Kathleen Manzo's article discusses how educational TV programs are good sources for entertaining and educating young children. How educational TV programs can set teenagers on the right path of reading.
She starts the article by talking about the TV programs and how it could teach skills. Manzo wrote about many experts in this field as Ms. Linebarger who is studying analyzing the influence of many popular shows on TV. She sees that we can merge the learning and the appeal to children but it take hard work.
Manzo's used many experts opinion in the article to try to broaden the impact of TV programs .And to try to see the advantages and the disadvantages in their opinion.
2---Prof.Dr Saglik Mediha and Prof.Dr. Ozturk Serap. "Television as an educational technology". Tojde.anadolu.edu.tr. 25 Oct 1995.21 Feb 2010. <http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/tojde3/2/medihatxt.htm>
Dr. Saglik and Ozturk see in their case study that television, which has an significant place in mass comm., has a special position in the education in distance. The television has a different way in the presentation of the information to the students and the qualities recommended on how they present.
They are talking about how different information can be transferred through the television from traditional education ways with respect to the audio-visual presentation. They are saying that the explanation and the examples presented on the television or visually can be more effective because it could motivate the learner, his/her desire for learning increases, and for conclusion we could find that the education could become easier.
Both Dr Saglik and Ozturk are somehow biased tracing the only advantages and how the television is a distance education source that fulfils his aim.
3---"Some people say that the television will replace books and written words as the main sources of information". iektshome.com. 12 Nov 2002. 22 Feb. 2010. <http://www.ieltshome.com/samples/14377.html>
The author see that the TV as the mainstream of media , play very important role in information transformation. It presents live and color information in front of us .
The author talks about how TV can tell us the latest improvement of technology and science. Also it has a significant educational role. For example, people can study language, cooking skills, history and culture from some TV programs that teachs.
The author proves the educational TV programs play important role in our life nowadays. But at the end he sees that the main source that anyone can collect any information is the books and the books will not disappear from our life.
4---"Television: reducing the negative impact". Research.aboutkidshealth.ca. 30 June.2002. 22 Feb 2010. < http://research.aboutkidshealth.ca/Article.asp?articleID=1833>
The author discusses how the television has a influence on how children view our world. Youngsters spend more hours watching TV from birth to age 18 than they spend in the class room.
The author discusses in his article how TV discourages reading as reading requires much more thinking than television. Reading improves youngster's vocabulary. And how it reduces social interactions with family and friends.
The author see only the disadvantages of the Television especially in the younger age because they spend so much time in front of it .
5---"The American school/the role of media in education". wikibooks.com. 22 Apr.2008. 22 Feb.2010. <http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/The_American_School/The_Role_of_Media_in_Education>.
The author discusses the main idea of the article that we are in the 21st century and we still don't use the television as a good source of information in our school and home.
The author see that the role of technology and media in education should be quite obvious. The author see that the role of the television can sometime replace the role of teacher in class .or it could introduce new ways of teaching and new ways for receiving information.
The way of writing the article proves that the author looking to the future to see the new ways of learning and how we could improves our ways now.
6---Dr.Bates and Dr.Gallagher. " Educational Television :Program Structure And Style" aber.ac.uk. 1997. 23 Feb 2010. < http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Modules/TF33120/tvstyle.html>
The study case show that the TV programs required skills to understand how the TV programs works. The style of educational programs doesn't suit everyone. They have to learn how to use this kind of programs for education.
Dr.Bates and Dr. Gallagher see that there are points everyone should do to understand how the educational TV programs works and they are to analyze, apply, generalize, test, compare and evaluate.
The Drs put some principle and rules for the use of TV programs and the case study show that the style of TV programs has to be used by people understand how use the principles to understand what they see.
7-- Terry Evans, Elizabeth Stacey ,Karen Tregenza. "Interactive Television in Schools: An Australian study of the tensions of educational technology and change".July 2001.22 Feb 2010 <.http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/31/377>.
The main idea of the case study is how we could use the technology of educational TV programs in school but with feed back with the teachers.
Terry Evans, Elizabeth Stacey ,Karen Tregenza sees that we could use the educational TV programs as the main sources for transforming the knowledge for the children and the when they receive the information, they can go to school to do feedback with their teachers.
This case study provides the experience and viewpoints of the children in the TV programs and the teacher themselves and how they interact with each others.
.8---"television and children". .med.umich.edu .7 Jun. 2007.23.Feb 2010. http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/tv.htm
The author discuss in the article the influence of the television on the children and the how the television can change the life style of a person.
The author sees that the television can affect kids health and behavior and family lifestyle in negative ways. The television can affect the way the kid eat and how he see sports and how the television can make the reading less for kids.
The author discusses the disadvantages of the television and trying to show solutions for each problem he face to try to improve the life style that children are living now.