Smart school it is any school uses the technology tools as a medium to learn by distance, with using a high quality of information transfer and teaching methods that was developed locally regionally or internationally. By this way the student can learn by specific teaching skill are made available to isolated and distance locations like home (Chin I Jen, 2001). In this report we want to present a web based about smart school, which comprise the following requirement:
The smart school web site is considered as important web site, due to the services it provide to meddle and high school students and staffs. For that it has to be available and ready at any time for achieve this purpose. Therefore the smart school web site needs to be applied to enhance the teaching qualities and give the possibility of learning to the remote location including homes.
Project schedule:
About the schedule of our work it is illustrated by the following steps:
List of requirements
Listed below are the functional requirements and non-functional requirement of the system. In the priority column, the following short hands are used:
Inventiveness of smart school:
Goals of smart schools:
Smart school system has relied on working to achieve many goals, which are considered as the path to achieve good knowledge and excellent students. Some of these goals are the following:
The commercial potentiality of the system:
The commercial side is considered as an important part in the project of smart school, because of its effects on the economics of countries, and especially the private sector and investment in IT tools like the lap tops company such as (DELL, COMPAC) and the networking\ telecommunication companies such as (TM company, MAXIS, DIGI, CELCOM in Malaysia), where they can provide many tools to support the development of smart school, as instance in one study in field concerned the progress of the smart school project in Malaysia we can see that each of the 10,000 schools turning smart in 2010 will have at the minimum, the following:
Also the governments have to make a system of budget management, for provide the need services of smart school to the teachers and students, for making the training and works hoping and so on. Hans, this system will be required:
The smart school is the successful path of any nation wants to benefit from the technology tools in its teaching-learning. So that, In this report we have focused on this project. And we tried to caver it from all its sides, the novelty & inventiveness of the system, the objectives and the benefits of it, the potentiality of commerce on it, and also we have attached a screen shot of Smart School Web site that we have made to this report. In this Web Site we have presented the important phases in this web site, which are required by the lecturer. Furthermore, in this reports we added objectives of smart school some functional and non functional requirement that have to be verified in every web site , like availability, portability, security and so on .