Opium War About The Trade Triangle In Britain History Essay

Published: November 27, 2015 Words: 992

Opium War is mainly about the trade triangle of Great Britain, India, and China. The book goes in great detail on how opium was extracted, produced, and traded to china from India. Great Britain was in control of India as a colony. Using its villages as opium plants, India traded the drug to china for tea. Tea was consumed by the English heavily. Therefore trade to the Chinese was important for economic and social circumstances. It also had a political element in it. This is because opium allowed to open china up for its resources. Thus political powers can influence its power onto the East gaining significant commerical privileges and territory

The book goes into the geography of china and India. It describes how India's villages cultivated the poppy seed which later opium was extracted. From there it was prepared for overseas trade to China. Then book explains the western powers saw china as the pearl of the world because of its vast amount of natural resources, but thought the Chinese as barbarians. So to managed them, the East Indian Company established a monopoly of opium. By doing so a market was created through addiction. Next the opium traffic was described. It was traded freely in the markets of china, but later it had to be smuggled. This is because china didn't want a drugged society, so it was not tolerated anymore. Then later, the East Indian Company, sponsored by the British, lost its monopoly because China closed its doors to the outsiders 'evil' . However the need of opium was to great to be ignored economically, and to the addicts of china.

Christ and opium is the next part of the book explores. It goes into how an Englishman, Napier, was assigned to open china's ports and diplomatic relationships back through any necessary means. He was not welcome though, so he 'died'. However the missionary had more success. The Protestants and Catholics tried to 'civilize' the barbarians through the word of God. Yet the government of China saw that its people were still consuming vast amounts of the drug. Peking decided to eradicate it through severe punishments, but had limited success because the addiction was so great. Next Lin and twenty thousand chests of opium was known worldwide. Lin took away the opium traffic in china harbors of twenty thousand chest which the British wanted back. So they decided to take back through force. Thus combat was established. England takes notice and decides to get rid of an annoyance through technological superiority. Preparation of war came about and then you had the actual war.

The book goes into the mindless amounts of fighting, but in a nutshell the Great Britain won because it had guns versus china swords. The conflict ended by the treaty of Nanking on August 29, 1842. By this treaty, and supplementary one signed on October 8, 1843, China was forced to pay a large indemnity, open five ports to British trade and residence, and cede Hong Kong to England Empire. The treaty also gave British citizen in china the right to be tried in British Courts. Other western powers got a piece of the pie and were granted some influences and privileges.

The book gives the facts of the opium war. I agree with some things and others too. The opium war was really about western power enforcing its might onto the East through several outlets. First off, India trade of opium was essential to their survival economically. Villages were dependent on the trade of opium because there were no other jobs to have other than being involved in the opium trade. Opium then was traded to the Chinese merchants in exchange for tea. Tea was consumed by the English heavily. Opium ensure a market because of its addicting qualities. Thus trade was ensured to accommodate the need for the opium and tea. However, the Chinese didn't like foreigners trading them anything, they thought outsiders as inferiors to them, and the government saw the drug as evil because it cause the users to be non-functional. So china had the attitude of closing its doors while a more technological superior culture wanted to exploits its goods. In result opening china. As the East Indian Company lost its power, private merchants got into the trade. Yet, they had to smuggle a lot of it because powers were trying to stop the opium traffic due to fact it creates a corrupted society. So a merchant class grows in the market. Therefore they gain more political and economical power, much like organized criminals and mafia work out.

Then notions of civilizing the brutes through the word of God rose up. The Protestant had bad luck in converting them. They usually burn the books and harassed them. Out of the negative, though, medical procedures were updated and schools were established. The Catholics had better luck. This is because unlike the Protestants, they became Chinese by learning the language, talking, dressing, and translating the Bible in Chinese. This is an example of western influences onto the east because the western world is 'civilized' and should cleanse the east of savagery.

Trade of opium increased because it was so addicting and it was valued highly by the users/traders. However Peking knew it was poisoning it's people. Therefore it tried to eliminate the use of it by force. It had limited success due to the large amount of consummation. Then Lin and twenty thousand chest acted as a catalyst to the problem resulting in war. The war was already won before the first shot was taken. This is because England was going through great change because of industrial revolution and its imperial quest. As result, guns versus swords was the war. Next came the treaty that got china to open up and cede Hong Kong to Britain. In conclusion technological superiority will dictate the trading which results in power. They become kings of the world.