Peronal Reflection Of Theology Student Cultural Studies Essay

Published: November 17, 2015 Words: 1113

My name is K, a single lady and I come from a Christian family. My chosen career is to study theology; I grew up to see and knew theology in my family, this makes me love theology. I have been on this theology course for many years. All I want is to learn more and more about theology, to be able to stand and defend my faith and belief in Christ Jesus and also to see, read, hear, and find out what other's believes and teaches about theology.


Learning theology as a course is a continuous process which is associated with different experience. Part of my experience in this college is how to write essays, how to answer questions, what the markers are looking for and how to get a good mark, not this alone but as I go on I will talk about the rest.


To start with my background, where I am coming from, am used to writing assignments on papers and submitting it, I never done something like typing assignment and sending it before in my life, have never been on laptop for so long but coming here has changed a lot of things in me.

Talking about topics although, some of what we treated in class was the same thing with what have learnt before, but the ways in which the lecturers teaches here are different and this make me feel like am not up to it.

I am a type of person who believes in whatever am told as long as I can see that you are good, am used to that. I belief in whatever the teacher says' as long as it is according to God's word I will not question them, but when I came here we are ask to question whatever we have been told and this has really help me a lot, it makes me to gain and have confident within myself and I don't have to belief everything I have to ask question.

I am a kind of person who don't talk, like when question are been asked I always think of what can I say because I think am not up to standard that's why I don't talk when I see those who knows more than me. Also sometime I think of how to express myself so that people won't laugh at me, that's why I keep to myself or sometime I talk to my friends and they say it out.

Since I have started learning or studying about theology it has been in a class of forty five students, class full of different kind of people this also has help me a lot. Seeing different people with different background and believes, getting to know and hear them speak has really change my ways of reasoning and thinking.

Talking about my learning style, am not that good at it at all these has been a major problem for me and when we talking about writing, studying, communication, speaking or reading I find it hard to do, not that I can't do them at all but I think am not that okay or I will say am not up to standard.

My learning styles have been a kind of film washing, listing to tapes, or having handout to read, this has been my main source of learning. Although sometime, when I listing to people teaching I got some kind of inspiration from whatever they are saying. So I can say that I do have different ways of learning things.


To start with study skills, at first I hated this course, I felt like I was going to die if I continue with it, but my lecturer always says that he is doing all he can to help us get good and great mark. Also he says that he want us to be a good student not that alone, but he also want us to be a good and great write in feature when we think of writing books then it will not be difficult for us to write. When I look at all these, I think I don't need them because write make me sick and that's what I have in my brain whenever he is teaching. But as time goes on I develop a bit of interest in whatever he is teaching and saying then I started listing to him and paying attention to his teachings.

Also have decided that come what may, I have to pay attention to other lecturers, because listing to them will help me in whatever am doing, like writing essays, having discussion with other student from other colleges, or in preaching the gospel to others and in living a good Christian life.


My main prime responsibility would be to drive for continually improving performance, as well as trying to improve my way of reading, and also am saving money to go for English class and to attend essays classes on writing and English speaking.

As an individual, I have decided to have a unique style to any given task, which I believe will help in furtherance of my studies.

Also am thinking within myself to have a group of people from my class that we can work together on assignments. Likewise also we want to be having a class discussion on any given assignment so I belief that this will also be of help.

Furthermore I have it in plan to be reading before the resumption day of the college because I think that this will also help in answering question in the class and also in writing my assignments.

However have also decided that am going to involve myself in class discussion maybe this will help me to be active, and I discover that I need to engage myself in discussion as in to be involve more than before, I have to let go of I can't do it, I can't say it, people will laugh at me I think I have to pay attention to myself not others.


In conclusion to all this saying of mine, I will like to say that study skill has been a source of help and encouragement to me personally, this course has make me realise that all that I think is impossible for so many year, with the help of my lecturer and his teachings, they are now possible for me. I can know put all I have learn into action, know when I speak and write people ask me who is helping me, so I tell them no one but study skill.