Studying The Buisness Of Snk Express Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 913


The SNK Express is a name of the small business which is locating in Walthamstow, and they are expanding their business and opening another branch in Highbury.

The purpose of this project is to develop a stock maintaining system and calculate the VAT and selling price, etc which help to track in the future. This will allow tracking the stock quantity, selling price by date and VAT amount. In order to achieving that task this student has conducted a detailed survey about the current system which is exists in the company and interviewed members of the staff board and the employee of the business to collect information about their requirements and to obtain a clear idea about their business. After analysing all the information gathered this student has attempted to come up with a possible solution.

In order to achieve this goal this student has further extended his research to find out about the technological feasibility and economical feasibility of this project and the recourses needed in terms of hardware and additional communication technologies. Further research has been done to find out about the various tools and technologies available in the current environment and identified the most advanced and efficient tools among them.

Aims and Objectives

The main aim of this proposal is to develop a system which is manages all the stock, staff and employees financial records. The system will store all the relevant data in the database. It will help to the department to enter, search, delete, and alter data very quickly.

Aims of the proposal

Allows staff to login as an administrator or normal employee.

Allows administrator to enter, save, search, delete and alter the stock or employee details.

Allows staff to enter transferring stock details.

Allows staff to print the transfer stocks to another branch.

Allows staff to manages the daily expenses

Allows employees to calculate the tax paid for employees.

Provide daily stock collection report.

Provide the monthly total salary collection report.

Allows generating a monthly report for all staffs or particular staff.

Allows printing a particular staff details or stock details.

Provide to the system to take backup every day evening.

Provide to the system, if the system is not use for long time it will logout automatically.

Allows employee to logout the system.

Objectives of the proposal

The objectives are what we have to do in order to achieve the aim. The following are the objectives that will be required in order to achieve the project aim.

The objective can divide into research objectives and practical objectives.

Research Method

As the aim of the project is to design a web based system for a company to achieve this aim I have to undertake number of different investigations. My research consists of two main areas which are my research objectives in which I am getting help from my sponsor Mr. Nasir James Khosla who is the Consultant of the company. He is actually helping me about the manual file based system and its working. The second area of my research is literature review for which I have to read number of different books to understand the web based systems.

Research Objectives

These research objectives will helpful to carryout to move to the practical objective.

a) To study a similar system:-

Carryout a detail research on existing systems which operate in a small business and large business.

b) To study the feasibility of implementing and developing a stock maintaining system for small business:-

I am mainly focusing on scalability issues. As the business is rapidly expanding the system should support any future expansions such as increasing number of customers and handling increasing number of stock from the sales.

c) To conduct interviews with:-

Mr. Guru Srinivasan- Financial officer/ Lecturer

Mr. Chandranna Rayadurg - Database administrator/Lecturer

Mr. Lucas Moreki-IT technician




In order to understand how the current system works and it’s problems and the existing technologies available in the institution such as specification of the computer system, Servers, Networks, Communication technologies and Data storage facilities.

d) To research about system modelling and prototyping tools.

e) Understanding of the Visual and its working

f) Understanding of the MS SQL server and its functions.

Practical Objectives

Requirement gathering and analysis:-

To collect user requirements through interviews and questionnaires and analysing them in order to develop the proposed system

To understand requirement specifications and prepare requirement specification document for small business

System modelling and prototyping:-

To create the logical design of the system using Unified Modelling Language for e.g.:- Activity diagram / use case diagram.

To present the logical design and prototypes to the small business or large business to ensure the system fulfils the user requirements.

Prepare development environment To Purchase all hardware and software which is required to develop and implement the system

Physical designing of the system to do essential coding and develop the system:-

I am decided to develop the system using Visual Studio. NET and SQL Database Management System.

For a front end GUI I am going to use Visual Basic.NET

For a Back-End I am going to use SQL Database Management system.

Testing and implementation:-

Testing is the important part of the development process

To test the system and ensure it works according to the requirement specification, which includes verification and validation.

To implement the developed system in Colleges and universities and train the staff.

Get feedback from the end-users and make necessary changes or add new features to the system.