In this chapter, the University of Malaya is chosen to be the case study. The UM Security Office is responsible to implement the management of the security and safety in UM. The background of UM Security Office and UM security policy, and also security guard is studied.
3.1 CASE STUDY: University of Malaya (UM)
University of Malaya (UM) is the Malaysia's oldest university. It is situated on a 750 acres (309 hectares) campus in the southwest of Kuala Lumpur, the capital City of Malaysia. It is located strategically at the convergence of Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya. Because of its strategically location and easy accessible, public treat the UM route as their short-cut to avoid traffic jam, for example, during working peak period. Thus, it may indirectly affect the security in UM.
University of Malaya (UM) is a multidisciplinary Research University which aims to produce leader in education and research. Thus it is always on top of mind of university to look for a way to provide a safe environment for its student and staffs. That's no small feat when consider those 22,406 students and 6,737 staffs and as well as the employees live, work, study and play in an area covering 750 acres. Thus, UM is necessary to make sure that those students who come from around the country and world can live in an environment of diversity, faith and values.
The mission of University of Malaya is to advance knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and for humanity. The vision of University of Malaya is to be an internationally renowned institution of higher learning in research, innovation, publication and teaching. While the objectives of
University of Malaya are to deliver quality teaching and learning activities in order to produce an excellent all-rounded student and also to become a world class research university.
Thus it is important to have a secure and comfort environment for students and staffs, as well as visitors.
Location Map of University of Malaya
Campus Map of University of Malaya
3.2 Security Office
Security Office University of Malaya is established since 1967. It is responsible for the security and safety of the university staffs, students, properties as well as the various machinery and cutting edge research work on University grounds.
Security Office faces many challenges in providing a safe and secure environment on a wide area campus. The Security Office cooperate with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs & Alumni (HEP) to make sure that guidelines, rules and procedures are properly communicated and executed i.e. in organizing and running a campus activity. Security officers also coordinate with the Department of Development & Asset Maintenance to provide a secure and fresh environment.
In order to patrol the University's 750-acre which is compound nestling in between two extremely rapid development locations, Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, Security Office offers unique challenges and requires quick reactions to protect everyone on campus from violent crime, theft, destruction of property, fire and so on.
Campus safety and security are as important to the University as the academic excellence of its students. With services such as safety patrols, traffic control, security posts, vehicle registration as well supervising the distribution of security visitor passes, the university security office provide peace of mind to campus residence.
The Security Office is currently located in Block C, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah Residential College (Twelfth Residential College).
3.2.1 Mission and Vision
Security Office of University of Malaya has only one which covers the Mission and Vision, that is "to protect, maintain and enhance the entire campus safety, security and harmony and interest of University of Malaya from the efforts which can lead to the weaknesses and failure of the confidentiality, integrity and legitimacy through the process of enforcement and operations campus security, traffic control and property maintenance.
3.2.2 Objectives
In order to manage the security in University of Malaya, Security Office has set up four main objectives.
First objective of Security Office is to ensure the safety and security of the university's community and properties.
Second, Security Office will help to promote, provide and secure a peaceful and harmonious environment in the campus. Security office will make sure that the campus environment is always safer. Related security information will be given to the University's community.
Security Office also will maintain the peaceful, laws and regulations by executing the University Act. Security office will make sure that there security problems such as theft, vandalism, crimes etc cases to be minimized.
Lastly, Security Office will maintain a smooth traffic flow and parking in the University campus. For example, those who do not possess the UM car sticker will be detained and asked to get a visitor pass. Security guards and security officers can take action on the students who break the rules and regulations.
3.2.4 Security Policy
University of Malaya is a campus with safe and secure community environment where the students and staffs attend classes and work. Nevertheless, it is essential to make available the security policy and information regarding personal security and the protection of belongings on the university grounds as crime still occurs.
Security Policy of University of Malaya is as shown below:
To nourish, sustain and increase the security and tranquillity throughout the campus and to protect the interest of University Malaya.
To ensure the smoothness and effectiveness of enforcement and tranquillity operation of campus residents. In addition, it also operates to control and care for the facilities and equipments of University of Malaya.
To minimise and to curb the damage and extermination towards interests of University of Malaya through prevention efforts.
To protect all the interests of University of Malaya from any efforts that will result to the failure and weakness of confidentiality, integrity and genuinely.
During new student orientation week, officers and staffs provide and explain the security policy to the new intake students. Questions and problems regarding security and safety are answered.
3.2.5 Campus Safety Tips
Security Office set the safety tips to remind students about the safety within university grounds.
Students are advised to learn the best route between the residence hall and classes and activities, student should take the safest route, not the fastest route. Besides that, students better travel in groups of two or more at night and walk in well-lit and heavy travelled areas. Do not stay on the shrubs, dark doorways and alleys but stay on the sidewalk which far from the more unsafe places.
If can, share the class schedule with friends and family so that effectively create a buddy system. When student go out, let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be back.
Learn the best route between your residence hall and your classes and activities. Take the safest route, not the fastest route.
Travel in groups of two or more at night and always walk in well-lit, heavily travelled areas.
Stay on the part of the sidewalk that is farthest away from shrubs, dark doorways, and alleys.
Share your class schedule with friends and family, effectively creating a buddy system.
When you go out, let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be back.
Know where the emergency telephones are located (See "Emergency Telephones.")
Use the shuttle buses after dark. After the shuttle buses have stopped running, call the Safety Service for ride. (See "Safety Service.")
Wherever you are, stay alert to your surroundings and the actions of people around you.
Follow your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, change directions, go to an emergency phone or into a public building, or call university security.
Do not leave your belongings unattended, not even for a few minutes.
Avoid displaying large amounts of cash or other tempting targets such as jewellery or expensive clothing.
Always lock your bike or rent a bike locker to store your bike.
Park in well-lit, well-travelled areas of the parking lot.
Memorize the phone number of the University Security (03-79673582).
Student should report any suspicious persons to the Hall Officer or the Campus Security Hotline immediately.
Figure 3.2.1 Organisation Chart of Security Office
(Source: Security Office, University of Malaya, 2009)
3.6 Security System in UM
The UM security system is mainly focus on security guards system as their security system in monitoring and controlling surveillance and security of campus since year 1967 where the Security Office is established.
The security system consists of four aspects:
Guard Tour System - security guards, patrolling
Gate Control - i.e. vehicles flow and visitors control
CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
CAAM - Card Access i.e. elid card
3.6.1 Guard Tour System
University of Malaya employs its own security officers and security guards. There are 6 security officers and 151 security guards staffed in Security Office. Security Office provides 24 hours security in University of Malaya.
For security guards, there are three (3) shifts working hours, which are morning shift from 7.00am to 3.00pm; afternoon shift from 3.00pm till 11.00pm and lastly, night shift from 11.00pm to 7.00am. Every security guard takes turn to have one day off every week after six (6) continuous working days. Each security guard is equipped with gun, pistol or revolver when they are on duty.
Security guards patrol around the university grounds with security motorcycle or security car especially patrol more frequently at night.
On staff consists of Director of Security and Security Officers. They are available from Monday to Friday during working hours from 8.00am to 5.00pm. Any information or assistance needed regarding personal security and safety, can contact to the Director of Security or Security Officer on duty by calling the security office, or talk personally with Director of Security or Security Officer.
Besides that, there is a Special Action Unit under Director of Security where the security officers do not wear the uniform when perform their duties. They patrolling around the university area by security car and they have the same power as security guards.
3.6.2 Gate Control
University of Malaya can be accessible through KL gate, PJ gate, Damansara gate, Ninth Residential College gate and INTAN gate. The main gates of UM are guarded by the security guards. UM management and the security officers will make sure there is no physical danger would easily enter the gates of the campus.
University of Malaya has 11 residential college located on campus, 1 off-campus residential college that is Ninth Residential College located outside UM area, and 1 residential college for international students which known as International House Section 17. Each residential college have their own security management in order to control the number of person who goes in and out from the buildings.
Residential college usually opens to public or off-residents until the time set by each residential college administration. Security guard is engaged to guard the security of residential college. For example, the entrance gate of First Residential College (Tunku Abdul Rahman Residential College) is closed from 12.00am until 6.00am. The security guard will check the people who enter residential college. The visitors are required to leave their particular information as a record and hand-in their personal document such as driving license or identification card (IC). This is because to secure the residential college in case of if there any security problem occurs. The security guard also patrol around the residential grounds during daytime.
3.6.3 CCTV
According to Mr. Wahyu Hidayat bin Misdi, Security Officer, CCTV is one of the security devices used in UM security system. There are installations of CCTV in several common areas which are strategic locations and main focus such as Dewan Tunku Canselor (DTC), Kompleks Perdana Siswa (KPS), Main Library UM and bank
3.6.4 Card Access
There are 13 residential colleges which 11 residential colleges in located within UM area, and 2 residential colleges located outside UM. Card access is
Example of card access used is Second Residential College (Tuanku Bahiyah Residential College). The entrance to enter the dormitory blocks is equipped with the Electromagnetic Lock with Identification (ID) Card Reader. Only those registered resident student with the approved electronically coded ID card can enter the dormitory by using the I.D. card to access their dormitory block. This security management ensures no outsider or stranger can freely enter to the dormitory blocks; while in the meantime, it is protecting the right and safety of the residents
Scope of Tasks of Security Guards
Security Office has its own field tasks so that to make sure that the security and safety of the campus is assured.
Security office provides the security services to all citizens and University of Malaya campus. During the campus events or functions, the security guards will perform their duties. During convocation week, security guards control the smoothness of event or function in the campus, meanwhile make sure the smoothness of the traffic.
Besides that, security office enforces the rules and regulations of University of Malaya which applied on the staffs, students and visitors. Security office will conduct safety inspections at University of Malaya in order to make sure it is reach the extent of practicable, which it is safe with absence of risks to the campus community.
Other than that, Security office monitors and controls the activities and events that may cause danger, sedition and so forth. They will investigate any accident, accident almost, dangerous incidents, occupational diseases or work poisoning that may occur at the University of Malaya. After the investigation, the security office will analyze the accident statistics which includes those accident, accident almost, dangerous incidents, occupational diseases or work poisoning that occurred.
Security office will maintain the peaceful environment of the campus and also the interest of University. Security office organizes and implement the security services at the University of Malaya meanwhile provide the safety and security information, instructions and training. They will also carry out the other instructions given by the Management from time to time which related to the safety and security at University of Malaya.
3.7 Security Services
Advisory services with regard to campus security aspects including fire hazards.
Security services during functions in the campus.
Issuing of Matriculation Cards/Campus Cards/Security Passes to authorised persons.
Issuing Car Stickers/Passes
Aid and assistance to students/staff/parents/visitors in event of needs and other problems after office hours.
Road signage during events/functions.
Information and service on lost and found items.
In-service Training to campus community on security/fire prevention.
The security services of university has to be managing well so that the security services provided and performed by the security officers and security guards reach to the extent of protection and effectiveness. There are few services are provided by the Security Office of University of Malaya.
Security Office plays an important role as an advisor to University of Malaya about the aspects regards to the campus security and safety. It acts as secretariat of Occupational Safety & Health Coordinating Committee University of Malaya and perform all the functions of secretary as specified in the Regulation of Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Committee) 1996.
Campus Security Officers and security guards are in contact with the security office switchboard operator at all times. Additionally, if there is an urgent situation occurs, the security officer who on duty can contact the Occupational Safety and Health Unit or Police Station for assistance. If there happen to be any crimes cases, security officers have the obligation to report to the local police station.
Besides apart from the security management performed by the UM Security Office, in general, security system of each UM building is also managed by their own security management administration. In general, most of the faculties and buildings are closed on Saturdays and Sundays except for particular activities and events. UM buildings only open for use from Monday till Friday from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm or 11.00pm. Occupational Safety and Health Unit and the information center in the Security Office are open every day for 24 hours so that get ready anytime if there is anything happen.
University of Malaya
3.4.1 Security Guards
According to En.Wahyu Hidayat bin Misdi, Security Officer, the security office is staffed with 151 security guards and 6 officers in order to serve the security services and safety. (Personal communication, 2009)
3.4.2 Gate
UM have 4 access Gate. The main gate is KL gate, PJ gate, Damansara gate, and INTAN gate.
Unknown visitors may be incurred danger to UM safety. Therefore, to secure UM, security officers use car and motor sticker to distinguish students' vehicles and visitors' vehicles so that security guards and security officers can have more cautions to visitors' vehicles.