Relational database contains data which is inter related to each other, which is managed by itself and these are stored in different structured tables. The terminology used for data arrangement in various forms is indexes, views, sequences, tables. E.F CODD was mentioned as parent for the relational database. The concept is being changed and edited for better processing of related data in a perfect manner. We can have look over the below mentioned diagram which is mentioned as perfect relational model diagram.
(2011). Diagrams of the SAS Metadata Model. Available: Last accessed 25TH
SQL is designed as a programming language. This language mainly deals with editing& modifying the data which are created and saved in different databases, technically these are called as database servers. Coming to its usage it is not at all complicated and very user friendly with commands to retrieve data from database servers.
Relational model contains:
Integrity of data:
The data integrity is designed for particular protocols assigning where they represent for dependable database. They are as follows, the data type which it contains, allocating variables of one kind for other kind for the output of another type and observation among various data kinds, hence theses protocols are created for user friendly environment for easy way of making database which will be original and this leads to data in an order .the technically designed things in it are as follows foreign key, primary key, nulls ,domains hence these are merged with each other for perfect database .hence the designers concentrated on the features to make everything in an order for better database creation, if not we cannot expect data in an order which we want to retrieve in an ordered manner that is employee will be in a stage that they cannot understand to manage databases and establishing relation among various types of elements from the database.
Structure of data:
Data structure is designed for maintaining data structures for obtaining and constructing a perfect database. The basic principle of this is to design in an order with raw data, that is the data which is in improper manner will be settled in an order. This contains the easy data formats .the basic principle is to collect data about entities linked from attributes related among each other which will be showed table form the name for them is relation. Rows mentioned to be record about table and columns where given by fields. The way it was designed that it will be that is row contains entity occurrence otherwise relation occurrence. The concept for observing and finalizing the interlink will be,
1. Only one record has to be stored and managed for one relation.
2. Every interlinked relation will be presented with particular number of columns with uniquely allocated by names.
3. Any of the data will not be stored in two rows if we consider two rows wo cannot find similar data among them.
4. All the rows with the elements as well which are interlinked with each other will be in a correct standard order.
This standard format will make easy to endures and the programmer, that is they don't feel it as complicated, hence it can be a big problem for total collapse of data storage in an enterprise if this standard pattern is not used or the service provider did not enabled the pattern.
Data manipulation:
It may be used by the user to change the data saved on databases, so this can be used to improve relational process.
The basic designed concept of any relational database is to give information to the common people who use enterprise; the data retrieving from content stored is kind of the way altering data in wished pattern extracting from tables. Hence this quality is main and required for managing any database's .the people who uses this one May thought it as very hard if the manipulation concept is not provided and enabled this is the way to retrieve data from any database.
SQL is developed language for maintaining the database. This language added with programming features, hence it better when compared with other languages which are developed for maintaining database. The basic concept implemented in SQL which allows user to retrieve data among the various tables stored for representing was designed and developed to create data, altering data, and to retrieve the data for work of the any is very simple language with comparing among the same type of languages; it was designed in a manner hence the common people who are familiar with basic English speaking can compose a simple sql syntax with very less grip on sql. Hence we shall discuss a normal syntax of sql to retrieve data from data stored in table named as jobholder,
"Select *from jobholder where XXXX=YYYY" hence it represents the data which has to be retrieved from particular location with constraints applied on them.
The above syntax is in very simple manner such that the common people who doesn't know anything about SQL will be able to understand it easily hence it shows that it is a kind of Basic English.
So it can be declared as best among the other languages in its field.
This programming language does the same work as exactly as the main defined properties of relational model such as giving hand in altering the data by providing the user for feeding the data with observing and implementing like data integrity. Coming to my personal opinion SQL fulfilled the user toughs in constructing the pattern of relational database hence it will not be unsuccessful by managing and maintaining the complete data in an large organisation (enterprise),even though whenever dealing with mega data of any top company's meta data can drive to unsuccessful while retrieving.
ORM (Object role modelling):
ORM can be used as an alternative, it is highly technical designed tool to retrieve data among the relation tables ,hence it is very useful for implementing and querying within any database from the basic level there it will be in an simple pattern for grasping for non-programming users. For running analysis on the machine there is a way called fact-oriented pattern, hence this will be used by them. While coming to model the application designer designs a standard model of application. The coding work was brought to normal basic language with considering and doing exactly as natural language, with prompted planning, and data part can be represented by implementing different examples.
NO AUTHOR. (NO YEAR). ORM DESIGNER. Available: Last accessed 25TH MARCH 2011
The above figure shows working page of ORM
ORM is considered as an alternative for SQL because the programming script of ORM uses active query language to retrieve data an already stored relational database.
The following figure is the example for active query coding workplace page
NO AUTHOR. (NO YEAR). Active Query Builder Free Edition. Available: Last accessed 25TH MARCH
PostgreSQL is another option rather than SQL, it is ORDBMS(object relational database management system),it is freeware .it was designed by following POSTGRES and developers are from university of California .it is compatible with almost all the principles of SQL defined topics and comes with extra latest features. Hence it is designed with following features,
1. Queries with complexity,
2. Controls the multi version concurrency.(limits it),
3. Transitional integrity,
5. Foreign keys,
6. Triggers.
PostgreSQL was provided with superb feature ,that is it can be continued with various types they are
we can give new data types, procedural languages.
The above mentioned two technologies can be replaced by SQL for relational database accessing.
Now coming to alternative data models,
Object relational database:
There is also called as ORDBMS(object relational database management system, it is linked with relational database and also contains with extra features of object oriented techniques .topics from object oriented programming (oops) ,inheritance and class are related to this language. The Object relational database (ORD) acts as a interface like bridge in between OODBMS (object oriented database) and relational database. This language is designed in such a manner that the work related to data will be in a pattern of relational database model, coming to data extracting it will be done by basic queries with simple query language. The step by step process contain various steps that is , we have to guess requirements, arranging data in a stepwise pattern, by applying logic to design, outside implementation, study of feasibility, operations to be performed within it, and testing and to be validate. The pictorial representation of design related to application will be mentioned as conceptual schema. There is another important topic within this that is relational mapping. When we specify about conceptual schema an algorithm is done to bring fact types in an order to get normalised tables. There will be no more extra objects which we don't need in mapping if at all fact types are brought together into single table and the total fact types which participated for mapping should be different from each other by depending on similar attributes.
Extensible Mark-up language (XML):
XML it is a mark-up language
XML adds many features to database management they are as follows.
1. It contains Unicode it gives a link for internationalization.
2. Platform independent (it can be implemented on any platform).
3. User friendly (because of simple language).
4. Many technical options available to perform vast application process.
There are two types of types to mention elements which are contained by database they are document type definition (DTD) XML schemas.
According to my opinion I finally conclude relational data model provides user by wide range of database techniques ,by using them the large quantity of raw data can be converted to relational database. SQL is a user friendly language to retrieve data from tables, but still there is a small problem to handle metadata, still there are new technologies emerging to replace that and solve the problem.
(2011). Diagrams of the SAS Metadata Model. Available: Last accessed 25TH
NO AUTHOR. (NO YEAR). ORM DESIGNER. Available: Last accessed 25TH MARCH 2011
NO AUTHOR. (NO YEAR). Active Query Builder Free Edition. Available: Last accessed 25TH MARCH,2010,'Welcome to SQL Course', available at :, [date accessed:25-03-2011].
Chamberlin, Don et al. 7 June 2001, 'XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (Working
Halpin, Terry, 'Object Role Modelling: An Overview', Microsoft Corporation.
Obasanjo, Dare. 2001, 'An Exploration of XML in Database Management systems'.