Most people think that putting in a landscape only has to do with mulch and trees, but they have to use varies herbicides, and in order for them to use these herbicides they first have to meet the requirements for them to get a license. But you will need to know how to get your license and the requirements you will need to meet. Plus the ways that you control weeds with herbicides. Finally I will go through step by step direction on how to put in a landscape from start to finish.
People think that to be a landscaper you don't have to have a license but their wrong. In order to get your pesticide license you have to take a test about pests and ornamental turf. Which is stated by the North Carolina pesticide law of 1971 requires the applicator to have a license and they have to pass an exam in order to get their license. (4) The person who is trying to get their pesticide license will have to be eighteen years old and you have to find a place that is giving the test, the test consists of two parts and they both are one hundred questions apiece and you have to make at least a seventy on both of them to pass (Shelton Jr.). When going to get your pesticide license you will need to know pesticide laws, regulations, and the safety handling procedures which varies from state to state it is critical that you check with your state pesticide regulatory agency, if you have any questions about the pesticides that you are applying be sure of what your using before you use it. (Buhler) 8-9.
The state of North Carolina has several rules that you have to follow when using pesticides or herbicides. Before anyone is able to use pesticides they have to wear gloves, boots, long pants or coveralls, long sleeve short and eye protection all of this is to protect you from exposure to your skin or eye which over time could cause skin cancer. But the protective equipment may vary depending upon what the pesticide label calls for you to wear. (4) Then in order to apply pesticides the weather needs to be pretty not to hot and the wind can't be blowing and as far as rain if it is going to rain you need to put out the herbicide so many hours before it rains the label will tell you how long it has to be on the weeds before it can be rained on and it still work. (3) Then if you have made sure that you have done all of this you will need to know how to mix the herbicide the label on the container of the herbicide will give you information you need to know in order to mix the herbicide and the name of the pesticide and the active ingredients. (6) The state of North Carolina also has a rule that you are not allowed by law to spray around a school or daycare. Because of the simple reason kids outside and they are playing and more and likely they will get into it. This is just a really difficult place to spray because of all the little children.(3) Also remember that you have to keep records for the department of agriculture and it will help you know what herbicides work and are effective and the first thing to use to treat the weeds and kill them the first time. (1)
Most commercial places won't let you put in a landscape without your license and you also need this in order to put out fertilizer and if you don't have them and you get caught spraying or putting out fertilizer and you can get a ticket. North Carolina agriculture hires people to come around and check your license (4) and there was this guy he was spraying some illegal pesticide that was illegal in North Carolina and this guy got a ticket for 10,000 dollars and lost his pesticide license for five years. When you take the test you will need to know how to read a label on the pesticide. In relation to the label if someone is caught using a pesticide in a different manner other than what the label says then it is in direct violation of federal law(6). They will also ask for you to know some of the safety precautions one of the major ones is the fact of runoff try to avoid runoff if the pesticide is toxic to invertebrates(6) because if it gets into water ways it will kill all of them then you are reliable.
Everyone who get their license has to pay and the "licensing is required for commercial applicators applying any type of pesticide for compensation, public operators working for the state or local government who apply pesticides in their course of work , dealers selling restricted use pesticides or pest control consultants making recommendations for pesticide treatment of pest problems. License must be renewed annually and the fee, where applicable, is seventy five dollars per ear and the license year is January to December" (4). Once you have your license you are suppose to have them on you at all times when putting out pesticides. (3) Anyone who puts out pesticides have to have a license in the area they plan to apply pesticides like if you take the commercial grounds test then that is the only you can apply pesticides. You have to be qualified in the other areas before you can apply pesticides any other way. (4)
Some people wonder how to keep your pesticide license over a long period of time. The way you keep your license is you have to go and take classes on pesticides or herbicides you can also go and take classes on mower and equipment and them to will count as credits. You seat in class all day and you might earn two credits and you are required to have ten credits in three years in order to keep from having to take the test and everything all over again to continue to have your license. (3)
Herbicides are the one major thing that landscapers use to make their jobs a little bit easier on them. Herbicides are used to kill or prevent weeds, but sometimes it is hard to know exactly what type of herbicide or pesticide to use. The hardest thing to treat is turf disease, because the organisms are not visible, and some things that are visible can be caused by several different diseases or disorders (1). Herbicides can also be used to help prevent weeds from coming up in your lawns and landscapes. This herbicide is called preamergent what this does is kill the seeds that have come from other weeds and prevents them from coming up. Preamergent can be applied by just applying preamergent it's self or applying it with a fertilizer this way you take care of both at the same time. (3) Herbicides and pesticides do have bad things about them just like if you use a herbicide or a pesticide to many times during the year the weeds or pests could become adapt to the spray that you are using. If this happens it will cause the spray to break done faster and won't kill the pest or weed. (1)
In North Carolina we have banned on using any type of pesticide on any animal that is endangered. Just like we are not allowed to use any type of mole killer cause the eastern star nose mole is considered a endangered species in north Carolina. The way we treat them is by taking away their food supply in a certain area to have them move on some where else. (4)
Herbicides and pesticides effect the environment a whole lot more than what you think. Herbicides are bad when used in large amounts they affect several species in their habitat from the use of herbicides and pesticides. (5) When herbicides are applied the main reason is to get rid of weeds and when using a broadcast spray they are non selective to what they kill. For example in forestry when spraying a area the main thing is to kill weeds and when they spray they kill everything, and there are some plants that are good to keep. To help from having erosion problems but they sprayed them so you will have erosion. (5) The use of herbicides effect the vegetation, some animals use for their habitat. The herbicide doesn't only affect the site where the herbicide was applied but it affects some animals off the site as well. (5)Not only can herbicides affect animals but they affect humans to the way this is done is when the person is applying herbicides there is a drift coming off of the spray and it might end up in the cattle field and it effect the cows the man then eats the cow or he doesn't clean his food from his fields well or he could eat some herbicides off his vegetables from his garden if he was spraying weeds in his garden and they get on his food. (5)
One of the first things you need to do when putting in a landscape is measure the bed and find out how many feet the landscape is so you can get an idea what kind of plants you can put in the landscape. Then talk to the person wanting the landscape and what type of plants they want.
Then once you have an idea of what you are going to be using you prep the bed by tilling up the ground to get the soil loss to help establish the root system plus sometimes the ground might have to much clay, or sand and you don't want that cause clay holds to much water which will cause the plants to get root rot and sand want hold enough moisture for the plant so then it will end up dieing and have to be replaced soil you need when putting in a landscape is loam which is a mixture of clay and sand which drains and holds water properly. Once you have tilled up the ground and have the ground smoothed out where it is level you are ready to begin putting in the plants. The first thing in putting in the plants is to get the plants from a nursery and put them out by digging the holes and applying 14-14-14 fertilizer which will allow for the plants to get a jump start so the roots will establish faster and be more likely to survive plus the bigger the plant size you put in the better off you are because they have a better success rate then the plants that are in one gallon size versus a three gallon size.
After the plants are in and the customer is happy with the landscape it is time to move on and put out the mulch the mulch I myself prefer for a landscape is double grind pine because it is run through the chipper twice and there aren't that many big pieces in it which is good where the big pieces let in more light then that of the smaller which will keep from so many weeds coming up. Most people think that after the mulch is put in the landscape is done but it is in a way done, in another way it isn't done. When you have a landscape it takes some more time for you to control the weeds and keeping the mulch in the landscape. This is where having your pesticide licenses comes in handy. The best time of year to put in a landscape is during the fall because you get a lot of water and the temperature is just right.
Most people will now know what they will need in order to get their pesticides license and landscaping isn't just about mulch and tress.