That as it were by the Creators sacred pledge, that if she being the child to heaven, the child also will bring its parent thither! Herein is the sinful mother happier than the sinful father. For Hester Prynne's sake, then, and no less for the poor child's sake, let us leave them as Providence hath seen fit to place them!" (65)
In this quote, Mr. Dimmesdale is saying that if Hester brings the child to Heaven, then the child will bring its mother there. Dimmesdale is explaining that fate will take care of the situation, and they should stay out of it. His belief is that God will look after the circumstances and make the moral decision.
"The child probably overheard their voices; for, looking up at the window with a bright but naughty smile of mirth and intelligence, she threw one of the prickly burrs at the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale. The sensitive clergyman shrunk with nervous dread from the light missile. Detecting this emotion, Pearl clasped her little hands in the most extravagant ecstasy." (86)
Pearl is an ill-behaved adolescent, and for an unidentified reason is more exposed to violence. She gives the impression that she is sinful. The motive behind her grasping her hands together in delight is because she is pleasured by causing fright to others. One may say that that throwing the burrs at Mr. Dimmesdale is without a doubt a symbol of her condemnation of him taking the initiative to admit that she is his daughter he is fearful, giving her the joy of having control over him.
"A bodily disease, which we look upon as whole and entire within itself, may, after all, be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part" (88).
This quote illustrates the fact that physical sicknesses are frightening; however some of those illnesses may not be genuine, and may be "in our heads". Frequently the human brain is capable of making people "feel" pain when it is nonexistent. This "bodily disease" is in relation to Dimmsdale as he evidently has a bad heart condition; however it's merely the psychological agony that he is experiencing because of his sins.
"There was a fire in her, and throughout her; she seemed the unpremeditated offshoot of a passionate moment" (93).
The fact that her kid is "the unpremeditated offshoot of a passionate moment" suggests that the pregnancy was accidental, that she imagined Pearl as she was in an emotional stage of excitement. If the townspeople knew this, then they may have gained more respect for her.
A pure hand needs no glove to cover it!" (109)
This quote simply means that if one has nothing to hide, then there is no reason to lie. When one sins, then they may need a "glove" to cover their "hand," which is really their sins.
"It is to the credit of human nature, that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more readily than it hates. Hatred, by a gradual and quiet process, will even be transformed to love, unless the change be impeded by a continually new irritation of the original feeling of hostility" (112).
With the exception of extremely insensitive people, humans naturally find it easier to love than to hate. Hatred can even be changed into love, if the nuisance that caused the vile beliefs is settled. Hester is not a self-centered lady, and she definitely would not hold grudges. People who had spoken ill of her appeared to later see her in a positive way since she works hard to be an adequate parent.
"Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart! Else it may be their miserable fortune, when some mightier touch than their own may have awakened all her sensibilities, to be reproached even for the calm content, the marble image of happiness, which they will have imposed upon her as the warm reality" (130).
Men ought to find it troubling to ask to marry a woman unless they succeed in winning her whole heart and complete passion. If it is not a troubling task, then it might end in bad luck, like Roger Chillingworth's. When a different man rouses the feelings of a woman strongly, she will criticize her husband because of the fake representation of pleasure that he has sent forth instead of the actual thing.
"'I have already told thee what I am! Fiend! Who made me so?' 'It was myself!' cried Hester, shuddering. 'It was I, not less than he. Why has thou not avenged thyself on me?' 'I have left thee to the scarlet letter,' replied Roger Chillingworth. 'If that have not avenged me, I can do no more!' He laid his finger on it, with a smile. 'It has avenged thee!' answered Hester Prynne." (158)
Hester rejects Chillingworth's two-faced kindliness, saying that the letter must not be detached the commands of a person. She notifies him that she believes that they are at the point where they should let know the minister Chillingworth's real identity. In that discussion, it is lucid that Chillingworth at the moment comprehends that Dimmesdale the lover of Hester, and that Hester knows that he is conscious of this. The narrator explains that Chillingworth has converted his own self into the personification of immorality. He comprehends how knotted and psychologically misshapen he has developed into. He has transformed into a man with "no human heart". He does not believe the action of Hester wearing the letter has taken revenge.