Staffing and recruiting planning for qualcomm

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 3270

QUALCOMM, Inc. is a global leader in digital wireless technologies and has pioneered technology used in wireless networks and headsets all across the world. The San Diego-based company has thirty-five facilities totaling more than 3.5 million sq. ft. operating in 10 U.S. states and 15 countries. From its beginnings in 1985, Qualcomm has grown from seven individuals meeting in a den to a world-leading provider of wireless technology and services. Qualcomm continues to forge industry-leading wireless solutions; it remains committed to Inventor Irwin Jacobs's goal of striving to make the world a better place. " Qualcomm was founded on the desire to be innovative - to create technologies that make a difference in people's lives - and on the firm belief that our employees' diversity, cultures and ideas are essential to this innovation. Twenty-five years later, our wireless technologies are used by more than a billion people across the globe to access each other, information, education, health care and opportunity. By embracing our individual and collective creativity, we are building stronger and more connected communities."Dr. Paul E. Jacobs(Qualcomm Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)

Qualcomm's HR vision has been to energize and guide the company in areas of motivation, employee satisfaction and the achievement of corporate objectives, as well as maximize the firm's operation efficiencies. In addition, ensures a diverse, qualified, healthy, and highly motivated workforce focused on achieving the critical outcomes, through the development and administration of cost-effective and results-oriented human resource and occupational programs, policies, services, and practices.



In the present business environment, organizations are faced with the pressure to produce more with less resources. Employees, on whom an organization's profitability depends, comprise the largest fixed cost that an organization incurs. Organizations too used to believe in the lifetime employment concept. However, such concepts are being eroded as a result of the unpredictable business environment. Hence, organizations have to evolve methods not only to improve productivity but to also keep the costs down. (Punnett & Shanker, 2004).On the human resources front, improve organizations productivity by ensuring to attract the best talent at the lowest possible cost. This objective translates into the adoption of the best Staffing and recruitment methods and instituting measures to retain and develop them. Further, to encourage quantitative measurement of recruitment and selection to prove one's point. (French, 2006).With respect to quantitative measures to improve HR effectiveness, the field is still in its nascent stages. Nevertheless, a few approaches and metrics have been developed and applied among several organizations. Employee recruitment and succession planning (to analyse those who 'Fit' )are critical HR processes in a highly competitive labor market. (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 97).

Businesses that do not do these core processes are squandering their investment in recruitment and damaging their prospects of corporate growth.

This Research Study builds on focusing into Engineering department, one of the integral part of the organization, and further narrow down in studying a smaller unit to analyze data in detail. The total Engineering Department comprises of AssociateEngineer(102nos),Engineer(1497nos),Senior Engineer(2648nos),Staff engineer (2211nos),Senior Staff Engineer(753nos),Principal Engineer(344nos). Refer Fig 1 (Source: Internal staff).. It is important here to understand the engineering leveling Guideline, role and responsibility . Fig 3 Illustrates the Job position Hierarchy with in the Engineering Division.

Fig 1

Engineering Leveling GuideLine Principal and Hierarcy

Fig 2


RESEARCH AREA : Reseach Study is limited to Audio Division which consists of 80 nos of Total Engineers.(Associate Engg - 3,Engineer - 24,Senior engg: 28,Staff engg: 14 ,Senior Staff engg: 8.) Refer Fig for the Hierarchy

The Role and responsibility: Acting as the key liaison between engineering and customers, engineers interact with marketing, test engineering and sales to ensure customer products are received favorably and on time in the marketplace. It is a very challenging position requiring to learn and internalize software and operation concepts very quickly, supporting a wide range of. It exposes them to the key players in the wireless industry worldwide and places him or her right in the heart of the dynamism of wireless deployment.This Unit supports customers with understanding, integrating, testing and optimizing performance .The role requires interfacing with handset developers, base-station inter-operability testing partners and wireless carriers worldwide. Training, publishing application notes, assisting customers with software integration, development, and system debugging are some of the key daily activities .

Fig 3



Job analysis refers to the process of collecting and analyzing information about the tasks, responsibilities, and the content of jobs. "There are four basic method, which can be used separately or in combination, of collecting job analysis data-observation,interviews,questionaaire and job incumbent diaries and logos." .(Ivancevich, 2010, p. 152). It involves a systematic review of the organization's requirement for human capital .Human resource managers determine job requirements by conducting job analysis and then formulating plans to fill these positions Once the company performs this analysis, it will provide with the knowledge, skills, and abilities an applicant will need to succeed in a given job. .(Ivancevich, 2010, Chapter 6).


After doing the job search at O*NET and Qualcomm website I have found that there is one position opened recently for senior /staff level engineers at Audio Department that needs to be filled quickly.(, feb 16 ,2011).


Associated or derived from series of job analysis, Job description is a detail statement of an employee's educational background and self characteristic which is required to carry duties or perform specific task or function. A well-written job description consists of more than a list of the tasks and responsibilities that the job entails. .(Ivancevich, 2010, Chapter 6).Below given is summary of job responsibilities,function and educational requirement in short - job description for two recently opened up positions at Qualcomm.(, feb 16 2011).


Requisition # G1693209

Job Title Audio Software Engineer (Senior/Staff Level Only)

Post Date 02/16/2011

Division Qualcomm CDMA Technology

Job Area Engineering - Software

Location California - San Diego

Job Function

developing embedded software supporting the audio, voice, and multimedia functions of CDMA, and UMTS handsets. Positions exist for motivated individuals interested in joining a dynamic organization building the next generation of mobile phone devices.


4+ years of experience developing commercial software in areas such as Speech and Audio Decoders / Encoders, Multimedia Drivers, or Hardware Mixed Signal and Serial Drivers Proficient in C/C++ programming language with strong industry embedded programming experience on multiprocessor platforms and SOCs Hardware knowledge, including ability to read schematics and develop / debug software in real-time, hardware interrupt driven embedded systems Ability to debug HW and SW interfaces and highly embedded software spanning multiple processor cores in multitasking and multithreaded environments Hands-on experience with logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, JTAG debuggers Coursework knowledge and industry experience in Operating Systems, Data Structures, Computer Architectures

Job Responsibilities

Low-level device driver experience a plus Knowledge and experience in parsing of audio multimedia file formats like MIDI, MP3, AAC, PCM, etc is a plus Knowledge of Microsoft Direct Show and COM architecture a plus Knowledge of PERL a plus Knowledge of speech and audio codecs, Windows Media Audio a plus

Education Requirements

Bachelor's/Master's degree in Computer Science. Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering or Equivalent degrees are accepted.


The present job is core job of organizing and it links to mission vision and strategy .Audio unit is expanding due to the growth , expansion and diversification of businessactivities of an enterprise.The need for recruitment may be due to Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability,death and labour turnover.

Furthermore,Data collection is categorized into two parts: Primary data collection and Secondary data collection.

Primary data Collection:

Set of Questionnaire were prepared as a source of primary data collection using "KISS-Keep it short and simple" methodology. (Rich, n.d) .Questionnaire is a less expensive way to outreach potentially large number of respondents, including people at some distance. Depending upon the mode of distribution, this method is faster and data analysis can begin right away. The questionnaire avoids interviewer bias, guiding, and cues that can impact the validity and reliability of the data collection. Anonymity insures more responses that are valid. Response quality is better because respondents may gather and consult sources needed to respond well.

A comprehensive set questionnaire designed to fit the medium here, incorporating required data with its operational definitions, selecting appropriate format of response and assessing its validity and reliability. Questionnaire is design in such way to maximize the output result. Managers at senior Level positions were given to fill out the questionnaire .

Questions where grouped under three main categories:

1. Company related

2. Growth related

3. Job relatated.


Note - Please tick the appropriate option.

1. In your opinion,which among this is the best source of qualified candidates?

a. Employee referral

b. Campus recruitment

c. Advertising

d. Recruitment agencies

e. Job portals

2. How many levels of interviews are done to choose a candidate?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. More

3. Which among the following, in your opinion, is the best test to identify right candidate?

a. Written

b. Aptitude

c. Group Discussion

d. Personal Interview

e. Psychometric test

4. If a position opens up under you , it is mostly filled by:

a. promoting candidate with in .

b. Employee referral candidate.

c. applicant through advertisement.

d. Others,pls specify

6. How many Job postings open up quarterly under you

a. 1-5

b. 5-10

c. 10-25

d. More than 25

6.How many resumes are received for a single posting.

a. 25-50

b. 50-100

c. 100-200

d. More than 200

7.How long does it take to fill up a position

a. 1-3 week

b. 4-6 week

c. 6-8 week

d. More than 8 weeks

8. Do you follow different recruitment process(except interview procedure/questions) for different job title?

a. No

b. Yes

9. What is the back out percentage of candidates after being offered?

a. less than 5%

b. 5-10%

c. 10-15%

d. 15-20%

e. More than 20%

10.In your opinion what is the primary attraction for a candidate towards the company

a. Reputation of the company

b. Salary Package

c. Working Environment

d. Job Prospect

e. Location of the Company

f. Career growth opportunity

Secondary Data

Secondary source like Academic textbooks, Newspaper, Journals, magazines, internet and other relevant records is used to collect data about the industry, its mission, vision, value ,strategy, growth, people, etc.

Sources of Recruitment:

Three factors which is affecting recruiting from organization viewpoint are:

Recruiting requirement , organization policy and procedure, and the organization's image.

The sources of recruitment can be internal or external .

Internal Recruiting:

Identifying internal applicants for job vacancies

Recruiting policy

Temporary and part-time employees

Internal job posting and bidding

Moonlighting by present employees

Company's growth and expansion

Cost of recruitment

Employee Referrals

External Recruiting:

External sources are those who are not at present affiliated with the organization.

Media advertising

e recruiting,

employment agencies,

executive search firms,

special events recruiting,

college recruiting, internships etc (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 190).

LEGAL RESTRAIN: External factors also includes government and union restrictions, the state of labor market, the composition of labor force, and the location of organization. Some of the legal limitation for sources of recruitment are mentioned briefly below. Examples are few examples of implemented laws / Act by Government:

Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination Act(ADEA),Equal Employment Oppurtunity Right, Executive Order11246,Affirmation Action Plan, Civil Right of 1991,Equal Act Pay(EPA).


In recent times, new form of sub-contracting, franchising, home-work and contractual norms of recruiting methods are emerging.


This is done based on the Received Survey.


The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to:

Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel-planning and job-analysis activities.

Knowledge, skills, abilities; willingness, desire, motivation; diversity considerations. V.tony

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time.

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

Induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.

Infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.

Develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company.

Search or head hunt/head pouch people whose skills fit the company's values.

Devise methodologies for assessing psychological traits.

Search for talent globally and not just within the company.

Design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum.

Anticipate and find people for positions that do not exist yet.

Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term

and long term.

Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and

sources for all types of job applicants

1.Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on

conjunction with its personnel-planning and job analysis activities.

2.Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing

the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and

selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time.

5.Meet the organization's legal and social obligations regarding the

composition of its work force

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be

appropriate candidates.

7.Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term

and long term.


Future Requirement System: Analyze data that is combined with data on planned capital projects to predict future talent requirement as far as three years' out. Predictive modeling functionality enables the effective use of both short/long term sources.

Automated sourcing. Labor needs are automatically communicated to defined sources (both internal and external) based on each individual source's efficiency (cost, time) and effectiveness (quality of hire, reliability).

Make Effective Use of E-RECRUITING.

Make Job posting look Attractive. Also Upload candidates into the applicant tracking system based on both current and projected needs. Advertisements are automatically broadcast as part of the automated sourcing approach.

New Theory :There should be automotive system implemented to monitor macro and micro level reuirements.These may include Future employee requirement, (efficiency, cost, speed, quality, retention, customer service, and dependability per transaction,integrated processes to create a talent supply chain.

University recruiting that leverages teaching assistants as talent scouts on targeted campuses, allowing Valero to secure interns and new grads prior to on-campus career events.

A resume-builder tool and online vacancy announcements that are shorter and easier to read;

A universal resume development and submission function that is compatible with all agency automated application processing systems;

An application tracking feature for applicants; and

A data mining feature that allows managers to locate job candidates at the Jobs site


COMPANYS IMAGE : There's only one long-term recruitment strategy, and that is using a strong external employment brand image to attract applicants.Building your image by being positively talked-about in the professional and business press provides for a flow of high-quality applicants that will continue for years without the need for paid recruitment advertising. Employment branding works much like restaurant reviews and word-of-mouth.

RETENTION PLAN If retention is ignored or done poorly, it has a dramatic impact on recruiting . Dramatic increase in turnover, especially among top performers and in key jobs causes more trouble to company Without focusing on retention, the recruiting function will have to work twice as hard to fill the vacancies that result from high turnover rates. High turnover rates will also damage external image and make recruiting new top performers much more difficult. Strategic actions include first identifying which source(s) have the lowest turnover rates and developing a plan to identify mission-critical positions and key individuals where turnover would significantly hurt the firm. Next identify the reasons why top performers stay and leave firm.

Stop procrastinating and finally measure the on-the-job performance of your hires (quality of hire). Cutting time to hire and the cost of hire is certainly a good tactical move, but it makes absolutely no sense if you're hiring people that 1) quit right away, 2) are average or below-average performers, or 3) began at a starting salary that is so far above average that it overcomes any purported "savings" that occurred with a "low cost of hire." All strategic measurement approaches include five measurement elements (quantity, quality, time, money, and customer satisfaction). Recruiting must learn to measure and report each of them. Identify which "sources" (generally employee referrals) produce the highest on-the-job performers and then focus your resources on those sources.

Focus on referrals. Not only are referrals great hires but they get produced via a process that frees up a great deal of recruiting time and resources for other strategic efforts.

Prioritize your customers and your jobs. When budgets are tight, one of the smartest things any recruiting manager or recruiter can do to improve their performance is to prioritize their recruiting activities so that the most effort and resources are focused on the highest priority business units, jobs, and managers.

Test your systems with real inputs. Recruiting managers should also consider a full "recruiting audit" in order to continually improve everything they do.

Blow up the website. Recruiting managers must realize how ugly and dysfunctional their current corporate jobs/career websites have become and how they negate other branding and advertising efforts. A resume posting site with boring technology and generic information sends a clear message to top applicants that your firm just doesn't get it. The benchmark websites that provide exciting information and convince people to apply are not found in recruiting, but in marketing and sales sites.

Develop a written recruiting strategy

Reward managers for great recruiting. Work with compensation to develop processes so that managers are measured and rewarded on how well they do recruiting and retention.

Measure satisfaction. It's no longer okay to assume that managers, applicants, and new hires are satisfied with what we do. Develop a process for periodically measuring satisfaction with all recruiting services.

Reward internal recruiters. It is a standard practice outside of corporate recruiting to reward results, but corporate recruiting managers seem to think rewarding "showing up and trying hard" with base pay is all that's necessary. The reason that the average external recruiter is almost always better than the average corporate recruiter is at least partially due to the reward system.

A successful recruitment planning policy will assist an organization in meeting corporate objectives by developing strategies designed to recruit people with the right skills and experience. Recruitment planning should take into account the key principles of Equal Opportunities policies as well as ensuring merit, equity, efficiency and effectiveness.

Recruitment planning needs to form an essential and integrated part of the planning process; each industry needs to address recruitment planning and incorporate strategic long-term as well as operational short-term needs.

he "you find us" category is the most commonly used, where a firm essentially posts a notice that it is looking for someone to hireThe more proactive category, however, is the "we find you" approach, where a firm instead attempts to identify the names of top performers as individuals and then contact them directly. The first approach almost by design attracts "the masses," while the other is more targeted to minimize the volume of applications and maximize the quality of the applicants.


how you know job is successful

Cost associated

Timeline of howlong it last

No of years of person in company