The area of strategic human resource management (SHRM) has been made by many authors in during the past 20 years. SHRM are numerous highlights that divided to 2 point. First, SHRM research tent to be manage at the level of analysis such as business parts, organization and establishments that contrast to functional human resource management (HRM) research, traditional. Second, SHRM research tent to highlight align HRM practice (internal alignment) and fit between HRM and other organizational parts (external alignment) as a key research issues (Lepak and Shaw, 2008). Strategic international human resource management (SIHRM) is now a broad journalism. The clearly links HRM with strategy processes and SIHRM links international HRM with MNC strategy but some researcher ague that this involves balancing tensions between integration between MNC units and the local environment differentiation. There are Three possible HR strategies are divided into first, cost-reduction strategy that increase productivity at low cost, employee number and wage levels are reduced. Second, quality enhancement that attempt to produce high quality good and service. Last, Innovation where highly trained specialists from the organization work to design and produce complex, rapidly changing, products. If it compares with the other strategies, this focuses on long-term goals. It involves a greater of risk, requiring high ambiguity and unpredictability tolerance (Moris, Wikinson, Gamble, 2009).There are three aspect of SHRM tent to adopt one of three major theoretical perspectives. First, universalistic perspective that one of the key attributes of SHRM research is focus on HRM system but some has focus on individual HRM practice that could be strategic consequence in certain individual HRM practice. The certain individual practices should be more commonly effective than the others which including employment security, motive pay, high salary, skill and training development, ect. In contrast, the universalistic perspective at above that is focusing on this perspective have used a range of term such as internal fit, horizontal fit and bundling configuration of a set of inside which aligned HRM practice in the employment. As the result, the effectiveness of anyone practice depends on its fit or misfit of it with other factor of HRM system. The system of HRM had the larger impact on quality, productivity and financial performance than individual HRM practice. Last, contingency perspective is in contrast in 2 above. The argument is that HRM practice in combination (configurational) and in isolation (universalistic) that just concentrate on straight interaction between HRM practice and performance outcome that will be highest effective only under certain situation conditions. This perspective is a consequential form of theorizing in this line of research. Internally-consistent HRM system must also accomplish external alignment with contingencies (Lepak and Shaw, 2008).
A wide variety of HRM systems such as high involvement, control and commitment, administrative and human capital enhancing, compliance, market based, productivity, collaborative and commitment and high performance work systems. The target of manage human resource system is to decrease direct labor costs, or improve efficiency by enforcing employee compliance with particular rules and procedures. The focus is on developing committed employee who can be trusted to use their discretion to carry out task in way that are consistent with organization targets. A promising way of conceptualizing HRM may be to design systems for particular association objectives and needed operated behaviors (Lepak and Shaw, 2008). For instance, in Japan, The most widely accepted definition of strategy comes from the work of Schendel and Hofer who refer to strategy at the business level and an organization's strategy means a review of its approach to managing its competitive environment. In addition, contemporary research on SHRM tent to threat strategy as a review of the selection pressures in an organization's competitive environment. In other speech, SHRM research tent to use strategy as a lens through which they can view the effect of organization's competitive contexts on their human resource management practices. Japanese firms are expected to achieve three distinct competitive strategies. First, cost reduction gain competitive advantage by operating as low cost product and selectively targeting. The mass market firms attempting to compete on price that will stress the need for important cost reduction in any feature of an organization's functions including marketing and human resource strategies are directed toward decreasing unnecessary expense which is to be fitted with the corporate-level cost reduction strategy. The most important purpose is to raise efficiency and productivity, reduction in the number of employee and reduction in wage levels constitute the human resource policies of this type of organization. The another important that cost reduction can be pursued through the flexible management of human resource policy that including increase use of contingency, work simplification and measurement procedures, flexibility in job assignment, emphasis on short-term technical training and development and proportion of performance appraisal based on short-term, result- based assessment. Significantly reduce personnel expenses and meet the corporate -level strategic goal of cost reduction, firms focus on this strategy will develop a relative short-term and flexibility-focused HRM policy. Second, differentiations develop different products or services from those competitors. Human resource strategies must stress the need to retain a competitive skill base and to encourage employee toward the basis for differentiation. There requires certain types of employee role behaviors, including a high degree of creativity, a long-term focus, a relatively high degree of cooperation and interdependency, a greater degree of risk taking and a high tolerance of ambiguity and unpredictability. HRM policies among such firms tent to have strong results in personnel assessment that are promotion and compensation decision are based on competition among employee. The problem of above is how to encourage employee to be more innovative linked to an emphasis on job performance. Last, the quality enhancement by enhancing product and service quality. An explicit orientation to the management of human resource should be the HRM policy that aligns best with the quality enhancement strategy. All HRM procedures should be standardized to a large extent as they require developing employee with the skills necessary to produce high quality products. This policy can develop skilful human resource best than 2 subs as above (Takeuchi, 2009).
HR policies
HR policies represent the firm or business unit's stated intentions about the type of HR programs, techniques and processes that should be carried out in the organization that get operationalized in the part. This is very important because of this potential disconnection between the espoused policy and the enacted practice. Given HRM policies are hosts of HRM practice that can be used to accomplish that policy objective. Focusing on policies allows for balance finality in terms of how HRM policy operates. A clear benefit of focusing on practices is improved measurement precision (Lepak and Shaw, 2008). For example, in China, HRM in china is in the flux. There are 2 reasons that because china is a transition economy with rapidly evolving institutions and because it undergoing unprecedented economic growth and burgeoning foreign direct investment activity (FDI). In fact, China policy has been piecemeal, has moved, and been mediated at local level. However, the iron-rice bowl is being dismantled absolutely and relatively. This system was combination of labor practices found in work units. As the result, it is no practice is replacing the iron-rice bowl which suggest by research evidence. The western style of HRM that is more likely to be presenting in southern china and in foreign-investment enterprises that have more competitive systems (Moris, Wikinson, Gamble, 2009).
Contextual Factors
There are 3 issues emerging contextual factors that including in technology, workforce trends, and changing worker values. First, technology which is issue manage both within and outside organizational boundaries is a critical issue for organization at present that must be more flexible in term of managing internal structure and processes than in the past. The distinction between flexible specialization and mass production has implication for managing employee. Change in technologies frequently "change the incumbent skills, standard practices, technology, services and product of the firm" cause coordination problems. Manufacturing technologies was associated with higher productive and lower accidents rate wile misfit result in poor overall manufacturing performance. Second, workforce is a increasing discuss in the labor concern in the expectations of the North America labor pool. On the plus side, many authors argue that labor supply deficit will be widespread in the future. This argument related to the workforce retiring "baby boom" generation and the small number generation. Other researcher writes in the different dynamics. For example, American generation once-removed form the 'baby booms' is larger and employer should be fine supply new worker adequate at same number of worker or upper level. More important factor in term of organizational performance and HRM systems is changing demographic framework of labor supply. The convincing reasons to be concerned with how these demographic frameworks may affect the ability of HRM systems to facilitate high performance. For example, age is association with increasing motivation to derive emotional meaning from life and decreasing motivation to expand one's horizon. In term of HRM systems, the implication is that older individual will not only expect more from these system, but will also react more negatively in term of attitudes and behaviors to inadequately designed or mismatching systems. To support as above, older individuals react strongly and positively in term of their organization-based self-esteem to large merit pay rises in procedurally fair systems. In contrast, observed organization-based self-esteem level were lowest among older individual when they received a large merit raise in an unjust system because they expect their working lives to have personal and professional significance, older recipients of an ill-gotten gain, react very negatively to poorly design HRM system even though it happened to be in their favor. Although the issue of fit between HRM systems in an aging workforce maybe more critical issue, attention has been given to coming labor shortage across industries. Last, changing worker values, the HRM systems that reflected type of mature exchange (employer were seen as providing long-term job stability in return for high levels of loyalty from employee) are change and are often made without loyalty and commitment considerations. A key issue is that power is shifting toward employee, leading to new problem of employers and in turn primarily different ways of managing the employees. The problem is that signal a dramatic change in term of how organizations manage their HRM practice and their workforce and how employee view their employer (Lepak and Shaw, 2008).
China was large employers and was fairly everywhere. There are two study industries, garments and consumer electronics. The first analysis unit was multinational company (MNC) that only gave such as a partial picture. Thus MNCs were integrated into a wider unit of global commodity chain (GCC) which is production regimes which are transnational labor network as some note that cooperation between companies in form of GCC. MNCs are core but they involve other companies engaged in contract links to product part of the commodity. Two types are extended provided to buyer-driven chains (where the main firm) and producer-driven (whereby the lead companies engage in manufacture). According to mini-case in china, although the companies tent to recruit young workers, the age-profile was higher in certain plants where joint-venture partners supplied worker. The major of plants were staff by unskilled females. In contrast, overall Japanese and Korean workforce composition was more mix of highly educated workers, skill, and average older than Chinese counterparts (Moris, Wikinson, Gamble, 2009).
In my judgment, strategic international human resource management can be applied across all 3 businesses that are from China, Japan and North America. According on above, they have the quite same strategic HRM (cost reduction, innovation, and quality enhancement) to manage their employee in the manufacture. However, All 3 countries have the different problems (such as unskilled female employer in China, inadequate worker in North America, and flexible management in Japan), strategic HRM can be applying to decrease level of the problem. The reason of this was SHRM tent to fit both inside and outside the company however the employers have to concentrate on the level of problem and should the key strategic which direct to solve the problem.