Problems Faced By Women On International Assignments Commerce Essay

Published: November 7, 2015 Words: 1873

The world has globalized and it developing day to day. There are so many cultures working crossways some are noticeable and not noticeable. Nowadays women are working with them who had totally different culture or moral values from all over the world. The people are working together who have different culture and ethics and they face many problems or difficulties. This project is based on the difficulties which are dealt by the women who are working in a male dominating country.

This project describes the problem when woman working on an international project. i.e. -> a woman is coming to UK to work with a company from India. Woman got a opportunity to work with an international assignment which is totally incompatible from their own culture, values and beliefs. Woman doesn't have any concept about the host country, So Woman required an direction from a expert that can help her to beat this situation.

The client has faced many problems for the time of three months and Woman needs to get solution of these problems. So Woman will work properly on the project. This is very important that an advisor can solve the client's problem using some priceless advice.

As a senior counselor I Seema Bhatti working with KLM Company for three years. Woman said "I have review that I have increase knowledge and experience every day. I have studied on human resources and human nature. This experience build up my knowledge and I can help the women who face many problems."

Furthere added , "My client Ms Ranjeet Kaur is coming to UK next month. Her education is degree in economics. But, in respect of Subject field activities, my client has slightly attech in these activities which can create problem in her future. Woman has an experience of five years of a respective field. Woman is very worried about her better future in a foreign country."

Overview of the Situation:

The culture of the UK is very different from India. The UK is worried to work on practical training but in India they tensioned on theoretical training. So this is the first problem to the client. Woman meets the people who are totally different from attitude, mindsets. Woman has to plan herself in order to work with the various people which in India but The UK life style and work style is totally different from India. The people of the UK country proffered to work in groups from different social values.

There are some problems which are faced by the woman throughout the completion of the project.

Language: People faces communication problem with others when they gone to another country .The lack of language and communication skills come as a main problem for the client. Even Woman can`t attend her meetings without nervous. Woman can't understand the assignment without having a good command over communication. So the client must improve his communication skill.

Behavior: The behavior of the people is varying in this world. There is a lot of difference in Indian and UK culture and behavior. The UK people are much confident and independent as compare to Indian people. Indian people are follows their tradition, social and beliefs. This is very difficult to her to take help in a foreign country.

Approach: Even though Woman also has a good work experience in India but this is his first experience at international level. But it is necccessary that Woman needs the practical training or work in UK country. Woman needs to change the way of work for her better future in UK. Woman must put their efforts by changing their theoretical to practical order in her project.

Cultural Barrier: When a woman is coming to a foreign country She faces many problems and tha cultural barriers are one of them. In India most of the families are not allowing to women to work outside the country, but in UK Woman has to work with the males too. This is very difficult for her to work in a male group.

The trailing male: The people of UK country used a different type of technique to work. The male consider as a superior as compare to the female. So it is very hard for man to work with the female. The Indian people used different techniques to work but it is quite different from the UK. The man has top position in the society so it is relatively hard for man to follow the female as a trailing person.

Family Ties: In Indian society women`s are restricted only to look after her family and fulfill the morals. In UK Woman has a free environment to work but Woman obtains some time to adjust in the foreign country.

Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions:

Geert Hofstede offers a theory to understand the cultural differences between two countries. There are five aspects which show the differences of the two countries.

1. Power Distance Index (PDI)

2. Individualism (IDV)

3. Masculinity (MAS)

4. Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI)

5. Long Term Orientation (LTO)

The graph shows the differences of the two companies UK and India.

Power Distance Index: PDI shows the unequal distribution of power among the people of the society. The UK has a very low PDI at 36% where as it is 78% for India. The ratio of the UK shows that there are inequality in the group's leader. But in India shows the level of inequality between the power and wealth. It should be clear that when dealing with an international country one has to knowledge about power and inequality differences.

Individualism: The figure shows that India has 44% individualism where the UK has 89%. In India people believes in culture but UK people are independents; they have no time for sentiments and emotions.

Masculinity: The graph depicts the gap between the men's value and women's value. The gap in India is 58% and 62% in UK. There is not a big difference between two countries. In India women have the same value as well as in UK.

Uncertainty avoidance Index: it depicts that a culture programs its members to consider both uncomfortable and comfortable in free circumstances. Where uncertainty is evading those countries' people are full of strength. The graph shows that the uncertainty in India is 40% and in UK it is 38%.

Long Term Orientation: There are two important values linked in relation to long term orientation. The short term orientations are valued for tradition and social obligation. It is 61% in UK and 25% in India. Indian people are short orientated and UK people are long term orientated.

Analysis of the situation:

SWOT has divided into two sections like internal and external factors. Internal factors divided as a strengths and weaknesses and external factors also have two parts like opportunities and threats.


Strengths: Strengths tell us about someone's positive skill or positive attitude towards the work. Woman got an assignment which is related to her previous experience so this experience also helped her in on foreign assignment. Indian people also believe in worship the work.

Weaknesses: The nature of the woman is the weakness point of her personality. Woman has not knowledge about the UK culture. So Woman will face many problems during her work. If Woman will not accept the culture of UK country. Woman must be adjusting in new couture for her better future.

Opportunities: The life gave a chance in once a time to prove our self and our qualities. So this chance can make her future bright and Woman can make herself strong and knowledge full. Woman will face many kind of problem in her future.

Threats: Woman is coming to UK first time and Woman is not aware about the rules and regulations of the UK country. The language, culture, life style and weather is totally different from her native land. Woman will face many problems because of cross culture.


Political factors: Woman must have some knowledge about rules and regulation of that country where Woman is leading. Because the Indian political environment is different from the UK. It is necessary that Woman has some knowledge about the health policies.

Economic factors: woman has a good education, so this is positive to enhance his economic information in UK. But the client must be updated by knowing the tax rates, trade policies, employment rate and so on.

Social factors: The Indian society is very different in social factor from UK. The Indian people stress on beliefs, Socials, ethics and living style etc. The Indian society depends upon the family and friends. On other hand UK people are independent because they believe in confidentiality. The client must have the knowledge about the social factors of the UK .

Technical factors: The world has globalized. So the UK is much advance and fast rather than India. The client has the knowledge about the latest techniques of technology. The technology has used in every field like reservations, internet, online shopping etc.

Solutions and recommendations:

The client is coming to that country which is totally different from their values, ethics, and beliefs. So the client gathers some important information about that country where Woman is moving.

There are some steps if Woman following Woman will beat the problems.

Cultural training: Woman should have some knowledge about the UK culture. This can increase her effective view regarding the culture. For instance in UK, people meets by hugging each other but in India it is unpleasant.

Communication skill: First Woman must improve their communication skills because She is going to work on international assignment. The group members are related to the different countries and the client needs to improve communication skill. If the client has a good command over language Woman will be able to attract to others.

Planning: The client must be prepare herself and make planning for her project that can make her work easily and understandable.

Forecasts and Outcomes:

The world has globalized and developing day by day. Today there are so many women who have different culture are leading the companies very successfully. There are lots of companies running successfully by the different cultural woman. So the client needs to improve their communication skills and knowledge then the client can win the success.


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Women on international assignment: An evolutionary perspective

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