The goal to create a concept with definite rules and regulations .By following these rules, we propose to achieve a unifying purpose for everyone who will work for EcoSave in the UK.
Big Idea:
The primary factor for unifying the marketing team and the customer service is to create an algorithm where employees can adopt the system with their daily routines. Mostly all the employees work individually, understanding the companies value to its customer by delivering their full effort. The Company has to expose them to customers directly to know the real basic requirements and the priorities. It will act as a powerful motivator for them to work as team to achieve high performance and result in the near future across the country. The secondary factor is the building the Brand name and positioning it well in the target consumer market. For that the employees must undergo a vigorous training cum orientation program which comprises of its Brand and it's the identity it stands for. (CEO. December,2012, Birkinshaw and Caulkin June,2011)
Successful Retail Branding starts with:
1. A clear definition about the company
2. Clear identification about their customers
3. Reflection of the product towards the customer.
EcoSAVE product ranges should be synonymous to Clean and Energy Saving "Cool" Lifestyle.
True branding effort
1. Communication that inspires emotional reaction.
2. Customer Service
3. How salespersons greet customers
4. How fast product is shipped and delivered
Role of Brand
1. Successful Retail Branding ensures Stable long term demands
2. Better margins
3. Differentiation by way of creating long term association
4. Adds value to the product
5. Trust of fulfillment of service expectations
6. Protection from growing competition
Positioning of brands determined on the basis of
ï‚· Product usage
ï‚· Price
EcoSAVE Brand must be determined by its utility and benefits and the overall saving it brings to the customer in a long run.
For the successful position, the Brand Managers should be
ï‚· Regularly assess the opinions of the customer
ï‚· Identify the target
ï‚· Plan the brand sub group
Personality of the brand
ï‚· It is created by way of adding values through exposure.
ï‚· Packaging
ï‚· Advertising
Brand image
ï‚· Customers regard brands possess human-like characteristics
ï‚· Customers experience brands as bundles of association
So, the Brand EcoSave should be suitably positioned in the target Householders market segment.
The EcoSave brand must be made equivalent to energy conservation.
It must be projected as a Life Style Concept(Collins and Porras April,2012)
Task 2:
Creating a Belief System:
The business always depends on its reputation. Hence every business should have their own core values and responsibilities for the company and to the society. Vision always provides what core to preserve towards the future, but most of the employees won't know about the vision and the core values about the company. So we recommend, creating a framework by involving the employees and the management together in a fuzzy concept and create the vision and add values to the vision. Vision of the company will be from six years from now EcoSaver will the best company in the world for whole house electricity monitoring. A well-conceived vision consists of two major components:
Core ideology
Envisioned future.
Core ideology explains about what and how the company
The envisioned future is the target which is fixed to achieve in the upcoming years.(Burrow, Kenneth, and Kleindl 2007, Strategic human resource management : Corporate rhetoric and human reality. 1999)
Creating a Corporate set of values:
Every business has its own corporate value; all the corporate values are created depending upon the place and the culture of the peoples. One of the best example, McDonalds culture, they give much flexible work timings than other restaurants. Thus it makes the employees to be in the same company for long time and also it reduces the turnover cost for the McDonalds. Thus creating corporate values is like creating a set of rules for the company which every employee must follow. According to the corporate value for EcoSaver, we implement these two as the corporate value (Birkinshaw,Julian June,2011)
Managing a flexible and virtual workforce - but not at the cost of loyalty and career development
Retaining the best talent - maintaining employee engagement in the face of a less committed, more flexible workforce.
Creating a High Performance Culture:
In dealing with the management of organizational culture, it is firstly necessary to identify as fully as possible the attributes of the existing or new target culture - the myths, symbols, rituals, values and assumptions that underpin the culture. Recruitment, selection and replacement - culture management can be affected by recruitment, selection and replacement.Interpersonal Communication should do much to support an existing organizational culture and integrate members into a culture. The structure, policies, procedures and allocation of resource should be congruent with organizational strategy, culture and objectives. (Birkinshaw,Julian June,2011)
Task 3 :
Recruitment and Selection Campaign :
A strategy is sets out as a balanced approach to recruitment and selection, which is driven by business need in order to deliver the Service's vision and will result in continuous review of the recruitment and selection procedures. The aim is to recruit and select individuals with the personal qualities and attributes, along with the necessary skills or potential to deliver the Service's objectives with the ability and to make a positive contribution to the values and vision of the Service. This strategy is in line with the National, Regional EcoSAVE HR strategies and is designed to encompass all employees and potential employees of EcoSAVE and is envisaged that it will span five years. (Rye 2001)
Recruitment and selection will comply with employment and equality legislation and the Service's equality and diversity policies. All potential applicants will be given reasonable and equal access to information about vacant posts.
There are five key aims and objectives in this strategy. These are:
A Diverse Workforce
Retained Duty System Integration
Retention of Staff
Leadership and Skills
The rest of the strategy sets out the principal actions required to ensure that the objectives are met.
A Diverse Workforce
EcoSAVE is committed to achieving a diverse workforce at all levels of the organization. We aim to reflect in our workforce, the diversity across the communities of EcoSAVE.
The key aims will be to build a diverse workforce by recognizing the requirement for the whole workforce to reflect the profile of the communities of EcoSAVE.
Retained Duty System Integration
Staff on the retained duty system will be given fair access to opportunities for development and employment on other duty systems. The key aim is to enable staff on the retained duty system to access a greater range of duty systems in a more flexible way by implementing identical entry selection tests for whole time and retained duty systems. Facilitating staff who have passed the current entry selection test to apply directly for a different duty system. Implementing the externally quality assured competence based recording systems that allow staff who have been assessed as competent to transfer directly to alternative duty systems.
Developing a selection processes that ensures that retained duty system staff who are assessed as competent may be considered for direct transfers to vacant posts on alternative duty systems including whole time duty system posts. Providing staff on the retained duty system access to opportunities for development and progression by Using appraisal and assessment processes to identify suitable development opportunities for both whole time and retained duty system staff. Ensuring that necessary development programmers are accessible to retained duty system staff. Facilitating retained duty system staff access to Assessment and Development Centres (ADC).
Retention of Staff
Recruitment and selection will take account of specific retention issues and will aim to ensure that EcoSAVE remains the employer of choice for existing staff. The key aims is to ensure as far as it is reasonable that staff are able to remain in posts if they wish to do so by Promoting, flexible working opportunities. Implementing appropriate reward structures to encouraging staff to remain in employment within the service and in specific roles.(Fisher andFisher 2001)
To recruit staff to posts that matches the needs of the service with those of the individual by Running additional advertising campaigns that focus on locally recruited staff where specific needs are identified in support of a diverse, appropriately skilled workforce. Continuously improving the selection processes which ensure that retained duty system staff who have been assessed as competent may be considered for direct transfers to vacant posts on alternative duty systems, including whole time duty systems.
Leadership and Skills
Recruitment and selection will ensure that effective leaders are attracted to the Service at all levels and that existing staff are provided with opportunities for development and career progression. The key aim will be to attract potential leaders to EcoSAVE and to develop leadership in staff within the Service by developing leadership programmers for managers at all levels of the Service to develop their leadership skills.
Recruitment and Selection Strategy
Supporting local recruitment campaigns and encouraging and supporting for strengthening of existing and establishment of new links between local managers and the business community. Attractive Developing a selection processes that ensures that staff who have been assessed as competent on the retained duty system can be considered for direct transfers to vacant posts on alternative duty systems including whole time duty systems, thereby assisting in encouraging the retained duty system a route of entry to the whole time duty system. Reviewing the retained duty system to facilitate more flexible working. Ensuring that the pay and reward structure is fit for purpose with regard to attraction of staff
Task 4 :
Performance Management Strategy:
Identifying performance indicators
The Performance indicators are variables to measure changes towards progress of results and should be identified for each output and outcome. Performance indicators should answer the question, "What will be observed if the result is achieved?" If a result is to improve or increase knowledge or capacity, baseline data may need to be collected early on during project implementation to allow measurement of what has changed. It is essential that one to three performance indicators be identified for each result, particularly for outcomes and outputs. These indicators may be qualitative and quantitative and must serve to measure the achievement of results.(Blettner, Chaddad, and Bettis 2012)
Whenever a performance indicator is difficult to identify, it may suggest that the result needs to be redefined. Although it may not be possible to measure impact-level results, where feasible, these indicators should also be identified. Ideally, each result should be measured by a mix of both qualitative and quantitative indicators. The performance indicators should be Objectively Verifiable for meaningful measurement and usefulness. (Blettner, Chaddad, and Bettis 2012)
Finalization of Performance Indicators:
The ultimate aim of performance information system is to promote the utilization of data and performance information emerging from it for decision making from the operational to the policy making level. In the process towards selection of performance indicators, a step-wise approach is required starting from analysis of the management functions at each level, identifying their information needs according to those functions and deciding on performance indicators that cater to those information needs. The following steps in the selection and finalization of performance indicators are suggested:
Setting criteria for identifying indicators as potential candidates
Listing down possible indicators
Analyzing indicators as per agreed criteria and documenting rationale for selection
Defining the selected indicators - their numerator and denominator
Defining data source & frequency of data collection for the selected indicators
Defining possible interpretation & use of the indicators
On the one hand, rational selection of indicators will help to address the classic problem of too many indicators. On the other hand, use of hierarchy of indicators at different levels will help to focus on the national strategic outcomes through bottom-up filtration until monitoring and evaluation information needs are met at the district, sectoral, provincial and national levels. Quantitative indicators need to be supplemented by informed judgment and common sense.
Furthermore, it is important to build a review mechanism into the system. The various sets of indicators for all levels should be reviewed and challenged in terms of their effectiveness, cost implications, data quality and source of data collection. Finally, develop linkages of performance indicators:
To whole results chain
The performance indicators must logically link with result chain identified: outputs, immediate outcomes, intermediate outcomes, and end outcomes. The linking mechanism with result chain and reporting system should be transparent. The indicators for institutional and capacity development should also be included and tied to incentives.
To planning and budgeting
The performance indicators should link planning, budgeting and accountability processes, otherwise there role will be limited to the implementation and operational management targeting lower level results. Therefore, harmonized linkages with annual plans, budget/allocations, accountability and service delivery will be essential for success of performance-based M&E system.
Once the indicators are finalized (Box 4) and consensus on numerators and denominators reached, the next step involves preparation of data collection and reporting tools and instruments. The templates for data cross check to ensure data quality of performance information should also be the part of the information systems.
Develop Performance Monitoring Plan
A performance monitoring plan is a critical tool for planning, managing, and documenting data collection. It contributes to the effectiveness of the performance monitoring system by assuring that comparable data will be collected on a regular and timely basis. This is essential to the operation of a credible and useful performance-based management approach. It involves the regular collection of information on actual results and demonstrates whether a project, program, or policy is achieving its stated goals.
A sustainable and successful results orientation is dependent on the capacity of human resource managers to manage the results and strengthening of national and provincial systems for monitoring and evaluation and its integration into public sector management. Managing for results is not only a technical solution; it involves organizational and human factors. Performance-based M&E requires skills and motivation to the extent that managers and staff can actively use an effective monitoring system. It must encourage each actor to routinely and consistently analyze and use information. The information, organizational structures, incentives and learning processes should be combined in ways that they reinforce each other in support of performance Management. It is important to note that monitoring should draw on indicators and data sources that are part of the government's national and sub-national monitoring systems. In the process, weaknesses in government's monitoring and evaluation systems will become evident, creating an opportunity to strengthen country systems. Above all, political commitment will remain as corner stone for implementation of PM&E system. Therefore performance-based M&E implementation for RBM could be introduced in public sectors to achieve development outcomes by ensuring certain prerequisites.