Discuss power, conflict and politics in organizational activity. You may choose to focus on a particular issue, such as, for example, rational approaches; political theories of organization; gender; sources of conflict, etc. In addressing your question, critically evaluate some of the effects of conflict and politics on organizational life.
When competitions in businesses emerge as rapidly in an organization, politics and power have been recognized as a vital force behind an organization. The corporate success is assured by the people in influential positions who make the changes. These executives bring priceless attributes to the table that guide the enterprise's direction, from bringing the company's strategic vision to finding short-term solutions to achieving long-term goals, and introducing the partners who can change and enhance the company's revenue. Main goal among many people is to have strong belief and to alleviate the changes. As a result, it is comprehended how power and politics combines together and benefits each other well in the business tactics. Although most individuals think power as a weapon used over something or someone, although power with political backing has proven as an enhancement in a society.
Not every organization is democracies. There is usually a stratified structure with different levels of management and subordinates. It defined as someone with and without power. While something does seem to be alike and distinguish between power and politics, they mean to perform too often to notice that they are the part of the same force. Since power and politics work within one another that the account to empathise how they contrast and compare in order to comprehend fully and how they perform together cannot be best described. Politics and power go combined in an organization, politics are inevitable. In comparing power and politics first helps to understand their definitions.
For Example:
In universities, organization as a whole embark upon students to show a platform for their career development and for that researches, seminars is conducting to help them gain knowledge in a particular program. Power, Politics and Control over each other occurs in any organization but should be considered to act by practical approach which can bring out the best of lecturers and students interest to understand each other. Also knowing the responsibilities and standards of one's organization and acting according to the result which is to face in the future by positive manner.
An employee can use seven tactics to use their power in to an organization. The tactics are Authenticity, Logical persuasion, Court of trauma, Conference, Insinuation, Pressure, Coalitions.
The first tactic, Authenticity: Employee count on the status of their position and force policies in an organization E.g.: A person who works in finance and accounting informing another employee to get an authorization for an ascent reimbursement before handing out funds on them.
Logical Persuasion is when an employee uses systematic way to exhibit that supports their argument. We often see this when employees try to sway their superiors. Logical persuasion seems to be a manoeuvre employed more by Western cultures than Eastern ones.
Court of Trauma is involved when an employee builds emotional communalism by getting attention towards needs, faith, value, and inspiration of another individual who is targeted.
Conference is held when there is a discussion between groups of people gathered to resolve, plan or changes to be done by a motivational employee.
Insinuation is to accept the knowledge and creativity from each other to persuade a team work.
Pressure is not to force on others but to indulge ourselves by performing the task and empathise the responsibilities in an organization.
Coalitions are the success to gain in-depth knowledge and ideas from individual minds and execute which we might not be perceived in the process of excogitation.
What is the Basis of an organization?
The term 'organization' means a group of people who work together form a bond to administer something in a particular field. We discuss about the 3M's which is used to manage an organization to build a successful team and the poor effect which is done to impairment the unity.
Motives: Motive is defined as a desire to the action of the things we do and the results is not explained rather impelling to finish the given task.
Manner: Manner is technically termed as fashion; it shows the creativity in one's life and to design an organization to bring the perfect picture.
Mechanism: Mechanism is a scientific view of connecting all the pieces of knowledge in to one form and focus on the structure of an organization.
A group of people who work together designedly coordinate to execute a common or set of goals. Likewise business organization can vary in size from two to ten thousands. The initial structure of an organization is decided from short goal and long term objectives.
Let us take for instance organizational management in a bank:
Most of the UK based banks have their own private electronic banking networks. The confidential information of the customers and its standard of security are collaborated by the information security policy, which is considered as the foundation endowment of the information security within an organization.
In order to accomplish high standard of service, the co-ordination and teamwork is the key within an organization.
The team which comprises the managers, users, application designers, administrators, auditors and skilled technicians of specialized duties, should get their act together to collaborate in order to maintain the security standards of the bank.
The responsibilities for each and every member in the above mentioned team should be allocated in accordance with the information security policy.
Management authorization is a key issue, wherein new facilities provided by the bank should be authorized by the manager who is responsible for the local information security system in order to make it certain that all the relevant security policies are met.
Confidential and Non-disclosure agreements have to be identified and protect the secured information from the unauthorized users.
Proper contacts should be asserted and maintained with the relevant authorities like specialist forums, special interest groups etc; in order to improve knowledge and have a firm grip over the current security related information.
Appropriate evaluation and analysis should be carried on for the information security in planned intervals, when any vital changes occur to the implementation of the security.
(BS ISO/IEC 17799:2005, 6.1-Internal Organisation-6.1.1 to 6.1.8)
Hence there is both positive and negative impact that makes individuals to establish an organization.
Positive Impact
Negative Impact
Team Work
Act of supremacy
Indolent Mind
Face to success
Incertitude business
Rational and Political approaches can be dealt with professionals; it should be designed in a mode to compliment the structure of a firm. To bring out the best of the aspects making choices about how to group together to perform their work is essential.
There is a group of system which is discussed to deal with an organization and keep it in a smooth pace. Approaches and Strategies which involves people, finance, marketing, products & services.
It is divided to show the clear picture of management and can experience both advantages and disadvantages in an administration.
Unit System: This is based on individual function in a group to organize an objective together. These functions of team is formed from separate sections in order to manage and deal with an organization, as it is important to evaluate problems and research in different opportunities. The main goal of this process is to decompose functional barriers among departments and explore more standard relationships for understanding ongoing issues.
This structure has both advantages and disadvantages in the administrative field
Fair and fast reaction, accurate decision making
Aspiration towards employees work
Decimate to get through relevant and even numbers of managers
Cost of administration is lowered
Contradictory between employees for commitment
Problem with time management
Exaggerated conferences held without awareness
Communicational System: Belongs to the organization that has to execute specific structure on a legal settlement for a period of time. Otherwise stated as superiors can contract out particular job to only specialists
Similar cases of advantages and disadvantages in this function
Understanding of team work and collaboration for problem solving
Better Adaptability
Knowledge of customer service & team members
Development in management of strategic area
Excellent performance act
Conflict between two members and lack of concern towards development of management and more in self involvement
Causing loss of focus which results in failure of infrastructure
Failure to manage a crucial component and increased reimbursement of the unit.
Operational System: In an organization like finance, marketing production and human resources of assets. The operational system can face an event of wide visual aspect. Since then difference between the work groups divided in an administrative division.
For e.g.:- it is difficult to get associated in marketing sector which is totally separated in a diverse activity. In order to that reacting and prognosticating to modifications in consumer expectations may be difficult. Adding to that less involvement, dilemma in expressing and communication may emerge. Because of the numerous layers of hierarchy communications and decisions will be slow in order to reach a steady organization. Operational system will give administrator to experience in one area on their own, they wouldn't have a chance to see all the workers together in a firm and to comprehend their interdependence and interrelationships but in a period of time this change of state results in executive flexible backgrounds and short training executing top managements responsibilities. (The Business Center, 2009)
A gradual progression through a series of various stages of development is termed as Lifecycle. It represents even in organization as a whole, its work which you start and end with different levels of experience.
Five phases in organizational lifecycle:
Commence: We see the entrepreneur thinking about the business in this phase, a management group is planned to organize a business, For entrepreneurs need for money to start the business, the company goes to the first phase once the investors hands the check.
Process: In growth phase, there is expectation for a revenues climb, new services and products developed, employees hired and so on. The management book love to think that the sales grow each year. The reality is different since the organization can have both good and bad reviews depending on the conditions and efforts from every employee.
Deterioration: Management that expects next year to be better, but doesn't know or is unwilling to change to get better results. Sometimes to face the worst failure in an organization due to several reason*+ns
a. Declining sales relative to competitors,
b. Disappearing profit margins, and
c. Debt loads which continue to grow year after year.
Reclamation: Decline doesn't have to remain unless there is a way to overcome the pressure of dealings which can be done once again with better planning. However. External experts have focused on the importance of organizational development as a way of preventing decline or reducing its affects
Face of Failure (death): Death is a phase for a place gained name for a while but never remained, it is simply vanished and no comebacks. (McNamara, 2007).
Differentiation in Gender:
Positively working in many places all over the country is still a struggle especially for women. It has to be a reasonable agreement in a work place to show the importance of a women's job. Women has to play many roles in their lives and has more pressure and responsibilities to handle in this generation especially when life is demanding for more attentions and competitions. Female workers are less especially in India and one of them is personal reasons as it is more of a war in the competition of who is the leading person in an organization or family between men and women. In my opinion, world will be in a better position if a women to dominate an organization as women can carry both emotional and logical knowledge to bring a company in a better position. Although competition faces equal amount of pressure for anyone in an organization so it is still a puzzle to make a right decision when it comes to hiring or firing a member. (Dunlop, et.al; 1999)
World is in demand for better association and when everyone wants to sustain in first position, it is important that we recruit the right person for a team. Once it is connected together, it is rather a herculean task to empathise the efforts of each other. Even in small industry, it is aforesaid that men have more power and rights to do certain things where women cannot intervene in that particular field. Even in TV advertisements, women have certain products to perform where men said to be unsuitable to execute. Women have a low key to maintain in spite of all the efforts and success they bring to the organization.
In 90's very less amount of women employees compared to this date as it has been more encouraging for women to get associated with everything possible now. But certain things still hasn't changed with more power and purpose of demand in an organization.
Women's participation in any field has no limits in this 21st century as they seem to show more interest than before, it has been a successful ratio in many organization where women has more rights and has better engagement of a certain project. (Young, 2009).
Below is the chart to show the women are involved in labour activities in 2007 in different countries:
Labor force participation rates, by sex, selected countries, 2007
(Figure source: Bureau of Labour Statistics, 2009)
Critical analysis of perceptual barriers in an organisation:
Group of disceptation: Interpersonal skills have manifested to be a form of war in workplace members. It is clearly stated to notice the result of rumours, office politics and gossips also culture, personality, styles, languages and opinionated. In much organization it happens for superstitious and racism as well as gender conflict which emerge in the act of discrimination and harassment or at least for sake of ego clashes between workers. People bring their personal life in to work place which leads to engage in arguments. In addition to that keeping grudge towards one another and jealous in individual success can bring excess misunderstandings to the team.
Course of Lifestyle: On the other hand, if you see a different kind of organization altogether with more fast thinking, even they tend to give or experience same pressure and increased level of strain and contravene between each other. It is not important to know where we work but potential to understand how we work to gain success in an organization. By keeping in mind, years have passed and we experience many changes technology wise but difference between people is not yet changed even a little bit. They still struggle a lot to research about the failure of an organization when unawareness of mistakes produced by themselves.
Outward Constituent: Force of economic changes has results by recession, foreign and domestic competition and change of markets. Differences emerge between customers and employees which can affect a great deal of customer services. Change in government can help overcome the pressure of demands. Political influences have discharged to bring potential impact in an organization. Negligence of company's current status and efforts to do changes to improve the subject of a department.
When all these motivational campaigning methods fail, it is time to face the problem in an organization. Market growth, finance, and credibility from public goes down and will loss the opportunity to stand in a dignified position. Planning right thing at a right time is essential to manage an organization, differences of culture, gender and ineffective political behaviour may seem to be small part of an issue but it can create a huge amount of differences between people and act as a force towards administration. (Donais, 2006)
Organizational Changes:
Common task in an organization is to execute plans that have changed to evolve in an innovative way in their life cycle of management. E.g.:- Moving from a distinctly entrepreneurial organization to more balanced firm with a development of organizational plan. Organizational changes said to cause trouble in management but it helps to improve the scale of administration in an effective way to bring new ideas and profit in business. Organizational change is aggravated by some outside force, e.g.: adding major new markets/clients, substantial cuts in funding, need for increase in productivity/services, etc
Conversion of better employees and executives can emerge organization in to wide change when the new suitable personality permeates the organization. Communication is significant when there is a change to be made in order to sustain for a better results also to understand the level of standards from each individual. Organizational development which includes policies, procedure and strategic plans. Best way to bring out the point is by communicating and also education is another essential factor to gain knowledge about different field. Superiors have the responsibilities to meet the staff and discuss the importance of a company's development and bring out the ideas and clear vision of plans to improve the organization. Feedback can help improve the structure of the process and interpreting the errors. (McNamara, 2008)
In an organization all kinds of peripherals occur as it cannot be negotiated by any member of the team, judging each other with their position still revolving around the group who validate the structure to be circulated from one employee to another. Managing a team understands the responsibility, team effort, faith towards one another, gaining trust, supplying legitimate rules to maintain the position. The vital forces in any aspect of development, including professional development are the interpersonal influences. This helps the learners in the crisis situations to overcome the drawbacks in coping up with the moral dilemmas in regard to the corporate interests. This can be done through confidential one to one reviews appraisals etc to eradicate politics, power and conflicts in an organisation.