Conflict is process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Conflict is complex subject for several reasons. Conflict often carries a lot of emotional luggage. A conflict raises fear of losing or fear of change quickly. Conflict is widely magnitude, it have both participant and observe. Conflict vastly carries different meaning depending on the situation, circumstances. Conflict may as war, as opportunity or as journey.
Conflict is a process which begins when one party perceives that another party has frustrated, or is about to frustrate. Thomas(1976)
Conflict is the disagreement between at least two persons on specific issues. Conflict is state of mind. Also it is the perception and idea of any individual, group about another. It is the right of one person to express his opinion. The parties are aware of the conflict other wise no conflict exist.
To grow, change and survive an organization must manage both cooperation and competition among stakeholders. Organization consists of different stakeholders, inside and out side stakeholders. Each stakeholder group has its own goals and interest, which sometime overlap some what with those of other groups because all have common interest in the survival of organization. Stakeholder's goals and interest are not identical and conflict arises when group pursues its own interest on the expense of other. Organization conflict is the clash that occurs when the goal directed behavior of one group blocks or thwarts (frustrate) the goals of another.
Conflict may be functional and dysfunctional, if conflict support the activities of the organization goals it is said to be functional, if conflict challenge or frustrate the organization goals is said to be dysfunctional.
Background Of The Study
It is commonly to find conflict every where in the society. Every one in the society faces conflict in different shape for different issues. All face conflict in different perception and value for various people. Conflict is not only find in the organization at management decision making, but find even in the home. If we study our surrounding conflicts will find every where in society in every one life but with different perception.
Human are social animal------
In this since every one struggle for his/her interest only. In social life if we study the home life conflict will find between father and son, brother with brother, one family with other family and so on. Because every one individual, group want to work for his/her interest only. If study the Pakistan conflict find at different stages and level on various issues. Politically and economically Pakistan faces conflict situation, one of the reason is the perception of various politician and minister. If to study the situation with in the border of Pakistan, FATA and also various areas are due to conflict between individual and groups about the issue. Even the situation of cross border is also due to the difference of idea and perception. All over the world every one target Pakistan as terrorist because they make and draw their own perception about us. The situation of 1971 was same to now days which is too dangerous for us because the outcome of 1971 conflict is Bangladesh. Same conflict between Pak & India, conflict of Kashmir, conflict of Palestine conflict between different countries will disturb the global world. The same conflict is found with in the industries, which may move you to wind up. So to manage conflict different ideas will come forward and choose the best way, which lead organization in right direction and there will be no such situation that challenge.
If one person arise in morning at home and greets family member or roommates in hostel conflict abounds. Because every one has their own target, other has their own perception and suggestion which most often not meet the others. Such situation is also in the industries because every one has their own opinion and suggestion for an issue. Even in the society such will happen in schools, colleges and universities like any other industry with different psycho, idea, perception and thinking.
So if manage conflict in right direction by bringing new ideas, other wise it create very tense situation.
Research Statement
It is leader who can change the situation with his style, role and skills. Leader has the ability to manage conflict in a proper way, he/she may manage or handle conflict situation through synergy. Through trust full communication and find ways by creating a whole that is greater than the sum of part. By mutual trust, confidence and understanding leader often solve conflict and find better solution. Leader through his/her role also handle conflict by preparing himself/herself as the role model and every one follow, obey and respect him/her. Leader may also handle conflict between group and individual by playing the role of mediator. He/she can solve the issue by taking arguments of both parties and take a decision as mediator between them.
Objectives of the study
Research methodology
Research will be exploratory study and descriptive in nature.
Data will be analyze and proof to be correct.
At the end conclusion and findings will be drawn from the data being collected from different sources.
Also after conclusion and finding, suggestion and recommendation will also be drawn from the data.
Reference and bibliography
At the end of the research references of the data being collected and bibliography of different sources will be cited on MLA method.
Outline of the research thesis