Southeast Bank Limited

Published: November 4, 2015 Words: 1298

(A Case Study on Southeast Bank Limited, Lal Dighir Paar Branch, Sylhet)


At first, I would like to express my gratitude to almighty god for enabling me the strength and opportunity to complete the report within the schedule time successfully.

I like thank from the core of my heart to the internship supervisor, and honorable teacher Dr. Dipak Kanti Dutta, Professor & head, Department of Business Administration, Leading University, Sylhet, who helped me in every steps of my internship.

I truly like to confer my special amiable thanks to my esteemed teacher, “Mr. Shahansha Molla” for helping me from all aspects and to make this report magnificent.

I am very much grateful to Mr. Altafur Rahman, S.V.P. and manager of the SEBL, LDP Branch and Mr. Amjad Hussain, S.A.V.P. and manager operation of SEBL, LDP Branch for giving me the opportunity to complete my internship in this branch.

I also want to thank Mr. Mizanur Rahman (EO), Mr. Yasir Hussain (MTO), Mr. Hasnath basher (Officer), Mr. Abul Khayer (JO), Mr. Shubhendu Bhattacharjee (TPO), Mr. Subimal Karmaker (Internee) and all other individuals of SEBL, LDP Branch for their support.

I practically worked with them, and in this report tried to share their perceptions and feelings on the basis of my realization, from my own point of view.

Then at last I shall be grateful to those persons who read this report and who shall get benefit from this report at present and future.


Rajib Roy


Annual Report of Southeast Bank Limited 2005.

Annual Report of Southeast Bank Limited 2006.

Brochures of Southeast Bank Limited.

Operation manual on General banking of Southeast Bank Limited.

Daily Affairs of SEBL, LDP Branch, Sylhet.

Website ( of Southeast Bank Limited.

The Account Opening Form of Southeast Bank Limited.

Modern Banking- R. S. Sayers.

Dr. R.R. Paul, Money Banking and International Trade, 3rd Edition, page # 6-B, 33-B.


A/C : Account

AVP : Assistant Vice President

BAMLCO : Branch Anti Money laundering Compliance Officer

BB : Bangladesh Bank

CCTV : Close Circuit Television

CD : Current Deposit

DBS : Double benefit Scheme

DD : Demand Draft

DPS : Deposit Pension Scheme

EVP : Executive Vice President

FAVP : First Assistance Vice President

FDR : Fixed Deposit Receipt

FVP : First Vice President

HO : Head Office

HOB : Head OF Branch

IBC : Inward Bills for Collection

IBCA : Inter Branch Credit Advice

IBDA : Inter Branch Debit Advice

IT : Information Technology

KYC : Know Your Customer

LDP : Lal Dighir Paar

MIS : Monthly Income Scheme

MMS : Monthly Savings Scheme

MO : Manager Operation

OBC : Outward Bills of Collection

PO : Payment Order

SB : Savings Bank

SEBL : Southeast Bank Limited

SLR : Statutory Liquidity Reserve

SME : Small and Medium Scale Enterprise

STD : Short Term Deposit

STR : Suspicious Transaction Reporting

SVP : Senior Vice President

TP : Transaction Profile

TT : Telegraphic Transfer

VP : Vice President

WAN : Wide Area Network

Executive Summary:

A bank is an institution which deals with money and credit. It accepts deposits from the public, makes the funds available to those who need them, and helps in the remittance of money from one place to another.

Southeast Bank Limited has a long and relishing heritage. It is a second generation Bank which was established in 1995 with a vision to stand out as a pioneer banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the national economy. It was established under Companies Act, 1994 on March 12, 1995. The Bank and its first branch at the busiest commercial hub of the country at 1, Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka was opened on May 25, 1995. The 33 branches of SEBL are operating in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, and Khulna.

SEBL, Lal Dighir Paar Branch was opened on December 03, 1995. From the beginning it has been providing better services to the clients with a better level of performance. It is providing various services to the people. It is located in Lal Dighir Paar, Sylhet which is called the commercial area of Sylhet. They are acquiring a better profit by their services.

The General banking services of SEBL, LDP Branch includes taking of deposits in the form of Current Deposit Account, Savings Bank A/C, Special Savings Deposit Account, Short Term Deposit A/C, Fixed Deposit Receipt. In the inland remittance section it issues TT, P0, DD, etc. It provides any branch online banking facility. It also includes cash section, IT section, Clearing section, dispatch section. This branch has a huge level deposit in comparison to other branch or bank available in Sylhet. This branch is providing good services to the clients and making a good level of profit from the beginning. The branch has taken some procedure to prevent money laundering

Southeast bank has some shortcoming. They should have try to come out from the traditional thinking like-fewer advertising actions, a small number of commercial locations of ATM Card, scarcity of human resources, staff dissatisfactions regarding bonus, motivation & promotion. In addition of all these shortcomings the operating surroundings of the bank is improving every day.


1.0 Introduction:

The origin of bank, in the modern sense, is traced to Italy. The word ‘Bank' also seems to have originated from Italy. A Bank is basically business organizations that accepts money, collects and honors customer's cheques, keeps different types of accounts, make loans and advance and does other ancillary business. It is an organization usually engaged in any or all of the various banking, i.e. receiving, collecting, transferring, paying, lending, investing, dealing, exchanging and servicing money and claims to money both domestically and internationally.

1.1 Definition of a Bank:

A bank is a financial organization that deals in money and credit.

Bank is a financial intermediary accepting deposits and granting loans; offers the widest range of services of any financial institution and in return receives payments from them.

Banks are different to other businesses as Banks do not sell goods to the customer but sell financial services.

The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 defines­ "Banker is a person transacting the business of accepting for the purpose of lending and investment of deposits of money from the public repayable on demand or otherwise withdrawable by cheque, draft order or otherwise."

Banks are financial institutions that perform a very important function in the economy. We have across various kinds of banking functions in our every day life. These functions may be an example of withdrawing of cash from one account, cashing a cheque, depositing money and many more.

In the words of R.R. Paul, “a bank is an institution which deals with money and credit. It accepts deposits from the public, makes the funds available to those who need them, and helps in the remittance of money from one place to another.

1.2 Bangladesh Bank:

Bangladesh Bank is the Central Bank of the country. The Bangladesh Bank is responsible to the government for:

Formulation and Implementation of Monetary Policy and Supervision of Banks and Financial Institutions operating in Bangladesh.

Issuance of notes and coins.

Custody of country's Foreign Exchange Reserves. .

Lender of last resort to the Commercial Banks and act as an Official for short-term money market dealers.

Other functions as per in the Bank Company Act 1991.

1.3 Commercial Banks:

Commercial Banks are continually developing and adapting to the changing economic and social environment in which they operate. It is therefore, important to be aware of the basic principles of commercial banking and its products and their operations. Commercial Banks attract their customers by offering interest on deposits and deploy the fund so collected in lending after maintaining a percentage of deposit as Statutory Liquidity Reserve (SLR) with the Bangladesh Bank, which changes from time to time as per decision of Bangladesh Bank.