Renewable Energy The Biomass Energy In Florida Environmental Sciences Essay

Published: November 26, 2015 Words: 1407

World energy crisis and biomass energy. As everyone have been told the energy crisis is coming, because the most of resources people are used now is nonrenewable."If oil production remains constant until it's gone, there is enough to last 42 years. Oil wells produce less as they become depleted which will make it impossible to keep production constant. Similarly, there is enough natural gas to last 61 years and there is enough coal to last 133 years."(The Global Energy Crisis, 2009) Another problem is that the pollution come from fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels produces a millions tons of carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gas. As the result of that, the global warming also become a problem which concern the exist of human. If people do not take any measures, there will be a disaster in human civilization. So, finding and developing the renewable energy has become one of the most important issues in every country all around the world. A new era of sustainable energy is dawning.

What is biomass energy ?

Biomass energy is one of the most widely used renewable energy in the world. It almost appears everywhere in people's daily life. "Human have been using biomass energy for thousands of years, and it is still an important energy source".(,N.D) "The term "biomass" refers to any form of plant or animal tissue. In the energy industry, biomass refers to wood, straw, biological waste products such as manure, and other natural materials that contain stored energy. The energy stored in biomass can be released by burning the material directly, or by feeding it to micro-organisms that use it to make biogas, a form of natural gas". (, N,D) So, the development of biomass energy has become an important issue in USA

The supporting groups of biomass energy in Florida

Biomass Investment Group, Inc. (BIG) plans to build an environmentally protection plant in Central Florida using a crop called E-Grass. "It will generate about 130,000 kilowatts, or enough to power approximately 83,000 homes. The plant is expected to avoid the need to burn nearly 9 million tons of coal over the 25-year life of the contract". (process energy, 2006) The Florida Energy Systems Consortium (FESC) was formed by Florida statue to promote

collaboration among the energy experts

cooperation of 11 state university system (SUS) university of experts and assist with the development and implementation of energy, long-term, adapt to the environment, sustainable and effective energy strategy plan of energy system state (Florida's annual report, 2008, Florida is an important place to research and development has the vital significance


The working principle of biomass energy

The definition of biomass is the different things come from photosynthesis, including plants, animals and their excrement. All of these things' energy come from solar energy, so some people think biomass is one kind of solar energy. Although , Due to the solar energy into heat energy density is lower, not easy to collect, only a few can be utilized by the human, biomass through photosynthesis, can put solar enrichment, stored in organic, these energy is the source of energy for human development and the foundation. According to the advantages are mentioned above, the biomass energy is primary renewable energy which can be used by human.

The development of biomass energy in Florida

Florida is the development centre of the process "sustainable energy". Not only because North Florida has abundant woody biomass resources, but also due to the government attach importance to develop the biomass energy, and the local government have invested a large number of money into the development and research of biomass energy."If Florida's electric utilities used biomass energy crops for just 2% of total fuel needs, this would create a new farming industry in our State -- with an economic impact of ~$100 million per year".(Plant power,2010) "2002, over 436,000 acres of sugarcane was harvestedin the state, yielding over 17.3 million tons of stalks.

A majority of these stalks (bagasse) were burned insugar mills as fuel and replaced an estimated 113 million gallons of fuel oil or 7.2 trillion Btu (2.1 billion kWh) of electricity. Excess electricity from these mills is sold to state utilities. PMI the other hand,In 2003, Florida had 65 facilities involved in biopower production, 3 facilities producing biofuels,and 6 involved in the development of bio-based products.There are 11 landfills in Florida producing

methane for energy and another 18 sites identified for

production of methane"(SunGtant,2007)

On the other hand, the biomass energy has become one important part of Florida Energy Consumption, and the pie chart can prove the fact.

(Florida Biomass and Bioenergy OverviewBiomass Energy Resources,2007)

The advantages of biomass energy

As the major form of renewable energy which is applied in different areas, the biomass energy have so many advantages that people can not ignore.

Biomass energy and Global Warming

CO2 is the major gas which can cause the greenhouse effort, and using biomass can reduce the discharge of CO2 significantly.There is a graph to show and compare the carbon reduction Of renewable energy options below.

Carbon Reductions of Renewable Energy Options(Carbon ton/MWh )

( Plant Power,2010)

Biomass energy and economic incentives

There are significant existing and evolving federal incentives to use biomass energy including tax credits, accelerated tax depreciation, federally guaranteed financing (plant power,2009),on the other hand , the cost of biomass energy is much cheaper than traditional fuels. To create a ton of biofuel only need few tons of agriculture products, and most of them are common crops such as corn, peanut, and even abandoned woods. The materials can be used to produce biofuels are variety, even dung is useful and valued sometime.So this advantage make biomass energy become a cheap and effective way to solve the problems come from resources crisis.The graph contrast the price of different fuels in January 2010.

Current Fuel Prices

(January 6, 2010)

Fuel Resource:

$'s per MMBtu:

Reference Notes:



$83 per Barrel

Natural Gas


Henry Hub

Eastern Coal





$20/ green ton

(Plant Power,2010)

With the development of technology in biomass research, the cost of biomass energy will keep reducing.

The research of biomass energy in Florida

As the leader of biomass energy in USA, there are many research groups and companies which are studying how to make it better. First, the university of Florida (UF) has most advanced technology of biomass energy, and recognized by the government and experts who come from the National Energy Commission. UF has extensive experience in biomass energy technologies and has established centers and laboratories to strengthen the research These include:

The Bioprocess Engineering Research Laboratory (BERL) has a sustained research program on biogasification of biomass. Technologies such as SOLCON and SEBAC processes were developed by BERL. The team has to NASA's environmental system of commercial space technology center (UF) to obtain further ESCSTC development to adapt to the biogasification space application system. "Recently ESCSTC and BERL have secured a $1M research grant from Xcel Energy to develop, design and construct a 2 ton/day pilot plant for biogasification of sugar beet tailing residues generated at American Crystal Sugar factories."(Florida institute for sustainable energy,May 29,2010)


In conclusion,biomass energy is a effective and cheap way to solve the energy crisis.Biomass energy is a new form of energy but have been using for thousands of years already, and it has been used in every area in daily life. Biomass energy is not a complicated technology, and its materials is variety and can come from everywhere such as abandoned woods, crops,Bioabfaelle, and even dung. Although it looks like not easy and common,it is still useful and effective way,and there are so many advantages that other form of resources can not replace its position.

Due to these reasons above ,the government has put a lot of fund to support its development. On the other hand, the research groups in Florida also made a number of great achievements in biomass energy. For example, the university of Florida has established centers and laboratories to strengthen the research. Now biomass energy is one necessary part of the energy consumption in Florida.

Biomass energy can change people's lives if the government put enough attention to it and use it in a correct way. It has a brilliant future and the biomass will bring a big change to human culture and economic.


Biogassification Bagasse - Biomass Residues

Lake Okeechobee, Florida

Anaerobic digestion of organic waste Sugarcane Plantation