Social Network For Educational Purposes Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 5856

Web Design can be an attractive hobby or a serious job for someone. Using that a designer can deliver the information needed through the World Wide Web. This way of expressing some kind of information needs to follow a basic set of principles. The important thing on having Web Design essentials is helping the user to understand the concept of a web site fast and easy without going into much trouble. The template of a web site is the place where, with the help of a certain method the web design essentials can be developed.

The most important essential that is used in Web Design is precedence. Using this way of creating a template can guide the eye on the web page. The direction that a user can look at while surfing on the website, can be achieved with the help of five tools: Position- is what defines something included in a web page and plays an important role, Color- is something that the eye focus fast, especially colors like green or red, Contrast- the difference that it makes helps targeting out data, Size- having a bigger or a smaller size can make the difference, and the Design Elements- that can be used within a site to point out something important.

Having Consistency and Clarity in a website is something that will help to present something that has been developed well. Having everything matched out correctly without using random fonts, spacing, paragraphing, coloring etc. will help the eye to adopt information fast. Of course at some certain situations if something needs to be pointed out all of those things pre-mentioned could change for a better purpose. With clarity we mean the sharpness of a web site and the methods that have been used to create sharp images that will give a special style. The Usability is also an important part of a web site. A web page that is easy on use gets more attention and shows the quality of the work that has been done. Having some standards on what people expect to see on the web site or knowing the future needs is something that can improve the Usability and all that comes with Web Design Essentials. Last but not least the navigation of a web page has an important role, and it shouldn't be avoided. Usually the navigation is used on the top of a web page where is the most common place and the users by default go there.

How to be a rock star freelancer

Page 38-41

Elevate Press A

© Collis Ta'eed and Cyan Ta'eed, 2007

2.2 Web Scripting Languages

Since the World Wide Web came out after being a project of the army, people around the world are trying to experiment and rapidly evolve it into a virtual reality. The first web scripting languages were introduced as simple projects of sharing notes with each other with Internet. Later on many web scripting languages came and the interface of the internet changed into a dynamically-web that could change its content and appearance without a lot of scripting. All those great things wouldn't have happened without the help of web developers. Web developers to satisfy the demanding change of the Internet created many great tools and web scripting languages such as "HTML, PHP, ASP, JavaScript and AJAX". All of those languages have evolved through years and nowadays they are a very powerful tool in the hand of web developer. The first language was HTML giving the user visual effect such as simple text but as the years passed by it evolved to give the user colored backgrounds fancy images even sound effects. Later to satisfy the needs of the developers a powerful web scripting server-side language was invented named PHP. It was embedded into HTML and it allowed the developer to build up a dynamic web site rather than a simple static web site with a plain text in it. A language that was built by Microsoft a bit later named ASP had also the same effects as PHP but as it evolved it provided the developer to build up more security making many web sites trust it. Of course the client side web scripting languages such as JavaScript and later on AJAX couldn't be missing from the picture.

JavaScript started with the name LiveScript but the owner company Netscape changed its name to JavaScript. It was created during 1998 and was included into the Netscape Navigator 2.0 web browser via an interpreter that read and executed the JavaScript added in HTML pages. A good thing that JavaScript has is that it can be used by all the web browsers available at the moment; the bad part of it is that each one is using the implementation of JavaScript differently and that makes user have some error's or visual difficulties using different kind of browsers.

JavaScript became popular fast and it was used by all the web browsers. It is embedded in all modern browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. JavaScript as a language is helping the Web to be displayed in a rich interface. JavaScript is using some features that are uncommon to the C family of languages, which makes it an expressive language. Flexibility is one of the best features that JavaScript provides. It allows the user to emulate patterns and idioms that can be found in other languages. Of course it is worthy to mention that even if JavaScript is used more client side, it provides the same features with object-oriented traditional server-side languages. Some of the things that is making JavaScript usable in our days is less server interaction, faster loading with scripts rather downloading flash or images, richer interface by using scrolling bars etc., the auto correction of minor syntax mistakes in a form and many more.

Pro Javascript Design Patterns- The essentials of Object-Oriented Javascript programming. Ross Harmes and Justin Diaz , Appres


Ajax is another web scripting language that firstly appeared into Outlook Web Access during 2000 and later on was widely deployed by Google Corporation in their Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2006) application. Its name derives from the acronyms of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The term AJAX was firstly given by Jesse James Garrett on February of 2005. This name though isn't the proper term for what it presents but it helps people to understand the implications it stands for. A thing that Ajax has and that's why it became famous is grading users with the luxury of accessing desktop-like application from a computer that it's hosting a browser and its Internet connection. The basic usage of Ajax is the JavaScript-based XMLHttpRequest object that is using to request from a web server data asynchronously, without having to refresh the web page. The way that the data is handled gives the chance to the server to complete any processing that needs to be handle and then change the aspects of the web page dynamically without having the user moving on to different paths and locations.

Ullman, Chris (March 2007). Beginning Ajax. wrox.ISBN 978-0-470-10675-4. Retrieved 2008-06-24.

Jesse James Garrett (2005-02-18). "Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications". Retrieved 2008-06-19.

Beginning Ajax With PHP, From Novice to Professional, Lee Babin, Appres, 2007



PHP was discovered by a software engineer that was part of the Apache team named Rasmus Lerdorf in the late 1994 to fulfill his needs of creating a counter that would keep data of the people that looked into his personal web site. The name of PHP derives from the acronyms of "Personal Home Page Tools" which was the package that Lerdorf released one year after his discovery to satisfy the demanding needs of other programmers, which wanted a sample of his work. PHP version 2 was soon released and during 1997 PHP had over 50.000 web sites using it. That many users couldn't be handled by one person so a small core PHP team was created "benevolent junta" that even in our days runs the project. The next 2 versions, PHP3 and PHP 4 parser were developed by two Israeli developers named Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans. In October of 1998 according to "best guess" over 100thousand websites was using PHP and a year later over 1milion domains was using it. At the moment over 15million websites are using PHP language. PHP version 5 which is the latest introduced much improved of object-oriented functionality which was something that many users have been clamoring for the past years. Finally PHP became one of the most used server-side web scripting languages and it's been owned by Public PHP deployments.

Using PHP with intergraded HTML is a way of setting up a high quality dynamic web page. PHP is an open-source, server-side scripting language that has embedded HTML. It is compatible with all major web servers such as Apache. PHP is used inside normal HTML pages into code fragments and it is interpreted as the pages are served up to users." PHP also serves as a "glue" language, making it easy to connect your Web pages to server-side databases. ".

PHP and MySQL bible, Companion Website, Tim Converse and Joyce Park with Clark Morgan, 2004. Xi - 15



HTML or otherwise named HyperText Markup Language was invented during 1980 by Tim Berners-Lee and at that time he was working as a computer and networking specialist in CERN a Swiss Institute. It was created as a markup language to share the research papers of this institute through the Internet. Later on the first version of HTML 1.0 came out from some students in University of Illinois build up a web browser called Mosaic. Through that the user could read html plain documents with grey background using Times New Romans as a font and it had some tools that could be used to see ftp files. Between HTML version 1.0 and 2.0 there was a subversion of HTML 1.1 that was created and supported by NetScape. At the creation of HTML 2.0 a lot of changes were made such as colored background, forms, tables and field. All that would be impossible without the help of the inventor Tim Berners-Lee which created an organization called World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that helped at the version and further. In the next version 3.4 the implementation of CSS came into HTML. Using that implementation the developer could make many things such as creating nice looking template environments, textfields, comboboxes, buttons etc. …

HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible, 3rd Edition

Published by

Wiley Publishing, Inc.

10475 Crosspoint Boulevard

Indianapolis, IN 46256

Copyright C_ 2004 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

Published simultaneously in Canada

Manufactured in the United States of


"ASP.NET is a set of web development technologies produced by Microsoft that is used to build dynamic

web sites, web applications, and XML-based web applications. ASP.NET is a part of the .NET framework

and allows developers to build applications in multiple languages, such as Visual Basic .NET, Jscript,

and C#.

ASP.NET attempts to make the web development methodology like the graphical user interface (GUI)

development methodology by allowing developers to build pages made up of controls similar to a GUI.

Aserver control in ASP.NET functions similarly to GUI controls in other environments. Buttons, textboxes,

labels, and datagrids have properties that can be modified and expose events that may be processed.

The ASP.NET server controls know how to display their content in an HTML page just like GUI-based

user controls know how to display themselves in their GUI environment. An added benefit of ASP.NET

is that the properties and methods of the web server controls are similar, and in some cases the same as,

those of comparable controls in the Windows GUI/Winforms environment. "

Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET

Published by

Wiley Publishing, Inc.

10475 Crosspoint Boulevard

Indianapolis, IN 46256

Copyright © 2006 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

2.3 Content Management Systems

Content Management System or else CMS are already made web platforms based in many scripting language but mainly PHP. The main idea of a CMS is sharing content and data through the Internet that can be managed from the simple user up to an administrator. Web developers begun with building up dynamic websites using the help of server-based scripting languages and their thought was that they could share a piece of their work either for free user or payable. Later on many communities came into this kind of business that helped to build up freeware web platforms called CMS, which a simple user having the base knowledge of computers with the help of a guide could build up his own dynamic website for his personal or business usage. In our days more than 80% of the websites are built with a CMS and some of them have some extra self-made modules for their purpose of existence. Huge websites are using freeware CMS such as Drupal and Joomla and others are using subscription CMS such as Vbulletin. A CMS can offer the communication between users. Through a CMS the administrator can set the access on the articles, files, stored data etc. and he can help his CMS by having many different user groups contributing.

Content Management Bible, 2nd Edition

Published by

Wiley Publishing, Inc.

10475 Crosspoint Boulevard

Indianapolis, IN 46256

Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

Published simultaneously in Canada

Library of Congress Control Number: 2004114477

ISBN: 0-7645-7371-3

Manufactured in the United States of America

Some of the most popular CMS that are used in the web at the moment are: Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, ExpressionEngine, Alfresco, Magnolia, Ellington CMS, Ez Publish, Light CMS, TypeRoom, CushyCMS, Reflect, SilverStripe, Frog CMS, Gelato CMS, Radiant CMS, Shopify, Magento, Symphony, Graffiti CMS, TypoLight, Sava CMS, Ekklesia, dotCMS, Solucija and CMS Made Simple. Most of them are written in PHP and have almost the same usability except some that are in .NET and Java.

One of the most significant and popular freeware CMS is Joomla. It was officially released using that name on the 1st of September at 2005 from a development team that used Mambo CMS in order to create Joomla. Within the first year it had over 2million downloads and by February of 2011 it has more than 21milion downloads. There are over 6.000 plugins for Joomla at the moment and most of them are free. It is very easy and free for use; it simply requires a web server, PHP and Mysql. Its setup procedure can be easily done in steps using a web browser. Joomla over the years have gained some awards as being the best publishing open source CMS.

2.4 Social Web Networks

Social Networks are actually Social Structures within a community or an organization. It is made up by a number of people to communicate and connect common interests with each other such as friendship, hobbies, dislikes, ideas, sexuality etc. A Social Web Network is a social network that connects a group of people from the Web.

In our days the common interest is shared through the web…

2.5 Forum Technologies

Internet is using Forum Technologies to create some social networks between people. Internet Forums became the evolution of bulletin boards making it easier for the users to communicate. A forum is a web-based platform that is used for online communication using text messages. A Forum can have a sub forum and inside several topics. In those topics it can have several threads and replies to those threads. Generally forums are used to share experiences or information about several subjects. Nowadays the Forum Technologies have been improved that much, that we can see online social networks such as Facebook running on a simple forum engine such as Vbulletin having several modules improving its interface. All of those privileges are given to the user through an account that has access points. In forum attachments, polls, emotions and HTML code can be included.

A forum can have many user groups but some of them are crucial for its integrity. A guest user is someone that belongs to the guest user group and most of the times can read but not write and doesn't need to register. A member is the most common rank we can find in a forum and usually is the user that can read and write but needs to have registered the account. Moderator is the rank that has the for several sub forums within a forum…

Some famous forum-based web platforms are phpbb, invision free, Vbulletin and SMF. Three of them are freeware and only Vbulletin is a payable platform but is been considered as the best around.


Invision Free:



2.6 Acceptance User Policy

Acceptance user policy or else AUP are a set of rules that are created from the owner of a web site or a network in order to secure the safety of its usage. AUP is commonly used within corporations, businesses, universities and websites to restrict the ways of their usage. AUP can also legally enforce any action taken against it. Usually Terms of Service share the same rules as AUP. The owner that creates AUP must include every aspect and belief that is against the system and usually it needs to be enhanced each time there is a problem with defining the rules.

Defining how an acceptance user policy is written and what it contains:

Chapter 3- Methodology

In this chapter the Methodology on how a successful platform that refers to social networking is built. Reviewing the current technology that is available and the methods that are used is one of the parts in this chapter. The presentation of the final platform along with the setting up methodology and the testing methodology is something that is discussed in this chapter also. Finally the security issues that are already known about the platform as well as the management part of this platform will be introduced in detail. Concluding this part of the current project is very important and it helps out the reader to understand why several choices were made and how the implementation will be dealt.

3.1 Current Technology Review

In our days there are many methods that can be used to create a social network. The forum network technology intergraded in a CMS seems the most reliable system software for the creation of a network that connects people through the Internet. There is a huge amount of social networking web sites and they are increasing tremendously. Social Networks like Facebook or MySpace that have almost the one sixth of the population in this planet are widely developed using the CMS technology in addition of some special made modules that make them unique. Using as an example those networking sites which are considered to be the biggest in the area of social communication through the web, Vbulletin is the best CMS made for this purpose since those sites are using it. Although Vbulletin isn't a freeware CMS and it needs a subscription to gain its copyrights, it is the most developed one having modules made by the best professionals in the area of Web Design. All this development started as the implementation of Facebook used Vbulletin as the basic platform and made Vbulletin the unique platform that can hold the most users online without problems. The second platform that is commonly used in creating a Social Network is SMF due to its ability being a freelance CMS, easy on installation and reliable enough to hold many users online without crashing. SMF has also a great amount of add-ons that can be used for that reason and it's also easy to create some custom made modules. Other freeware CMS that can be used for that purpose are phpbb and Wordpress but their modules for that reason seems to be poor and are not highly recommended to be used on a big Social Network.

Relying on Facebook we can also say that the use of PHP as the main scripting language of the website is something that cannot be avoided and it's very important on the implementation of the server-side of a creation like that. Also using MySQL is important as it is been developed as the best web database and it has a lot of features that are keen on web based applications and sites.

Concluding the variety of CMS and modules that can be used for that cause is enormous. Seeing what other Social Networks are using we can pick out a good CMS and with the help of its modules, PHP and MySQL create the Social Network that is needed for educational purposes.

3.2 Presentation of Final Platform Choice

The web platform that will be used to create this social network is SMF or else Simple Machines Forum. As mentioned before on the forums technology SMF is one of the top Forum technologies and it is considered to be the best free software platform in its section. The flexibility on using SMF and some modules is great, and it can be used for our cause.

SMF (Simply Machine Forums) was created to replace the platform called YaBB SE, and the first beta version of it was released in October of 2003. Over the years it has gained a lot of reputation and has won awards. SMF is written in PHP scripting language and it calls MySQL as a database system in its code. It is created to support forum software and with the use of some add-ons it can become a good Social Networking web site. The team that is building Simply Machine Forum is created by volunteers that help in the development of SMF for a greater purpose. This team has announced some future content that will be developed and published by the years. Some of this future content is referred to forum web mailing, database abstraction with the support of SQLite, improved protection scripts and others. Most of those features are published in a beta version of SMF which is not considered as stable and of course it is not used by any serious web page. Simple Machine Forum has another feature special made only for their charter members that donate the amount of 49.95 USD per year to have access on a private section of the public SMF forum that has answers to many questions. Also those donators have advanced support for SMF by the development team and there is a helpdesk to answer questions that might be asked. One of the minor issues that SMF can have as free software is the redistribution which is actually not free. To redistribute the SMF a signed permission is needed from its team. This actually makes Simple Machine Forum not a freeware because of its license.

The reason for picking up SMF as the final platform to create this Social Network is that is a freelance forum based CMS that has many features. One of the pluses of this platform is the variety of languages that contains, it is translated into 47 languages already and other 40 are being developed. Another plus is the public web site that SMF has which has official modules, themes and extension plugins. The most important plus that needs to be considered is the Administration panel which allows the Admin to manage everything easily without getting into much trouble.

Concluding the main reasons of picking up Simple Machine Forum is that it is the most freeware reliable platform to choose between many others that offer fewer things. The security that SMF provides to its user, the applications and modules, it's easy navigation system, the Administrator management system and it's forum based environment were the reasons to consider it as the platform that will be used to create the Social Network for Educational purposes.

3.3 Methodology of CMS Setup

The setup of a CMS follows several rules in order to be successful and secure. Of course there are a lot of methodologies that can be followed while setting up a Custom Made Software but the most efficient and fast one is follow a guide along with a documentation that is made for that software. Many CMS use almost the same way on installation but of course there are differences crucial on the security of the installation.

The first step that needs to be taken while trying to setup a CMS is in the installation of the appropriate scripting language and the installation of the database software that is using. Some further work than installing needs to be done in the database such as creating the database, the accounts that will be used etc. After completing the first step web server software like Apache is needed as to host the files of the site. The next step is the CMS installation which includes several steps of the setup. Most of Custom Made Software gives the chance to the administrator while the installation is running to configure some System privileges. Also the installation part of a CMS contains the security part such as: creating the Administrator account, inputting the database account, deleting the installation file after it is completed and some others like using md5 as a cryptography system to secure the data of the web site.

Setting up a CMS doesn't finish until the Administrator has logged into the panel and has already configure everything within? The setup of the content that the site will be using can be dealt from that panel the same way as modules, user permissions, navigation, template and many more. Once all those have been successfully configured the way it needs to be the setup of the CMS has been finished and its ready to run.

Concluding the setup methodology that is used for a CMS, several steps needs to be taken which are important such as the database setup, web server software setup, scripting language installation, the CMS setup and installation, and finally the setup of the Administration panel before the web site goes live. All those steps conduct the right way on setting up a Custom Made Software system and they cannot be avoided.;sort=subject

Joomla! 1.6: A User's Guide: Building a Successful Joomla! Powered Website (3rd Edition) Barrie M. North ,Prentice Hall 2011

3.4 Testing Methodology

The testing methodology that is used in newly made software is one of the most important factors that define whether it is able to go live on the publicity or it needs more testing and implementation before going public. If any errors or bugs are found during the testing period, the development team that runs the testing is trying to solve them. After using several methods of testing the final results are produced showing whether the product meets the requirements and its working as expected.

There is a special methodology that is commonly used by software developers to check the products quality. This method is called "The box approach" and it has three ways on using it. The "White Box" approach method is the first and it is used to test the internal data of the software such as the code, the data structure and algorithms. White box can be used also to evaluate data from the next approach which is called "Black Box". This approach uses specific data for testing and provides the advantages and disadvantages of those data that have been tested. Last but not least the "Grey Box" testing is used mostly when there is an intergraded part of a code from one or more developers and gives the results of the output without formatting it.

In testing there are certain levels that are used to see the results of the software. The four levels that are defined by the IEEE organization are "Unit Testing", "Integration Testing", "System Testing" and "System Integration Testing". Unit testing is targeting a specific part of the code that the software is using and it checks out if the components of the program are working as expected by using the White-Box testing. Integration testing refers to any type of software testing that verifies intergraded components in software. The System testing is done in order to produce results on whether the system is working correctly or not. Finally the System Integration testing level is used to test if the System is working as expected if it is intergraded to some external or third-party system that exceeds the System requirements.

There are four objectives that are used for testing. The "Regression Testing" is the first out of four objectives; it is made after there is a big change in the software code to detect any errors that might occur. The "Acceptance Testing" is firstly made after assembling the code together by the developer team. Next thing in acceptance testing is the user acceptance testing in which some members of the team or customers are testing the product to see if it meets some of the requirements. The next objective is "Alpha Testing" that derives from the Hellenic letter "Άλφα" and it is the starting letter of the Greek Alphabet. In that phase of testing all the members of the staff along with some family members or specific customers and very important persons are testing a draft version of the program. While Alpha testing is going on the development continues and a lot of errors or mistakes are being encountered with the feedback from the testers. The final part of the testing is "Beta Testing" which also derives from the Hellenic letter "Βήτα" and it is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. That version of testing sometimes can be public but there are other times that it can be with an invitation. During that time of testing an almost finished version of the program is being tested by several users that with the feedback they provide to the development team, they are helping to improve the final version of the project. After those four steps are completed with the development team is correcting any bugs and its ready to proceed into publishing the final and public version of the product.

With the help of several tools, such as simulators and many more, the developers are running tests in the software. Testing the software performance and the overload of the program is very important and it's also called destructive testing sometimes; knowing the capabilities of the software are also needed in creating the system requirements. Usability and Stability testing is also made to check whether the software interface is easy on use and if it is stable enough. The security testing is also a very important part in a testing period, and it is helping to protect the software from any attacks or leaks.

After the final version of the software is published the testing keeps on, but this time is less often and most of the times something is tested when needed. This kind of testing is called Maintenance and it helps to keep the final version of the software stable without having many bugs. It is also used when a new version of the product goes live to test some of the errors; of course before the new version is published it is tested.

Concluding some of the things pre-mentioned cannot be avoided in a software testing, while others can be avoided depends on the software and its target group. The method that big organizations are using while testing is named "Waterfall Testing Model" and it has the phases of Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design, Construction, Testing, Production/Implementation and Maintenance. Using those phases a product is tested and developed rapidly.

^ Exploratory Testing, Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology, Quality Assurance Institute Worldwide Annual Software Testing Conference, Orlando, FL, November 2006

IEEE Computer Society Press. pp. 41-43. ISBN 0470042125.

^ Kolawa, Adam; Huizinga, Dorota (2007). Automated Defect Prevention: Best Practices in Software Management. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press. p. 86. ISBN 0470042125.

^ a b Section 1.1.2, Certified Tester Foundation Level

^ Savenkov, Roman (2008). How to Become a Software Tester. Roman Savenkov Consulting. p. 159. ISBN 978-0-615-23372-7.

^ IEEE (1998). IEEE standard for software test documentation. New York: IEEE. ISBN 0-7381-1443-X.

^ Myers, Glenford J. (1979). The Art of Software Testing. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 145-146. ISBN 0-471-04328-1.

3.5 Security Issues

Security is the level of protection against any danger, damage, loss and criminal activities. It provides the safety and the reliability for a cause. In Computer Security there are several safety issues that need to be handled to protect the program against any kind of harm or attack. Also computer security includes the protection against corruption, property and information theft or natural disaster, while it allows the property to be accessible for its users. If a software or system is vulnerable it may lead to the compromise of the information it contains. To avoid critical situations against the security of a product a design method has been developed called "Software Security Assurance" or SSA.

The process of SSA is ensuring that the software is designed using some level of protection which is consistent with the harm that could result to a loss, inaccuracy, unavailability or misuse to the data that it contains. Software Security Assurance is using two steps of processing; the one is identifying the information that is contained, or used, by the software. The other is categorizing and it's based on the sensitivity of the information. The two categories that exist are the low category, which is based on minimal security violations, such as impact on the software functions or its reputation. The top category contains actions that have as an impact to make harm the software use, its assets and data, resources or even on human life. Once those steps have been completed the security requirements can be developed, which address the access control, including the network access and physical access of the software.

Vulnerabilities in software are the main cause of security problems and they are the result of security bugs or defects. The defects are created in most of the cases by two primary reasons: non-conformance or fail to satisfy the requirements or an error in the software requirements.


User Group Protection:

Web Server security:

3.6 Management

Administrator Panel:


Chapter 4 - System Setup

In this chapter the System Setup will be described including every detail on the implementation that was used to create this project…

4.1 Installation

Screenshots + guide of installation

4.2 Basic Administration

Introduce to Administrator Panel + Screenshots

4.3 System Modules & Extensions

Modules & extensions were used + screenshots

4.4 Theming Engine

Current Theme introduction + changes + pictures

4.5 Facilities

Web Site facilities introduced after the implementation + screenshot

Chapter 5 - Management

Management Presented…

5.1 Security Issues and Development

Security Issues + Solve to the problems

5.2 Acceptance User Policy Development

Creation of Acceptance AUP

5.3 Moderation and Guidance for Proper User

Terms of Service + Moderation

5.4 Development Issues & Trouble shooting

All issues solved

Chapter 6 - Conclusions & Future Work

This Chapter…

6.1 Conclusions - Development

6.2 Conclusions - Usage

6.3 Future Work & Further Development