Nowadays the world became filled by several vulnerable problems that need to a quick solution and occupies the thinking of most people. From these problems the Road Network traffic crises that produces congestion, collision and � etc, thus a lot of issues are effected, such that working times, people psychology and so on.
So we need to find an effective solution under the world financial crisis circumstances and surrounding environment, means that a solution achieve low cost, where from the suggested solutions for reducing or facilitation the traffic motion problems mainly are depending on the mobile communication (cell phone, GPS, Satellite� etc.), but it need to more funding.
We find that the Data Network can perform the wanted aim due to the fast development nowadays of the computer systems and technologies, where we look forward to reach to certain model based on complete mapping between all Road Network parameters and the corresponding in the Data Network.
This paper will discuss a mapping between Road Network parameters and Data Network parameters that will be used to get the model.
Keywords: Data Networks, Road Traffic,
Firstly let�s know what is traffic? This question represents general meaning, where it latent in the Road Network Traffic and Data Network Traffic, each of them will be described below.
The traffic is the amount of sent and received objects by visitors, whether Road Network (Vehicles) or Data Network Packet Data Unit (PDU).
According to the wide scene between the Data Network and Road Network, we refer to the mapping between them, the challenge was the notion of joining two different fields in one object, this due to dependency of one to the other, because of needing to reach to better future, where always the development should convey the needs of people, that is contained for example in the roads traffic roads, transportation methods and � etc.
So the several Data networks methods problems and their multiple solutions that drive us to crystallize it to be appropriate for using to road network crisis and being the Road Network problem represent a boatel neck for reaching to pacific traversing world, there is no dogmatic solution for the critical problem.
We will be derived towards a real problem along the world due to gigantic vehicle production within fixed Road environment, the own model will need to a flexible simulation that can be matched or accomplished in the statistic results.
Therefore by getting alternate paths for the congested paths of the Road we can control the Road Network events.
Road Networks
Recently the Road Network became represent very important issue in our society, where no one can dispense to it, within several ages, but nowadays the Road network and its transportation methods have a conflict due to non generated roads and non synchronous with the different vehicle size.
Let�s discuss each Road network Parameter, its effect in the traffic motions such congestion and same statistics. The studies proved that the congestion occurs at lowest level (Level F), means that the vehicles speed reach to their minimum value, then appear the Stop and Go condition phenomenon and vehicle stop within 60 seconds, also may occurs temporary waiting that cause (Shock Wave).
Nowadays the average number of vehicles becomes near to the average number of people, within the environment circumstances the request size increased about the exhibited or available roads according to the congestion components (Roads, Vehicles and Walkers).
Also the cross-sections affect greatly, where it may cause traffic jam so the studies proved that the Cross-Section saturated at 512C, C� actual gate Width by meter and the Gate Width = 2.5:9m, for example when a driver go to certain Cross-section to return back the opposite side may cause a queue because of the number of returned vehicles rather than available time of traffic light green sign and also the waited vehicles in the middle lane that need to go to the opposite direction.
The lane capacity road connections = 1800:2000 vehicle/hour (i.e. average 1900 Vehicle/Hour), the platform capacity = aX + bX2, X� the walker speed 1m/min, a and b are constants related to the actual platform width by meter.
From the methods of Increasing Traffic Capacity:
� Low capacity methods (Round size controlling of the cross-section, Wait controlling at least before or after cross, Appling the unidirectional system that increase the efficiency with 15%, Improving the traffic light performance, Engineering preliminary stage of the traffic axes and Traffic awareness{Traffic engineering, Traffic roles, Traffic behaviors training and Transporting the expertise to the traffic field}).
� Medium capacity methods (Remap the roads and cross-sections, Redesign the traffic lights to minimize the delay time, Join the traffic lights by a central control system and expand the road width).
� High capacity methods (Construct unidirectional bridge at high traffic regions, Construct a generic crosssection, Construct new axes inside the city and Construct sequential bridges to make smooth traffic flow), Thus from the proposed solutions:
Equivalent vehicle unit with a specific size or coordinates for Community Transportation.
Adding extra fees for the vehicles their uses the crowded roads.
According to the several vehicle kinds and the resulted problems due to the surrounded challenges such that size vs. service and available speed, we find that the private vehicle has a special performance in form brakes, speed acceleration and dodging and the vice versa proportional to the huge vehicles such Bus and trailer, they are controlled by multiple limits and conditions, where they occupies (3:4 doubles) of the private vehicle size.
The purpose of improving the traffic efficiency proportional to the moving vehicles (Crash reduction, Congestion reduction, Delay reduction, Noise reduction and Pollution reduction) where they are solved by the following systems (Unidirectional system, Return avoidance, Movable Barriers, Pedestrian Management, Public transportation regulation and Traffic signs, signals or Traffic Light), note that the standing vehicles due to (Loading, Unloading or Parking).
There is a statistic of Missouri State road network accidents or crashes caused by ages [5]
Data Networks
There are four categories acquainted with the own target:
1. Data Network Components[6]
Repeater: without the repeaters will occur distortion and noise is added to the signal along the transmission line as shown in the following figure.
There are two types of the repeater (Generative such in above figure and Non-Generative), firstly the Generative repeater extracts the data and then retransmit again but after single clock cycle, where it higher cost because of producing
synchronization signals between the Transmitter and Receiver, so high processing is achieved, secondary the Non-Generative Repeater is only amplifier but generates both of signal and noise so it is lower cost; the SNR is obtained in the following figure of the three cases No-Repeater, Non-Generative repeater and Generative
Hub: is a Layer one device or network device not communication device, where can understand layer one (physical layer) so it can deal with line coding such Manchester and Differential Manchester but not layer two (Data Link) so can�t d understand MAC address, also is called Garbage on Garbage out (GIGO), makes crossover and considered one collision domain because its connection physically star but logically bus as shown in the following figure.
Switch: is a Layer two device, it can understand the Data Link layer (MAC address), but not Physical Layer and it perform Broadcasting for any received signal means that regeneration, an example Host (A) of Switch1 can distinguish or
see any other such Host (B) of Switch2, because the two switches are layer two device, but if another Host connected through layer three device (Router) such Host (C) can�t see them as shown in the following figure.
Bridge: is a Layer two device, but it can�t understand the MAC address; it can reduce the number of collision domains as shown in the
following figure.
Router: is a Layer Three (Network Layer) device, it can understand frame but neither MAC address nor bit streaming of Physical layer, where each router in a wide network or group of LANs are connected to each other establish a
routing table contain all Hosts IPs in its LAN then all routers exchanges all these tables so according to it any host acts the best path to the wanted destination through different routers such in figure, where the router interface that front of
other network is called Gateway.
Transmission Media: is a media to carry Packet Data unit (PDU), which travel certain distance by the signal speed and also has capacity that can�t
be exceeded. 2. Data Network Performance[7] This category is divided into two points, firstly the delay types as in the following:
� Tx. Delay: the consumed time till final bit leaves the transmitter.
� Propagation Delay: the consumed time within the data transfers from the
transmitter to the receiver.
� Queuing delay: the produced time about the receiver buffer is fully occupied by data to be processed.
� Processing delay: the consumed time for processing certain data.
� Reassembly delay: the consumed time to reconstruct a received data that is
assembled before at a transmitter.
Secondary utilization, it is easy to be obtained by the different used media access technique such that (ALOHA, SLOTED ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD) where the best of them is CSMA/CD.
3. Data Network Problems: losses according to exceeding the time out that is determined for incoming data in specific network, errors means that converting certain bit or stream of bits from �0� to �1� and vice versa where real time application (Voice or Video) can imply or suffer error but not delay and vice versa proportional to data.
Why mapping between Data Networks and Road Networks?
The data network is a fast growing technology, many resources study the data network problems and provided solutions where as the grows of road network problem solutions are very slow compared to the data network solutions, the main
purpose is to get the advantages of data network solutions and look for those applications to the road network to improve its performance, according to the road network crisis and congestion there are some solutions are exhibited such the following [2]:
� Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), similar to sensor network [3].
Autonomous (Adaptive) cruise control is an optional cruise control system appearing on some more upscale vehicles. The system goes under many different trade names
according to the manufacturer. These systems use either a radar or laser setup
allowing the vehicle to slow when approaching another vehicle and accelerate
again to the preset speed when traffic allows.
� Lane Keeping Support (LKS), similar to sensor network [4].
Lane keeping support (LKS) systems aim at assisting the driver to keep the vehicle safely in the own lane. They utilize vision-based sensing to observe the road curvature and the host vehicle's position in lane.
� Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
� Automated Highway Systems (AHS)
� Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control (AICC)
� Cooperative Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems (CIVHS
� Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC)
� Lane Departure Avoidance (LDA)
� Lane Departure Warning Assistant (LDWA)
� Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control (AICC)
� Lane Keeping Support (LKS)
� Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS)
� Autonomous Speed Assistant (ASA)
� National Automated High Way System Consortium (NAHSC)
Let�s discuss two examples depending on above table, firstly Switch, this device can be compared to multiple realities such traffic light, stop sign, cross-section and toll booth (station); where we can obtain by the following figure.
Secondary real Queuing of the road network can be compared by data network queuing where it is supported some analysis such M/M/1, M/M/D and M/M/G queue also the data network provided solutions to reduce the queue and speed up the flow such that rapid processing using multiple processors, controlling the memory and giving priority [8].
Recently according to the data network solutions prosperity and appearing multiple simulation programs that facilitate the mission of getting any model for solving real problem, so after performing own model we can achieve excellent results and statistics may be crystallized for the road network according to the mapping table and represent the real traffic, therefore it is easy to get a fast solution for the road network under the traffic crises in the different world areas.