Civilization: this word comes from the Latin word civilis meaning civil or a society in an advanced state of social, cultural and material development. It is also related to the Latin civis meaning citizen. civitas meaning city or city states.
Among the Middle ages empires were the Byzantium empire which came about after the Roman empire fell to invading Barbarians and complex internal pressures It was the eastern part of the Roman empire which came about in 395 AD and had Constantinople as capital. The mighty empires disintegrated into many warring states mainly over borders and it was in a quest for restoring their lost glory. This brought about a lot of uncertainty and plunged Europe in what was labeled a "dark age" yet Byzantium remained (Hemingway and Hemingway par 7). It had a stable economy which was catered for the army, ample food supply advanced civil engineering and high standard of living. There was high literacy level dominant among the Greek and Latin's. The penal system was so harsh as viewed by the Western crusaders and had no element of justice in it. The middle ages preserved an ancient knowledge upon which art, architecture, literature and technological achievements ( Spielvogel, 82)
Neo-Hittite empires rose following the collapse of the Hittite empire about 1180BCand lasted to 700 BC. This empire collapsed due to the decline of eastern Mediterranean trade networks resulting to most cities of the Bronze. It was associated with the invasion of the sea peoples.
Neo-Assyrian empire
The capital was Assure and later Nineveh. In 934BC-608BC Assyria assumed a position of the most powerful country on earth. It was the first real empire in human history. It was later joined by Babylon, Medes and Scythnians in a coalition. Despite the empire being destroyed its culture influenced the succeeding empires.
Both the Greek and the Romans had their ups and downs in their quest for civilization which did not prove as easy to attain as earlier thought. Both the civilizations had almost analogous routes of creation conquering and destruction and because of poor application methods that the said civilizations /empires formed.
The Greek and Romans formed City-states the Greek one was based on tribes and ethnicity which saw the very first of the political association(penny 95). The Romans however brought together various different ethnic groups among them the Italians. They developed procedures of public politicking and legal states. The Romans began extending their citizenship by virtue of conquering. The Romans had military prowess and their organization in the political, legal and full conquer age of the empire. Their man intent was not on the creation of empires but self protection from their neighbors. The Roman empire lasted long and was based on the aspect of a sense of identity. The Romans had more of a civilized sense of democracy and all aspects associated to it such constitutions, citizenship, equity human rights adherence and protection and very high profiled intelligence.
The Greek city-states were unified by force and the attack and ethnicity. And was ruled on the aspect of its wealth. The merge of the Romans and the Greeks led to republics each with imported skill in architecture and high aspect of good architecture, medicine and various traditions. The Greeks were not as advanced in the Romans in the engineering sector and so they borrowed a number of aspects such as food storage.
Similarities of all the civilizations