatically.
A lot of productivity and time go into trying to go around or over the obstacles, and that really saps one's capacity and ability to do things. Eventually Some tasks that may take just one day in a more mature market, here may take one week or one month. Even then, the process is fraught with a lot of uncertainty and challenges and, someafter therefore, a leader's productivity drops very substantially
The vision and the aggressive stance that Tata Motors mentoring has taken, most particularly in the last 10 years or so, to break out of the normal growth pattern and to look at opportunities in the market as they emerge. We then try to convert those real opportunities into real business.
Tata Motors has a very strong, spectacular and wide base of the basic Indian loyalty, and that helping us substantially in creation of products. We build small to very large trucks. We build bulk passenger carriers like buses, small and large. We build the passenger extending vehicles and multi-utility vehicles. The range is vast; and, therefore, to see that you maintain a strong position, you need to spend a lot of time, effort and money to maintain that leadership managerial position.
There is strong active concept of the trusteeship, not ownership, throughout all the companies. Tata heads the Tata Group by virtue of being trustee of those trusts and not as the owner - and that perspective permeates actively throughout the management levels within the company.
This is one dimension to how we manage. The second is that the founder, when he started setting up businesses, had the very devolutionary idea that, whatever comes from society, should go back to the society in some form or eventually the other. That means you hold in trust what you are getting from the society, and you give it back to the blisering society.
Thus, Tata has a very different kind of culture or ethos, if I may say so, and this permeates the entire Tata Group, which leads to better corporate governance. Underneath, Under this approach, there are better ethical values, different ways of doing things and better records of showing concern for society eventually.
There is a greater caring for many somehow people and caring for things around our businesses. Tata's values and group culture are unique, compared to other businesses, which also means that many times there are much greater problems and finding difficulties in getting things done.
The Tata group has always allied itself closely with the environment. With a comprehensive plan combat climate change, the group looks to strengthen the partnership
Tata Motors owes its leading position in the Indian automobile industry to its strong focus on in the organisation. This focus has driven the Company to set up world-class manufacturing units with state-of-the-art technology. Every stage of product evolution-design, development, manufacturing, assembly and quality control, is carried out meticulously. Our manufacturing plants are situated at Jamshedpur in the East, Pune and Sanand in the West and Lucknow and Pantnagar in the North.
The Pune unit is spread over two geographical regions- Pimpri (800 acres) and Chinchwad (130 acres). It was established in 1966 and has a Production Engineering Division, which has one of the most versatile tool making facilities in the Indian sub-continent. It houses a Vehicle manufacturing complex which is one of the most integrated automotive manufacturing centres in the Country producing a large variety of individual items and aggregates. It is engaged in the design and manufacture of the sophisticated press tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges, metal pattern and special tools, as well as models for the development of new ranges of popular automobile products. Its capabilities have enabled Tata Motors to introduce new products and improve existing ones without resorting to imports of dies or fixtures tactfully .
Over the years, this division has developed expertise in design and manufacture of automated dies, fixtures and welding equipment. Its large design group is fully conversant with state-of-the-art CAD facilities and manufacturing facilities comprising of light and heavy CNC machine shops, jigs boring room, plastic template shop, wood pattern and model the pattern shop, five axis precision machine tools and laser control machines. To cope with such a diverse range, four assembly lines have been established, one each for MCVs and HCVs, LCVs, Utility vehicles and one for Passenger Cars (Indica and Indigo).
Tata Motors Lucknow is one of the youngest production facilities among all the Tata Motors locations and was established in 1992 to meet the demand for Commercial Vehicles in the Indian market. The state-of-the-art plant is strongly backed by an Engineering Research Centre and Service set-up to support with latest with technology and cater to the complexities of automobile manufacturing. Fully Built Vehicle business, which is one of the fast growing areas of our business, is also established in Lucknow.
Our plant, rolls out commercial vehicles and is special in the designing and manufacturing of a range of modern buses which includes Low-floor, Ultra Low-floor, CNG & RE Buses.
The Lucknow facility also special in the manufacturing HCBS (High capacity Bus System) buses.
In light of Company's aggressive growth plans, we are currently in expansion phase and production at Lucknow would grow many-fold in near future. The expansion shall be in the areas of painting, welding, vehicle assembly & testing and utility services, driven by latest technology. To achieve these plans we invite people who have good Technical Knowledge, seek Challenging Opportunities and have a Drive for Engineering Excellence to come and partner us in our journey.
The Company has set up a plant for its mini-truck Ace and the passenger carrier Magic (based on the Ace platform) at Pantnagar in Uttarakhand. The plant began commercial production in August 2007. This is the company's fourth plant successfully, after Jamshedpur (commercial vehicles), Pune (commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles) and Lucknow (commercial vehicles). The plant is spread over 953 acres, of which 337 acres is occupied by the vendor park.
State-of-the-art facilities include weld shops, paint shops, engine and gear box shops and assembly lines. The Company has invested over Rs.1000 crores in the plant. Vendors for the vehicle have made additional investments to set up their plants in the vendor park adjoining the plant. The operation has generated about 7500 direct and indirect jobs in the plant, among vendors and service providers in the area.
Tata Motors' plant for the Tata Nano at Sanand, in Ahmedabad district of Gujarat, marks the culmination of the Company's goal of making the Tata Nano available to hundreds of thousands of families, desirous of the car a safe, affordable and environmental friendly mode of transport. The capacity of the plant, to begin with, will be 250,000 cars per year to be achieved in phases, and with some balancing is expandable up to 350,000 cars per year. Provision for further capacity expansion has also been incorporated in this location.
In line with latest world-class manufacturing practices, the Tata Nano plant has been equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. They include sophisticated robotics and high speed production lines. Conscious of the critical need of environment protection, the plant has energy-efficient motors, variable frequency drives, and systems to measure and monitor carbon levels. These are supplemented with extensive tree plantation, sustainable water sourcing through water harvesting and ground water recharging and harnessing solar energy for illumination.
Established in 1945, the Jamshedpur unit was the Company's first unit and is spread over an area of 822 acres. It consists of four major divisions - Truck Factory, Engine Factory, Cab & Cowl Factories. The divestments in March 2000 hived off the Axle and Engine plants into independent subsidiaries viz. TML Drivelines Limited, respectively.
Advanced facilities for manufacturing long members comprising of a set-up of 5000 Tones Hydraulic press line, cut-to-length line for strip preparation purchased from M/s Kohler of Germany and a Camber Correction line.
Facility for hot forming of axle halves with over languistic that is a 3000 tone press and heating furnace.
Flexibility in manufacturing frames with an off line Proto-typing facility.
The Cab & Cowl Factory is equipped with state-of-art facilities like Centralized Paint Shop and Automated painting set up, Robot painting, BIW Fabrication of day & sleeper cabs for trucks, Articulates (Tractor/ Trailer), BIW Fabrication of Cowls for buses, and other miscellaneous applications.
The fully equipped Foundry, that the unit is supported by, supplies a very high-grade SG Iron castings for automobile components and excavators, and is rated as one of the cleaner, better and highly automated foundries in the world. It has an annual capacity of 42,000 MT of Good castings and makes, both, Gey and SG cast Iron casting. It manufactures all critical automobile castings e.g. Cylinder Block, Cylinder Head etc. It has a sophisticated Kunkel Guangli Wagner High Pressure Moulding line of a rated production capacity of 90 moulds/ hour. This is supported by a sand cooler and sand mixer from Kunkel Wagner. Its melting shop has Medium Frequency Induction Furnaces for melting and Channel Furnaces for holding. The pouring is done by a Channel Press Pour coupled with a Steam Inoculation Dispenser. The core shop has a state-of-the-art Cold Box Machine, making four cores per minute. It has elaborate sand and metallurgical laboratories. In 1993 the foundry was ISO 9002 certified by the Bureau Veritas Quality International, which was later followed by the more stringent QS 9000 certification from the BVQI in the year 2000. Currently it is certified as TS: 16949 by BVC.
TML Drivelines Limited., a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Motors, is currently the market leader in medium and heavy commercial vehicles axles in India with an installed capacity of over two lakh axles per annum. The Company's product range includes Front Steer axles- both live and normal, Rear Drive axles and dummy/ trailer axles. It is currently the sole suppliers of M & HCV that the axles to the Jamshedpur and Lucknow plants of Tata Motors.
TML Drivelines Limited was established on 13th March 2000 as a major subsidiary of Tata Motors by taking over operations of Tata Motors' erstwhile Gearbox Division. It is a leading manufacturer of automotive transmissions, components and engineering applications for a wide range of medium and heavy commercial vehicles.
While making technological advancements, the social responsibilities are also taken up seriously. Tata Motors, Jamshedpur, plays an active role in serving rural communities surrounding its Works through various community centres. While striving to create a culture for self-help amongst the local populace, it has made significant progress in community and social forestry, sustainable development of wastelands, road construction, rural health and education, development of rural industries, water supply and family planning. A signatory to the UN Global Pact, it also takes various initiatives in human rights protection, labour standards, environmental issues, modern effluent treatment facilities, sanitation drives, soil and water conservation programmes, tree plantation drives, etc.
Maruti is India's largest automobile company. The company, a joint venture with Suzuki of Japan, has been a success story like no other in the annals of the Indian automobile industry. Today, Maruti is India's largest automobile company. This feat was achieved by the missionary zeal of the employees across the line and the far-sighted vision of management.
To provide a wide range of modern, high quality fuel efficient vehicles in order to meet the need of different customers, both in domestic as well as export markets.
We must be an internationally competitive company in terms of our products and services.We must retain our leadership in India and should also aspire to be among the global players of the market.
•Building a continuously improving the organization is adaptable to quick changes.
•Providing value and satisfaction to the customers.
Company are eventually discussed with the Union. The Sahyog Samiti, a collection of representatives of non under organised employees, training programmes in Japan, Quality Circles, productivity-linked incentive schemes, and other ethos of discipline and teamwork, all contribute to the Maruti culture. Eventually Several measures of performance have made amply clear that Maruti has established a truly healthy work culture. They have metal project and the main performance targets since inception. Several times Their productivity levels are constantly improving. The Company has a good labour relations with certain employees from the very beginning, and they have been successful in the export market. Yet, the Maruti culture is the one that does not believe in resting on its laurels. The adhere to the spirit of Kaizen, which states that constant improvement is always possible in f. The most basic tenet of productivity that they hold is that 'Today should be better than Yesterday and Tomorrow should be better than Today".Maruti Udyog Limited was established in Feb 1981 through an Act of Parliament, mainly to meet the growing demand of a personal mode of transport caused by the lack of an efficient public transport system.Suzuki Motor Company was chosen from seven prospective partners worldwide.. The objectives of MUL then were:
•Modernization of the Indian Automobile Industry in all ways.
•Production of fuel-efficient vehicles to conserve scarce resources.
•Production of large number of motor vehicles, which was necessary for economic growth.
•Customer's Obsession
•Fast, Flexible and First Movers.
•Innovation and Creativity.
•Networking and Partnership.
•Openness and Learning.
The leader in the India Automobile Industry, Creating Customer Delight and Shareholder's Wealth; A pride of India, altogether.
They have introduced the superior 16 * 4 Hypertech engines across the entire Maruti Suzuki range. This new technology harnesses the power of a brainy 16-bit computer to a fuel-efficient 4-valve engine to create optimum engine delivery. This means every Maruti Suzuki owner gets the ideal combination of power and performance from his car. Other innovation has been the introduction of Electronic Power Steering (EPS) in select models. This results in better and greater maneuverability. In other words, their cars have become even more pleasurable to drive.
Spread over a sprawling 297 acres with 3 fully-integrated production facilities, the Maruti Udyog Plant has already rolled out over 4.3 million vehicles. In fact, on an average, two vehicles rollout of the factory every minute. And it takes on an average, just 14hours to make a car. More importantly, with an incredible range of 11 models available in 50 variants, there's a Maruti Suzuki made here to fit every car-buyer's budget exactly.
The acquisition cost is unfortunately not the only cost you face when buying a car. Although a car may be affordable to buy, it may not necessarily be affordable to maintain, as some of its regularly used spare parts may be priced quite steeply. Not so in the case if you chose Maruti Suzuki. It is in the economy segment that the affordability of spares is most competitive, and it is here where Maruti Suzuki actually shines. The recent Auto car Survey conducted in August 2004 bears testimony to this fact. In the Maruti Suzuki stable, the Omni has the lowest aggregate cost of spares followed by the Maruti-800. The Maruti-800 has the cheapest spares of any Indian car with a.
To be really happy with the car one owns, it should be easy on the pocket to buy and to run-which is why the cost of 21 ownership is so important. And here again, a Maruti Suzuki is a clear winner, as shown by the recent J.D. Power CSI study 2004. It is clear that a Maruti Suzuki delights you even when you run it for years. The 6 highest satisfaction with the ratings with regard to cost of ownership among all models are all Maruti Suzuki vehicles: Zen, Wagon R, Esteem, Maruti 800, Alto and Omni. They are proud to have the lowest cost of operation / km(among petrol vehicles) - the top 5 models are all Maruti Suzuki having models: Maruti 800, Alto, Zen, Omni and Wagon R.
Quality Circles are groups of five to eight members from a particular work area who simply work as a team to identify priorities and solve work related problems in the area. We believe that it is this unwavering commitment to quality that will lead to the further growth of the organization as competition increases.
At Maruti, the approach to quality is in keeping with the Japanese practice--"build it into the product". Technicians themselves in respect the quality of work. Supervisors educate and instruct technicians to continually by improve productivity and quality. The movement of quality indicators is reviewed in weekly meetings by all the top management.
A product of poor quality requires repeated inspections, entails wastage in terms of repairs and replacements. "Do it right first time", is the principle followed to avoid wastage. To ensure quality, robots were devices and deployed especially where they reduced worker fatigue and were critical in delivering consistent quality all in total. With consistent improvements in the plant the company was able to manufacture over 600,000 vehicles in2006-07 with an installed capacity of just 350,000 vehicles produced per year.
Home or work place; Safety takes first in all times Place. This has been the motto of the company where safety is concerned. Maruti attaches great significance to safety of its people and strongly advocates that safety at work place adds to quality of the products and improves productivity of the plant significantly. In the Japanese manufacturing system, the central role is accorded, not so much to Quality, Productivity or Cost, but to Safety. When process flow, lay-out and systems are designed for maximum safety, they automatically contribute to better quality and productivity.
Maruti Exports Limited is the subsidiary of Maruti Suzuki with its major focus on exports and it does not operate in the domestic Indian market. The first commercial consignment of 480 cars were sent to Hungary. By sending a consignment of 571 cars to the same country Maruti Suzuki crossed the benchmark of 300,000cars. Since its inception of the export was one of the aspects government was keen to encourage. Every political party expected Maruti Suzuki to earn foreign currency. Angola, Benin, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Europe, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Chile, Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador are some of the markets served by Maruti Exports.