Software Development Life Cycle
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a methodology that is used typically to become, to maintain and to replace the information systems to improve the quality of the process of the design and the development of software. The typical phases are analysis, valuation, design, development, integration and test and putting in practice. The success of software depends to a large extent on appropriate analysis, valuation, design and test before it is put in equal execution. This section discusses principles of the SDLC and how it is related to Redwood's approachin building successful software.
SDLCis often be divided into the following steps:
Broadly, the SDLC steps discussed earlier can be categorized into:
The following sections discuss these in more detail.
Requirements specification
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) provides a complete description of all the functions and specifications of the software to be designed. It extracts the functional and the nonfunctional requirements of the desired software product. It is the initial stage in the SDLC, the first and the foremost step that has to be performed and includes the information about the requirements for the proposed system. The requirements are pertained to such as resources, scope of the system, purpose of the system and the limitations. This phase is also known as the feasibility study phase. The Software Requirements Specification Document that is created in this stage,
Requirement analysis anddesign
After the specification of requirements above, analyzes for its exactitude and relief. The editions for example if that proposed system particular will respond to the intention or no, which are the necessary pressures that they must be taken in the consideration and the supervision of the management of the activities in a way everything is made of a hierarchic way that is specified in the BRS(Business Requirement Specification) document. The stage of the design takes like its initial entrance that the requirements identified in the approved requirements document. The phases of the analysis and the design are very crucial in the process of the development cycle of software. This phase also includes the allocations of the work, the costs, schedule of the project, and the specification of the dates of the target.
Coding and testing
The following step consists of developing of the logic of the use and writing of the functionalities for the interfaces using in a conducted specific battle (well-known like Coding). The coding or the phase of the development takes like its primary entrance that the described elements of the design in the approved design document. It must be observed that the Programmers/Developers must adhere to the required standards of codification. The code must also be optimized with the purpose of saving the valuable resources. Later in the SDLC the cycle comes the phase from test. After the source code is generated, the phase of test begins to reveal the insects that were trusted during the previous phases. This one that proves can manual or be automated using the tools and the methodologies of test that are available.
Deployment and support
The software has been developed and it has unfolded that must provide the aid adapted for the maintenance for exists to in front of make the insects that can later the unfolding of software even raises. This can far take more time than the initial process from the development of software. The phase of the maintenance of the vital cycle of the development of software must be able to accommodate the changes that can happen during the period of the putting in practice of the post. A change can happen due to some unexpected values of the entrance in the system.
Process Changes
There are no changes in the nine knowledge areas. However there are important changes on the process level. Two processes were deleted. These are -
Two new processes were added. These are -
Other than this Manage Project Team in Project HR Management process area is changed from a controlling process group to an executing process group. Manage Stakeholders in project communication the management handle knowledge, range are renamed to handle over keeper expectations and changed from a steering group of processes to an accomplishing group of processes.
Into the project procurement management process range two processes " Plan Purchases and Acquisitions " and "Plan Contracting" are merged into a single process called Plan Procurements. Also into the project procurement and "chosen salesmen" ask management process range two processes "around salesman answers" into an individual process are mixed, which is called guidance procurements. Over all there are now 42 processes in place of 4în the third expenditure.
Another important change is that a new appendix on project management people abilities were added.
Event chain methodology
Event chain methodology is the next advance beyond critical path method and critical chain project management.
The methodology of chain of the event is to model of an uncertainty and the technique of the analysis of network of the schedule that is centered in events that they identify and of handlings and the chains of the event that affect schedule of the project. . Event chain methodology helps to mitigate the negative impact of psychological heuristics and biases, as well as to allow for easy modeling of uncertainties in the project schedules. Event chain methodology is based on the following major principles.
Scope & Change Control
Why, What, How?
Definitions & Semantics - changing what?
The word "change" leads to many misunderstandings. It is used in diverse contexts depending is changing of what. In the project management, they tend to be understandings that differentiates from expressions like the "Change Management " and " Change Control ". The problems are made up where they are unfamiliar with the work of project and the participants do not recognize the implicit context.
Here are some of the more common usages:
Scope Change
Where a request is considered to change the agreed scope and objectives of the project to accommodate a need not originally defined to be part of the project.
Change Control (sometimes referred to as "Change Management")
The process of the management to ask for the review, changes to approve, to make and to control to the deliverables of the project. Change Control is applied generally once the first version of a deliverable has been finished and it has been agreed.
Configuration Management or Version Control (sometimes also called "Change Control")
Technical control of administration and the versions or multiple editions of deliverable a specific one, particularly where the component has changed after outside finished initially. This is applied possible to objects, modules, definitions of the data and the documentation more typically.
Normally they meant the profit of the change in human behavior like part of a total solution of the business.
Change Programme
Usually used to mean a large, multi-faceted business solution (not just the human behavioural element).
Scope Change Control
Why there is a distinction between scope change and another one changes? In general, Project Managers should pay a great deal of attention to managing scope. To allow the project's scope to change mid-course usually means costs generally added, greater risks and one more a longer duration. Many projects fail due to the poor management of the scope. It is quite often a great amount of small changes of the reach that make the damage, rather that great, the obvious ones. The one in charge of guessed right project has learned that the rigorous control of the scope is essential to give to projects the time and on budget.
The one in charge of project of the world-class would not express this imperative in terms such. The center first for the one in charge of project does not have to be to give to the reach been suitable the time and upon budget, but to optimize to benefit that it is generated by the project. If that means allowing that the scope changes that the change of the scope is a good thing, not a bad thing. He is incorrect to resist all the change of the scope. Where a change of the scope generates the advantage improved, it must be proposed to the body of the decision making of the project.To hit positive and negative the targets clearly to allow the change. To make sure that the impact is reflected completely in the criteria of the definition and the operation of the project.
To watch towards outside for the use of the "change of the scope" like defensive behavior. In many cases, people will discuss changes of the reach in the context that a change of the scope is not the failure of the project and must therefore be the failure of the business. This is particularly important if the work is being made by a diverse organization under contract.
Clock towards outside for the use of the "change of the scope" like aggressive behavior. The subcontractors can try intentionally to extend the size of their contract settling down the changes of the scope that lead them to make the additional work outside the original agreement. Some contractors under-bid the cost of the work to gain the contract, in the belief who will be able to make their benefit outside changes of the scope.
Project Change Control
It is the change in an undesirable project? From a point of view of the business that a certain change during the project can flow to be essential. Of the point of view of the one in charge of project to change the potential for the lack of the project even represents the risk -. But the change can sometimes be the good news for the project manager. The software houses can do many of the money in requests of the change. The average way with the phase of the structure the client asks for a change. The software house knows that the client must have the change. How much can the software house load to the client for the change? Yup, whatever they like. Good business? Perhaps.
And what project manager hasn't done this (be honest). You're behind schedule, you're looking at a budget overrun of £20K and an end date slip of 2 weeks. And then the users raise an order of the change, a change that all we know we must be done. And guess which the impact of that change is? Yup, £20K and 2 weeks - plus the real cost of that change and maybe a bit of contingency as well. Phew! A change request can be a wonderful Get Out Of Jail Free card.
I illustrate with the checklist for project management software. In this checklist, I describe the common features of software. Other project management software has more little feature than other. So we will difficult to choose best of the project management software such as our company need and want. And I describe common feature in the following checklist. So you will compare and choose the effectiveness one.
In above checklist, I described software have easy-to-use project management software that integrates nicely with other applications like PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, Word, Microsoft Project. Other are good software for doing basic project planning and organization, but other are does not have as many features as especially in the areas of resource management and collaboration. I divide the main feature such group of feature. Because other software has the following some main feature:
In Resource Management, Data entry (adding and removing)of human resources is as simple as clicking the mouse, key in resource management. We can import our resources directly from Microsoft Outlook, eliminating the need to re-enter each resource's individual information, or we can add them directly from our task list. However, after adding resources for project success, little can be done. Other software doesn't let you group resources together or sort them by skills or departments, which can come in handy when you don't specifically know eachindividual involved in our project.
In Project Management,
Some software has the action of standard of the elements of the project management: task management, calendars and budget. But it lacks some nice-to-have features like recurring tasks and automatic notifications, which streamline project management by not requiring you to enterreoccurring tasks or opening the software to check project progress.
On the other hand they included a list of the task, Gantt chart, mind map, timeline and outline. These several views left project managers considering the project of one more a more advisable way for them. The mind maps feature give we a project visual reminiscent of brainstorming bubbles, letting we see each milestone and its related task. More, being interactive, we can update tasks to the right in the map without having manually to incorporate the data in task list. Finally, we can compare and select our company require feature like that to see the above checklist.
Firstly, I select a range of four project management software tools and their suppliers. And I read and compare what their products have to offer and run their demo software because of to understand the features and functions provided. And then I construct a following table that summarises I findings and allows comparison to be made between the products.
Dashboard General Collaboration includes:
Resource Management
Project Management
General Support Project management software should have:
Project Management Software Keeps Teams on Schedule
The purpose of project management software is to assist our company team in collaborating, staying on track, keep within our budget and successfully completing our project. The effective of project management software helps handles all the complex projects us of our business without interruptions of confused papers, miscommunication, tasks convoluted and the deficiency of the responsibility.
Project Management Software Provides:
What to Look for in Project Management Software
Some of the best project management software is easy to update as unforeseen circumstances arise in our project. These programs can handle projects in several technologies-, accounting, construction, engineering, training and many more of the industries. Accommodating project management software also will not lose of Vista its resources of the equipment and will offer suitable options of the spreading and the collaboration.
When looking for project management software that works with our goals of the company, to decide how we will work our project. Most project management software it leaves us uses each program for only a user. Others offer to limitless users. If we have international members of the equipment or a force of movable work, this is important to know how to budget.
How information and issues are communicated with project team members, including email, conference calls, meetings, web-based locations and more. Collaboration should be easy to use.
Resource Management
Project management software should manage and control the resources needed to run a project, such as people, money, time and equipment.
Project Management
Besides the resource handling mechanisms, that have already been mentioned all the other essential building blocks are present, like the possibility for a work breakdown structure through grouping tasks together. Dependencies and Links can be created in all combinations and can be managed through files or a central server.
The Critical Path can be highlighted and the view can be changed to a network diagram style that can be customized to many looks.
Though explicit Multi-scenario management functionality does not seem to be present, Multi-projectmanagement is supported by the server-based high-level project view given through the Web Access feature, that allows to watch and track the state of all centralized projects.
For coordination at an even higher level, Microsoft delivers Project Portfolio Server for Project portfolio management. This product was not available to the authors and has thus not been evaluated.
The process, practice and activities needed to perform continuous evaluation, prioritization, budgeting and selection of investments is key. Proper project management capabilities provide the greatest value and contribution to the strategic interest of our company.
Ease of Use
All project management software has a learning curve, but the best have functions that are easy to find and simple enough for anyone to use from Day 1, Project 1.
Project management software should offer a comprehensive user guide and help system. The manufacturer should provide email addresses or telephone numbers for direct answers to technical questions.
All of above software can get the demo software and we will get the test their features. So we will choose one of project management as our company need.
Word Count: 1830
I compare project management software for our company easy to choose. And then I also compare this project management software's suppliers. Moreover, I compare those software strengths and weakness such as project management software's main features. I describe this software with photo for easy to know their strengths and weakness.
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation is founded in Albuquerque, New Mexico since April 4, 1975(1975-04-04). These company founders are Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
Microsoft Corporation is a multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, its most profitable products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software.
The company was founded to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. Microsoft rose to dominate the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by the Windows line of operating systems. Its products have all achieved near-ubiquity in the desktop computer market. One commentator notes that Microsoft's original mission was "a computer on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software." Microsoft possesses footholds in other markets, with assets such as the MSNBC cable television network, the MSN Internet portal, and the Microsoft Encarta multimedia encyclopedia. The company also markets both computer hardware products such as the Microsoft mouse as well as home entertainment products such as the Xbox, Xbox 360, Zune and MSN TV. The company's initial public stock offering (IPO) was in 1986; the ensuing rise of the company's stock price has made four billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft employees. And this company official website is www.microsoft.com
Project KickStart
Experience In Software was founded in 1983 by Roy A. Nierenberg, an attorney and economist who served under Presidents Ford and Carter. Its first product was the Art of the Negotiation. That program was adapted in 1984 of a book with the same written name Gerard by means of expert negotiation Nierenberg. Capitalizing in the success of that program, the company left with the generator of the idea in 1985. The generator of the idea was sent more in 1987, offering leagues together to other programs of software. The KickStart project was sent in 1992 for DOS and Windows in 1995.
Founded in 1992, MatchWare is a leading innovator in the creation of powerful, easy-to-use multimedia, screen recording and visual thinking software. With Mediator, ScreenCorder and MindView, MatchWare presents a diversified suite of dynamic software solutions that is perfect for creating compelling multimedia, web and multiple learning applications.
Mediator is the leader of intuitive multimedia and web development software. The cutting edge icon-based editing enables you to drag-and-drop your way to Flash®, HTML and interactive CD's quicker than with any other web or multimedia tool.
ScreenCorder is the ultimate easy-to-use desktop screen recording software that enables individuals and professionals to capture anything on their screen and create professional training videos, software tutorials and sales demonstrations within minutes.
MindView is a powerful, visual learning tool designed to revolutionize how individuals and professionals develop, organize and execute ideas. Based on the proven Mind Mapping ® theory, it increases productivity and collaboration by transforming brainstorming sessions into action plans. Mediator, ScreenCorder and MindView are used by millions of people worldwide including those in Fortune 500 companies, education, government and business.
Service Desktop Pro
Webtech Softwares & Services Ltd is an India based Software Product Development company. After analyzing the several problems done in front by the small and average suppliers on watch global, we felt that a tool essentially is required which would allow suppliers on watch to make more efficient having access to the dominant information of the business in the right time. In addition, one cannot buy diverse products to handle diverse aspects of the business. Therefore we have tried to develop a complete solution that includes most of the aspects of the service that provides business.
We are investigating constantly value-to add to our present offer. Its regeneration in this respect is important for us because it would allow to increase our product us to a much more long-range level.
The appraisal for the product was a difficult decision for us, because our goal was to make it buyable for each one if it is to freelancer individual or a company of medium size. After collecting the regeneration of several companies and individuals, we decided to appraise it in such levels in which our community of the target could buy it without putting too much tension in its finances. Also, we decided to give with irritating and difficult editions like by licensing, subscriptions and loading of the user for the aid. Therefore we arrived the nominal price from US$ 99.95 by product. This includes the free aid of the time of the life for the product and free updates in the future.
Microsoft Project
Shared access to a Microsoft Project file
All members of the team can have access to Microsoft Project files, which are kept on a shared drive. Different users have different access rights; some of them can edit the files, and others have "read-only" access. In this case, it is good that files can be backed up easily. But there are some very significant problems:
Several copies of MS Project with no shared acces
Each team member has a copy of MS Project installed on his or her computer, but they cannot exchange information or share a file. The project manager retains the main file version and sends it via e-mail to the team members to input their changes. Then the project manager collects the updates from all the team members and corrects the master copy manually. In this situation, users can make changes to database objects; however, you should know about the disadvantages:
Finally, I recommend to buying the MindView software. Because this software have most feature as our company needed. This software price is $389.00. This price is cheaper than other famous project management software. MindView has an extremely low learning curve. Its ease of use is one of the best for project management software, and its different visual options (like Gantt charts and mind maps) offer any user a view he prefers forrapid productivity. Although the software lacks some nice-to-have features, basic project management is easily accomplished with MindView, making successful projects easy to manage. So I hope you will choose best software for our company.
Firstly I do this assignment, I has little difficult for searching information. Because of this assignment title is little strange for me. This assignment title is Software Appraisal. However, I teach Managing Business Project in IADCS level. I get some help from this subject for our assignment. And our teacher explains some project management software's feature. Sometime I don't understand some feature. So I take help website for this difficult. And then I explain how I do each task.
Firstly, I reference the subject (Managing Business Project) for task-1. In this task, I describe System Development Life Cycle's phases. I search information from google.com search engine and I refer MBP subject. I take information resource from them and then I explain each phases of change control.
For task-2, I take help from the two main websites. There are www.google.com and www.wikipedia.org. I take information from this two search engine websites. And I make software checklist form for our company such as easy to compare and choose project management software with their feature.
After that I compare four project management softwares with their feature. I explain the feature like that firstly I explain main group feature and I divided the sub feature from this main feature. And I search and compare from website what their products have to offer and run their demo software because of to understand the features and functions provided. And then I construct a table that summarises I findings and allows comparison to be made between the products. I describe nicely this software's feature in task-3.
For task-4, I compare project management software for our company easy to choose. And then I also compare this project management software's suppliers. Moreover, I compare those software strengths and weakness such as project management software's main features. I describe this software with photo for easy to know their strengths and weakness. I reference this project management software's suppliers from their official website.
I review my assignment; our search information is not enough. But I try to complete my assignment. Such as if I cannot understand some task, I ask my teacher. If my teacher's explanation is not enough, I take help from the other website and this project management software's official website. So I refer many website for the whole assignment cover. Moreover, I feel like that I improve my searching and analysis skill.
Finally, if the next time assignment same like my assignment's title, I will do easily do this assignment. I will do more effectiveness then my assignment.