Study Into Respiratory Infection Reduction Health And Social Care Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 1324


The main aim of the study was to assess whether there was a reduction in the signs and symptoms of acute upper respiratory infection and changes in behavioral responses of the children who received steam inhalation compared to children who did not receive steam inhalation.

The conceptual frame work of the study was a nursing process model based on the Dorothy Johnson's behavior system model. The independent variable of the study was steam inhalation therapy with Tulsi and the dependent variables were symptoms and behavioral responses of children.

The study was conducted in a village with the population of about 1913. The people in the community are of two groups based on caste Harijans and Grounders residing on southern and northern part of the community respectively. A convenient sampling of 25 children from each group was selected. Demographic data and data on degree of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioral responses were collected from both the groups using an observational checklist and structured interview schedule.

For the experimental group steam inhalation with Tulsi was administered for 10 days prior to each administration steam inhalation on every day and after administration the degree of AURI using observational checklist and data on behavioral responses was assessed daily by self report from the mother during the period of 11 days.

The control group continued to use the application of Vicks and milk with pepper and turmeric. Data on degree of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioral responses was collected as for the experimental group. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.


Demographic data

In experimental group, majority of the samples 60% were in the age group of 13 - 24 mothers and in control group 60 % of the samples were in the age group of 6 - 12 mother, Majority of the samples in experimental group 52% and 60% in control group were females. 48% of the samples in experimental group and 44% of the samples in control group were male.

All the samples 100% in both the groups were immunized. In the experimental group 48% of the samples and 44% in control group had primary level of education 32% of the samples in experimental group and 36% in control group had secondary level of education 20% of the samples in both the group were illiterate.

Majority of the samples 64% in experimental group and 52% in control group had the income of Rs. 2001 - 3000 per month and 36% of the samples in experimental group and 48%of the samples in control group had the income of Rs. 3001- 4000 per month.

Signs and symptoms of acute upper respiratory infection

The signs observed were runny nose, sneezing, watering of eyes, pink and shiny mucosa of nose, presence of crusts on the nose, fever, cough, red and swollen throat.

The acute upper respiratory infection was assessed in three degree - no infection, mild infection and moderate infection. Before intervention, 60% of the samples had mild degree of infection in experimental group. In control group 84% of the samples had mild degree of infection and 16% of the samples had moderate degree of infection. In experimental group on 11th day after intervention all 100% of the samples had no infection. In the control group 84% of samples had mild degree infection and 12% had moderate degree of infection on 11th day.

The mean score of degree of infection in experimental group should have a significant reduction after the steam inhalation therapy on 11th day.

Behavioral responses of experimental and control group

The behavioral responses of children with acute upper respiratory infection were assessed under 2 categories such as physical activity and social activity in three levels [inactive, moderate, and highly active]. The behavioral responses assessed were cry of the child, sleep, problems in feeding, respond to tickling, interest to play with toys, smile, response of the child when called by name running around, want to be carried by mother always, interest in playing with other children.

Before intervention in the experimental group majority 69% of the samples was physically and socially in active, 40% were samples moderately active and in control group 50% of the samples were physically and socially in active and 50% of the samples were moderately active. None of the samples in both the group were active.

On 11th day in experimental group all the samples 100% were highly active and control group 66% of the samples were in active and 34% were moderately active. In the experimental group the mean score was 0.00 which was less compared to the control group. This shows the effect of steam inhalation therapy that improves the behavioral responses of children with acute upper respiratory infection.


There was a significant difference in mean score of degree of acute upper respiratory infection of experimental group (t=21.88, p<0.05, df-48) compared to control group. Hence, the research hypothesis H1was accepted at 0.05 level of significance.

There was a significant difference in the mean behavioral responses score between the experimental and control group (t=39.44, df-48, p<0.05%). Hence, the research hypothesis H2 was accepted at 0.05 level of significance.

There was no significant association between the demographic variables and degree of acute respiratory infection.


The degree of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioral responses is same for both the group before intervention. But , after intervention there was significant reduction in experimental group for all sign and symptoms of acute upper respiratory infection where in control group there was no significant reduction. There was a significant improvement in the behavioral responses in experimental group after intervention and in control group there was no such improvement in the behavioral responses.



Steam inhalation therapy with Tulsi leaves had an effect on degree of acute upper respiratory infection and behavioral responses in children. Nurses as health professionals have the dual responsibility of being health care providers as well as health educators.

The finding of the study indicate that all the heath team members especially the nurse who works in the community should be aware about the effectiveness of steam inhalation therapy with Tulsi on acute upper respiratory infection and educate the people to use this low cost natural product. People belonging to all strata of society must be encouraged to use of Tulsi leaves by creating awareness about the avail ability, low cost and efficiency of this natural product to decrease the degree of acute upper respiratory infection.


The findings of the study emphasize the effect of steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves on reducing the degree of acute upper respiratory infection and the improvement in behavioral responses of children. This information can be included in the nursing curriculum in order to improve the health status and prevent the complications of respiratory infection in the community.


The result showed steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves decrease the degree of acute upper respiratory infection. The nurse as an administrator should plan and organize continuing nursing education programmes which are beneficial to the people in the community planning and organization of such programmes require efficient team work, planning the manpower, money, material and time to conduct successful education and time to conduct successful education programmes.


This is only initial investigation to assess the effectiveness of steam inhalation with Tulsi on acute upper respiratory infection. There is a need for intensive research in the area of nursing to render letter service not only in the hospital but also in the community.


A similar study can be replicated on a layer population covering an extended community.

A study can be conducted in other areas of Coimbatore city.

A similar study can be conducted in hospital setting for patient with acute upper respiratory infection.

A comparative study can be conducted between rural and urban settings.

A comparative study can be conducted between male and female children with acute upper respiratory infection.