Saigon securities Inc in online trading

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 1203


Saigon securities Inc (SSI) which was founded in 1999 with initial charter capital was 6 billion VND. After 10 years developing, SSI's total chartered capital is up to 3.500 billion VND and SSI becomes one of the securities companies which have the largest chartered capital in Vietnam market.Currently, SSI constantly applies scientific and technological innovations for upgrading their systems to improve service quality. In the trend of online trading market in the world, SSI launched many projects on online transactions in order to set up a new platform of stock and bond trading online for foreign institutional clients. Stock market online is an attractive place for both securities companies and the investors, however, it hides many unfavorable factors that cause dangers to the investors. Thus, to build a successful new trading online platform for SSI, first to exploit the strengths of SSI, parallel to overcoming the disadvantages of the online market in Vietnam.


Currently, online trading is increasingly more common in Viet Nam it helps investors can trade easily and quickly. It helps investors can trade anywhere or anywhere. To be able to perform online transactions investors must meet certain general requirements. For online trading you must have a bank account, foreign investors must be coded separately traded securities. In addition they must transfer to USD for transactions before the transaction so they must pass before a day of money to Vnd (T-1). Hours are 8am ~ trading shares and 10.30 am to 11 am to 8 pm ~ Bond



After access to the website at address: through web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera …), you will see the main page as follows:

On the top-right corner of the Web page, there're two buttons:

Click on “Sign in” button if you had a account. It'll pop-up the table in this form for you to type your username and password to join into your account.

If you forgot your password, click the link of "Forget my password". Type your username and email, the system will send you the password to your email account that you use as login ID.

Click on “Open a new account” button if you don't have account and need to register one. From this, it links to the register page, as following:

Fill in full information and click “submit” button to finish. Now you can sign in as a member and enjoy SSI trading online's service.

The search is designed simple and convenient. If the clients want to see any information, they just type that keywords in the search box, then click on the “search” button, they can get the most necessary information.

In the center, there is “What's new” section which overviews the news about Vietnam markets and global markets today.


There are six major sections as following:

1. News

In “Market Watch” tab, it gives exact information about Vietnam markets through HOSE, UPCOM, HNX and global markets through Dow Jones, NYSE, NASDAQ…

In “Market Analysis” tab, there are stockquotes and reviews from the experts. It is very useful information for people who prepare to enjoy trading online. Besides, this page allows the members to comment about the stocks.

2. Security

After you click “Security” in the table above, you will see the many information and news about the security in the market. You can read and select by your opinion. In addition, I design some security what top 5 is the best rising or best falling to help the investor can refer and make the trading.

In my website, I will make it is simple to use so if the foreign want to buy or sell security they will have difference table.

Table for sell

Table for buy

Both of tables have many securities but I just give one example. If you want to find the security fast you can right-click in Symbol and search your security you want to buy or sell. It is very essay to use, you type one word and it will give you many solutions (etc: you type A it will be show ACB ANZ AAA…). Symbol is the code name of security of company you chose company and quantity of security you want to trade and table will show the Ref Ceil Flr. of them ( Ref is the price take form last price trade of that security in yesterday, Ceil is the price + 5% and Flr. is the price-5% ) After that you put your price in table and click ok. About the selling security you can take money T+3 for stock and T+1 for bond (T+3 is the day you get money after you confirm to sell ) and for Buy T+4 for stock and T+2 for bond. The transaction will take some fee and give you in your balance.

3. Foreign Exchange

In this table will show the transaction of convert money and transfer money

If you want to convert another currency in to VND you also can convert in here but must to convert to USD and convert to VND. In website can convert and get the money in to 2-4 hours (only for USD). In other website the convert transactions lower than my website.

4. Assessment management

This section is the place for all members to manage their accounts.

4.1 Account

4.2 Trading

This section is designed for the clients to keep them updated on their most recent completed trades.

In this table will show your balance and history trading in security.

If you click on the code in Security it will show another table include the time and price in the day you buy or sell

4.3 Mailbox

5. Service

Display other available services that SSI can help the clients in trading online. Those include:

6. Contact us

This page provides ways to contact if the clients need the support from SSI.

Those include:


This platform of stock/bond trading online brings an easy, fast and convenient trading e-marketplace platform to people. It is designed simple and easy to understand. The clients can track the stock market and make transactions anytime of the day on their computer, laptop or cell-phone. It can solve many important issues that companies are facing today by providing opportunities for them to automate supply chain processes, increase operational efficiency, expand the market and reducecapital and operating expense.


The development of the stock market plays a very important role for the economic development in Vietnam. However, the stock market in Vietnam is still changeable, has potentially higher risks for both the investors and the securities companies. This platform of stock/bond trading online will create a fascinating market for people to enjoy. Therefore, if set up the new trading online platform successfully in SSI as mentioned above, it will address the immediate challenges, promote the development of online security, and attract more investors and companies participating in the market.

These are essential steps in the process of building the online security which serves the development of a dynamic market economy in the trend of globalization and internationalization of the financial market in Vietnam.