Malaysia has many kinds of restaurants almost everywhere in the cities and towns. There are Malay Restaurants, Chinese restaurants, Indian Restaurants, Thai Restaurants and more. Eating out in Malaysia is a real gastronomic adventure. There is such a great variety; spicy Malay Food, a seemingly endless variety of Chinese food, exotic cuisine from North and South India, as well as Nyonya and Portuguese Food. Popular Malaysian dishes include satay, nasi lemak, rendang, roti canai, murtabak, laksa, chicken rice, and fried noodles. Western cuisine is also easily available. In addition, international fast food chains operate in major towns side by side with thousands of road side stalls and food bazaars.
Images above show the Malaysian food that all multi culture eats everyday such as nasi lemak, sate, roti canai and all other kinds of food. These foods can be found everywhere and can be at reasonable prices.
1.2 Tourist Chart That Arrived to Malaysia
As we can see, the number of tourisms increase from year to year as the industry of technology is getting higher. This chart shows number of the tourist arrivals and profits that we have earned from year 1998 to 2009. According to this website, Malaysian has improved well in the hospitality industry from year to year and this can make our country well known. On the other hand, Malaysia has been on the 8th level of the most visited country in the world upon the 10th most visited country.
1.3 Ways to Increase Tourisms
There are many ways the Ministry of Malaysia that is Y.B Dato'' Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen to attract tourist from all over of the world. One of the ways that will make the tourist visit the Malaysia is the package tours, publicize the country, advertisement, encourage internal tourism and improve public facilities.
1.3.1 Package Tours
Tourist can enjoy their vacations in Malaysia with great tours that have a good quality and at the lower price. For example, we can provide a good price from the transport tour such as the bus agency when the tourist booked a room inside the hotel. Other than that, we can offer them to stay in hotel with a reasonable price and promotion
1.3.2 Publicize the Country
We can publicity our country by build up an attractive and interesting website with a great exhibition booth. For example, our Ministry of Tourism have emphasized on the website titled ''Cuti-cuti'' that encourage the tourists to come and holiday in Malaysia. This is also for our local people that wanted to visit other state inside Malaysia.
1.3.3 Advertisement
One of the style that we can promote our country is by an advertisement such as televisions, radios, magazines, and posters. For this type of way is for the internal tourist from all over the state in Malaysia that never travel to another state.
1.3.4 Encourage Internal Tourism
Although we are emphasizing on the tourist from all over the country, we also have to think about our own local peoples. Giving different promotion such as discount more than outside tourism might help the local people having a holiday inside our own country. They might wanted to visit other places for example like people from Penang want to visit Kuala Lumpur in order to see their own country side.
1.3.5 Improved Public Facilities
Malaysia is rich with many types of things neither food nor agriculture. We might think also about the facilities that we should provide more facilities for the tourism to use and make the view more beautiful. On the other hand, we must improve our facilities from an old technology to the new technology.
1.4 Conclusion
Tourism has become one of the most important sources growths in many communities across the world. Peoples love o travel to another country and hoping to get different types of things, styles, cultures and many more between their own countries. By promoting wholesome activities examples like exploring Malaysia by rail with the Malaysian rail pass and camping at the free of charge camping sites, the government provides good services for the tourist and encourages more visitors. This will ensure that our country will get more profits from other country and Malaysia will be known as the country that lived by more than three races in the world. On the other hand, the tourist will also gain good experienced and good memories from our country such as respect each races, at the discretion of manner with the old folks and many types of delicious food that they will remember after they went back to their own country.
What is happiness? What constitutes happiness for one and not for another?
2.0 Introduction
People lives with many types of emotions, but the main feeling that they want to feel is to be happy always. What is happiness? Happiness is found truly in the journey of life, not in the arriving of some destination or the end itself. Happiness is the ultimate end. So many people in the world today have different temporal goals, different aspirations and differences in what they would call the good which brings or is happiness. Happiness is for certain something that is unique for each human being, and the attainment of which is a very personal journey, but the method, the means, and the end result are universal. Happiness then, being the journey or activity of the soul in regards to this virtuous end, is something that we are all striving to attain on a daily basis. However, there are some people that don''t like an individual that happy with their life.
2.1 The Word ''Success''
We are brought up on all kinds of crazy ideas about ''success''. Competition is built into all aspects of our social life, including education and work. There are dialogues that saying ''For me to succeed, someone else must fail''. This dialogue tells us that people envy to see us success. We are taught to think that is normal but actually, success comes and goes, and people identify themselves with it at their own peril. They wanted someone that is happy and success to fall down so that they will feel satisfied for their own.
2.2 Success That People Envy
In a society seemingly rife with violence, verbal and physical abuse, and other mental health issues, success for some individuals also means hurting someone else. The perpetrator sees this harm as winning in some sort of game or battle that is sometimes waged only in his or her head. There are many things of success people that some of the other people envy and doesn''t like it such as winning his or her heart, discrimination, get a windfall.
2.2.1 Winning His or Her Heart
In love, people can do anything. Most of the people or even your best friend doesn''t like the person that u love and they will make something that will hurt the one you love because they envy you''re happy with the one you love.
2.2.2 Discrimination
Since discrimination stems from fear and lack of knowledge, it makes the performer feel safe and "better" that the target group of the discrimination. It is success to the person exercising it, but it is truly unhealthy. This includes name calling toward, and laughing at, minority groups, or anyone that is "different."
2.2.3 Get a Windfall
Who ever wondered that maybe you could win a lottery and win about millions of dollars? You will not imagined how happy you are because you can buy new car, new house. According to James, on ''You can win'' (2009) winning with a great deal in the gambling thing is the best way to success in a short time. At this moment, people will look at you and will envy until they maybe can cheat and steal the money from you.
2.3 Types of Happiness But Not to Another
Peoples feel happy with their life and some of the situation they are going through. There are three types of happiness in different situation that are family, working place, and as an individual. Not every moment that they are happy and it is because of another person that happy for what they did to you.
Happiness to family but not as individual (
2.3.1 Family Situation
Family loves you. They wanted you to success in your life and gain bright future for your own self. However, not all of them understand what you want to be because they will force you to do what you don''t want to, they thought the thing that they choose is better for you. They will feel happy for you but you''re cheating yourself. You wanted to become something else but they prevent you to do so.
Success in the working place ( )
2.3.2 Working Place
Employees love when their staffs are working hard to make the company success. This will make the employee think that you are great and you can move up to the next rank. In this situation, other stuff will envy you because you are upper level than them although you''re happy with that. In this situation, People will do something bad at you and you will feel sad about this.
Success as an individual (
2.3.3 Individual Situation
We feel very happy when the things that we aim are successful. This thing will make us gain more positive things and people will envy when we are happy. Sometimes they will do something that hurt us to see us sad or lose something. We have to be strong in case people that we trust cheat on us and this will us success.
2.4 Conclusion
Happiness is the best thing or feeling that people had in their lives. Not every people are happy and these make them feel envy towards another. The best thing we can do is avoid being 'infected' with envy's cancerous poison. Avoid contact with people who create envious feelings for some individuals, particularly if this feeling is produced in your firstly from their envy of you. This includes avoiding thinking about them. If we associate with envious people we're likely to have to deal with these feelings in ourselves sooner or later. We need to deal with these feelings by being truthful with ourselves. We need to humble and respect each other so that other people and that individual around us feel happy always. With this situation, we can become success in anytime we want and whenever we want.